1、第一节 缩写练习: 缩写训练原文:Many peoples favorite hobby is sports. They spend much of their spare time playing team games like football or baseball, games for two or four people, like tennis, or golf. Some people like to practice an individual sport like running or swimming. People usually practice a sport for
2、 at least three reasons. First, they enjoy it and second, they feel a need to keep fit in that they feel better after they had some exercise.答案: Many pls favorite hob is sports. Ty spend + - thr spr tm play(g) team game like footb/baseb, games for(4) 2/4 pl, like tennis, or golf. Sm pl like 2 prac .
3、 Indiv spt like run(g)/swim(g). Pl usually prac . Spt 4 at least 3 reason. 1st, ty enjoy it & 2st, ty feel . Nd 2 kp fit _ tt ty feel +2 after ty had sm exer.逐句讲解Many pls favorite hob is sports. pl =peopleTy spend + - thr spr tm play(g) team game like footb/baseb, Ty=they thr= their thm=them +=much
4、+/+2=more +3=most =little 2less 3least the most beautiful girl = +3 beautiful girl;the highest mountain = +3 high-=of; spr =spare;(g)ing ;game=gm;footb= football baseb =baseball;/=orgames for(4) 2/4 pl;4=for;2/4=2 or 4like tennis, or golf. Sm pl like 2 prac . c spt like run(g)/swim(g).Sm=some;Pl=peo
5、ple ;2=to;prac= practice;. =a/an;indiv= individual ; run(g)=running;swim(g).= swimming;/=orPl usually prac . Spt 4 at least 3 reason. Pl= people;prac= practice;.=a ;spt= sport1st, ty enjoy it & 2st, ty feel . Nd 2 kp fit _ tt ty feel +2 after ty had sm exer.1st= First;ty= they;& = and ;.Nd= need;kp=
6、 keep;_=in; -=of;tt=that;b+2= better ;m+2=more;smsome ;exer exercise注意:Spot Dictation 中少用符号第二节 缩写 4 种方法 拿掉所有元音:Eg. market-mkt;standard-std;message-msg; receive-rcv保留开头几个字母:Eg. Information-info;Insurance-Ins;Exchange-exch;Individual-indiv;The STD MKT; I RCV . MSG frm th indiv plI want to exch info wi
7、th u保留开头和结尾:Eg. Week-wk ;Need- nd;Meet-mt;Room-rm根据发音:Eg. Are-r;Though-tho;Through-thru ;第三节 缩写中的常用缩略词Good-gd;important-imp;Include-incd; market-mkt;Situation-sitn;regular-regl life=lf;Reference-ref ; necessary-ncry;Apartment-apt ;apt 右上方加 表示 ment 后缀according-acdg;g=ing;Advertisement-ad;advice-adv a
8、mount AMTconform-cfm;Condition-cond ;Under no condition by no means department-dept;Explain-expln; impossible-impsModel-mdl;observe-obs;Ordinary-ord; accept-acpt;Balance-bal;cancel-cncl;Exchange-exch ;individual-indiv;Position-posn;product-prod;Representative-rep; repeat-rpt;Please-pls ; possible-po
9、ss;Receive-rcv;练习部分 this is a good important market here is the necessary advice I wantI will accept the position as a manager.注意:频率高的词用缩写,考试时尽量用学过的缩写,不要用太多第四节 地名简写 Korea : K ; Sweden : SD; Switzerland: SW;Australia: AA ;Israel : IS;Italy : IT ;Spain: SP通常是提取国家单词的首字母第五节 缩写中较长单词的处理-ism-m eg. Socialis
10、m 社会主义 S(m) local-tion-n eg. Standardization 原始化 std(n)凡是从原始动词延伸出来的各种形容词、名字、副词,只需写出动词,各种形式从缩写的右上方进行添加处理。-ing-g eg. Marketing mkt(g)-ment-mt eg. Amendment amend(mt);-ble-bl 注:遇到以 able 或 ible 为后缀的词 ,可以提取 bl 作为信息点写在这个词的右上方 eg. Available av(bl) -ful-fl eg. Meaningful mn(fl)复习一下:缩写的四种方法是:1、拿掉原因保留;2、保留开头几
11、个字母;3、保留开头和结尾 4、根据发音缩写。备注:地名和较长单词的缩写方法第六节 本单元测试But spt is not just 4 participants. Its 4 spect(o) too. M pl all over the world spend hs every wk watch(g) spt event on tv, / at stadiums. Pl enjoy be(g) fans/supp(o) 1 team & many prof. are now as pop & fame as the +3 great Hollywd movie star.逐句分析:But
12、spt is not just 4 participants.But向上的箭头 或自己创造;sptsport;4for注:遇到动词延伸的人称,可以写出动词后在右上角划一个圆圈:work(0)=worker;teach(0)=teacher核心词 compete 及延伸词compete=comp;comp(o)= competitor;comp(v)=competitive注:缩写词右上方加 v 表示那些以 ive 结尾的形容词comp (n)=competition;comp (g)=competingIts 4 spect(o) too.spect(o)= spectatorM pl all
13、 over the world spend hs every wk watch(g) spt event on tv, / at stadiums.M= millions;T=thousand;H= hundred;另一种用符号表示的方式右上方加 1 个“”thousand;右上方加 2 个“” millions ;右上方加 3 个“”= trillion ;=of;pl= people;hs= hours;wk= week;watch(g)= watching;spt= sport;/= or;Pl enjoy be(g) fans/supp(o) 1 team & many prof. a
14、re now as pop & fame as the +3 great Hollywd movie star。Pl = People; be(g)= being;fans/ = “fans” or;supporter =supp(o);= of;1= one;team & many= team and many;prof.= professionals;pop= popular;fame= famous;&=and ;the +3 great= the greatest原文展示:But sport is not just for participants. Its for spectator
15、s too. Millions of people all over the world spend hours every week watching sports events on television, or at stadiums. People enjoy being “fans” or “supporters” of one team and many professionals are now as popular and famous as the greatest Hollywood movie stars.第七节 第三单元学习方法综述注意:每天做 30 分钟精听,用缩写的方式记忆听到的内容。