1、小黑老师独家英语学习资料广播学口语【27】止不住地往下流【精彩全文】:We have met with such occasions:1. When you see someone was having something delicious, hows your mouth?2. When you catch a cold, hows your nose?3. When your father has given you a beat, hows your eyes?今天我们学习的三个句子就和这三个问题有关,音乐之后我们详细讲解!1) My mouth is watering! 我流口水!W
2、hen you were a small child, you should have met with this occasion:当你看到别人家的孩子在吃好东西的时候,你会跑到家里向妈妈要,结果妈妈也不给买。那么当我们看到自己想吃的东西却不能马上吃的时候会说:My mouth is watering!或者当别人谈到了 roast duck, 然后向你介绍:哦,烤鸭,很好吃,外酥里嫩,香味扑鼻,吃的时候切成薄薄的小片,卷在煎饼里,啊,看到别人咬一口,这个时候你会说:Stop, Andy! My mouth is watering. I want to have roast duck.或者当我
3、谈到了 hot pot 的时候,都会让你禁不住流口水哟!2) I have a runny nose! 我流鼻涕!很不好意思把这个句子拿出来,因为我们刚刚学习了,我流口水!My mouth is watering. 有人说了:我流口水,你在一边流鼻涕,我晕!runny: 水分过多的, 流鼻水的!runny nose 当然就是说鼻子在流鼻涕!One day, Andy went out to see my friends off, forgetting to wear my hat! We talked for about half an hour outside and suddenly I
4、noticed that I forgot to wear the hat, but it was late.结果当然就是流鼻涕!所以记住这句话: I have a runny nose.3) He was weeping! 他在哭泣!这个句子非常简单,大家记下就是了!weep:哭泣 weep out 的意思就是哭着说出来,或者边哭边说的意思!比如说:“I was deeply moved by that touching movie,“ he wept out.这种情况还是可以理解的,但如果是没有办法,急得哭了,面对困难哭了,Andy will not stand beside you, for that shows you dont have the courage to overcome the difficulties. 所以了,在困难面前无论如何是不能屈服和流泪的。我们有这样的一句话:God helps those who help themselves.