1、Translate the following passage,C-E,“家”是一只瓷碗,现代的家并不是缺乏爱情,而是缺乏包容和珍惜。,标题的翻译,“家”是一只瓷碗: 1.“家”置于引号之中,不宜译为family 2. 汉语表达意境性强,侧重整体性 3. 英语表达注重逻辑,不像汉语那样具有整体性译文1:Family is Just Like a Porcelain Bowl 改译: Wedlock: as Vulnerable as a Porcelain Bowl,现代的家并不是缺乏爱情,而是缺乏包容和珍惜。1. 着眼语篇,从更大的范畴去审视原文的遣词:如“包容和珍惜”是“忍让和惜福”之意
2、2. 添译,是获得连贯的必要和有效手段,现代的家并不是缺乏爱情,而是缺乏包容和珍惜。译文1:What a modern family lacks is not love, but contain and treasure. 改译:What a present-day married couple lacks is not love at wedding period, but mutual tolerance and admiration in the years to come.,妻子洗碗时打碎了一只碗,丈夫说一句:“怎么搞的,一只碗都拿不牢。”妻子不服气,顶一句:“一只碗值几毛钱也值得你心
3、痛半天,怎么不心痛我割破了手?”丈夫一听来气了:“你这个人怎么这样无理,做错了事说你一句都不成。”妻子便一蹦老高:“我又不是你家的保姆,凭什么要让你说,你也有手有脚,你怎么不洗碗?”丈夫一拍桌子:“你这个人简直不可理喻,胡搅蛮缠。”女的一叉腰:“我就这么蛮,你怎么着,当初怎么不把眼睛睁大点!怎么啦,后悔啦,又想起先前的小情人了是吧”话音未落,男的一扬手,“呼”的一巴掌甩过去。女的捂着脸:“你这个畜生,你竟敢打我,老娘不跟你过了。我要离婚!”“离就离,吓唬谁呢?”,对话:英译以“一句一段”为宜 衔接和连贯:第二段首添译:An accident occurs this way.,妻子洗碗时打碎了一
4、只碗,丈夫说一句:“怎么搞的,一只碗都拿不牢。” 译文1:The wife accidentally dropped and broke a bowl while washing, her husband uttered, “Why! You cannot even hold a bowl fast.” 改译:An accident occurs this way. While the wife is washing bowls and dishes, one porcelain bowl slips from her hand and breaks.“Whats wrong with you
5、? Is a bowl so hard to hold?” remarks the husband.,妻子不服气,顶一句:“一只碗值几毛钱也值得你心痛半天,怎么不心痛我割破了手?” 译文1:Feeling offended, he wife retorted, “How many pennies is the porcelain bowl worth? Instead of showing your concern for my lacerated hand, your heart goes to the bowl!” 改译: “What worth is it to merit your r
6、egret?” retorts the wife who feels wronged. “My finger cut by the broken piece is no concerns of yours!”,丈夫一听来气了:“你这个人怎么这样无理,做错了事说你一句都不成。” 译文1: Upon hearing this, the husband flied into a rage, “You are so unreasonable! I cannot make any utterance when youve done something wrong?” 改译: “Brook not a w
7、ord of blame for your own mistake,” says the irritated husband, “How unreasonable you are!”,妻子便一蹦老高:“我又不是你家的保姆,凭什么要让你说,你也有手有脚,你怎么不洗碗?” 译文1:The wife, being enraged, responded, “Im not the maid, theres no way to blame me. You have your hands too, why dont you wash the bowls?” 改译:“A word of blame! Am I
8、 your housemaid? By what are you justified to blame me? Why dont you, same as me with two hands, wash bowls and dishes?” the wife has been goaded into an angry reply.,妻子洗碗时打碎了一只碗,丈夫说一句:“怎么搞的,一只碗都拿不牢。”妻子不服气,顶一句:“一只碗值几毛钱也值得你心痛半天,怎么不心痛我割破了手?”丈夫一听来气了:“你这个人怎么这样无理,做错了事说你一句都不成。”妻子便一蹦老高:“我又不是你家的保姆,凭什么要让你说,你
9、也有手有脚,你怎么不洗碗?” 译文1:The wife accidentally dropped and broke a bowl while washing, her husband uttered, “Why! You cannot even hold a bowl fast.” Feeling offended, he wife retorted, “How many pennies is the porcelain bowl worth? Instead of showing your concern for my lacerated hand, your heart goes to
10、the bowl!” Upon hearing this, the husband flied into a rage, “You are so unreasonable! I cannot make any utterance when youve done something wrong?” The wife, being enraged, responded, “Im not the maid, theres no way to blame me. You have your hands too, why dont you wash the bowls?”,妻子洗碗时打碎了一只碗,丈夫说
11、一句:“怎么搞的,一只碗都拿不牢。”妻子不服气,顶一句:“一只碗值几毛钱也值得你心痛半天,怎么不心痛我割破了手?”丈夫一听来气了:“你这个人怎么这样无理,做错了事说你一句都不成。”妻子便一蹦老高:“我又不是你家的保姆,凭什么要让你说,你也有手有脚,你怎么不洗碗?” 改译:An accident occurs this way. While the wife is washing bowls and dishes, one porcelain bowl slips from her hand and breaks. “Whats wrong with you? Is a bowl so hard
12、 to hold?” remarks the husband. “What worth is it to merit your regret?” retorts the wife who feels wronged. “My finger cut by the broken piece is no concerns of yours!” “Brook not a word of blame for your own mistake,” says the irritated husband, “How unreasonable you are!” “A word of blame! Am I y
13、our housemaid? By what are you justified to blame me? Why dont you, same as me with two hands, wash bowls and dishes?” the wife has been goaded into an angry reply.,丈夫一拍桌子:“你这个人简直不可理喻,胡搅蛮缠。” 译文1: The husband banged the table, saying,“ You are so impervious to reason! So savage and absurd!” 改译:“You s
14、imply irrational!” shouts the husband, thumping the table indignantly. “You are so savage and absurd!”,女的一叉腰:“我就这么蛮,你怎么着,当初怎么不把眼睛睁大点!怎么啦,后悔啦,又想起先前的小情人了是吧” 译文1: The wife stood akimbo rebuking, “I am born unreasonable, what can you do about me? Why didnt you open your eyes wider before we married? Now
15、 you feel regret? Or now you are missing the former inamorata?” 改译:“I am born savage and absurd! What can you do about it?” says the woman, defiantly, with arms akimbo. “Do you think you didnt get married with your eyes open wider? And now regret for it? Think of your old sweetie again”,话音未落,男的一扬手,“
16、呼”的一巴掌甩过去。 译文1: The husband raised his hand before his wife finished, he slapped her wife in the face. 改译:Before she can finished it, a slap has landed on her face.,女的捂着脸:“你这个畜生,你竟敢打我,老娘不跟你过了。我要离婚!” 译文1: The wife covered her face, shouting, “You brute! You have the impertinence to beat me. I am not
17、living with you any longer. Divorce!” 改译: “You beast! Strike me like that! ” The woman covers her cheek and threatens. “No getting along with you. Divorce!”,“离就离,吓唬谁呢?” 译文1:“OK, that imposes no threat to me.” 改译:“As you like. Divorce is no threat to me.”,丈夫一拍桌子:“你这个人简直不可理喻,胡搅蛮缠。”女的一叉腰:“我就这么蛮,你怎么着,当初
18、怎么不把眼睛睁大点!怎么啦,后悔啦,又想起先前的小情人了是吧”话音未落,男的一扬手,“呼”的一巴掌甩过去。女的捂着脸:“你这个畜生,你竟敢打我,老娘不跟你过了。我要离婚!”“离就离,吓唬谁呢?” 译文1: The husband banged the table, saying,“ You are so impervious to reason! So savage and absurd!” The wife stood akimbo rebuking, “I am born unreasonable, what can you do about me? Why didnt you open
19、your eyes wider before we married? Now you feel regret? Or now you are missing the former inamorata?” The husband raised his hand before his wife finished, he slapped her wife in the face. The wife covered her face, shouting, “You brute! You have the impertinence to beat me. I am not living with you
20、 any longer. Divorce!” “OK, that imposes no threat to me.”,丈夫一拍桌子:“你这个人简直不可理喻,胡搅蛮缠。”女的一叉腰:“我就这么蛮,你怎么着,当初怎么不把眼睛睁大点!怎么啦,后悔啦,又想起先前的小情人了是吧”话音未落,男的一扬手,“呼”的一巴掌甩过去。女的捂着脸:“你这个畜生,你竟敢打我,老娘不跟你过了。我要离婚!”“离就离,吓唬谁呢?” 改译: “You simply irrational!” shouts the husband, thumping the table indignantly. “You are so savag
21、e and absurd!” “I am born savage and absurd! What can you do about it?” says the woman, defiantly, with arms akimbo. “Do you think you didnt get married with your eyes open wider? And now regret for it? Think of your old sweetie again”Before she can finished it, a slap has landed on her face.“You be
22、ast! Strike me like that! ” The woman covers her cheek and threatens. “No getting along with you. Divorce!”“As you like. Divorce is no threat to me.”,第二天,真离了。就这么简单。一个家庭的毁灭,就如一只瓷碗,只是不经意地一摔,便碎了。 “毁灭”、“就如一只瓷碗”、“碎” 译文1:The next day, they really divorced, and the home is ruined. It is just like a porcela
23、in bowl an accidental slip will break it. 改译:The next day they got divorced, and the home went to pieces, just like a porcelain bowl and accidental slip would break it.pieces 和”瓷碗“、”碎”之间自然形成和谐美。可以演绎文艺贯通,语义衔接之美。,许多家庭的毁灭,往往就是缘于这种貌似潇洒貌似现代的轻率和冲动。这是一只瓷碗,拥有这只碗的人便有了生存的“凭据”。这碗里虽然只是粗茶淡饭,但也足以营养人之一生,因而这只瓷碗就值得人
24、们好生爱惜。瓷碗易碎,成之艰难,即使我们有回天之术,可以将破碎的瓷碗重新粘合,但那一定是一件呕心沥血,异常艰难的苦差事。并且在粘合之后,那曾经破碎的痕迹也许就是永远也不能消弥的疤痕。,许多家庭的毁灭,往往就是缘于这种貌似潇洒貌似现代的轻率和冲动。 译文1: Many families meet their ends largely because of the imprudence and uprush, which seems to be the order of the day. 改译: How many couples wedlock is thus brought to an abru
25、pt end! It often results from such indiscretion and impulsiveness that are regarded by todays young people as modern and stylish.,这是一只瓷碗,拥有这只碗的人便有了生存的“凭据”。 译文1: Family, as a matter of fact, resembles a porcelain bowl, which is the indispensable means of peoples sustenance. 改译: Home is no more than a
26、 porcelain bowl, which gives its owners something to fall back on.,这碗里虽然只是粗茶淡饭,但也足以营养人之一生,因而这只瓷碗就值得人们好生爱惜。 译文1:Simple as the food it contains, yet it is enough to nourish us throughout our lives. So it is worth our cherishing. 改译:Simple food though the bowl contains, it is adequate to nourish one th
27、roughout ones life. This porcelain bowl, therefore, needs cherishing.,许多家庭的毁灭,往往就是缘于这种貌似潇洒貌似现代的轻率和冲动。这是一只瓷碗,拥有这只碗的人便有了生存的“凭据”。这碗里虽然只是粗茶淡饭,但也足以营养人之一生,因而这只瓷碗就值得人们好生爱惜。 译文1:Many families meet their ends largely because of the imprudence and uprush, which seems to be the order of the day. Family, as a m
28、atter of fact, resembles a porcelain bowl, which is the indispensable means of peoples sustenance. Simple as the food it contains, yet it is enough to nourish us throughout our lives. So it is worth our cherishing.,许多家庭的毁灭,往往就是缘于这种貌似潇洒貌似现代的轻率和冲动。这是一只瓷碗,拥有这只碗的人便有了生存的“凭据”。这碗里虽然只是粗茶淡饭,但也足以营养人之一生,因而这只瓷碗
29、就值得人们好生爱惜。 改译:How many couples wedlock is thus brought to an abrupt end! It often results from such indiscretion and impulsiveness that are regarded by todays young people as modern and stylish. Home is no more than a porcelain bowl, which gives its owners something to fall back on. Simple food though the bowl contains, it is adequate to nourish one throughout ones life. This porcelain bowl, therefore, needs cherishing.,