1、愛在黎明破曉時傑西在火車上遇見席琳,兩個互不相識的陌生人,一起在維也納渡過了難忘的一晚,他們談論著自己的生活、人生哲學、夢想,彼此都被對方深深的吸引,但是萍水相逢的兩人,面對日出破曉,也面對了未知與疑惑:難道他們的故事就這樣結束了?愛在日落巴黎時九年前在維也納道別的兩人,誰也想不到他們居然會在巴黎重逢,即使經過了這麼多年,那一晚的記憶在他們的腦海裡都留下深刻的痕跡。如今有了這第二次的機會,傑西和席琳會珍惜這個機會嗎?還是一切都已經太遲了?小評: 1995 年愛在黎明破曉時上映時,讓大家眼睛為之一亮,怎麼會有這麼生活、這麼真實的愛情電影。沒有爆破的場景、炫目的特效,只有男女主角不停的心靈對話,相
2、信不少人都渴望有一個這樣的他或她,可以分享自己的心事。然而如同男女主角當初決定不留下連絡方式一下,從來沒有人奢望會有續集,畢竟在現實生活中經歷太多失望後,我們都不敢對於未來有太多的期待。但在九年後,兩位主角重逢了,同樣的主角,不一樣的心境,如果有機會重新來一次,你會怎麼抉擇?兩部電影一起看相當的過癮,而且一次體驗主角九年來的轉變,同時可以省思自己過去九年來是否也有所改變呢?是否找到了那個屬於自己的他或她?Before SunriseJesse, an American traveler in Europe, meets Celine, a Parisian whos been back fro
3、m her trip to Budapest, on the inter-country train. The two strange passengers randomly start to converse with each other, and the interaction is nothing but great. So, at the station of Vienna, Jesse boldly asks Celine to spend the night with him there so as to extend their wonderful feelings towar
4、d each other. It turns out the unforgettable night in Vienna. They talk about ideas and observations of life as well as their dreams. The two souls are deeply attracted by each other. Finally the day breaks and the sun rises and its time for them to say goodbye. Will their story simply come to an en
5、d like this? Before SunsetThe two that bade each other goodbye in Vienna nine years ago never thought that theyd meet again once in Paris. Though so much time has elapsed, neither one of them could forget a bit about what happen on that night in Vienna. Will Jesse and Celine cherish this second chan
6、ce? Or is everything just too late? In 1995, Before Sunrise hit the theater and impressed a lot of people. Theyre amazed by the vividness of this romantic film. Without all those special effects constant in Hollywood blockbusters, this film is packed with non-stopping dialogue between the two fabulo
7、us actors. I believe everyone must have dreamt about meeting up a soul mate like the characters did in the film. No one in his or her right mind expected to see a sequel to this low-budget, indie film just like in the story, Jesse and Celine are pessimistic and dont even exchange phone numbers. After all, with so much disappointment in real life, we hardly hold any expectation for things which are considered “romantic” to take place. But nine years later, they met again and bring us again a highly enjoyable and at the same time very touching film. For more information check on IMDB.com