1、1.0 关于本书 procedures; handling changes; minimize; incidents.Activity基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM002 Activity D2 Filtering Changes, managing Changes and Change process, chairing CAB and CAB/Emergency Committee, reviewing and closing RFC, management reporting.- Planning of implementation of operational pro
2、cesses- Change logging and filtering- Allocation of priorities- Change categorization- CAB meeting- Impact and resource assessment- Change approval- Change scheduling- Change building, testing and implementation- Urgent Changes- Urgent Change building, testing and implementation- Change review- Revi
3、ewing the Change Management process for efficiency and effectiveness- R Customer; User manager, User rep. CAB Approvals: Financial/Technical/Business.考生需要知道 CAB 的定义。对于 CAB 的成员,除了列出的名单,还可以适当加入其他的相关人。不过需要强调的是,必须有 BISINESS 的人参加 CAB。 CAB 提供三个批准 FINANCIAL;TECHNICAL;BUSINESS。由此也可推导所需要的参与人。CAB/EC基因代码 知识点名称
4、 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM004 CAB/EC D2 A smaller organization with authority to make emergency decisions.CAB/EC 和 CAB 最大的区别是由于时间上的紧急性,不一定有 BUSINESS 的代表参加该会议。5.1 CHANGE MANAGEMENT (2)Change 的分类基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM005 Change CategorizationD2 Minor Impact: few build or additional runtime resource required.Sig
5、nificant impact: significant build or runtime resource required.Major impact: very large amount of build or runtime resources required, or impact likely upon other parts of the organization.值得注意的是,MINOR CHANGE 可以由 CHANGE MANAGER 批准。SIGNIFICANT CHANGE 由 CAB 批准。MAJOR CHANGE 要由董事会级别的组织批准,CAB 在这里只是起建议的作
6、用。Change 的定义基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM006 Change DefinitionD2 Change is the process of moving from one defined state to another关键字:process; one defined state to anotherFSC/PSA基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM007 FSC/PSA D2 Forward Schedule of Changes, Projected Service Availability.FSC - Contains details of al
7、l the Changes approved for implementation and their proposed implementation dates.PSA - Contains details of Changes to agreed SLAs and service availability because of the currently planned FSC.FSC/PSA 是 CHANGE MANAGEMENT 流程中两个重要的 OUTPUT。STANDARD CHANGE基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM008 STANDARD CHANGED2 Ch
8、ange to the infrastructure that follows an established path, relatively common, and is the accepted solution to a specific or set of requirements.- the tasks are well-known and proven- Authority is effectively given in advance.- the train of events can usually be initiated by Service Desk- budgetary
9、 approval will typically be preordained or within the control of the Change requester.记忆关键字:follows an established path;accepted solution;well-known and proven;Authority given;initiated by Service Desk;budgetary approval。BENEFITS在通用内容中,曾经涉及到 BENEFIT。这里再由特定的流程的角度阐述一下。基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM009 BENEF
10、ITS D3 - Alignment, IT/business- Visibility of Changes.- Improved risk assessment- Reduce adverse impact- better assessment of cost- Fewer break out- Improve Problem Management and Availability Management- User productivity Improve- Ability to adsorb large Changes- Better perception of IT5.1 CHANGE
11、MANAGEMENT (3)CHANG MANAGEMENT AND CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT这里强调一下在实施中,CHANGE MANAGEMENT 和 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 的关系。基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM010 Change Management and Configuration ManagementD3 Change Management and Configuration Management are best planned and implemented concurrently.INPUT基因代码 知
12、识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM011 INPUT D3 ACTIVITY: RFC, CMDB, FSC.OUTPUT基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM012 OUTPUT D3 ACTIVITY:FSC/PSA, Updated RFC, CAB meeting minutes and actions, Change Management Reports.流程的 INPUT 和 OUTPUT 是很重要的内容。但之所以定义为 D3 级的内容是因为 INPUT/OUTPUT 可以从 ACTIVITY 中推导出来。PROACTIVE CHANGES基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级
13、 知识点内容CHM013 PROACTIVE CHANGESD3 Reducing cost, Improving ServicePROACTIVE CHANGES 的价值就两点:成本和服务。SCOPE OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM014 SCOPE OF CHANGE MANAGEMENTD3 Hardware; communications equipment and software; system software; live applications software, all documents and procedure
14、s associated with the running, support and maintenance of living systems.OUTSOURCING OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容CHM015 OUTSOURCING OF CHANGE MANAGEMENTD3 Owner of change management processChange control and payment modeChange impact to overall costIntegrity of systemSecurityCAB member以
15、上是将 CHANGE MANAGEMENT 外包时需注意的一些关键因素。5.2 Release Management (1)GOAL基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM001 GOAL D1 Takes a holistic view of a Change to an IT service and should ensure that all aspects of a Release, both technical and non-technical , are considered together如上节所提,GOAL 都是 D1 级的内容。记忆关键字:holistic;Rel
16、ease ;technical and non-technical;considered 。ACTIVITY基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM002 ACTIVITY D1 Releasing PlanningDesign, building and configuring of a ReleasingRelease acceptanceRollout planningCommunication, preparation and trainingDistribution and installation之所以在这节中,将 ACTIVTY 升为 D1,是因为这个流程的 ACTIVI
17、TY 在 OGC 的书本中定义的比较清晰,便于记忆。另外,整个 ACTIVITY 就是一个标准的软件项目管理的流程。BUILD MANAGEMENT基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM003 BUILD MANAGEMENTD2 Software/hardware components that comprise a new Release of an IT service should be assembled in a controlled manner to ensure a reproducible process关键字:assembled in a controlled
18、manner;reproducible process。DELTA RELEASE基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM004 DELTA RELEASED2 Only those CI within the Release units that have actually changed or are new since the last full or delta release.PLUS:Less testing, urgencyMINUS: More risk, compatibility errorsPLUS 指该方式的优点,MINUS 指缺点。DELTA/FULL/PAC
19、KAGE 这三种 RELEASE 需要结合起来一起复习。DHS基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM005 DHS D2 Secure storage of definitive hardware spares. - should be exactly same as life environment.DSL基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM006 DSL D2 A secure compound in which the definitive authorized version of all software CI are stored and protected.
20、DHS 和 DSL 是相类似的内容。可以联系起来一起复习。FULL RELEASE基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM007 FULL RELEASE D2 All component of the Release unit are built, tested, distributed and implemented together.PLUS:Any problem more likely to be detected / Regression testing.Minus: Time, effort, computing resource.PACKAGING RELEASEING
21、基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM008 PACKAGING R D2 Packing software and hardware together to ELEASING form. a new Release.Individual Releases are grouped together to form. package Release.PLUS:Reduce the risk of old/incompatible software. Test the inter working of those system suits and system fully.Minus:
22、Time, effort, computing resource.PACKING RELEASEING 和 FULL RELEASEING 有相同的缺点:消耗很多资源。特别是 BUSINESS 在 TEST 中的资源。5.2 Release Management (2)RELEASE UNIT基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM009 RELEASE UNIT D2 IT infrastructure that is normally released together.RELEASE DEFINITION基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM010 RELEASE DE
23、FINITIOND2 A collection of authorized Change to an IT serviceRELEASE POLICY基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM011 RELEASE POLICYD2 Releasing numbering, frequency, level in the IT infrastructureTYPE OF RELEASE基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM012 TYPE OF RLEASED2 Major software release/hardware upgradeMinor software rele
24、ase/hardware upgradeEmergency software release/hardware fixes这里关于 RELEASE 的不同类型,可以和 CHANGE 的不同类型相对应,一起记忆。URGENT RELEASE基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM013 URGENT RELEASED2 Depends on business; urgent full, urgent delta; urgent package, between normal/schedule releases.URGETN RELEAES 可以和 URGENT CHANGE 想联系记忆。
26、,任何进攻都同时准备要撤退的路线。BENEFITS这里罗列了 OGC 所提到的 BENEFITS。 同样,你可以根据通用内容章节中的方法推导出来。基因代码 知识点名称 记忆等级 知识点内容RLM015 BENEFITS D3 Greater success rate of releasingconsistencyminimize impact through packaging releasingassurance good qualitystable test/live environmentbetter use user resource for testingminimize regre
27、ssion testingreleasing schedule publishingerror reductioncomplete recorder of changeproper control and safeguarding of hardware and softwareabsorb high rates of changesbuild and control remotelysaving support costreduce illegal copiesdetection of wrong versionreduce riskreduce timefewer releasessmoother transition to productionPROBLEM