1、Project Gutenbergs A Complete Grammar of Esperanto, by Ivy KellermanCopyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check thecopyright laws for your country before downloading or redistributingthis or any other Project Gutenberg eBook.This header should be the first thing seen when viewin
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4、of Volunteers!*Title: A Complete Grammar of EsperantoAuthor: Ivy KellermanRelease Date: March, 2005 EBook #7787Yes, we are more than one year ahead of scheduleThis file was first posted on May 25, 2003Date last updated: November 13, 2004Edition: 10Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: UTF-8* STAR
5、T OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A COMPLETE GRAMMAR OF ESPERANTO *Produced by William W. Patterson, Carlo Traverso, Charles Franksand the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. We thank the Case Western ReserveUniversity Library Preservation Department that has given us the image fileswith which the
6、present e-book has been prepared.TRANSCRIBERS NOTE:The Esperanto alphabet contains 28 characters. These are thecharacters of English, but with “q“, “w“, “x“, and “y“ removed, andsix diacritical letters added. The diacritical letters are “c“,“g“, “h“, “j“ and “s“ with circumflexes (or “hats“, as Espe
7、rantistsfondly call them), and “u“ with a breve. Zamenhof himself suggestedthat where the diacritical letters caused difficulty, one couldinstead use “ch“, “gh“, “hh“, “jh“, “sh“ and “u“. A plain ASCIIfile is one such place; there are no ASCII codes for Esperantosspecial letters.However, there are t
8、wo problems with Zamenhofs “h-method“. Thereis no difference between “u“ and “u“ with a breve, and there is noway to determine (without prior knowledge of the word(s) involved,and sometimes a bit of context) whether an “h“ following one ofthose other five letters is really the second half of a diacr
9、iticalpair, or just an “h“ that happened to find itself next to one ofthem. Consequently other, unambiguous, methods have been used overthe years. One is the “x-method“, which uses the digraphs “cx“,“gx“, “hx“, “jx“, “sx“ and “ux“ to represent the special letters.There is no ambiguity because the le
10、tter “x“ is not an Esperantoletter, and each diacritical letter has a unique transliteration.This is the method used in this Project Gutenberg e-text.A COMPLETE GRAMMAR OF ESPERANTO THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE WITHGRADED EXERCISES FOR READING AND TRANSLATIONTOGETHER WITH FULL VOCABULARIES BYIVY KELLE
12、on of the International Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single
13、 volume, or in fact within the compass of any two or three volumes. The combination of grammar and reader here offered is therefore unique. It is to furnish not merely an introduction to Esperanto, or a superficial acquaintance with it, but a genuine understanding of the language and mastery of its
14、use without recourse to additional textbooks, readers, etc. In other words, this one volume affords as complete a knowledge of Esperanto as several years study of a grammar and various readers will accomplish for any national language. Inflection, word-formation and syntax are presented clearly and
15、concisely, yet with a degree of completeness and in a systematic order that constitute a new feature. Other points worthy of note are the following: The reasons for syntactical usages are given, instead of mere statements that such usages exist. For example, clauses of purpose and of result are real
16、ly explained, instead of being dismissed with the unsatisfactory remark that “the imperative follows por ke,“ or the “use of tiel . ke and tia . ke must be distinguished from that of tiel . kiel and tia . kia,“ etc., with but little intimation of when and why por ke, tiel . ke and tia . ke are likel
17、y to occur. Affixes are not mentioned until some familiarity with the general character of the language is assured, as well as the possession of a fair vocabulary. They are introduced gradually, with adequate explanation and illustration. Of importance in connection with word-formation is an element
18、 distinctly newthe explanation and classification of compound words. Such words, like affixes, are withheld until the use of simple words is familiar. Another new feature is the gradual introduction of correlative words in their logical order, and in their proper grammatical categories, before they
19、are called “correlatives,“ or tabulated. The tabulation finally presented is a real classification, with regard to the meaning and grammatical character of the words, not merely an arbitrary alphabetical arrangement. The use of primary adverbs precedes the explanation of adverb derivation; prepositi
20、ons, especially de, da, je, etc., receive careful attention, also the verb system, and the differentiation of words whose English equivalents are ambiguous. A general characteristic of obvious advantage is that almost without exception new forms and constructions are illustrated by means of words or
21、 roots already familiar. Likewise, the new words or roots of each lesson recur at least once in the next lesson, and usually in some lesson thereafter as well. Each reading exercise gives not only a thorough application of the grammatical principles of the lesson, but a review of those in the preced
22、ing lesson, and no use is made of words or constructions not yet explained. The comparative ease of the language, and the lack of necessity for reciting paradigms, permit the reading exercises to be long enough for the student to feel that he has really mastered something. These exercises are furthe
23、r unique, in that each after the fifth is a coherent narrative, and nearly every one is a story of genuine interest in itself. These stories, if bound separately, would alone constitute a reader equivalent to those used in first and second year work in national languages. (For list of titles, see Ta
24、ble of Contents.) The second element of the twofold need which this volume meets is the necessity for a presentation of Esperanto, not as a thing apart, but in that form which will make it most serviceable as an introduction to national tongues. A stepping-stone to both ancient and modern languages,
25、 Esperanto may render invaluable aid, and pave the way for surmounting the many difficulties confronting both student and teacher. Through Esperanto, the labor in the acquirement of these languages may be reduced in the same proportion in which the pleasure and thoroughness of such acquirement are i
26、ncreased. For this reason, the grammatical constructions of Esperanto are here explained as consistently as possible in accordance with the usage of national languages, especially those in the school curriculum, and precise names are assigned to them. Such matters as contrary to fact conditions, ind
27、irect quotations, clauses of purpose and of result, accusatives of time and measure, expressions of separation, reference, etc., thus become familiar to the student, long before he meets them in the more difficult garb of a national tongue, whose exceptions seem to outnumber its rules, and whose idi
28、oms prove more puzzling than its exceptions, unless approached by the smooth and gradual ascent of the International Language, Esperanto. IVY KELLERMAN. WASHINGTON, D. C.,August 3, 1910. TABLE OF CONTENTS.LESSON I. Alphabet.Vowels.Consonants.Names of the Letters.Diphthongs.Combinations of Consonants
29、.Syllables.Accent. II. Nouns.The Article.Adjectives.Attributive Adjectives.Present Tense of the Verb III. The Plural Number.Predicate Adjective and Noun IV. Transitive Verbs.The Accusative Case.The Conjunction Kaj.The Negative Ne. V. The Complementary Infinitive.Interrogation.The Conjunction Nek. VI
30、. Personal Pronouns.Agreement with Pronouns.Conjugation of the Verb. VII. The Past Tense.Prepositions.Accusative Case of Personal Pronouns. VIII. Reflexive Pronouns.Reflexive Verbs. IX. Limitation of the Third Personal Pronoun.Possessive Adjectives.Pronominal Use of Possessive Adjectives.La Kato kaj
31、 la Pasero. X. The Accusative of Direction.The Article for the Possessive Adjective.Apposition.La Arabo kaj la Kamelo. XI. Possessive Case of Nouns.Impersonal Verbs.Verbs Preceding their Subjects.Coordinating Conjunctions.La Arabo en la Dezerto. XII. Indirect Statements.The Indefinite Personal Prono
32、un Oni.The Future Tense.La Ventoflago. XIII. The Demonstrative Pronoun Tiu.Tenses in Indirect Quotations.Formation of Feminine Nouns.En la Parko. XIV. The Demonstrative Pronoun i tiu.Possessive Form of the Demonstrative Pronoun.The Suffix -Il-.The Expression of Means or Instrumentality.La Mano. XV.
33、The Demonstrative Adjective.Adverbs Defined and Classified.Formation of Opposites.La Ruza Juna Viro. XVI. The Demonstrative Adverb of Place.Accompaniment.The Adverb For.The Meaning of Povi.Malamikoj en la Dezerto. XVII. The Demonstrative Temporal Adverb.Comparison of Adjectives.Manner and Characteri
34、stic.Diri, Paroli and Rakonti.Frederiko Granda kaj la Juna Servisto. XVIII. The Demonstrative Adverb of Motive or Reason.Derivation of Adverbs.Comparison of Words Expressing Quantity.Comparisons Containing Ol.Causal Clauses.Pri la Sezonoj. XIX. Ju and Des in Comparisons.The Preposition Inter.The Pre
35、position Pro.Prepositions with Adverbs and Other Prepositions.La Atuno kaj la Vintro. XX. The Demonstrative Adverb of Manner and Degree.Prepositions Expressing Time-Relations.En Septembro. XXI. The Accusative of Time.Adverbs and the Accusative of Time.The Preposition Por.La Sezonoj kaj la Mondo. XXI
36、I. Clauses Expressing Duration of Time.Clauses Expressing Anticipation.The Infinitive with Anstata, Por, Anta ol.The Expression of a Part of the Whole.Diogeno kaj Aleksandro Granda. XXIII. Adverbs Expressing a Part of the Whole.The Demonstrative Adverb of Quantity.Result Clauses.En la Butiko. XXIV.
37、The Interrogative Pronoun.The Present Active Participle.Compound Tenses.The Progressive Present Tense.The Suffix -Ej-.En Nia Domo. XXV. The Interrogative Adjective.The Imperfect Tense.Salutations and Exclamations.Word Formation.Koni and Scii.La Nepo Vizitas la Avinon. XXVI. The Interrogative Adverb
38、of Place.The Past Active Participle.Adverb Derivation from Prepositions.Adverbs Expressing Direction of Motion.The Suffix -Eg-.La Pluvego. XXVII. The Interrogative Temporal Adverb.The Perfect Tense.The Preposition e.The Suffix -Ar-.Tempo and Fojo.The Orthography of Proper Names.Roberto Bruce kaj la
39、Araneo. XXVIII. The Interrogative Adverb of Motive or Reason. The Infinitive as Subject.Present Action with Past Inception.The Suffix -Ul-.Loi and Vivi.Pri la Avo kaj la Avino. XXIX. The Interrogative Adverb of Manner and Degree.The Pluperfect Tense.Cardinal Numbers.The Accusative of Measure.Nia Fam
40、ilio. XXX. The Interrogative Adverb of Quantity.Modifiers of Impersonally Used Verbs.Formation of Cardinal Numerals.The Suffix -An-.Leciono Pri Aritmetiko. XXXI. The Relative Pronoun.The Future Perfect Tense.Ordinal Numerals.Alfredo Granda kaj la Libro. XXXII. Kia as a Relative Adjective.Kie as a Re
41、lative Adverb.The Future Active Participle.The Periphrastic Future Tenses.The Suffix -Ind-.Alfredo Granda kaj la Kukoj. XXXIII. Kiam as a Relative Adverb.Kiel as a Relative Adverb.Numeral Nouns and Adverbs.Word Derivation from Prepositions.La Invito. XXXIV. Prepositions as Prefixes.The Suffix -Ebl-.
42、Expression of the Highest Degree Possible.Titles and Terms of Address.e la Festo. XXXV. Kiom as a Relative Adverb.The Present Passive Participle.Fractions.Descriptive Compounds.La inoj. XXXVI. The Present Passive Tense.The Use of De to Express Agency.The General Meaning of De.Word Derivation from Pr
43、imary Adverbs.The Suffix -Ist-.Antikva Respubliko. XXXVII. The Distributive Pronoun.The Preposition Po.Dependent Compounds.La apelo sur la Stango. XXXVIII. The Distributive Adjective.The Imperfect Passive Tense.Compound Tenses of Impersonal Verbs.Reciprocal Expressions.The Suffix -Uj-.Vilhelmo Tell
44、kaj la Pomo. XXXIX. The Distributive Adverb of Place.The Future Passive Tense.Possessive Compounds.The Time of Day.The Suffix -Obl-.En la Stacidomo. XL. The Distributive Temporal Adverb.The Distributive Adverb ial.The Past Passive Participle.The Perfect Passive Tense.The Preposition La.The Suffix -E
45、m-.La Perdita Infano. XLI. The Distributive Adverb iel.The Distributive Adverb iom.The Pluperfect Passive Tense.The Future Perfect Passive Tense.The Expression of Material.The Suffix -Et-.La Donaco. XLII. The Future Passive Participle.The Passive Periphrastic Future Tenses.The Generic Article.The Su
46、ffix -Ec-.Sur la Vaporipo. XLIII. The Indefinite Pronoun.Participial Nouns.The Prefix Ek-.The Suffix -Id-.La Nesto sur la Tendo. XLIV. The Indefinite Adjective.The Indefinite Adverb of Place.Predicate Nominatives.La evalo kaj la Sonorilo. XLV. The Indefinite Temporal Adverb.The Indefinite Adverb Ial
47、.Causative Verbs.Emphasis by Means of Ja.e la Malnova Ponto. XLVI. The Indefinite Adverb Iel.The Indefinite Adverb Iom.The Suffix -Ad-.The Use of Mem.Arimedo kaj la Kronoj. XLVII. The Negative Pronoun.The Adverbial Participle.The Prefix Re-.La Filozofo Arimedo. XLVIII. The Negative Adjective.The Neg
48、ative Adverb of Place.The Negative Temporal Adverb.The Suffix -A-.The Adverb Jen.Du Artkonkursoj. XLIX. The Negative Adverbs Nenial, Neniel, Neniom.The Suffix -I-.La Krepusko. L. The Pronouns ending in -O.Correlative Words.The Use of Ajn.The Suffix -Ing-.La Gordia Ligao. LI. The Pronoun Amba.Formati
49、ons with -Ig- and -I-.Factual Conditions.La Monaoj kaj la Azeno. LII. The Conditional Mood.Compound Tenses of the Conditional Mood.Less Vivid Conditions.Independent Use of the Conditional Mood.The Prefix Dis-.Pri la Gravitado. LIII. Conditions Contrary to Fact.The Verb Devi.The Preposition Sen.La Filozofo Sokrato. LIV. Summary of Condition