1、大学生电脑主页 - 大学生喜欢的都在这里大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通建筑环境与设备工程专业教学文件汇编上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院二八年六月i目 录CONTENT页码 文件名Page Filename1 培养计划说明5 Program Guide9 教学进程表14 Teaching Process Table24 必修课课程简介与教学大纲Breif Introduction and Teaching Program for Compulsory Courses25 BE201 建筑概论课程简介Introduction - Introduction to Architecture26 B
2、E201 建筑概论教学大纲Teaching Program - Introduction to Architecture31 BE202 流体力学泵与风机课程简介Introduction - Fluid Dynamic and Fluid Machinery32 BE202 流体力学泵与风机教学大纲Teaching Program - Fluid Dynamic and Fluid Machinery36 BE301 建筑环境学课程简介Introduction - Built Environment37 BE301 建筑环境学教学大纲Teaching Program - Built Envir
3、onment41 BE302 建筑环境测试技术课程简介Introduction - Measurement Technology of Building Environment42 BE302 建筑环境测试技术教学大纲Teaching Program - Measurement Technology of Building Environment45 BE303 流体输配管网课程简介Introduction - Pipeline Network for Fluid Transmission and Distribution46 BE303 流体输配管网教学大纲iiTeaching Progra
4、m - Pipeline Network for Fluid Transmission and Distribution51 BE304 热质交换原理与设备课程简介Introduction - Principle and Equipment of Heat however the minimum credit must be achieved each semester. The total period of study is generally no more than 6 years.(2) According to the requirement of this program, wh
5、en obtaining the required 8minimum credit, the student can graduate and is awarded a bachelors degree of engineering.5. Structure of the course systemThe specialty course system is comprised of Humanities and Social Sciences, Economical and Management, Commonality Basis, Discipline Basis, the Forela
6、nd of the Specialty and so on. The Discipline Basis and the Foreland of the Specialty includes: engineering thermaldynamics, mechanics engineering, architectural and environmental engineering and so on. This provides the students with knowledge structure for modern science and technology development
7、, solid theoretical foundation and comprehensive special knowledge of research and development, control and management for building environment and equipment engineering. The specialty courses are emphasized in solving practical problems with theoretical knowledge. The computer and control technolog
8、y also plays a key role in the application of building environment and equipment engineering. The arrangement of the credit and credit hour is shown as follows:Course CategoryRequired course hour(credit)Elective course hour( credit) proportionHumanities and Social Sciences 180(10) 108(6) 10.5%Common
9、ality Basis 758(43) 396(21) 42.1%Discipline Basis 911(51) 216(12) 41.1%Specialty Course 174(10) 6.3%Total 2023(114) 720(39) 100%6. Main course systemThe main course of this specialty includes: engineering thermodynamics, heat transfer, built environment, measurement technology for building environme
10、nt, basic of mechanical design, electrical engineering and electronic technology, autocontrol principle, pipe-network for fluid supply, principle and equipment of heat and mass transfer, HVAC, building automatization, etc.7. Practical teaching program and arrangement for computerPractical teaching p
11、rogram is emphasized, especially the main specialty course design and undergraduate project. Practical teaching program and practice on computer are arranged as follows:9Serial NO. Course Week Credit Remarks1 Military Training 2 42 Teaching Practice (Metalworking Practice) 4 63 Mechanical Design Ter
12、m Project 2 34 Specialty Term Project 6 9 On computer50 credit hours5 Graduate practice 4 65 Undergraduate Project (Thesis) 16 27 On computer 100 credit hours6 Average time on computer 3008 Humanities and Social Sciences 1629 Course experiment 166 credit hoursTotal 34 558. Arrangement and requiremen
13、t of after-class practice(1) The practice activity of l Humanities and Social Sciences is arranged unifiedly.(2) The students are encouraged to visit modern corporations and research departments in their vacations, and also to participate social practices, administration managements, to know the soc
14、iety, to understand the society, also to improve their ability and broaden their vision.(3) The students are encouraged to participating science and technology activities. They can apply for the fund and will be assigned with a tutor. The students who get award in nation and province level are given
15、 priority to election of “excellent students” and admission to graduate school exempt from normally mandatory admission examinations.(4) Senior professors and famous experts and scholars are invited to give academic lectures each term. To improve their academic communication ability, students are al
16、lowed to have discussions with these superiors and can express their learning experience or introduce their own topic which they are interested in.9. Requirements for graduationThe students who have finished compulsory courses, elective courses, experiment courses and practical courses as well as ga
17、ined eligible grades and pass the thesis defense, with 208 credits in all, are allowed to graduate.10建筑环境与设备工程专业教学进程表学时类型分配课内 课外推荐学期周学时分配课程代码课程名称学分 学时讲课 实验 实践 上机课程设计1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8公共课程人文社科类(按要求修完以下学分后,还须从通选课程模块选人文社科类选修课 6 学分)必修课须修满全部TH021 中国近现代史纲要 2.0 54 36 18 2.0 TH004 军事理论 1.0 36 18 18 1.0 TH026 思
18、想道德修养与法律基础 2.0 54 36 18 2.0 TH025 毛邓三重要思想概论 3.0 90 54 36 3.0 TH024 马克思主义基本原理 2.0 54 36 18 2.0 经济管理类选修课经管类选修课:全部修业期间须选满 4 学分 IO201 工业工程导论 2 36 36 2.0 PO202 能源与可持续发展 2 36 30 6 2.0 EV009 环境工程导论(A 类) 2 36 36 2.0 AM001 管理基础 2 36 36 2.0 EC201 工程经济学(A 类) 2 36 36 2.0 自然科学类必修课须修满全部MA082 高等数学(F 类)(1) 6.0 108
19、108 6.0 MA083 高等数学(F 类)(2) 4.0 72 72 4.0 MA012 线性代数(B 类) 2.5 45 45 2.5 PH001 大学物理(A 类)(1) 4.0 72 72 4.0 PH006 大学物理实验(1) 1.5 27 27 1.5 PH002 大学物理(A 类)(2) 4.0 72 72 4.0 PH007 大学物理实验(2) 1.5 27 27 1.5 MA031 概率论与数理统计(A 类) 2.5 45 45 2.5 选修课自然科学选修课:全部修业期间须选满 6 学分;其中数学模型和复变函数必选一门CA001 大学化学 2.0 36 36 2.0 CA0
20、02 大学化学实验 2.0 36 36 2.0 BI001 生命科学导论 2.0 36 36 2.0 MA034 复变函数(B 类) 2.5 45 45 2.5 11MA023 数学模型 2.0 36 36 2.0 外语类必修课须修满全部EN001 大学英语(1) 4.0 72 72 4.0 EN002 大学英语(2) 4.0 72 72 4.0 EN003 大学英语(3) 4.0 72 72 4.0 选修课外语选修课:全部修业期间须选满 4 学分EN004 大学英语(4-能力) 4.0 72 72 4.0 体育类(按以下要求修完学分后,还须从通选课模块选体育类选修课 1 学分)必修课须修满全
21、部PE001 体育(1) 1.0 36 36 1.0 PE002 体育(2) 1.0 36 36 1.0 选修课体育选修课:全部修业期间须选满 2 学分PE003 体育(3) 1.0 36 36 1.0 PE004 体育(4) 1.0 36 36 1.0 计算机类必修课须修满全部CS000 计算机文化基础 0.0 0 0.0 CS053 程序设计基础(C+) 3.0 72 36 36 3.0 ME351 工程应用软件(1)(CAD-UG) 2.0 36 18 18 2.0 选修课 计算机选修课:全部修业期间须选满 4 学分 ME201 图形处理技术 2.0 36 24 12 2.0 ME356
22、 工程应用软件(6)(CAM-UG) 2.0 36 18 18 2.0 ME352工程应用软件(2)(CAE-ANSYS)2.0 36 18 18 2.0 ME353工程应用软件(3)(CAE-ADAMS)2.0 36 18 18 2.0 ME354工程应用软件(4)(CAE-FLUENT)2.0 36 18 18 2.0 ME355工程应用软件(5)(CAE-Matlab/simulink)2.0 36 18 18 2.0 专业课程学科基础类必修课须修满全部ME101 机械设计(1) (图学 1) 2 36 30 6 2.0 12ME103 机械与动力工程前沿 2 36 36 2.0 ME1
23、02 机械设计(1)(图学 2) 2 36 15 12 9 2.0 ME202 机械工程导论 2 36 36 2.0 EM001 理论力学(D 类) 4.5 81 73 8 4.5 EM015 材料力学(E 类) 2.5 45 45 2.5 PO201 工程热力学(C 类)(1) 2 36 36 2.0 EE007 电工与电子技术(C 类) 3.5 63 63 3.5 EE008 电工与电子技术(C 类)实验1.5 27 27 1.5 BE201 建筑概论 2 36 36 2.0 BE202 流体力学泵与风机 4 72 72 4.0 PO303 工程热力学(C 类)(2) 1.5 27 27
24、1.5 PO306 传热传质学 3.5 63 54 9 3.5 ME316 机械设计基础 3 54 50 4 3.0 ME308 控制理论基础(1) 3 54 50 4 3.0 BE301 建筑环境学 2.5 45 45 2.5 BE302 建筑环境测试技术 2 36 32 4 2.0 BE303 流体输配管网 2.5 45 41 4 2.5 BE304 热质交换原理与设备 2 36 32 4 2.0 BE305 施工组织与管理 2 36 36 2.0 BE306 建筑设备自动化 2 36 36 2.0 选修课 学科基础选修课:全部修业期间须选满 8 学分 ME314 控制技术(3)(计算机控
25、制系统)2 36 30 6 2.0 BE307 燃气供应 2 36 36 2.0 BE308 建筑给排水 2 36 36 2.0 PO402 计算流体与传热 2.5 45 36 9 2.5 BE401 暖通空调典型工程分析 2.0 36 36 2.0 BE402 建筑电气 2 36 36 2.0 BE403 空气污染控制与洁净技术 2 36 36 2.0 任意选修课:全部修业期间须选满 4 学分(本模块纳入学院全部选修课,并增加以下 3 门课程) BE404 智能建筑 2.0 36 36 2.0 BE405 热泵技术 2.0 36 36 2.0 BE406 建筑防火与防排烟 2.0 36 36
26、 2.0 ME460 CIMS 导论(A 类) 1.5 27 23 4 1.5ME466MEMS 技术(微电子机械系统导论)2.0 36 30 4 2 2.0CS013 VB 编程技术 2.0 36 24 12 2.0ME022板成型加工技术及其数值模拟2.0 36 36 2.0ME479 产品全生命周期设计 2.0 36 32 4 2.013AM011 产品数据管理(PDM)技术 2.0 36 28 8 2.0ME489产品现代设计理论、方法及工具2.0 36 36 2.0ME462 成组技术 1.5 27 27 1.5ME484 创新产品协同开发技术 2.0 36 36 2.0BI019
27、低温生物医学及其应用 2.0 36 36 2.0ME478 反求设计与快速原型制造 2.0 36 34 2 2.0ME025 工程塑性理论基础 1.0 18 18 1.0NU465 核电厂控制保护与核测 2.0 36 36 2.0NU464 核科学与核技术前沿 1.0 18 18 1.0NU463 核燃料管理与优化 2.0 36 36 2.0EV004 环境保护概论(A 类) 2.0 36 36 2.0EV005 环境材料与绿色制造 2.0 36 36 2.0ME475 机电系统与设备 1.5 17 17 1.5ME468 机器人学导论 1.5 17 17 1.5PO466机械结构设计的计算机
28、分析与应用2.0 36 22 14 2.0EM451 计算流体力学 2.0 36 36 2.0EM016 计算流体力学应用基础 2.0 36 36 2.0AV466空天产品结构设计与制造的信息化技术2.0 36 22 14 2.0ME482 快速成型与快速模具技术 2.0 36 36 2.0PO460 内燃机电子控制技术 2.0 36 32 4 2.0ME023 纳米技术与制造 2.0 36 36 2.0PO477 能源管理 2.0 36 36 2.0PO471 能源与生态 2.0 36 36 2.0IM002 企业信息化与知识工程 2.0 36 36 2.0PO462 汽车动力系统与匹配 2
29、.0 36 32 4 2.0PO465 汽车节能技术与原理 2.0 36 36 2.0PO003 汽车网络技术概论 2.0 36 36 2.0PO474 人工环境 2.0 36 36 2.0ME488 数控技术 2.0 36 36 2.0ME461 特种加工 1.5 27 21 6 1.5ME464系统集成芯片(SOC)设计入门2.0 36 32 2 2 2.0PO002 系统节能基础 2.0 36 36 2.0ME467 先进电子制造导论 2.0 36 36 4 2.0NU461 先进核能系统及综合利用 2.0 36 36 2.0ME487 先进塑性成型技术专题讲座 1.0 18 18 1.
30、0PO484 现代车身制造质量控制 2.0 36 36 2.0PO464 现代轿车新技术 2.0 36 34 2 2.0PO472 现代楼宇空调控制技术 2.0 36 28 8 2.014ME480 现代物流装备技术 2.0 36 32 4 2.0PO478 新能源发电技术 2.0 36 32 4 2.0PO476 制冷空调学科前沿 2.0 36 36 2.0ME465 智能传感器系统 2.0 36 36 2.0ME469 智能化技术 1.5 27 27 1.5ME024自由曲线曲面在工业设计中的应用2.0 36 36 2.0专业方向类必修课须修满全部 10 学分BE309 锅炉与锅炉房设备
31、2.0 36 34 2 2.0 BE310 空调用制冷技术 2.0 36 32 4 2.0 BE311建筑环境与设备工程学科前沿1.0 18 18 1.0 BE407 暖通空调 3.0 54 50 4 3.0 BE408 建筑节能与太阳能利用 2.0 36 34 2 2.0 实践教学课程各类实习必修课须修满全部ME008 教学实习(金工) 6.0 108 108 6.0 XP443生产实习(建筑环境与设备工程)6.0 108 108 6.0 军训必修课须修满全部TH010 军训 3.0 54 54 3.0 专业设计必修课须修满全部ME318 机械设计基础课程设计 3.0 54 54 3.0 B
32、E312 制冷课程设计 3.0 54 54 3.0 BE313 锅炉课程设计 1.5 27 27 1.5 BE409 暖通空调课程设计 4.5 81 81 4.5 BS026毕业设计(论文)(建筑环境与设备工程)27.0 486 486 27.015Teaching Process Table for the Specialty of Building Environment and Equipment Engineering assignment of different credit hourin class after classrecommended credit hour assig
33、nment for weekscourse sortcourse codeCourse Title creditcredit hourlecture experiment practicecomputer practiceterm project1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8compulsory course(10credits)TH021 Chinese Modern History Outline 2 54 36 18 2 TH004 Military Theory 1 36 18 18 1 Th026Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Fundam
34、entals of Law2 54 36 18 2 TH025Introduction of Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and Three Represents3 90 54 18 3 Humanities and social sciencesTH024 Basic Principle of Marxism 2 54 36 18 2 elective courses(4 credits)select 4 of 10EC201 Engineering Economics (A) 2 36 36 2 IO201 Introduction t
35、o Industrial Engineering 2 36 36 2 AM001 The Basics of Management 2 36 36 2 EV009Introduction to Environment Engineering (A)2 36 36 2 Common coursesEconomic and managementPO202Energy Resource and Sustainable Development2 36 30 6 2 16compulsory course(26credits)MA082 Advanced Mathematics I (F) 6 108
36、108 6 PH001 Physics I (A) 4 72 72 4 PH006 Physics Lab. I 1.5 27 27 1.5 MA083 Advanced Mathematics II (F) 4 72 72 4 MA012 Linear Algebra (B) 2.5 45 45 2.5 PH002 Physics II (A) 4 72 72 4 PH007 Physics Lab. II 1.5 27 27 1.5 MA031 Probability and Statistics 2.5 45 45 2.5 elective courses(6 credits)CA001
37、 College Chemistry 2 36 36 2 CA002 Chemistry Lab. 2 36 36 2 BI001 Introduction to Life Science 2 36 36 2 select one of followingsMA034 Complex Functions (B) 2.5 45 45 2.5 Natural scienceMA023 Mathematical Modeling 2 36 36 2 compulsory course(10credits)EN001 College English I 4 72 72 4 EN002 College
38、English II 4 72 72 4 EN003 College English III 4 72 72 4 elective courses(4 credits)Foreign languageEN004 College English IV-ability 4 72 72 4 compulsory course(2credits)SportsPE001 Sports I 1 36 36 2 17PE002 Sports II 1 36 36 2 elective courses(6 credits)select 2 credits during the total coursesPE0
39、03 Sports III 1 36 36 2 select 1 credit during the special coursesPE004 Sports IV 1 36 36 2 compulsory course(5credits)CS000 Basic of Computer Culture 0 0 0 0 CS053Introduction of Programming Design (C+)3 72 36 36 4 ME351 Engineering Software I (CAD-UG) 2 36 18 18 2 elective courses(4 credits)ME201
40、Graphics Technique 2 36 24 12 2 ME356 Engineering Software VI (CAM-UG) 2 36 18 18 2 ME352Engineering Software II (CAE-ANSYS)2 36 18 18 2 ME353Engineering Software III (CAE-ADAMS)2 36 18 18 2 ME354Engineering Software IV (CAE-FLUENT)2 36 18 18 2 ComputerME355Engineering Software V (CAE-Matlab/simulin
41、k)2 36 18 18 2 assignment of different credit hourcourse sortcourse codeCourse Title creditcredit hour in class after classrecommended credit hour assignment for weeks18lecture experiment practicecomputer practiceterm project1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8compulsory course(51.5credits)ME101Machine Design I (descrip
42、tive geometry I )2 36 30 6 2 ME103Frontier of Mechanical and Power Engineering2 36 36 2 ME202 Introduction to Mechanical Engnieering 2 36 36 2 ME102Machine Design I (descriptive geometry II )2 36 15 12 9 2 EM001 Theoretical Mechanics (D) 4.5 81 73 8 4.5 EM015 Strength of Materials (E) 2.5 45 45 2.5
43、EE007Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology (C)3.5 63 63 3.5 EE008Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology (C) Lab.1.5 27 27 1.5 PO201 Engineering Thermodynamics I 2 36 36 2 BE201 Introduction to Architecture 2 36 36 2 BE202 Fluid dynamic and Fluid machinery 4 72 72 4 PO306 Heat an
44、d Mass Transfer 3.5 63 54 9 3.5 ME316 Basic of Mechanical Design 3 54 50 4 3 BE302Mesurement Technology for Building Environment2 36 32 4 2 BE301 Built Environment 2.5 45 45 2.5 Special coursesSubject basicME308 Fundamentals of Control Theory I 3 54 50 4 3 19BE303Pipeline network for Fluid Transmission and Distribution2.5 45 41 4 2.5 BE304Principle and Equipment of Heat and Mass Transfer2 36 32 4 2 BE306 Building Equipment Automation 2 36 36 2 PO304 Thermal Energy and Power Lab. 1 18 18 1 BE305Construction Orgnization and Management2 36 36 2 elective coursessubject basic elective cou