1、1从雅思考试透视高中阅读理解主要内容:在新课程的影响下,英语考试对于学生各方面的能力的要求也是逐渐提高。无论在词汇,语法还是对英语语言的驾御能力上都提出了相当高的要求。学生应该从老的教学模式和学习方法中走出来,学习新的知识和方法,是在新课程标准下获得最大进步的首要和关键。通过对雅思考试的分析来加强高考阅读理解的应试技巧。今年是江苏省实行新课程的第一年,作为处于一线的教师而言,不论是否执教新课程,对于新课程的标准和教学模式都应该是烂熟于心的。 高中英语课程标准涵盖了课程标准和教学大纲的两层内容:理念,性质,功能,目标(总体与分级) ,内容,方法,实施建议等。比以往的“大纲”理论基础更深,结构更全
2、面,内容更广泛,指导性更强。 英语课程标准中课程目标的确定以学生的素质发展为基本出发,对学生进行全人的教育。在新课程的影响下,英语考试对于学生各方面的能力的要求也是逐渐提高。无论在词汇,语法还是对英语语言的驾御能力上都提出了相当高的要求。学生应该从老的教学模式和学习方法中走出来,学习新的知识和方法,是在新课程标准下获得最大进步的首要和关键。而从这几年的高考试题来看,与现今社会上流行的雅思考试越来越接近。那么两者之间究竟有无共同点呢?雅思(International English Language Testing System,简称 IELTS)是由英国文化委员会(The British Co
3、uncil) 、剑桥大学地方考试委员会(CUCLES )和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Education Australia)共同举办的国际英语水平测试。此项考试是为申请赴英联邦国家(英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等)留学、培训的非英语国家学生而设,用来评定考生运用英语的能力。现在许多英联邦国家对申请本国技术移民的人士也采用这项考试,作为申请人英语能力达标的认证。 历年的高考英语考试时间共 2 小时,分为听力,单选,完型,阅读,改错和作文。雅思考试包括四个部分,依次为听力、阅读、写作和口语,考试时间共 2 小时 45 分钟。虽然在很多方面存在不同。但是往往考生最容易失分也容易得分的部分在两
4、个考试中间都是在阅读理解部分。两分一题的阅读题就成了考分高低和好坏的一道门槛。俗话说,知己知彼,百战不殆。当你掌握了正确有效的解题方法后,必定会在阅读理解这一块少失分多得分。学生第一步要做的事情必须是了解和牢记阅读理解经常会考的一些题型,有针对性的去解题。程阅读考试中“翻船”的两大原因在于对阅读考试的题型不熟悉或研究不透和时间短。这是阅读考试最大的敌人;那么要走出阅读考试困境就要掌握 3 条对策:1.增加词汇量 2.扩大阅读范围;3.摒弃不好的阅读习惯;两个基本技能(Scanning 掠读、Skimming 略读) 是雅思阅读应试的关键所在,也是高考阅读拿高分的关键。比较高考阅读题与雅思的阅读
5、题,大致可以分为以下几个类型:(见表)2从这个表格看来,高考的阅读可以分为以下几类题型:推理题,细节题,主旨题和猜测词义。首先我们来谈谈第一类推理题:推理题,顾名思义,就是结合文章对某种问题做出合理的推断。常见题型可分为两大类。一类是明显的推断题(Explicit Inference Questions) ,文章本身含有 infer, imply, suggest, conclude 等词,使人一看便知是推断题。例如:1. We can infer from the passage that_?2. Which of the following can be inferred from the
6、 passage?3. The passage implies that_?4. The writer suggest that_?5. We can conclude from the passage that_?另一类推断题比较含蓄,题中没有上述词语,称之为含蓄推断题(Implicit Inference Questions) 。它们属于推断题,却不明显(Unannounced) ,而要靠作者自己去辨别。对策:推理可按以下方式进行:1. 类推-如果 A 成立 , B 也必然成立2. 推广-如果文章是论述某一建议的某一方面, 则下面可能论述这一建议的其他方面; 如果文章是论述某一问题的危害,
7、 则下面可能论述针对这一问题的解决方法.3. 体察作者的态度-如果作者在这个问题上是这样的态度,那么在其他问题上也可能是同样的态度4. 逆推 - 如果 A 不成立,则-A 有可能成立。有时从原句逆向思维READING阅读SKIMMING快读 SCANNING查读READING FOR FULL UNDERSTANDING 研读MAIN IDEAS 抓主题思想FACTS 查找主要事实和细节JUDGEMENTSINFERENCES判断VIEW OR ATTITUDE观点或态度GUESS THE MEANING OF WORDS猜测词义3是一种较好的解题技巧.还可以运用同义代换是解和反复强调是解的另
8、类思维。例一:The telephone rang and I picked it up and the voice said, “Bloke party tonight.” Right then, I knew summer had arrived in North Dakotans.I will tell you, there is nobody who enjoys summer more than North Dakotans, possibly because it takes such a long time get ting here. We emerge from our co
9、coons into the sun and ready to go. We take to summer like a chorus girl takes to diamonds. We flood to the parks and the swimming pools and the golf courses and the hiking, trails and the lakes. You ask a dozen North Dakotans what summer means to them and you will get a dozen different answers.根据文中
10、 Right then I knew summer had arrived, 我们可以推断 the block party 通常使夏季举行的活动,这表明“夏天来临了” 。根据文中there is nobody who enjoys summer more than the North Dakotans. Summer takes such a long time getting here.我们可以推断这个地区的冬天是漫长而枯燥无味的。根据文中 We flood to the parks and the swimming pools and the golf courses and the hi
11、king trails and the lakes.我们可以推断出当地的人们非常喜欢户外活动。例二:Directions: Read the following passage and choose the statement which can definitely be inferred.In 1980,Canada announced strict additional limits on ownership of energy companies by foreign institutions and individuals. Since these may no longer own
12、 more than 50 percent of such companies, sources of capital for these corporations are now sharply restricted.A) Before 1980, foreigners were allowed to own a majority of shares in Canadian energy companies .B) Canadas 1980 limitations on energy-company ownership have caused some problems for these
13、enterprises.C) After 1980, foreigners may not own a majority share in a Canadian companyD) Before 1980, there were no limitations on foreign individuals owning Canadian energy companies.选择项 A 符合题意,因为文中谈到这一限制使 1980 年宣布的,据此可以推断 1980 年以前尚五此规定。选择项 B 也符合题意,因为文中谈到这些企业资金来源将受到控制,所以可以推断该限制会给这些企业带来问题。C 项不符合题意
14、,因为 energy company,而不是所有的公司。D 项也不符合题意,因为文中谈到 1980 年宣布的是additional limits,据此可以推断出在此以前已经有了限制了。 (雅思题)第二个类型是细节题。做这一类型的题目时,必须要细心和有耐心。许多同学在没有看完整个题目的内容后,便匆忙答题,不再去考虑其他选择项,这样常常会导致错误。尽管这类问题涉及的是细节,我们也不可以忽视文章的主要观点。正确的答案与文章的中心思想往往吻合一致。在阅读理解测试中,要求查找主要事实或特定细节的问题常常有以下几种形式:Which of the following statements is (not)
15、true (or correct)?4Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?All of the following are true exceptThe author (or the passage) states thatAccording to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, what, which, etc)?例一:Directions: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to the questi
16、on.One word that sums up our age better than any other whether our age is the technological age of western countries or the modernizing age of China is the world CHANCE. But has change not always been present? True, but never before at such a breakneck speed. Today it is more than just change. It is
17、 unprecedented change. In such a word, reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for avoiding future shock in a word continually being remade.Which of the following is not true?A) Western countries and China are being remadeB) Reading will help understand our ageC) The present age an
18、d future world are continually changingD) Reading is the best tool provided by our age A,B,C 项均与文章中的意义一致,D 不符和。因为文中说的是:Reading serves as the best tool for us.(对我们来说,阅读可以作为一个最好的工具。)而不是选择 D 所表示的那样:Reading is the best tool provided by our age.(阅读是由我们时代所提供的工具)。所以,我们将答案确定为 D。例二:The basketball team never
19、lacked vociferous supporters, but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm.文中黑体字若是指高声呼叫的支持者,则与后面的意思(对这种热情很少做出响应)不和。因此 they 只能指球队的队员。在文章中,为避免重复提及某一词或短语,作者常常使用指代词来代替。在寻找细节时,读者须准确理解被指代的对象。通常,我们可以根据上下问的句子结构、主谓一致关系以及语义关系等来确定所直待的内容。一篇文章不可避免地反映了作者的观点、态度和情绪。能否正确把握作者的观点和态度也是体现阅读能力的重要方面。所以,在高考题和雅思题中经常
20、会考到主旨题。主旨题是阅读试卷中极其常见的题型之一。其目的是检查考生对文章主旨或中心思想是否了解。要旨题通常就文章的主题(Topic) ,标题(Title) ,体裁 (Type)以及写作意图(Purpose)进行提问。在采用演绎法(deduction)的文章中,主题一般出现在文章的开头,然后围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。在采用归纳法(induction)的文章中,主题句出现在段落或文章的结尾,也就是先作具体陈述,然后归纳出文章的主题。对策:1. 将每段首句认真阅读, 边读边分析其意思及意图。2. 重视首尾段的首尾句。一般说来,对作者的总的态度和倾向,必须再通读全文,掌握了5主题思想和主要事实后,方
21、能作出判断。在判断作者观点态度时,要注意以下的几点:1有时作者先介绍了某一观点,却接着在后面提出了相反的观点。因此,要正确判断作者的态度和观点,必须将上下文联系起来看,要注意文章中所叙述的内容并非代表了作者的观点。例一:Decide whether or not each of the following statements approves of the book written by Professor Baker.1) Professor Baker s publisher has stated that this new book will soon take the place o
22、f all the old standard works in his field; in view, however, of both the style and content of Professor Baker s book, I find this claim most difficult to accept.2) When I first opened the package containing a copy of Professor Baker s latest book and read its title, I must admit I felt a sudden sink
23、ing of the heart; yet once I had gathered courage to begin my reading, I found the work so far beyond my wildest hopes that I actually missed supper rather put the volume down unfinished.在 1)文中,作者在前面引用了出版者的赞扬之辞,而后接着表明难以接受此说法,说明他对此书持否定态度。在 2)文中,作者先说刚看到此书书名时很失望,然后用“yet”表示转折,以至于到最后爱不释手,表明他赞许此书。2有的文章可能没
25、The female mosquito is a vampire and lives on blood.如不知道 vampire 的词义,从 live on blood(靠吸血而生存) 则可得知其词义为吸血昆虫。2.利用文中的举例猜测词义例二:Some artists plan their paintings around geometric forms like squares, circles and triangles.如不知道“geometric forms”的意思,可以从文中列举的三角形、正方形、圆形来猜得意义为“几何图形” 。3.利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语等来猜测词义。例三:T
26、hey will be on the night shiftfrom midnight to 6 a.m. next week.由破折号之间的解释内容,我们可以了解到“night shift”意思为“夜班” 。4.利用文章中所出现的,与某生词或词组意思相反的内容,猜测词6义。例四:American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the workers will come late.文中的 be punctual 的意思,可以理解为“not come late”,即“准时,不迟到” 。5.
27、利用文章中用不同的话对同一概念的解释,猜测词义。例五:Should the government regulate the cost of resources such as oil and gas? Some people do not believe that government control is the solution to the problem of the rising cost of fuel.文中的“regulate”的词义可以猜测为与“government control”的意思相近。6.利用基本的构词方法,猜测词义。例六:They overestimate the
28、interviewees ability and asked him many difficult questions.在词中 overestimate 词中 over-是前缀,意思是“过分” 。因此 overestimate 的词义可以猜测为“过高估计”的意思。然而,需要指出的是,不要花费太多的时间去试图猜出所有生词的确切意思,因为有的生词只能猜出大概的意思,有的生词则根本无法猜出意思。在阅读理解中要求判断词语意义的问题,通常有下列形式:1.According to the author, the word “”means_.2.By“”,the author means_.3.Which
29、of the following is nearest(closest)in meaning to “”?4.The word“”in the passage means_.5.“”is_.6.The word “”most likely means_.对于是非题,该题型有时会以:Not Given / Not Mentioned;Accurate / Inaccurate;Supported / Contradicted ;Correct / Incorrect, Yes/No/Not Given 等形式出现。是非题即读者根据对文章的理解, 对某些陈述判断对错。通常具有两种形式:一种为一正三
30、误(Positive Truth Questions) ,即选择项中有一项符合事实,其余三项与事实相反。另一种为一误三正(Negative Truth Questions) ,即有一项与事实相反,而其余三项均符合事实。这两种题型的目的完全一致,均要求考生完全理解原文,掌握细节,明辨是非。对策:重视首尾句阅读。标志词法。例一:American scientists have developed a new kind of glass wire that can carry telephone messages for long distances. The new fluoride glass
31、wire, or optical fiber, is a major improvement over the optical fibers now used in many modern communications systems.Present optical fibers are made from silica glass. They are not costly to produce, but the signals carried by these silica fibers weaken very 7quickly. A repeat device must be build
32、every 50 kilometers to increase or amplify the signals strength. Such repeater devices are costly and they need electrical power. This creates problems for optical fiber systems that cross oceans. Long copper wires are needed to carry electricity from shore to repeater is costly and takes much time.
33、The new fluoride optical fiber is a little bigger around than a human hair, yet each could carry 10,000 telephone messages at one time for thousands of kilometers. Traditional copper telephone wires can carry only 4 messages. And unlike present silica fiber, the new fluoride glass wire could carry m
34、essages for thousands of kilometers with very few, if any, repeater device.The scientists developed the new optical fiber for systems that across oceans, but they said there would also be many other uses for the fluoride glass wires. The new optical wires could be used for long-distance temperature
35、sensing device. They could be used in some medical operation.Scientists caution that the new fluoride optical fiber is still only experimental. Researchers have not yet been able to make long tiny wire from fluoride glass.26. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Silica optical fiber are
36、not expensive to produceB. Additional devices are needed for present optical fiber systemC. Signals carried by silica optical fibers are rather weakD. Repeaters bring about special problems for transoceanic答案及解析D. 此题实际上是首尾句阅读法+标志词法。通过首尾句阅读,我们在了解文章主题的基础上,可以对“Silica optical fiber”, “Signals”“Repeaters
37、”等标志词的出处迅速把握,从而有效地提高了正确率。总之,不论做怎样的阅读理解题目,我们首先要熟悉题型,有针对性的去解题。要掌握正确的答题顺序;合理划分并严格执行一定的时限;以不同的技艺和策略对应不同类型的题目;在阅读考试中拿到最满意的分数!参考书目:高中英语新课程环球雅思名师讲阅读理解新英语突破81、 对格式的要求知网学位论文检测为整篇上传,上传论文后,系统会自动检测该论文的章节信息,如果有自动生成的目录信息,那么系统会将论文按章节分段检测,否则会自动按每一万字左右分段检测。格式对检测结果可能会造成影响,需要将最终交稿格式提交检测,将影响降到最小,此影响为几十字的小段可能检测不出。都不会影响通过。系统的算法比较复杂,每次修改论文后再测可能会有第一次没测出的小段抄袭(经 2 年实践经验证明,该小段不会超过 200 字,并且二次修改后论文一般会大大降低抄袭率)