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1、HONG KONG NATIONALTENNISCHAMPIONSHIPS香港網球錦標賽2004Application by fax is accepted.本會接受傳真或電郵報名。Please check the tournament website 3 days prior to the commencement of the event. All the competitions information, including schedule, draws and results, will be posted on our tournament website. It is the p

2、layers responsibility to check their play schedule, as notification by mail will NOT be sent individually. If you do not have Internet access, please call 2504 8591.所有比賽資料(包括賽程) 均於網上公佈,網總不會另發信件通知。如未能上網查閱,請於比賽前三日致電網球總會查詢( 電話2504 8591)Title Sponsor: Co-organised by: Official Waterhttp:/www.tennishk.or

3、gTournament Regulations1. All participants are invited to become individual members of the Hong Kong Tennis Association. (Adult HK$250, Junior (under 18 years old) HK$100). Any persons entering the tournament who wish to become a member may include the membership fee with their entry.2. Conduct of t

4、ournament: The tournament will be conducted using the Rules of Tennis and code of conduct as approved by the International Tennis Federation and rules, regulations and code of conduct of the Hong Kong Tennis Association Ltd.3. Entries: Please complete the application form and return it along with th

5、e entry fee (crossed cheque payable to “Hong Kong Tennis Association”) to the HKTA Office on or before the deadline. Entry Deadline is on Friday, 6 February 2004 at 5:00 P.M. Address of the HKTA office is as follows:Hong Kong Tennis AssociationRm 1021, Sports House, 1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po, Causew

6、ay Bay, Hong Kong4. Eligibility:a.) Hold a valid HKID card orb.) Hold a valid alternative travel document evidencing his having (other than absences which in the opinion of the Tournament Committee are due to genuine travel abroad) resided in Hong Kong for not less than 30 consecutive days immediate

7、ly prior to the commencement of the Tournament.c.) The “B” Championships are open to any player not graded A or A+ by the HKTA League Management Committee.d.) Players should present personal identity document with photos, to our official for checking identity. Participants must be holders of HKID Ca

8、rds or valid Passports for verification if required.5. Matches: a.) All matches in the Qualifying events will be a PROSET. (THE PROSET is won by the first player to reach 8 games with at least 2 clear games.) A 12 Points TIE-BREAK will be played if the score reaches 8 games all.b.) All matches in th

9、e Main Draw will be best of 3 Tie-break sets.6. Official Ball: Penn Ball will be used exclusively for the tournament.7. Courts: All matches will be played on Victoria Park Tennis Courts. NO PRACTICE COURTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR COMPETITORS.8. Every player shall dress and present himself/herself for play

10、 in a professional manner. Clean and customarily acceptable tennis attire shall be worn.a.) Unacceptable attire such as sweatshirts, gym shorts, dress shirts or other inappropriate attire shall not be worn during a match (including the warm-up)b.) Members of a Doubles Team shall be dressed in substa

11、ntially identical attire.9. Playing Schedule: Please check the tournament website prior to the commencement of the event. All the competition information, including schedule, draws and results, will be posted there. It is each players responsibility to check your play schedule, as notification by ma

12、il will NOT be sent individually. If you do not have Internet access, please telephone HKTA. After your first match, you must ensure that you know the details of your next scheduled match by asking the Referee before you leave the tournament site or you are requested to contact HKTA Tournament Secti

13、on (2504 8591).* All announced schedules of play are final and cannot be altered. (Players who enter more than one event should be prepared to play more than one match in any one session).10. Prizes: Winner and Runners-up of each event will receive a trophy.11. Power of the Tournament Committee: The

14、 Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel any of the events if the total entry is less than 8; to accept or reject any application; to run the tournament strictly to schedule unless extended due to bad weather or unforeseen circumstances; and to move the competition to another venue. Player

15、s in the semi-finals/finals shall be named as JOINT WINNERS if the tournament is not finished within one day of the scheduled final, and the event shall be declared abandoned if play has not reached the semi-final stage.12. The tournament Committee reserve the right to exclude from the Championships

16、 the entry of player whos standard of play or behavior does not in their opinion justify inclusion.13. Responsibility: The HKTA, tournament officials and sponsors of this tournament will not be responsible for any damage or personal injuries arising from the tournament.14. Programme of play: Details

17、 of the Draw and Schedules of the matches will be posted in the HKTA Official Website (www.tennishk.org) starting on 13 February 2004. All Competitors are expected to acquaint themselves with the hours at which they are to play and must be on the ground to play at the time fixed, wet or fine. (Arriv

18、al later than 15 minutes after the scheduled match time will be deemed a walk-over.)15. Referee: The decision of the Official Referee on-site, appointed by the Committee, is final in all matters pertaining to the Tournament.The information provided by you will only be used for the enrolment and prom

19、otion of recreation and sports activities organized by our Association and co-organising parties. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of this form, please contact the staff of our Association.(English version Prevails)1. 香港網球總會誠邀各參賽者成為香港網球總會會員,參賽者於報名時欲成為網總會員,請連同入會費 (成人二百五十元

20、正,青少年(十八歲以下) 港幣一百元正) 與本表格一併繳交。2. 比賽規則根據國際網球協會及香港網球總會所採用之規則執行。3. 報名辦法請填妥表格,並連同報名費 (劃線支票 支票抬頭 “香港網球總會”) 於截止日期前一併寄回香港網球總會。截止日期為2004 年 2 月 6 日 (星期五) 下午五時正。香港網球總會地址如下香港銅鑼灣掃桿埔大球場徑 1 號體育大樓 1021 室4. 參賽資格a.) 參賽者必須持有有效香港身分証或b.) 持有有效旅遊証件證明參賽者於本賽事開始前連續居港不少於三十日 (期間如出外旅遊者則不在此限。)c.) 參賽者如被香港網球總會聯賽委員會評為甲級或甲+級之球員,不得參

21、加本錦標賽之乙組賽事。d.) 球員報到時必須持有有效之護照或香港身分証,必要時須出示以備查閱。5. 比賽辦法a.) 外圍賽之每場賽事均採用長盤決勝淘汰制。(長盤制是指對賽任可一方首先贏取八局,而又贏出最少兩局者,方為勝利。)長盤制如遇八比八時,則採用決勝局,以定勝負。b.) 決賽週之每場賽事均採用三盤兩勝淘汰制,每盤如遇六比六時,則採用決勝局,以定勝負。6. 比賽用球賽事採用 “PENN” 網球。7. 球場所有賽事在維園網球場進行,本賽會恕不提供球場予參賽者作練習之用。8. 所有參賽球員必須穿著整潔和適當的網球服裝作賽。a.) 所有參賽者均不得穿著汗衫,緊身短褲 (只適用於健身室內),襯衫及其

22、他非網球賽穿用的服裝比賽。b.) 雙打賽球員必須和其隊友穿著款、色近似或完全相同的上衣和網球短褲出賽。9. 比賽賽程 請登上賽會網頁查閱賽程,所有比賽資料 (包括賽程) 均於網上公佈。網總不會另發信件通知。如未能上網查閱,請於比賽前一星期致電網球總會查詢 (電話2504 8591)*所有賽事一經公佈,不得更改。(請注意如參加多於一項賽事者,參賽者應準備於同一日內應付最少兩場賽事。)10. 獎品每項賽事之冠亞軍均獲獎盃乙座。11. 賽委會權力如遇惡劣天雨或特殊情況,賽委會有權重編排賽程或延期。參賽者不足八人 (或八對) 時有權取消該項賽事。另外,賽委會有權接受或拒絕任何賽事申請,或將賽事轉至其他

23、場地舉行。如遇任何特殊情況以致賽委會未能於原定賽期 (及翌日) 內完成所編定之賽事,賽委會有權宣佈任何已進入該賽項準決賽/決賽階段之參賽者同為冠軍。而未進入準決賽階段之賽項,賽委會有權保留取消賽事項目之權利。12. 賽委會有權根據參賽者之水準及行為而保留拒絕接受其參與任何一項賽事之權利。13. 責任球員如因比賽引致受傷或任何損失,本會及贊助商恕不負責。14. 比賽賽程抽籤結果及賽程將於二零零四年二月十三日在大會指定網站公佈。球員必須在規定時間到場,逾時十五分鐘作業權論。15. 裁判比賽時有任何糾紛,由駐場主裁判作最後決定。你所提供的資料只用於本會與合辦機構的康樂活動報名事宜及活動宣傳之用。在遞

24、交申請表後,如欲更改或查詢你申報的個人資料,可向本會職員聯絡。 (中文譯本只供參考,比賽規則以英文為準。)Events 賽項All Divisions所有賽項All Qualifying Events所有外圍賽21 February 18 April (pro set matches)二月二十一日至四月十八日(長盤制)11 April 18 April (best of 3 tie break sets)四月十一日至四月十八日(三盤兩勝制)Mens Open Singles男子單打公開賽Main Draw決賽週24 Direct 4 wild cards and 4 from Qualifyi

25、ng二十四名直入決賽週,四名外咭及四名外圍賽晉級4 April 12 April (best of 3 tie break sets)四月四日至四月十二日(三盤兩勝制)Ladies Open Singles女子單打公開賽Main Draw決賽週8 Direct 2 wild cards and 6 from Qualifying八名直入決賽週,兩名外咭及六名外圍賽晉級11 April 18 April (best of 3 tie break sets)四月十一日至四月十八日(三盤兩勝制)Mens Open Doubles男子雙打公開賽Main Draw決賽週10 Direct 2 wild

26、cards and 4 from Qualifying十名直入決賽週,二名外咭及四名外圍賽晉級4 April 12 April (best of 3 tie break sets)四月四日至四月十二日(三盤兩勝制)Ladies Open Doubles女子雙打公開賽Main Draw決賽週4 Direct 2 wild card and 2 from Qualifying四名直入決賽週,二名外咭及二名外圍賽晉級4 April 12 April (best of 3 tie break sets)四月四日至四月十二日(三盤兩勝制)Mixed Doubles混合雙打賽Main Draw決賽週10

27、Direct 2 wild card and 4 from Qualifying十名直入決賽週,二名外咭及四名外圍賽晉級21 March until 28 March (best of 3 tie break sets)三月二十一日至三月二十八日(三盤兩勝制)Mens “B” Singles男子乙組單打賽 (No HKTA “A” or “A+” Grade Players)(只准非甲級或甲+ 級球員參加 )Main Draw決賽週22 Direct 4 wild cards and 6 from Qualifying二十二名直入決賽週,四名外咭及六名外圍賽晉級21 March 28 Marc

28、h (best of 3 tie break sets)三月二十一日至三月二十八日(三盤兩勝制)Mens “B” Doubles男子乙組雙打賽(No HKTA “A” or “A+” Grade Players)(只准非甲級或甲+ 級球員參加 )Main Draw決賽週8 Direct 2 wild cards and 6 from Qualifying八名直入決賽週,兩名外咭及六名外圍賽晉級7 March 21 March (best of 3 tie break sets)三月七日至三月二十一日(三盤兩勝制)Ladies “B” Singles女子乙組單打賽 (No HKTA “A” or

29、 “A+” Grade Players)(只准非甲級或甲+ 級球員參加 )Main Draw決賽週Ladies “B” Doubles女子乙組雙打賽(No HKTA “A” or “A+” Grade Players)(只准非甲級或甲+ 級球員參加 )Main Draw決賽週7 March 21 March (best of 3 tie break sets)三月七日至三月二十一日(三盤兩勝制)* The dates above are for reference only; the HKTA reserve the right to make necessary changes at all

30、 times.*以上日期只供參考,本會有權作任何修改。Entry Form for Singles 單打申請表格Please accept my entry in the event / events indicated below 本人欲參加下列賽事Events 賽項 Entry Fee 報名費 Mens Open Singles 男子單打公開賽 HK$250 港幣二百五十元 Ladies Open Singles 女子單打公開賽 HK$250 港幣二百五十元 Mens “B” Singles 男子乙組單打賽* HK$200 港幣二百元Ladies “B” Singles 女子乙組單打賽*

31、HK$200 港幣二百元 HKTA Membership 香港網球總會入會費Membership validity up to 31 March 2005HK$250 (Under 18 HK$100) 港幣二百五十元(十八歲以下港幣一百元)Please fill in BLOCK Letters 請用正楷填寫Surname 姓 Given Name 名Name in Chinese 中文姓名 H.K.T.A. Membership No.香港網球總會會員號碼Date of Birth 出生日期 HKID / Passport No.香港身分證或護照號碼Correspondence Addre

32、ss 通訊地址Email Address 電郵地址Home Tel. No 住宅電話 Office Tel. No.辦公電話Mobile Phone 手提電話 Fax No.傳真號碼I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations set down by the Tournament Committee. 本人願意遵守賽會所定之比賽規則。Date 日期 Signature 簽名*Please note NO HKTA GRADED A or A+ PLAYERS are allowed to enter this event. *只准非甲

33、級或甲+級球員參賽。Entry Form for Double 雙打申請表格Please accept my entry in the event / events indicated below 本人欲參加下列賽事Events 賽項 Entry Fee 報名費 Mens Open Doubles 男子雙打公開賽 HK$300 港幣三百元 Ladies Open Doubles 女子雙打公開賽 HK$300 港幣三百元 Mixed Doubles 混合雙打賽 HK$300 港幣三百元 Mens “B” Doubles 男子乙組雙打賽* HK$250 港幣二百五十元 Ladies “B” Dou

34、bles 女子乙組雙打賽* HK$250 港幣二百五十元 HKTA Membership 香港網球總會入會費Membership validity up to 31 March 2005HK$250 (Under 18 HK$100) 港幣二百五十元(十八歲以下港幣一百元)Please fill in BLOCK Letters 請用正楷填寫Surname 姓 Given Name 名Name in Chinese 中文姓名 H.K.T.A. Membership No. 香港網球總會會員證號碼Date of Birth 出生日期 HKID / Passport No. 香港身分證號碼Corr

35、espondence Address 通訊地址Email Address 電郵地址Home Tel. No. 住宅電話 Office Tel. No. 辦公電話Mobile Phone 手提電話 Fax No. 傳真號碼I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations set down by the Tournament Committee. 本人願意遵守賽會所定之比賽規則。Partners Information 隊友資料Surname 姓 Given Name 名Name in Chinese 中文姓名 H.K.T.A. Member

36、ship No. 香港網球總會會員號碼Date of Birth 出生日期 HKID / Passport No. 香港身分證號碼Correspondence Address 通訊地址Email Address 電郵地址Home Tel. No.住宅電話 Office Tel. No.辦公電話Mobile Phone 手提電話 Fax No. 傳真號碼I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations set down by the Tournament Committee. 本人願意遵守賽會所定之比賽規則。Date 日期 Signatur

37、e 簽名*Please note NO HKTA GRADED A or A+ PLAYERS are allowed to enter this event. *只准非甲級或甲+級球員參賽。Credit Card Payment 信用卡付款Credit Card Issuing Bank 發卡銀行名稱Card Holders Name 持卡人姓名 (as appeared on credit card 與信用卡相同 )Card No. 信用卡號碼Card Expiry Date 信用卡有效日期至_ (Month 月) _ (Year 年)Total Amount 繳付金額HK$ _Terms and Conditions:I hereby agree that HKTA has the right to charge my credit card account for the AIA Hong Kong National Tennis Championships 2004 in the regular manner as agreed upon by HKTA and myself. Card Holders Signature 持卡人簽署 _ Date 日期_(Must match with Credit Card Signature 與卡上簽名相同)


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