1、珠海市普通高中 2017 届高考高三英语 3 月模拟考试试题(五)满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。第 I 卷(选择题,共 90 分)第一部分英语知识运用第一节单项填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从每题所给的 4 个选项中选出最佳选项。1 I guess the key to the problem is the choice “A” _AThats it BThats great CThats OK DThats all right2How _Jenny was!Aa nice girl Bnice girl Ca girl nice Dnice a girl3
2、Life is like riding a bicycle_ your balance, you must keep movingAKeeping BTo keep CKeep DBeing kept4_, Scarlett never seems able to do the work satisfactorilyATry as hard she will BTrying hard as she willCTry hard as she will DTrying as hard she will5More water and the young trees _Acouldnt have di
3、ed Bneednt have diedCshouldnt have died Dmustnt have died6Americans _ sent a message to the world _ they have never been just a collection of red tates and blue statesAwho; that B/; / C/; that Dthat; what7Nobody but the workers here and those who are invited _into the studio Aare admitted Bare admit
4、ting Cis admitted Dis admitting8_ positive intentions, you feel more empowered and more like a “victor” than a “victim”AWith focused on BA focus on CWith focusing on DWith a focus on9Williams takes _encouraging when so many students attend his lectureAit by Bit as Cby it Das it10 Dont go out, please
5、Its raining heavily outside_I have to meet my brother at the airportAYes, I will BYes, I wont CNo, I will DNo, I wont第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 30 分)从每题所给的 4 个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。Several years ago, Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises, spoke of the relation of work to oneother obli
6、gations: Imagine life as a(n) 11 in which you are juggling( 玩杂耍) some five balls in the airYou 12 them work, family, health, friends and spirit and youre keeping all of these in the airYou will soon understand that 13 is a rubber ballIf you 14 it, it will bounce backBut 15 four balls family, health,
7、 friends and spirit are made of 16 If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed ( 不可改变地磨损), marked, nicked, 17 or even shattered ( 破碎) They will never be the 18 You must understand that and struggle for balance in your lifeHow? Dont weaken your worth by 19 yourself with othersIt is bec
8、ause we are different that each of us is specialDont 20 your goals by what other people think importantOnly you know what is best for youDont take for 21 the things closest to your heartHold onto them 22 as they would be your life, for 23 them, life is meaninglessDont give up when you still have som
9、ething to giveNothing is really over until 24 you stop trying Dont 25 love out of your life by saying its impossible to findThe quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to 26 love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wingsDont be 27 to learnKnowle
10、dge is 28 , but a treasure you can always carry easilyLife is not a race, but a journey to enjoy each step of the way29 is history, Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a(n) 30 : thats why we call it “The Present”11 Aactivity Bmatch Cgame Daim12Afind Bname Cmake Dhave13Awork Bspirit Cfamily Dfriends14
11、Adrop Bbreak Cthrow Dhit15Aothers Bother Canother Dthe other16Arubber Bglass Cwood Dair17Adisappeared Bvanished Cshocked Ddamaged18Aones Bball Csame Dused19Acomparing Bconnecting Creminding Dcalling20Arequire Bset Clet Dput21Agranted Bordered Cfixed Dit22Alightly Btightly Csmoothly Dfunny23Aalong wi
12、th Bboth of Cwithout Dout of24Athe first Bwhile Cthat Dthe moment25Aget Bset Cshut Dask for26Aaccept Bleave Cget Dlose27Aafraid Bconfused Clate Dsad28Aheavy Beverything Cmoney Dweightless29AHistory BYesterday CTime DLife30Aappeal Bgift Castonishment Dwonder第二部分阅读理解第一节阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下
13、列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C 和 D)中,选择最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADont Ban ExamsWhile a new school term is about to begin, perhaps we should reconsider the matter of examinationsIn July, two writers praised the cancellation of exams because they believe “test dont tell the whole story”As a teacher who has worked in f
14、our countries, I have had the experience that a student who earns good marks is generally a good student, and that a students final mark in a subject is usually an average of the years workOf course there are exceptions, but they do not have the frequency that would give an unfair picture of a stude
15、nts abilityThe simple fact is that proper class work, diligent exam studies and good marks are almost certain indicators of a students future performanceThe opposite, almost certainly, incompetence There is no acceptable substitute for competition and examination of qualityHow can teachers and futur
16、e officials determine what a student has learned and remembered? Should we simply take the students word for it? Any institution that “liberates” students from fair and formal exams is misguided if not ignorantAnd surely the graduates of such institutions will lack trustworthiness, not to mention be
17、ing rejected by foreign universities for post graduates or other studiesWhen all is said and done, I sense that a fear of failure and a fear of unpleasant comparison with others is at the bottom of most ban exam talkExcellence and quality fear nothingOn the contrary, they seek competition31What does
18、 the underlined word “cancellation” in the first paragraph mean ?AA decision to support somethingBA plan to do something CA decision to stop something from happeningDA decision that has already been arranged32Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?AThe writer has worked in four countriesBAll the stud
19、ents are afraid of examsCDiligent exam studies and good marks are almost certain indicators of a students future performanceDAny institution that “liberates” students from fair and formal exams is misguided if not ignorant33Which is NOT right according to the passage?ASome people believe that test c
20、ant tell the whole storyBNothing can take the place of examsCAll the students will get good marks in the examsDExcellence and quality fear nothing34The writer writes this passage to _Atell people that exams cant be cancelled Bblame the two writersCpersuade the two writers Dtell a storyBMrsBrown was
21、tired after her days shopping in London, so she went into a restaurant for a cup of tea before catching the train homeWhen she had ordered her tea, she suddenly remembered that she had to buy some medicine for her husband, who had a cough“Is there a chemists near here?” she asked the waiter“Yes, mad
22、amIts only about three minutes walk awayTurn right when you go out of the restaurant, then take the second turning on the leftYoull find a big chemists about a hundred yards up the roads on the right hand sideIt closes at five, but if you hurry, youll just get there in time ”MrsBrown followed the wa
23、iters direction carefully and found the chemists shop without any difficultyShe bought the cough mixture and started to make her way back to the restaurantShe had left all her shopping thereBut after she had walked for about ten minutes and there was still no sign of the restaurant, she realized tha
24、t she must have made a mistakeThen a policeman camp up and asked if he could helpMrsBrown explained what had happed “Well, first of all,” said the policeman, “we had better go back as far as the chemists ”“Now,” suggested the policeman, when they got to the chemists, “lets go in this directionIt lea
25、ds to the main road, where we shall probably find your restaurant ”When they reached the main road, the policeman said, “I think youll find the restaurant, along there, on the opposite side of the road ”MrsBrown said, “Thanks very muchI cant understand how I went wrong ”The policeman said with a smi
26、le, “Its quite easy to get lost in a big city like London ”35What did MrsBrown do in London at that time? She Adid her shopping there Bspent her holidays thereCwent to a chemists for her cough Dpaid a visit to the famous city36At the chemists shop MrsBrown Abought some chemicals Bpaid for some mixtu
27、re for her husbands diseaseCbought some medicine for herself Dwanted to call on the chemist37Having bought some medicine, MrsBrown hurried to Areturn home Bgo to the stationCgo to a policeman Dmake her way to where she had stayed for tea38Why did the policeman say “Its quite easy to get lost in a bi
28、g city like London”?ATo remind her of the large size of London BTo warn her not to be so careless next timeCTo comfort her DTo tell her that he cant help her any moreCBarack Obama has never been shy about comparing himself with Abraham LincolnHe did so when he announced his presidential election in
29、Illinois, where both he and Lincoln served in the legislature ( 立法机关) “The life of a tall, thin, self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible ” Obama said “He tells us that there is power in words and that is power in conviction ( 信仰) ” Such comparisons have continued on
30、 big and small occasions, but the most important similarity, in Obamas mind, is how he plans to govern if electedObama says he admires Doris Kearns Goodwins wonderful Lincoln biography, Team of Rivals “He talks about it all the time ” says a top assistant “He is particularly interested in the idea t
31、hat Lincoln successfully won the hearts of many people who had run against him for President; some of them even disagree with him firmly ” “The lesson is that you shouldnt let your hatred get in the way of hiring absolutely the best people ” says Obama “I think American people are practical and so I
32、 have an interest in casting a wide net, seeking out people with a wide range of expert knowledge, including Republicans, for the highest positions in the government “I dont want to have people who just agree with me ” He says, “I want people who are continually pushing me forward and Id be very int
33、erested in having those sorts of Republicans in my government especially people who can speed up a responsible and logical conclusion to the Iraq war“39According to Barack Obama, the biggest similarity between Lincoln and himself in Athey both lived in Illinois Bthey served in the same officeCboth o
34、f them are black Dthey have the same idea in governing40Obama is willing to cooperate with those who disagree with him because Ahe is interested in Republicans ideasBhe doesnt want to show his hatred to the publicCthey have the highest positions in the governmentDthey may push him to make right deci
35、sions41The author wrote the passage to Acompare Obama and Lincoln Bhelp Obama to win more supportCtell us something about Obama Dannounce Obamas political ideas42What can we infer from the passage?AObama is a member of the RepublicansBThe passage was written after the presidential electionCDoris Goo
36、dwin is one of Obamas assistantsDIn the end Lincoln was able to get the support of the people who once hated himDBeginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore, new challenges to be met and many ecisions to be made Your future begins hereHowever, you will find college life is different from you
37、r previous school environmentMany of s can be easily overwhelmed ( 压垮) by the details of running a well-balanced lifeWhile some of us ay have the know-how, I guess there are more of us who can benefit from learning about the xperiences of others who have walked the college halls before youThe follow
38、ing you may find of use about life on campusPlan wellThere are so many new things to do at a new college or universityGive yourself time o make new friends and become familiar with the campus, but dont forget why you are thereGive ome time for social activities and manage your time wiselyIf you dont
39、 have a “system” for planning your time now (like a day timer, a computer date book), et oneMost of all, dont depend on your memoryDont miss the guidelinesThe restrictions, rules and regulations of all kinds can usually be found n your student handbookConsider them well-balanced food for thoughtWhat
40、 dates are important?What pieces of paper need to be handed in? What can /cant you do in class? What can /cant you do in our student residence ( 住处)? Who has right for what? What do you need to complete to graduate? rite the word “STUDY” on the walls of your bedroom and bathroom, and maybe it will h
41、elp to rite it on a piece of paper and stick it on the telephone, TV and the kitchen tableConsider this you re paying thousands of dollars for your courses You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a ourseBuild your identityThis is the time for you to decide what to do and what not to doTake
42、as much time as you need to explore new ideas Do not be afraid of the beyondThis is learning to make ood choices43What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo offer advice on college life BTo explain why college life is excitingCTo describe the importance of college life DTo persuade you to go to col
43、lege44According to the text, why is it exciting to begin college life? Because Ayou will have more freedom at collegeByou will no longer be afraid of the beyondCyou prepare for your future career and life thereDprofessors there will provide you with many new ideas45What is the probable meaning of th
44、e underlined word “know-how”?AAn understanding of how things are going at collegeBPractical knowledge about how to behave and what to do at collegeCCollege halls where rules and regulations are presentedDAn environment completely different from the one youre used to46According to the text, college s
45、tudents Aneednt learn from those who went to college beforeBspend as much time as possible on social activitiesCshould know what they have right for on campusDare supposed to repeat or replace at least one courseESusie May Isaacs, my great-grandmother, was a beautiful woman, both in person and in sp
46、irit She was born in a boat in Western OklahomaDuring the eleven years I knew her I received the gifts of witnessing determination, courage, love and perseveranceMa lost her leg when she was 83 due to poor circulation and was told she would be in a wheelchair the rest of her lifeThe doctors were ast
47、onished when she left the hospital using a cane and had named her new wooden leg “Peggy”In 1982 Ma had a heart attack and was diagnosed with heart failureDuring the weeks she was in ICU( 加护病房), the hospital did not allow children to visitMa became very upset and refused to eat until she was allowed to see her sixteen great-grandchildrenWe all had received bibles from her as babies which were filled with clippings ( 剪报) of jokes and stories When we saw Ma, she gave