1、Christianity (Bible),A Brief Introduction to Christianity,It started at around 30 AD, Christianity is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Christianity was founded in the first century in Palestine by the disciples of Jesus. Many missionaries spread it. The various books written by Jesus
2、 followers after his death, called the New Testament, along with the Old Testament makes up the Christian Bible. The Bible holds all the teachings of Jesus on how all Christians should live out their lives.,A Brief Introduction to the Bible,The Bible is the foundation of Christianity. It holds the t
3、eachings and expectations for Christians. The Bible consists of 39 books from the Old Testament and 27 books from the New Testament.,the Old Testament (also called the Hebrew Bible) is an account of Gods dealings with the Hebrews as his chosen people. In the Hebrew Bible, the first six books tell ho
4、w the Israelites became a people and settled in the Promised Land, the following seven books describe the development of Israels monarchy and the messages of the prophets, and the last 11 books contain poetry, theology, and some additional historical works.,the New Testament is about the entire book
5、 includes personal stories, poetic works, prophetic stories, Gods laws for his people, and apocalyptic works.,Testament,Covenant,Old Covenant,The agreements between God (Yahweh 耶和华) and Israelites.the Mosaic Covenant, the Sinaitic Covenant or the Torah,Mountain Sinai,Law(律法),Moses,New Covenant,The n
6、ew agreements made between Jesus Christ and Gods people by means of sacrificing of Jesus Christ to save all mankind.,New Testament,Gospels (四大福音书)The Acts of the Apostles(使徒行传)The Epistles (书信)Revelation (启示录),Paul, Peter, John,St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John,Old Testament,the Torach (摩西五经
7、) Historical books (历史书) Writings (诗歌智慧书) Prophets (先知书),The Torach,the Genesis 创世纪 the Exodus 出埃及记 the Leviticus 利未记 the Numbers 民数记 the Deuteronomy 申命记,the Genesis,BeginningGenesis provides the creation story for Judaism and Christianity and begins the history of the Israelite people.,Adam and Eve
8、,God creates “male and female Adam is placed in the Garden of Eden temptation & eating the fruit of the forbidden banished & hardship,Cain and Abel,the sons of Adam and Eve Cain - a farmer Abel - a shepherd Preference for Abel & murderer,Noah and the Flood,build an ark a dove with an olive branch be
9、gin a new life,The Tower of Babel,the Babylonians wanted to build a tower “with its top in the heavens.“ God got angry confused the languages of the workers unfinished,The gate to the heaven,Ten Commandments -The Exodus(出埃及记),Moses ascended the mountain Sinai and received the tablets of stone while
10、the children of Israel heard the thundering forth of the Ten Commandments. Inspired, the people agreed to the conditions of the Covenant.,mediator,Ten Commandments -The Exodus,a code of law regulating the social and religious life of the people “pilgrimage”,Passover,In the narrative of the Exodus, t
11、he Bible tells that God inflicted ten plagues upon the Egyptians before Pharaoh(法老) would release his Hebrew slaves, with the tenth plague being the killing of all of the firstborn. The Hebrews were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a spring lamb and, upon seeing this
12、, the spirit of the Lord passed over these homes, hence the term “passover“.,Passover Festival,“The Festival of the Unleavened Bread“,the Leviticus is not just a collection of rituals; one may justifiably seek a moral basis behind every ritual act. the Numbers: population census in new generation the Deuteronomy: to restate Ten Commandments,The end,