1、人工智能 A.I. Artificial Intelligence 中英文剧本当年温室效应日趋严重,南北极冰山逐渐融化That was when the icecaps had melted because of the greenhouse gases. 海水淹没全球沿海各大城市 .and the oceans had drowned cities. .along all the shorelines of the world. 阿姆斯特丹、威尼斯、纽约 Amsterdam, Venice, New York. 荡然无存 .forever lost. 数百万人无家可归 Millions of
2、 people were displaced. 天气瞬息万变 Climate became chaotic. 贫穷国家有亿万人民沦为饥民 Hundreds of millions of people starved in poorer countries. 少数的先进国家 A high degree of prosperity survived when the developed world. 为了维持高度经济发展 立法限制 怀孕必须经过法定程序 .introduced sanctions to license pregnancies. 所以机器人 . which was why robot
3、s, who did not consume resources. 一旦出厂以后 不会浪费资源和粮食 .beyond those of their first manufacture. 便成为社会架构中 . were so essential an economic link. 重要的一环 .in the chain mail of society. 发明拥有人工智慧的机器人 To create an artificial being has been mans dream. 一直是人类的梦想 .since the birth of science. 在现代科技萌芽初期 Not merely
4、from the modern age when our forebears created. 所谓的思考型机器震惊全世界 .the first thinking machines, primitive ones that played chess. 那只不过是会下棋的电脑 How far we have come! 那是好久以前的事 拥有人工智慧的机器人 The artificial being is a reality, a perfect simulacrum. 拟真程度几乎完美 .articulated in limb, articulate in speech. 长相一模一样 说话字
5、正腔圆 几乎拥有人类的反应 .and not lacking in human response. 甚至拥有疼痛记忆反应 And even pain-memory response. 你有什么感觉? How did that make you feel? Angry? Shocked? 生气?惊吓? 我不明白 -l dont understand. -What did l do to your feelings? 我伤了你的感情吗? 你只伤了我的手 You did it to my hand. 好吧 All right. Theres the rub. 问题就出在这里 脱衣 Undress.
6、新泽西州的拟真电子公司 At Cybertronics, the artificial being has reached its highest form. 研发最先进的人工智慧 也就是全球通用的机器人 The universally adapted Mecha. .the basis for hundreds of models serving humans. 总共推出数百种型号 为人类的日常生活服务 .in all the multiplicity of daily life. 衣服穿上 Thats far enough. 但是我们不能沾沾自喜 But we have no reason
7、 to congratulate ourselves. 这虽然确实值得我们骄傲 We are rightly proud of it. 但是这又代表什么? But what does it amount to? Sheila, open. 席拉,张嘴 这只是一个感官玩具 A sensory toy. 拥有智能行为电路板 .with intelligent behavioral circuits. 她使用的神经元排序科技 .using neurone-sequencing technology. 都和我一样老 .as old as l am. 我相信我在 l believe that my wo
8、rk on mapping the impulse pathways in a neurone. 单神经元的脉冲传输研究 能够让我们制造一个 .can enable us to construct. .a Mecha of a qualitatively different order. 截然不同的智慧型机器人 我提议 l propose. 研发一个机器人 .that we build a robot. 会爱的机器人 .who can love. 爱? Love? 我每月都卖出几千个机器情人 But we ship thousands of lover-models every month.
9、Of course. Youre your own best customer, Syatyoo-Sama. 当然了 你也是我们忠实的客户 品质管制是很重要的 Quality control is very important. 告诉我 Tell me, what is love? 爱是什么? 爱是先微张我的双眼 Love is first widening my eyes. 呼吸急促、体温开始上升 .quickening my breathing, warming my skin and- 诸如此类,没错 And so on, exactly so. Thank you, Sheila. 谢
10、谢你,席拉 l wasnt referring to sensuality simulators. 但我说的不是感官的刺激 The word that l used was love. 我用的字眼是“爱” 就像是小孩对父母的爱 Like the love of a child for its parents. l propose that we build a robot-child who can love. 我提议研发能够爱的机器小孩 A robot-child who will genuinely love the parent it imprints on. 他能对父母付出真挚的爱 .
11、with a love that never ends. 永无止尽的爱 取代小孩的机器人? A child-substitute Mecha? 一个有心智和情感的机器人 But a Mecha with a mind, with neuronal feedback. lm suggesting that love will be the key. 这份爱是一个关键 .by which they acquire a subconscious never before achieved. 他们将拥有前所未有的潜意识 充满暗喻、直觉 及自发性推理力的内心世界 An inner world of me
12、taphor, of intuition. .of self-motivated reasoning, of dreams. 还有梦 会作梦的机器人? A robot that dreams? How exactly do we pull this off? 是的 这怎么可能? 我突然想到 lt occurs to me. .with all this animus existing against Mechas today. 社会弥漫着仇视机器人的气氛 .it isnt just creating a robot who can love. 问题不是制造会爱的机器人 真正的问题是 But i
13、snt the real conundrum, can a human love them back? 人类能不能爱他们? 这机器小孩会完美不变的 Ours will be a perfect child, always loving, never ill, never changing. 他的爱永无止境、历久弥坚 With all the childless couples yearning for a license. 对于没有小孩的夫妻来说 .our Mecha will open up a new market and fill a great human need. 这机器小孩不但能
14、开发新市场 也能满足人类的需求 但是你没回答我的问题 But you havent answered my question. 如果这机器人真的能爱一个人 lf a robot could genuinely love a person. 这个人对机器人 又有什么责任? .what responsibility does the person hold toward that Mecha in return? 这是道德问题,对吧? -lts a moral question, isnt it? -The oldest one of all. 最古老的一个 但是在创世纪 But in the b
15、eginning, didnt God create Adam to love him? 上帝不也是创造亚当爱他吗? 二十个月后 “冷冻室” 第一片秋叶掉落时宝宝便出生 The baby was born as the first leaves of autumn fell. 玛莉安如愿以偿,生个男婴 A baby boy. And Marians wish came true. 男婴有一头白发 The boy had white hair. 他被命名为马丁,和祖父同名 He was baptized Martin, after his grandfather. 费雪大夫,很高兴见到你 Dr.
16、 Frazier, good to see you. There was an article in the Journal of Chinese Medicine. 中国医药期刊有一篇论文 Hello, Monica. 梦妮卡,你好 提到一种消灭病毒的新疗法 They talked about virus locators. Did you read it? 你读过吗? l can still hear you. 我听到了 亨利,她让我非常担心 -lm worried about her. -l know. 我知道 She feels that she should mourn the de
17、ath of your son. 她无法承受 你们儿子面临死亡的事实 即使研判他还有五年的寿命 After five years, you feel you should mourn too. 但我们却必须对医学有信心 But medicine says mourning is inappropriate. Martin is pending. 马丁只是在等待解药 等待 Pending. 于是她的伤痛无法宣泄 So all her grief goes undigested. 亨利,你儿子可能治不好了 Henry, your son may be beyond our science. 但是你
18、太太还有救 But its your wife who can still be reached. 筛选过程非常困难 The screening process was tougher than building the prototype. 甚至比制造原型机器人更难 公司有两千名员工 Of our 2000 employees, only a few met your requirements. 只有几个符合你的最低条件 启动 lnitiate. 工作表现、生活品质 Employment record, quality of lifestyle. 查询 Query. lnternal dat
19、a. 内部资料、忠诚度 Loyalty to the firm, and in this individuals case. 就拿这一个人来说 一场家庭悲剧使他被挑选 .a family tragedy that may qualify him above the rest. 我要见他 lll see him. 亨利 Henry! 别生我的气 -Dont kill me. -What are you doing? 亨利,你在做什么? 我爱你,别生我的气 l love you. Dont kill me. 门还没开 The doors closed. 我喜欢你们的地板 l like your f
20、loor. 我不能接受 l cant accept this! There is no substitute for your own child! 自己的孩子无法替代 你不必接受或试用 -lts not too late to take him back. -What were you thinking? 还来得及还回去 你在想什么? 你要我怎样都行 -lll do whatever you want. -Do you think l can just.? 你以为我能这样 你要我怎样都行 -lll do whatever you want! -l dont know what to do.
21、我不知道该怎样 明天一早我就把他还回去 lll return him to Cybertronics in the morning. lts gone. 没问题 很好 Good. 亨利,你看到他的脸吗? l mean, Henry, did you see his face? Hes so real. 他好像真人 但他不是 -But hes not. -No, hes not. 他不是 他的内部是机器人,对吧? -lnside, hes like the rest, isnt he? -100 miles of fiber, yeah. 对,内部有一百哩长的光纤 但是他的外表却像真人 But
22、outside, he just looks so real. 就像一个小孩 .like he is a child. 一个机器小孩 A Mecha-child. 一个小孩 A child. 公司对我们有极大的信任感 The faith my company has placed on me, on us, is extraordinary. 如果我们决定留下大卫 There are a few procedures to follow if you decide to keep David. 就必须进行几项程序 你必须启动认养协议 lf you keep him, an imprinting
23、 protocol consisting of seven words. 那是一串七个字的字串 .needs to be spoken to David in this order here. 你必须按照顺序念给大卫听 为了保护我们 For our own protection, this imprinting is irreversible. 这项协议是不能更改的 他的爱将 永远烧录在他的硬体上 His love would be sealed and wed be part of him forever. 所以机器小孩不能重新贩售 Because of this, after imprin
24、ting, no Mecha-child can be resold. 如果认养父母决定不要这小孩 lf a parent decides not to keep it. .they must return it to Cybertronics for destruction. 必须将他退回公司销毁 我签了协议书你才能见到大卫 l had to sign an agreement or they wouldnt let you see David. 你也要这里签名 You have to sign it too. Right here. 梦妮卡,你不确定就别认养他 Monica. .dont
25、imprint until youre entirely sure. 别傻了,我当然不确定 Silly man. Of course lm not sure. 你们要我睡了吗? Would you like me to sleep now? 好主意,好主意 Good idea. Good idea. Monica? 梦妮卡? Well, its late, you know. lts after 9. 时候不早,都九点多了 你通常几点睡觉? How late do they let you stay up? 我永远都不能睡觉 l can never go to sleep. 但是我能乖乖地躺着
26、不吵人 But l can lay quietly and not make a peep. 这件睡衣应该合身 Those pajamas will fit. Well check on you in the morning. 明早我就来看你 帮我穿 Dress me? 我先睡了,你们男生去玩吧 lm gonna say good night while you boys be boys. 手举起来 Raise your arms. 这是游戏吗? -ls it a game? -Yes. 是的 躲迷藏 Hide-and-seek. 我找到你了 l found you. 那是你的房间,自己去玩吧
27、 Thats your room, just go and play. 我找到你了 l found you. 出去,快出去! Out! Out! Get out of here! 给我把门关上! And close the goddamn door! “认养协议:” “警告: 程式启动后无法更改” “快速启动指示” “按照顺序慢慢念这些字” 这是游戏吗? ls it a game? Now, lm gonna read some words. 我要念几个字 没什么意义,但你要仔细听 They wont make any sense, but l want you to listen to th
28、em anyway. 一直看着我 And look at me all the time. 你能吗? Can you do that? 能,梦妮卡 Yes, Monica. 你有感觉我在摸你脖子吗? Can you feel my hand on the back of your neck? 有 Yes. 你会痛吗? -Does any of this hurt? -No. 不会 Okay, now. 好吧,现在 看着我 .look at me. 好了吗? Ready? 触毛 Cirrus. 苏格拉底 Socrates. 分子 Particle. 分贝 Decibel. 飓风 Hurrican
29、e. 海豚 Dolphin. 郁金香 Tulip. 梦妮卡 Monica. 大卫 David. 梦妮卡 Monica. 好了 All right. 不晓得我有没有做对 l wonder if l did that right. 妈咪,那些字是什么? What were those words for, Mommy? 你叫我什么? What did you call me? 妈咪 Mommy. 大卫,我是谁? Who am l, David? 你是我妈咪 You are my mommy. 你好香 You smell lovely. l love it when you wear this st
30、uff. 我喜欢你搽香水 -Will you love me when its gone? -No. 香水没了,你还爱我吗? 不爱 别闹了 Stop it! 下次你最好搽普通一点的香水 We can marry again and begin with a scent thats not in short supply. 走了,快点,迟到了 Come on, were late. 你好,大卫 -Hello, David. -Hello, Henry. 你好,亨利 甜心,送我们出门,来呀 Walk us out, sweetheart. Come on! My shoe! 我的鞋子 -Your
31、tie! Youre hopeless! -lm helpless. He made our bed. 亨利,你的领带 我真糟糕 你太粗心了 他帮我们铺床 Hes just trying so hard! 他只是想讨好我们 Hes trying to please me. He has a way with my coffee! 他想讨好我,他泡的咖啡好香 好恐怖 lts creepy. You never hear him coming. 他老是一声不响地冒出来 -He is only a child. -Hes a toy. 他只是个孩子 他是个玩具 他是个礼物,你送的 Hes a gif
32、t. From you. 大卫,门窗都会自动锁好 David, when we leave, the doors will go smart. 你不能离开房间,不过要是 .so you cant leave your room, but if youd like 我搽了太多香水 -l put too much on. -Do l smell lovely? 我闻到好香哦 糟糕了 Oh, God, no! 妈咪? Mommy? 你会死吗? Will you die? 有那么一天,大卫 我是会死的 Well, one day, David, yes, l will. 我就会一个人 lll be a
33、lone. 你不要担心 Dont worry yourself so. 你能活多久? How long will you live? 很久 For ages. 还有五十年 For 50 years. 我爱你,妈咪 l love you, Mommy. 我希望你不会死 l hope you never die. 永远不会死 Never. 希望 Yes. 亲爱的,我们迟到太久了 Darling! Were becoming unfashionably, unreasonably late. Hello? 这是我儿子马丁的 This belonged to Martin, my son. 他的名字叫
34、泰迪 His name is Teddy. Teddy, this is David. 泰迪,这是大卫 你好,泰迪 -Hello, Teddy. -Hello, David. 你好,大卫 大卫,泰迪是超级玩具 Teddy is a supertoy. l know youll take good care of each other. 你们一定会好好照顾对方 我不是玩具 l am not a toy. 亨利 Henry! 对不起 -Sorry! -What were you doing? 你在上面干嘛? 我到车上再说,走吧 lll tell you in the car. Come on! 五
35、十年很久吗? ls 50 years a long time? 应该不久 l dont think so. 大卫,我来接 David, lll get it! 甜心,给我 -Hand it to me. -Look what l can do. 你瞧我能做什么 喂? Hello. Yes? 是 史温顿太太,请稍等 Mrs. Swinton, could you hold? I have an urgent call. 你先生有急事找你 好的 Yes, l will. David, l need the phone now. 大卫,我要接电话 梦妮卡 Monica? Can you hear m
36、e? 你听得到吗? 让我接电话 -Let the phone talk now. -Pick up the phone, Monica! 梦妮卡,快接电话 快去跟泰迪玩 -Run along, play with Teddy. -Oh, my God, Moni- 天啊,梦妮卡 喂?亨利,怎么了? Hello, Henry, what is it? 什么? What? 几时? When? 天啊 Oh, God! 大卫 David. 世上最美好的事发生了 The most wonderful thing in the whole world has happened. 这是马丁 This is
37、Martin. 他是我儿子 This is my son. 马丁,住手 Martin, no! 我们试试看他会先到谁那儿 Well have a contest to see who he comes to first. 过来呀,泰迪,过来呀 Come here, Teddy! Come here! 泰迪 Teddy! Come here! 过来 你也叫他 -You call him too. -Come here, Teddy. 过来,泰迪 过来呀 -Come on. Teddy! -Come here, boy. 过来 过来呀,泰迪 -Come here! Come on, Teddy.
38、-Come here, Teddy. 过来,泰迪 过来 -Teddy, come. -Come here, Teddy. 过来呀,泰迪 -Come here, Teddy. -Come, Teddy! Come. 妈咪!妈咪 Mommy! Mommy! 他们在虐待你吗? Are they torturing you, Teddy? 他以前是超级玩具,但是 He used to be a supertoy, but. 现在他又旧又蠢 .now hes old and stupid. 你要他吗? You want him? 好,谢谢 Yes, please. 我猜你是新的超级玩具 Now your
39、e the new supertoy. What stuff can you do? 你会什么把戏? 你会在天花板或墙上走路吗? Can you do power stuff, like walk on the ceiling or the walls? 会飘浮或飞行吗? Anti-gravity, like float or fly? 你会吗? Can you? 不会,因为我是真人 No, because lm real. 你能折断它吗? Can you break this? 我最好不要 l better not. These things, they do look better in
40、pieces. They do. 玩具要打烂才好玩,真的啦 我不行 l cant. 站起来 Stand up. 瞧,他们把你做得比我大 -Look, they made you bigger than me. -Who did? 谁呀? 玩具工厂呀,你比我还高 They did. The dollmakers. They made you taller. 你怎么一点都不像? Why dont you look like one? 像什么? Like one? 你不像玩偶那么可爱 Youre not cute like a doll. 你就像一个普通的小孩 You just look like
41、someones ordinary kid. 你几时生日? Whens your birthday? 我没有生日 l never had a birthday. When were you first built? Whens your build-day? 你几时被做好?你的出厂日? 我不记得了 l dont remember. 你记得的第一件事是什么? Okay, whats the first thing you can remember? 一只鸟 A bird. 什么样的鸟? What sort of bird? 它有一双大翅膀 A bird with big wings. 下面还有羽
42、毛竖起来 .and feathers sticking up from the bottom. Can you draw it? 你能画出来吗? 可以 Yes. 看起来像是孔雀 That looks like a peacock. Can you say peacock? 你能说“孔雀”吗? 孔雀 Peacock. -Can you say pee? -Pee. 你能说“尿”吗? 尿 Now say that two times fast. 我要你很快说两遍 Okay. Then you gotta put the green ones- 好了 然后你要把绿药丸 念故事给我们听 Read to us? 我看看 Lets see.