1、驻英大使刘晓明在亚洲商业领袖峰会午宴的演讲时间:2010-10-14 18:55 来源:未知 作者: 口译网 点击:1581 次中国驻英国大使刘晓明在“亚洲商业领袖峰会”午宴上的演讲2010 年 10 月 13 日,伦敦诺桑布兰德商务会馆Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Lunch of the Asian Business Leaders Summit13 October 2010, The Northumberland, London尊敬的亚洲之家主席博伊德爵士, 女士们,先生们:Sir John Boyd, Chairman of
2、 Asia House,Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴应邀出席亚洲之家举办的“亚洲商业领袖峰会”午宴。首先,我要对峰会的召开表示热烈祝贺!It gives me great pleasure to attend the First Asian Business Leaders Summit. I wish to begin by warmly congratulating Asia House on the opening of this summit.中国有一句古诗,叫“东边日出西边雨” ,这本是形容天气阴晴不定,但如果用它来形容当前的世界经济似乎非常贴切。美、欧经济受金
3、融危机的深层次影响,如同伦敦的冬季, “阴雨连绵” 。相比之下,亚洲经济充满“阳光” ,保持良好增长势头。国际货币基金组织 10月 6 日新发表的世界经济展望认为,明年亚洲经济整体增幅可能为 6.7%,虽较今年的7.9%有所放缓,但亚洲“仍是全球增长最快的地区 ”。As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “It is sunny in the east while rainy in the west.“ This may well serve as a summary of the current global economy, with the American
4、 and European economies are still just in the rainy season, as the result of the financial crisis, whereas the Asian economy is in the summer sun with robust growth. The latest IMF World Economic Outlook estimated that the Asian economy will grow by 6.7% in 2011. This will be lower than this years 7
5、.9% but still is enough to make it the fastest growing region.过去十年里,中国一直是亚洲经济增长最快的经济体。中国经济持续快速增长,为亚洲和世界经济的增长做出了重要贡献。当前,世界普遍关注中国的经济走势、投资环境和人民币汇率等问题,我愿就此谈一下个人的看法,希望能对各位有所帮助。Chinas sustained fast growth has contributed to Asian and world growth over the past decade. And I would like to share with you m
6、y thoughts on Chinas economic future, investment climate and the RMB exchange rate, which I know has attracted much attention.第一个问题是中国的经济走势。我认为这须从短期和长期两个角度看。从短期看,最近公布的中国国民经济运行数据显示,中国经济目前增长动力依然较强,虽然经济增速放缓,但没有异常变化。今年第三季度经济增长率预计为 9.2%,四季度预计为 8.5%,全年预计为 9.8%。城镇固定资产投资增速高位趋稳, 1-8 月份,城镇固定资产投资同比增长24.8%。社会消费
7、品零售总额平稳较快增长,1-8 月份,社会消费品零售总额同比增长 18.2%。通货膨胀处在一个适当、温和的水平。8 月份,居民消费价格同比上涨 3.5%,工业品出厂价格同比上涨 4.3%。9 月的中国制造业采购经理指数( PMI)为 53.8%,高于 8 月 2.1 个百分点,已连续十九个月位于临界点50%以上的扩张区间。由于中国正处在由经济较快增长向稳定增长过渡的关键时期,经济增速适当回落并非坏事,反而有助于防止经济增长由偏快转向过热,有利于加快经济结构调整和发展方式转变。Chinas economic future should be viewed with both a short an
8、d long term perspective. In the short term, the latest statistics point to strong momentum for growth. With the economy expected to grow by 9.2% in the third quarter, 8.5% in the fourth, and 9.8% for the whole year; Urban fixed asset investment is growing at a high yet steady rate of 24.8% for the f
9、irst 8 months; Retail sales are up by 18.2% for the same period; Inflation is at a moderate level, as the consumer price was up by 3.5% year-on-year and industrial product up by 4.3% for August; The September PMI stood at 53.8%, 2.1 percentage points higher than that of August, above 50% for 19 cons
10、ecutive months. China is at a crucial point, where a shift from fast to more sustainable levels of growth is imperative. And a reasonable slowdown will help prevent overheating, and assist economic restructuring and industrial upgrading.从长期来看,中国正处在工业化和城镇化加速上升阶段,投资、消费需求旺盛。中国的工业化仍处于中期发展阶段,与发达国家相比,仍有很大
11、的追赶空间。未来 20 年,中国还将有 3 亿多人口从农村迁移到城市。中国民间投资已占到国内总投资的一半以上,日益成为中国经济发展的重要动力。中国的消费结构正从吃、穿为主向行和住方向发展,汽车、住房、旅游和高端服务需求强劲。中国区域经济发展不平衡,西部地区欠发达,但这也意味着西部地区发展还有巨大潜力。因此,中国经济未来发展并不缺乏动力,我们有理由保持乐观。In the long run, China is in a fast process of industrialisation and urbanisation, with huge demand for investment and co
12、nsumption. Chinas industrialisation is still at a much lower level than that of the advanced economies. But more than 300 million people will move from rural China to the cities in the next 20 years. And private investment now accounts for more than half of total domestic investment, and has become
13、a major engine driving economic growth. The Chinese used to spend the largest part of their income on food and clothes, but now cars and housing have taken their place. Although there is a huge demand for cars, housing, tourism and high-end services across many areas of China, there are also less de
14、veloped regions such as western China where food and clothing are still the essentials. This shows economic imbalances in the country, but can also be seen as great potential for further development. We have every reason to be optimistic about Chinas economic future. 第二个问题是中国的投资环境,这个问题在座的各位企业家可能更加关心
15、。最近,中国领导人多次就外界的一些关切发表了讲话,总的精神就是请大家放心,中国的投资环境只会越来越好。坚持对外开放基本国策、奉行互利共赢的开放战略,是改革开放 30 多年来中国经济持续快速发展的成功经验。这样一条成功的经验,我们为什么要放弃?!Let me now address the second issue: Chinas investment climate, which is of concern to you as business leaders and has been addressed by Chinese leaders recently. The message is
16、one of reassurance: China remains open for business and investing in China will only get easier. There is no point in giving up on our policy of openness and mutual benefit, as it has proven successful for more than 30 years. 目前中国 22的税收、28的工业增加值、55的进出口、50的技术引进、约 4500 万人的就业,都来自外商投资企业的贡献。对外开放、吸引外资是双赢的
17、。对中国来说,持续吸引外资为国家现代化建设提供了必要的资金、先进的技术和宝贵的管理经验以及众多国际化人才。对外商投资企业来说,则获得了可观的投资回报,不少在华外商投资企业成为其母公司全球业务的增长亮点和利润中心。Opening-up has been a win-win for both China and foreign businesses, with foreign-invested enterprises account for 22% of Chinas tax revenue, 28% of its industrial added value, 55% of trade, 50%
18、 of technology import and 45 million jobs in China. Foreign investment brings funding, advanced technologies, valuable business know-how and international professionals to China. This in return offers business opportunities and growth prospects for their global business. 当前,中国正积极致力于为广大外商投资企业营造更加开放、更
19、加优化的投资环境。China will foster a more open and enabling investment climate for foreign businesses in the following ways:一是扩大开放透明。今年上半年,中国政府发布了关于进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见 ,推出一系列创新举措,优化利用外资结构,扩大开放领域,促进利用外资方式多样化。比如,鼓励外资投向高端制造业、高新技术产业、现代服务业、新能源和节能环保等产业;鼓励外资以参股、并购等方式参与中国国内企业改组改造和兼并重组,拓宽外商投资企业境内融资渠道,更好地发挥利用外资在推动科技创新、产
20、业升级和区域协调发展等方面的积极作用。Firstly, increasing openness and transparency. Earlier this year, the Chinese government issued new rules which opened more sectors to foreign investment and channel more foreign capital into high-end manufacturing, high-tech industries, modern services, new energies and energy-sa
21、ving and environment-friendly industries. Foreign companies will be encouraged to join in the reorganisation of Chinese businesses through share-holding, merger or acquisition, and will also be allowed wider access to Chinese funding. These measures will make it possible for foreign businesses to pl
22、ay a larger role in Chinas scientific innovation, upgrading of its industries and re-balancing of regional development.二是确保公平竞争。所有在中国依法注册的企业都享受国民待遇,在华外资企业制造的产品就是中国制造。中国政府鼓励自主创新的政策是覆盖中国境内所有企业的,当然适用于依法在中国设立的一切外商投资企业。今年 4 月,中国通过面向国内外投资者公开征求意见,对“自主创新”产品的认定标准进行了调整,确认外商投资企业是“中国制造”的组成部分,同中国本土资本投资企业适用同样的原产地
23、规则,享受一视同仁的平等国民待遇。当前,中国政府正在以认真负责的态度对待加入世贸组织政府采购协定谈判。对涉及政府资金的采购和建设项目,中国政府将采取更加公开透明的办法,让内外资企业及其产品享受平等的待遇。Secondly, promoting fair competition. The Chinese governments policy to encourage home-grown innovation applies to all companies in China, including all foreign-invested companies as their products
24、are considered to be “made in China“. In April this year, China held a public consultation to review the criteria for certification of products of home-grown innovation. The results reaffirmed that foreign-invested companies enjoy the same rules of origin as their Chinese counterparts. The Chinese g
25、overnment places great importance on the negotiations to join the WTO Government Procurement Agreement. And it will make all procurement and construction projects involving official funding open and transparent to all Chinese and foreign-invested companies and treat their products equally.三是重视知识产权保护
26、。中国已将保护知识产权提升为国家战略,并建立了比较完整的保护知识产权体系。2006 至 2010 年,中国连续年实施保护知识产权行动计划。中国政府不断加强知识产权行政执法力度,开展了打击网络侵权盗版等多个专项治理行动。今后,中国政府将继续完善市场体系,消除市场壁垒,维护市场秩序,保护投资者利益。同时我们还将进一步完善保护知识产权的体制机制、法律法规,为广大投资者和权利人提供更加有力有效的保护。Thirdly, improving intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. A full-fledged system of IPR protect
27、ion has been set up over the last 20 years, making IPR protection a national strategy in China. Between 2006 and 2010, annual IPR protection action plans were drawn up. Law enforcement for IPR was strengthened resulting in a heavy clamp-down on acts of piracy. In the years ahead, we will continue to
28、 improve our market economy by removing market barriers, and protect the rights and interests of investors. China will also improve laws and regulations on IPR protection to offer more effective and efficient protection to investors and IPR owners.我想谈的第三个问题是人民币汇率问题。最近,这个问题明显升温,国际上对中国压力很大,我想其中原因与某些国家
29、的自身经济状况密切相关,同时这个问题也被“政治化”了。在此,我想谈几点看法:The RMB exchange rate has been a hotly-debated issue and there was a lot of pressure on China. This has been due to the economic problems some countries have faced, and this issue has been unduly politicized. Let me outline my thoughts on this issue:第一、世界经济失衡不是汇
30、率问题造成的。有人认为,人民币币值低估是导致世界经济失衡的主要原因,这显然是舍本逐末,推卸自身问题和责任。世界经济失衡的主要原因是一些主要经济体消费与储蓄出现失衡,过度消费,储蓄不足,从而反映在一些国家与部分新兴经济体存在贸易不平衡,特别是美国的巨额贸易逆差和亚洲新兴经济体的贸易顺差。First, the RMB has not caused the global economic imbalances. Blaming the RMB is an attempt to shift responsibility. An important factor in the imbalances is
31、 the excessive spending and inadequate savings in some major economies, which has been reflected in trade imbalances, in particular the rising trade deficit of the US against emerging economies of Asia.第二、汇率与贸易顺差没有必然联系。中国对外贸易,对美国、欧盟是顺差,但对周边的日本、韩国和东盟是逆差;货物贸易是顺差,服务贸易是逆差;加工贸易是顺差,一般贸易是逆差。这显然与人民币汇率无多大关系,
32、而是全球化条件下的贸易结构问题。同样,拿中美贸易来看,从 1994 年起到现在,人民币汇率一直在升值,特别是 2005 年 7 月人民币汇率形成机制进一步深化改革,到目前人民币兑美元升值 22%。按照通常逻辑,人民币兑美元升值,中美贸易应当趋向平衡,但是 2005 至 2009 年,美对华贸易逆差不减反增。这恰恰说明了,中美贸易不平衡主要原因不是汇率问题,而是贸易结构问题。这里值得指出的一个现象是,美国在大量进口消费品的同时却对出口设置障碍,限制本国高新技术产品出口,放弃了自身的比较优势。Second, adjusting the exchange rate is not an effecti
33、ve way to promote the balance of trade. Take China as an example. It has a trade surplus with the US and the EU, but a deficit with Japan, ROK and ASEAN; it has a surplus in the trade in goods and processing, but a deficit in the trade in services and general trade. This clearly has little to do wit
34、h the RMB exchange rate, but is actually a matter of the globalised trade structure. Take China-US trade for example, the RMB has been on an upward track against the US dollar since 1994, and has appreciated by 22% since July 2005 when China introduced reforms to the exchange rate regime. If what we
35、 were told is true, this should have led to a more balanced trade between China and the US. Yet the years from 2005 to 2009 only saw a growing US deficit. This proves once again that China-US trade imbalances are not caused by the exchange rate, but rather are a structural issue. I should also add t
36、hat the US has failed to make full use of its comparative advantage by putting up barriers to the export of high-tech products.第三,打货币战、贸易战不符合任何一方的利益。金融危机以来,中国一方面努力克服危机对自身带来的不利影响,另一方面向欧洲派出了采购团,稳定持有并购买欧元债券,帮助一些陷于财政困难的欧洲国家度过难关,所作所为有目共睹。中国去年对世界经济增长的贡献率达 50%,只有中国经济保持平稳增长,才会有利于世界经济的逐步复苏。如果人民币大幅升值,中国经济必然受损
37、,世界经济也难幸免。借口人民币汇率问题,打货币战、贸易战,对谁都没有好处。中国有句古训:“和则两利,斗则俱伤” 。这对我们今天处理货币和贸易问题,实在是至理明言。Third, a currency or trade war is in no ones interest. China has worked hard to overcome the adverse impact of the crisis. We sent buying missions to Europe, increased our Euro bonds holdings and helped some European co
38、untries out of difficulties. China also contributed 50% to world economic growth last year. A global economic recovery will only be possible if China maintains steady growth. Sharp RMB appreciation would not only be disastrous for China, but would also hurt the global economy. A currency or trade wa
39、r is the last thing the global economy needs. As an old Chinese saying goes, “Cooperation benefits both and confrontation hurts all.“ And this is how we believe the currency and trade issues should be addressed.第四,中国不是“汇率操纵国” ,也不希望被别人操纵。近年来,中国致力于人民币汇率机制改革,目标是形成以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。汇率机制改革将
40、是渐进性的,汇改的速度取决于中国的国际收支状况,人民币升值还是贬值要由市场来决定。有些人要求人民币一次性升值 25%-40%,这是要操纵、逼迫我们开“倒车” ,使中国正在进行的汇率机制改革半途而废。我们不会采取这样的“操纵疗法” 。Fourth, it is inappropriate to label China as a currency manipulator, and China does not want its currency to be manipulated by others. China has put in place a managed floating exchan
41、ge rate regime, based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. This reform should be gradual and market-based and should proceed at a pace consistent with Chinas international balance of payments position. Some have asked for a one-off appreciation of 25 to 40%. This wou
42、ld mean a setback for Chinas exchange rate reform, and such “manipulative therapy“ will not be adopted by China.女士们、先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,当前,在国际社会共同努力下,世界经济正逐步摆脱国际金融危机阴影,走向复苏,但复苏的基础不牢固、进程不平衡,存在较大不确定性。在这样的后金融危机时代,世界各国更要同舟共济,而不是同舟共“挤” ;需要利人利己,而不是损人利己。Thanks to the joint efforts of the international
43、 community, we have put the worst effects of the financial crisis behind us and the world is moving towards recovery. Yet the recovery is still in a fragile and unbalanced state, and faces many uncertainties. In this post-crisis era, it is important that countries work together for an all-win instea
44、d of a “beggar-thy-neighbour“ approach.作为亚洲经济发展的“龙头” ,中国将继续致力于改革开放,不断拓展对外开放广度和深度,以开放促改革,以开放促发展,以开放惠民生。中国将继续致力于可持续发展,加快转变经济发展方式,促进经济增长向消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变,向主要依靠科技进步、管理创新转变。As a driving force for economic development in Asia, China will continue to reform and open up wider. This will contribute to more eco
45、nomic growth and benefit our people. We will promote sustainable development by upgrading the growth pattern and driving a balanced growth through consumption, investment, export, along with scientific and technological progress and managerial innovation.中国将继续致力于互利共赢,在实现本国发展的同时,不以牺牲别国利益为代价,而是坚持把共同利益
46、的蛋糕做大,为亚洲、为世界的发展带来更大机遇。China will stay committed to mutual benefit. Its development will not come at the cost of other countries interests. On the contrary, it hopes to expand areas of common interest, so that other Asian countries and the rest of the world will share the opportunities that Chinas d
47、evelopment brings.我希望出席本次亚洲商业领袖峰会的企业家们通过交流,增进了解,汇聚智慧,为推动世界经济的早日复苏和可持续增长作出积极贡献。I do hope that business leaders here will fully exchange ideas, enhance mutual understanding and contribute your wisdom to the early recovery and sustainable growth of the world economy.谢谢!Thank you.原文链接:http:/www.kouyi.org/field/economy/1414.html