1、Chapter Eleven,Translation of Long Sentences,长句翻译三步走:,(1)拎出主干,梳理结构,条缕分明。 (2)从容表达,化长为短,点滴不漏 (3)译后诵读,加工润改,消除译痕。,The Tennessee Class Size Project,The Tennessee project on the effectiveness of small classes and of teachers aids has had three phases: Phase 11985-1989. The educational system of Tennessee
2、carried out a four-year experiment, called Project STAR (for Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio), to assess the effectiveness of small classes compared with regular-sized classes and of teachers aids in regular-sized classes on improving cognitive achievement in kindergarten and in the first, second,
3、 and third grades.,Phase 21989-. The Lasting Benefits Study (LBS) was an observational study of the consequences of the experimental program on children when they returned to regular-sized classes in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades and beyond. This research phase asked whether the children who s
4、tarted in the smaller classes performed better in later grades. Only students who had been in the experiment (Phase 1) could contribute data on this second phase.,Phase 31989-. Project Challenge implemented the small classes in kindergarten and in the first, second, and third grades in the 17 distri
5、cts of Tennessee where children are highly at risk of dropping out early. These districts have the lowest average incomes in the state.,Small Class Size Boosts Test Scores Later,1.Smaller class sizes in early grades translated into students scoring higher on math tests in Tennessees experiment to se
6、e if smaller classes improved education, a study said on Friday.,田纳西州进行了一项旨在了解小班教学是否能够改进教育的实验,实验得出结论:低年级的小班教学能够使学生在高年级时获得数学测试的高分。一项研究周五如是说。,2.Based on Tennessees 20-year experiment, which randomly placed public school students in smaller classes(13-17 students) or larger classes (22-26 students) in
7、the four years from kindergarten through third grade, the study compared subsequent test scores when the students reached ninth grade.,田纳西州的这项实验跨时20年,公立学校的学生在从幼儿园到三年级的四年中被随机分配到小班(13-17人)或大班(22-26人)中去学习,然后该研究以此为基础,比较了这些学生升入九年级后的学习成绩。,3.The study, published in the current issue of the Journal of Exper
8、imental Education, found significant increases in ninth-grade math test scores among students who had spent early grades in smaller classes, with the gains even more pronounced among minority students.,这项研究(发表在最近一期的Journal of Experimental Education杂志上)发现,低年级以小班形式接受教育的学生在九年级时数学测试的成绩有显著的提高,而少数族裔的学生的胜出
9、则更为明显。,4.Our analyses suggest that class size effects persist for at least six years and remain large enough to be important for educational policy,” said Barbara Nye of Tennessee State University, which performed the study jointly with the University of Chicago.,“我们的分析表明,班级大小的影响持续至少六年,其影响之大以致对教育政策产
10、生重要影响。” 田纳西州州立大学的Barbara Nye说。该大学和芝加哥大学携手进行了这项研究。,5.Chicago sociologist Larry Hedges theorized that smaller class sizes provided more opportunities for individualized instruction and cut down on disruptions.,芝加哥的社会学家Larry Hedges 在理论山总结道,小型班级提供了更多的个性化教育的机会,从而减少了教学的无序。,6.“For example, with small class
11、es, teachers can identify and remedy incipient problems among students at risk for low achievement,” Hedges said.,“例如,小班上课,教师对有可能成绩低的学生的问题能够识别并解决于萌芽状态。”Hedges 说。,7.The small class size experiment was begun in Tennessee in the early 1980s to determine if class size would affect learning, and eventual
12、ly included 79 elementary schools.,小型班级的实验在20世纪80年代初始于田纳西州,目的在于测定班级的大小是否影响学习,这项实验最终有79所小学参与。,Rearrange the word order (C-E),译者不必过分强调忠实于原文的整个句型。 可以发挥自己的积极性,大幅度调整译文语序,使之更合逻辑,更符合译入语的习惯。,1.外婆是一个典型的旧式家庭妇女。她一辈子没有工作过,也没有上过学,不认识字,在我们的印象里,她总是蹒跚着一双小脚,日复一日地做着永远也做不完的家务事。 译文:Granny was a typical housewife of the
13、 old-fashioned family. She had never been to school, and utterly illiterate, had never had a job. In our collections, she had always been tottering about on her “bound feet” busying herself with the seemingly endless household chores.,2.我告诉他,家有老母常年患病,我离国已六七年,想回去看老母,至多两年就回来。 译文:I told him that I had
14、been abroad six or seven years and that I had to go home to see my old mother, who had been ill for a long time. However, I assured that I would come back in two years.,3. 太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省的南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲的中心地带。这里物产丰富,气候温和,温差不大,雨量偏少。大多数时间阳光灿烂,万里晴空,是适合全年的旅游胜地。 译文:Wuxi, the pearl on the Tai Lake, lies in t
15、he south of Jiangsu Province, the center of the beautiful and rich Changjiang Delta. The mildness of its climate, with slight temperature variations and infrequent rainfall, combined with a high average level of sunshine and brilliant skies, all make it ideal for tourism all the year around.,4. 近日,中
16、国一位首席科学家在华东福建省福州市宣布,中国很快可实现成功克隆素有“地球活化石”之称的大熊猫。 译文:Cloning of the giant panda, known as a “living fossil (on earth),” may soon be achieved in China, a leading Chinese scientist announced recently in Fuzhou City, East Chinas Fujian Province.,注意:,1. 切莫走向另一个极端:在任何情况下都要颠倒原汉语的语序。 2.汉语动词较多,句内各种关系较复杂。英译时,如
17、根据通常的英语行文习惯,频繁地颠倒语序,会使译文的关系过于复杂化,从而增大了阅读的难度。这时可考虑尽量采用汉语的逻辑顺序,先发生的事件优先叙述,从而提高译文的可读性。 3.应尽量多用主动句,以提高长译文的清晰度。,评标委员会对有效标书进行评审,决定中标者。评标委员会签发决标书后,由市土地局按标书订明的地址对中标者发出中标证明书。 译文1:The tender assessment panel having assessed all valid tenders shall decide upon the successful tenderer, to whom the Land Bureau s
18、hall, after a selection notice has been issued by the tender assessment panel, issue at the address shown in the tender form an acceptance notice. 译文2:The Municipal Land Bureau shall, having assessed all valid tenders, issue to the successful tenderer at the address shown in the Tender Form an Accep
19、tance Notice after a Selection Notice has been issued by the Tender Assessment Panel. 改译:The tender assessment panel, having assessed all valid tenders, shall decide upon the successful tenderer and issue to this tenderer a selection notice, on the strength of which the Land Bureau shall issue an ac
20、ceptance notice to this tenderer at the address shown in the tender form.,多层次并列关系的处理(C-E),“汉语在表现法中历来注重语法结构中的重复及对仗”(刘宓庆,1992:268),因此汉语中出现大量的并列结构式不足为怪的。 “汉语讲求意合,重在内在联系,不求形式连接”(刘宓庆,1992:120),因此汉语“较少使用连词。英语通常需要用连接词来表明词与词,词组与词组以及句子与句的逻辑关系”(吕瑞昌,1980:15)。并列连词也不例外。 汉语的连词可隐去,而英语的连词and 则必不可少。,处理多层次并列关系的四种方法,一
21、、改变英语词形 1.政府部门不准违反有关规定购买豪华车;不准利用手中权力调换价格更昂贵的小汽车,向下级单位或企业借车,或强迫下属单位或企业为自己买车。 译文1:Government departments are not allowed to purchase luxury cars in violation of relevant regulations, to use their power to trade for more expensive cars, to borrow cars from subordinate units or enterprises, or to force
22、subordinate units or enterprises to buy cars on their behalf. 改译:Government departments will be prohibited from purchasing luxury cars in violation of relevant regulations, or using their power to trade for more expensive cars, to borrow cars from subordinate units or enterprises, or to force subord
23、inate units or enterprises to buy cars on their behalf.,2. (以下项目可享受优惠待遇:)能提供本市急需的先进制造技术和制造工艺,生产本市急需的新产品()及促进本市新能源开发和利用的项目。 译文1:Those projects capable of providing advanced manufacturing techniques and manufacturing technology urgently needed by the Municipality, manufacturing urgently needed new pro
24、ductsand promoting the development and utilization of new energy for Shanghai. 改译:Those projects capable of providing advanced manufacture technique and production technology, manufacturing new productsurgently needed by the city of Shanghai , and promoting the development and utilization of new ene
25、rgy.,二、使用不同形式的连接词 1.近二十多年来,桂林旅游业有了长足的发展,基本形成了具有多功能、多层次的旅游产业结构和全方位、高质量的旅游接待服务体系,成为中外瞩目的旅游热点城市。 译文1:After over 20 years development, Guilin makes remarkable progress in tourist industry, basically forming a multifunctional and multi-level industry system and overall and high-quality tourist reception
26、capacity. 改译:After more than 20 years development, Guilin has made remarkable progress in the tourist industry, basically forming a multi-functional and multi-level system as well as overall high-quality tourist reception capacity.,2. 我们还将放宽外商投资在技术转让、内销比例和一些行业持股比例的限制,积极鼓励外商投资农业、基础设施、环保产业和高新技术产业。 译文:
27、We will also loosen our control over foreign investors in such areas as technology transfer, the proportion of the domestically sold products and the proportion of shares in certain sectors, as well as actively encourage them to invest in agriculture, infrastructure, environmental protection, high t
28、echnologies and new technologies.,3. 近年来,中国地毯的出口有了长足的进步。今后中国地毯业在保持中华民族传统特色的同时,还将在融合东西方文化的精粹和适应国际流行色调上下工夫。 译文:In recent years a great deal of progress has been made in the export of Chinese carpets. In future the Chinese carpet industry will not only keep the traditional features of the Chinese natio
29、n, but also try to integrate the best elements of both Oriental and Occidental cultures as well as keep up with internationally popular colors and tones.,三、添加或减少连接词 1.开发区应(按照上海市经济发展战略和城市总体规划的要求)以吸收外资发展新兴技术和新兴产业,举办先进技术企业和产品出口企业为主。 译文1:Development zones shall be devoted mainly to absorbing foreign cap
30、ital for developing new technology and new industries and establishing technologically advanced and export-oriented enterprises as required by the economic development strategy and overall city planning of Shanghai Municipality.,开发区应(按照上海市经济发展战略和城市总体规划的要求)以吸收外资发展新兴技术和新兴产业,举办先进技术企业和产品出口企业为主。 改译1: Dev
31、elopment zones shall be devoted mainly to absorbing foreign capital so as to develop new technology and new industries and (to) establish technologically advanced and export-oriented enterprises as required by the economic development strategy and overall city planning of Shanghai Municipality.,开发区应
32、(按照上海市经济发展战略和城市总体规划的要求)以吸收外资发展新兴技术和新兴产业,举办先进技术企业和产品出口企业为主。 改译2:The development zone shall, pursuant to the strategy for Shanghais economic development and the requirements prescribed in the citys overall planning, focus on utilizing foreign investment for developing newly-emerged technologies and in
33、dustries as well as for launching technologically advanced and export-oriented enterprises.,2. 必须始终坚持一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制;一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击犯罪和惩治腐败。 译文:We must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress. We should develop the economy and at the sam
34、e time strengthen democracy and the legal system. We should promote reform and opening to the outside world and at the same time fight crime and punish corruption.,3.必须正确处理发展经济同人口、资源、环境的关系。 译文:We must correctly handle the relationships between economic development on the one hand and population, nat
35、ural resources and the environment on the other.,4. 联合国宪章的宗旨和原则以及其他公认的国际关系准则,应继续作为国际关系民主化进程和国家间和平共处、共同发展的指南。 译文:The purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter and other established norms of international relations remain the guide to the democratization of international relations and to pe
36、aceful coexistence and common development among nations.,四、减少语法层次 1.通过改革开放和加大投入,使我国信息产业实现了跨越式发展。 译文1:Through deeper reform and opening up and greater investment, our information industry has advanced by leaps and bounds. 改译:With deeper reform, opening up and heavier investment,.,2. 这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新的
37、变化,农作物大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加,乡镇企业异军突起。 译文1:During those five years, rural reform brought about many changes, which were characterized by substantial increase in crop production and farmers income and the rise of rural enterprises as a new force.,这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新的变化,农作物大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加,乡镇企业异军突起。 改译1:During t
38、hose five years, rural reform brought about many changes, which were characterized by substantial increase in crop production and farmers income and by the rise of rural enterprises as a new force. 改译2:During those five years, rural reform brought about many changes, which were characterized by a su
39、bstantial increase in crop production, a considerable rise in farmers income and the emergence of rural enterprises as a new force.,3. 深化科技和教育体制改革 译文:We should deepen the reform of the management systems of science, technology and education. 4. 能源、原材料、交通、邮电 译文:energy, raw and processed materials, transportation, post and telecommunications,