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类型The Tōhoku earthquake(日本大地震自制英语演讲PPT)1.ppt

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    The Tōhoku earthquake(日本大地震自制英语演讲PPT)1.ppt

    1、The Thoku earthquake,We all know Japan has lots of earthquakes, because the land is on a seismic belt.Some people even say there are earthquakes in Japan every day on average. People were trained when they were young to deal with the earthquake someday. Every home have a smart seismograph which can

    2、foretell whether the earthquake will occur minutes ahead. Here are some certain statistics about some of the greattest earthquakes (magnitude over 6.6) Japan has happened.,Date,Name of quake,November 29, 684 8.08.4 Hakuko Nankai earthquake June 5, 745 7.9 Ms occurred at Minoh July 13, 869 8.3 M 869

    3、Sanriku earthquake and tsunami May 27, 1293 7.17.5 1293 Kamakura earthquake August 3, 1361 8.258.5 M Shhei earthquake January 18, 1586 7.8 Tensho or Ise Bay earthquake December 31, 1703 8 ML 1703 Genroku earthquake,October 28, 1707,1707 Hei earthquake,December 23, 1854,1854 Ansei-Tkai earthquake,Dec

    4、ember 24, 1854,1854 Ansei-Nankai earthquake,November 11, 1855,1855 Ansei Edo earthquake,April 9, 1858,Hietsu Earthquake,October 28, 1891,Mino-Owari Earthquake,June 20, 1894,Meiji Tokyo Earthquake,June 15, 1896,September 1, 1923,March 27, 1927,March 2, 1933,1896 Meiji-Sanriku earthquake,1923 Great Ka

    5、nt earthquake,1927 Kita Tango Earthquake,1933 Sanriku earthquake,September 10, 1943,January 13, 1945,December 20, 1946,June 28, 1948,June 16, 1964,April 1, 1968,1943 Tottori earthquake,1945 Mikawa earthquake,1946 Nankaid earthquake,1948 Fukui earthquake,1964 Niigata earthquake,1968 Hyga-nada earthqu

    6、ake,June 12, 1978,1978 Miyagi earthquake,January 17, 1995 6.8 Mw Great Hanshin Earthquake,May 4, 1998 7.5 Mw 1998 Ryukyu Islands earthquake,October 23, 2004 6.9 Mw 2004 Chetsu earthquake,November 15, 2006 7.2 Mw 2006 Kuril Islands earthquake July 16, 2007 6.9 Mw Chetsu Offshore Earthquake June 14, 2

    7、008 6.6 Mw 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake August 9, 2009 6.9 Mw 2009 Izu Islands earthquake August 11, 2009 6.9-7.1 Mw Tokai Area Earthquake February 26, 2010 6.5-6.6 Mw Ryky Islands earthquake December 21, 2010 7.4 Mw Bonin Islands earthquake March 9, 2011 7.2 Mw 2011 Thoku earthquake foresho

    8、ck March 11, 2011 9.0 Mw 2011 Thoku earthquake March 11, 2011 06:25:50 UTC 7.1 Mw 2011 Thoku earthquake aftershock April 7, 2011 11:30:00pm JST 7.1 Mw 2011 Miyagi earthquake aftershock,Magnitude,8.6ML,8.4 ML,8.4 ML,6.9 ML,7.0-7.1,8.0 ML,6.6 ML,8.5 ML,8.3 ML,7.6 ML,8.4 Mw,7.2 ML,6.8,8.1 Mw,7.1 Mw,7.6

    9、 Mw,7.5 Mw,7.7 Ms,the epicenter a-pproximately 72 km east of the Oshika Peninsula of T-hoku and the hypocent-er at an underwater depth of approximately 32 km .,Maybe we are curious about the earthquake itself, but what we really care about and afraid of is the aftershocks and some disasters the eart

    10、hquake brought to Japan, or even to the whole world, such as economic loss, disease, tsunami and nuclear leakage and so on.,Cause of the earthquake,The earthquake triggered extremely destructive tsunami waves of up to 38 meters that struck Japan, in some cases traveling up to 10 km inland. In additi

    11、on to loss of life and destruction of infrastructure, the tsunami caused a number of nuclear accidents, of which by far the most serious was an ongoing level 7 event and 20 km evacuation zone around the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants.,Cause of the earthquake,The overall cost could exceed $300 billio

    12、n, making it the most expensive natural disaster on record. The Japanese National Police Agency has confirmed 14,416 deaths, 5,314 injured, and 11,889 people missing across eighteen prefectures, as well as over 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed.,Aftershocks,We only can have one big earthquake,

    13、but we can have many aftershocks, which is the most terrifying one. Here are some statistics about how many aftershocks happened in Thoku earthquake in ONE day. Be aware of the magnitude.,1.当日15时06分(北京时间14时06分)发生6.4级余震(Lat:390130N Lon:1421858E)2.当日15时07分(北京时间14时07分)发生6.4级余震(Lat:362405N Lon:1415144E)

    14、 3.当日15时15分(北京时间14时15分)发生6.8级余震(Lat:360732N Lon:1401401E) 4.当日15时25分(北京时间14时25分)发生7.1级余震(Lat:380623N Lon:1443311E) 5.当日15时48分(北京时间14时48分)发生6.3级余震(Lat:375934N Lon:1424550E) 6.当日15时57分(北京时间14时57分)发生6.3级余震(Lat:354528N Lon:1405932E) 7.当日16时10分(北京时间15时10分)发生5.8级余震(Lat:375355N Lon:1424403E) 8.当日16时13分(北京时

    15、间15时13分)发生5.9级余震(Lat:360304N Lon:1422049E) 9.当日16时14分(北京时间15时14分)发生6.3级余震(Lat:363854NLon:1414839E) 10.当日16时25分(北京时间15时25分)发生6.1级余震(Lat:375458N Lon:1443717E) 11.当日16时28分(北京时间15时28分)发生6.1级余震(Lat:364806N Lon:1415438E) 12.当日16时38分(北京时间15时38分)发生5.9级余震(Lat:391459N Lon:1424658E) 13.当日16时42分(北京时间15时42分)发生5.

    16、8级余震(Lat:362420N Lon:1415509E) 14.当日16时54分(北京时间15时54分)发生5.7级余震(Lat:374433N Lon:1413354E) 15.当日16时56分(北京时间15时56分)发生5.6级余震(Lat:370749N Lon:1421820E) 16.当日17时01分(北京时间16时01分)发生5.9级余震(Lat:370415N Lon:1424402E) 17.当日17时10分(北京时间16时10分)发生5.4级余震(Lat:344142N Lon:1393919E) 18.当日17时12分(北京时间16时12分)发生6.2级余震(Lat:3

    17、63622N Lon:1413326E) 19.当日17时15分(北京时间16时15分)发生6.2级余震(Lat:370203N Lon:1443641E) 20.当日17时19分(北京时间16时19分)发生6.5级余震(Lat:362018N Lon:1403757E) 21.当日17时40分(北京时间16时40分)发生5.9级余震(Lat:372755N Lon:1410718E) 22.当日17时46分(北京时间16时46分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:372515N Lon:1422712E) 23.当日17时52分(北京时间16时52分)发生5.4级余震(Lat:364548N Lon

    18、:1415435E) 24.当日18时00分(北京时间17时00分)发生5.2级余震(Lat:370322N Lon:1415759E) 25.当日18时04分(北京时间17时04分)发生5.4级余震(Lat:371757N Lon:1423917E) 26.当日18时09分(北京时间17时09分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:374260N Lon:1431600E) 27.当日18时37分(北京时间17时37分)发生5.4级余震(Lat:355239N Lon:1413507E) 28.当日18时42分(北京时间17时42分)发生5.2级余震(Lat:392615N Lon:1424455E)

    19、 29.当日18时47分(北京时间17时47分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:394107N Lon:1425618E) 30.当日18时59分(北京时间17时59分)发生5.2级余震(Lat:364210N Lon:1421225E) 31.当日19时10分(北京时间18时10分)发生6.0级余震(Lat:391452N Lon:1424643E) 32.当日19时20分(北京时间18时20分)发生5.6级余震(Lat:365759N Lon:1421721E) 33.当日19时28分(北京时间18时28分)发生5.9级余震(Lat:392648N Lon:1433151E) 34.当日19时3

    20、5分(北京时间18时35分)发生5.3级余震(Lat:370237N Lon:1411752E) 35.当日19时45分(北京时间18时45分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:382757N Lon:1433527E) 36.当日19时52分(北京时间18时52分)发生5.0级余震(Lat:383203N Lon:1432046E) 37.当日19时58分(北京时间18时58分)发生5.1级余震(Lat:390335N Lon:1421246E) 38.当日20时00分(北京时间19时00分)发生5.6级余震(Lat:374846N Lon:1412851E) 39.当日20时10分(北京时间19时

    21、10分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:353204N Lon:1415120E) 40.当日20时13分(北京时间19时13分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:362702N Lon:1414720E) 41.当日20时16分(北京时间19时16分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:363650N Lon:1415338E) 42.当日20时21分(北京时间19时21分)发生5.7级余震(Lat:354533N Lon:1405445E) 43.当日20时44分(北京时间19时44分)发生5.8级余震(Lat:364231N Lon:1421351E) 44.当日20时46分(北京时间19时46分)发生5.8级

    22、余震(Lat:360203N Lon:1410318E) 45.当日20时54分(北京时间19时54分)发生5.1级余震(Lat:365856N Lon:1423207E) 46.当日20时56分(北京时间19时56分)发生5.5级余震(Lat:362122N Lon:1413013E) 47.当日21时04分(北京时间20时04分)发生5.1级余震(Lat:362103N Lon:1424159E) 48.当日21时12分(北京时间20时12分)发生5.9级余震(Lat:380306N Lon:1423231E) 49.当日21时24分(北京时间20时24分)发生5.3级余震(Lat:363

    23、129N Lon:1414226E) 50.当日21时28分(北京时间20时28分)发生5.2级余震(Lat:360958N Lon:1413949E) 51.当日21时33分(北京时间20时33分)发生5.2级余震(Lat:382226N Lon:1423526E) 52.当日21时34分(北京时间20时34分)发生5.3级余震(Lat:365444N Lon:1434410E) 53.当日21时49分(北京时间20时49分)发生5.6级余震(Lat:360928N Lon:1414240E) 54.当日21时54分(北京时间20时54分)发生5.4级余震(Lat:383006N Lon:1

    24、420712E) 55.当日21时59分(北京时间20时59分)发生5.3级余震(Lat:360739N Lon:1414603E) 56.当日22时02分(北京时间21时02分)发生5.3级余震(Lat:364520NLon:1415305E) 57.当日22时15分(北京时间21时15分)发生5.1级余震(Lat:372334N Lon:1415254E) 58.当日22时16分(北京时间21时16分)发生5.8级余震(Lat:361815N Lon:1414349E) 59.当日22时31分(北京时间21时31分)发生5.1级余震(Lat:390908N Lon:1425012E) 60

    25、.当日22时34分(北京时间21时34分)发生5.6级余震(Lat:361457N Lon:1415100E) 61.当日22时42分(北京时间21时42分)发生4.9级余震(Lat:372438N Lon:1420032E) 62.当日22时43分(北京时间21时43分)发生5.6级余震(Lat:385821N Lon:1441232E) 63.当日22时48分(北京时间21时48分)发生5.3级余震(Lat:382535N Lon:1430338E) 64.当日22时55分(北京时间21时55分)发生5.2级余震(Lat:380219N Lon:1424951E),Nuclear Leak

    26、s,This accident is the largest of the 2011 Japanese nuclear accidents arising from the Thoku earthquake and tsunami, and experts consider it to be the second largest nuclear accident after the Chernobyl disaster, but more complex as all reactors are involved.,Elements released: Iodine and Caesium re

    27、leased into the air via steam; and into the water leaking into groundwater or the ocean. very high at “over 1000“ and 750 mSv/h,How to protect you from the earthquake,Three steps: drop, cover, and hold on Dropping, covering your head (and your body by being under a strong table if possible), and hol

    28、ding onto furniture (even if it is moving) offers the best overall level of protection in most situations. In cases where an earthquake is less violent, you might be able to move to a more advantageous position (e.g. away from breaking windows, etc.). As you drop to the floor, cover your head, and h

    29、old on to a solid object. If there is no nearby space below a table or other furniture that can provide protection from these objects, then you should get next to a large piece of furniture such as a sofa, cover your head, and hold on to the furniture when it moves. If there is no furniture, get nex

    30、t to an inside wall if possible. If you are in bed, the best thing to do is to stay where you are and cover your head with a pillow.,In conclusion, the “drop, cover and hold on” protocol, when performed correctly with an awareness of your surroundings, remains the most effective single piece of advice that you can follow when an earthquake occurs.,Value life, value the people around you, life is precious!THANK YOU!,

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