1、往链科技 www.WL往链科技 www.WL往链点点通共享资源,了解更多请登录 www.WLMicrosoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003: Meeting the Storage Challenges of Todays BusinessesMicrosoft CorporationPublished: July 2003AbstractBusinesses of all sizes are seeking cost effective storage management solutions t
2、hat keep critical data protected and highly available. This white paper outlines the major storage challenges facing todays businesses, and shows how the integrated storage services in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 provide manageable, reliable and cost effec
3、tive solutions designed to meet those challenges.往链科技 www.WL往链科技 www.WLThe information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be
4、 interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.This White Paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUM
5、ENT.Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopyi
6、ng, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in
7、any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering
8、 subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. 2003. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Mic
9、rosoft, Active Directory, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.往链科技 www.WL往链科技 www.WLCon
10、tentsIntroduction1Windows Server 2003 and Windows Storage Server 2003: Robust Storage Solutions.2Storage Challenges .3The Need for Scalable Solutions3The Need for Fault Tolerance 4The Need for Protected Data .4The Need for Manageable Solutions5The Need to Control Costs.5Advantages of the Windows Sto
11、rage Platform.6New and Enhanced Storage Solutions 8VDS for Storage Disk Management .8VSS for Effective Data Protection 10FRS for Remote Replication 11DFS for File Sharing.11ASR for Rapid Disaster Recovery12MPIO for Highly Available Data14Enhanced Support for SANs 15Summary 16Related Links .17往链科技 ww
12、w.WL往链科技 www.WLIntroductionData is a businesss most valuable asset. The rich media content of static and dynamic web pages, huge volumes of email, 24x7 year-round demands of e-commerce, and the dependence on massive relational databases have all contributed to the explosion of mission critical data.
13、 For the system/storage administrator, managing an organizations growing wealth of information has become an increasingly complex, high pressure undertaking. Key to the storage administrators success is ensuring that information is: Available to those who need it when they need it. Protected from se
14、curity risks, system failure or catastrophic events. Rapidly recoverable should the need arise.The system administrator must accomplish these tasks in the context of rapidly changing storage technologies. While there are many storage solutions available today, not all solutions scale well with organ
15、izational growth, nor are all equally capable of delivering cost-effective high performance solutions. The new and enhanced data and storage management capabilities of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 are critical tools in helping system and storage administrat
16、ors do more with less. This white paper discusses the storage challenges that face businesses today and the benefits of using the Windows Server platform to meet those needs. 往链科技 www.WL往链科技 www.WLWindows Server 2003 and Windows Storage Server 2003: Robust Storage SolutionsWindows Server 2003, Micro
17、softs newest release of the Windows server operating system, is a multi-purpose server designed to handle a diverse set of server roles, including file and print, mail, web, terminal and directory services. The integrated storage services in Windows Server 2003 have been enhanced and expanded to inc
18、lude a number of new features which help businesses control storage management costs and increase availability of data. Features such as the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) and the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) make it easier to manage and maintain disks, helping lower total cost of ownership (TCO) es
19、pecially in complex multivendor storage environments. Point-in-time imaging capability through VSS simplifies and speeds up both backups and restores. And, the Shadow Copies for Shared Folders feature of VSS enables end users to restore their own files and folders without IT intervention. High avail
20、ability is enabled through multipathing and clustering. Windows Storage Server 2003 is a network attached storage (NAS) operating system, built upon the Windows Server 2003 operating system. Windows Storage Server 2003 lets original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) build appliances optimized for file
21、serving, since applications unnecessary to the file serving and storage tasks are not activated. Storage Server NAS devices are headless (without monitor, keyboard or mouse) and can be managed through a Web-based user interface. Designed for ease of deployment and seamless integration into the exist
22、ing network, Windows Storage Server 2003 can provide expanded storage capacity to users on the network in less than 15 minutes. The Storage Server NAS solution especially appropriate for organizations that do not wish to put extensive IT resources into setting up multiple file servers and managing t
23、hem. 往链科技 www.WL往链科技 www.WLStorage ChallengesThe storage administrator in all businesses, large or small, is faced with a number of key problems: Ensuring that as an organizations data grows, storage capacity scales to accommodate it. Ensuring that mission-critical data is well protected from the ri
24、sk of hardware failure, security breeches, or disaster; and that data is available on an on-demand basis. The sections that follow explore these needs in greater detail. The Need for Scalable SolutionsEmbedded hard drives or directly attached external disksreferred to as DAS (directly attached stora
25、ge)is the most common way to store data on desktops, workstations and servers. The simplest solution to the demand for more storage capacity is to add more hard drives, upgrade to higher capacity disks, or to purchase additional computers each with more DAS. While DAS solutions can be effective for
26、many businesses, they are often only temporary fixes, and result in a number of challenges for the storage administrator. Decentralized DataAs the number of DAS systems grows, data is increasingly dispersed throughout the company, making it difficult for users to know what resources exist and where
27、to find them. This is an especially troublesome problem with data stored on desktops, since unless individuals allow file sharing, there is no simple means of making the data accessible to others. Even with sharing enabled, there is no effective mechanism to determine exactly where information is st
28、ored, or which version of a document is the most up-to-date. Migration of a companys critical data to a centralized server helps the situation somewhat since the data can be readily shared across the network. But as more servers are added to increase storage capacity (and to provide redundancy in th
29、e event of hardware failure), without a mechanism to unify the presentation of directories and file shares, users still have the problem of not being able to find the data that they needor in some cases even knowing that it exists. Underutilization of Storage ResourcesDirectly attached storage can o
30、nly be accessed by the computer to which the storage is attached. Effective storage planning requires accurate predictions about which users and applications will require more storage capacity, and those resources must be provisioned before disk capacity is exceeded. Unfortunately, directly attached
31、 storage always scales poorly over the long term. Some computers inevitably exceed their storage capacity, while others have excess capacity but no means to effectively share those resources. Adding more servers does not eliminate the problem of inefficient utilization of storage space between serve
32、rs. Storage remains local to each server; thus space may be available on one server but capacity exceeded on another. Anticipating growth and implementing storage solutions that scale with growth remains a problem. 往链科技 www.WL往链科技 www.WLProliferation of Storage EquipmentAdding servers to meet the ne
33、ed for greater storage capacity is an effective solution as long as the number of servers an administrator can handle remains manageable. Servers must be maintained, backed up and serviced, all of which rapidly becomes a management headache for the system administrator. And as long as storage remain
34、s directly attached to the server, each server must have its own directly attached tape drive for backups; a very costly solution for equipment that is only in use during the backup and restore process. Ensuring Compatibility with Storage Networking SolutionsThe best storage solutions not only meet
35、todays storage needs, they also scale well with more advanced storage solutions, such as network attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SANs). The Need for Fault ToleranceMore and more businesses rely on making their services and information available for access 24x7 year round. Failure i
36、n any of a number of hardware componentsstorage devices, storage interconnects, cabling, network interconnects, processors, motherboards and power suppliescan result in a temporary or permanent loss of data. Fault tolerance can be achieved through redundancy of hardware components, and is one means
37、by which to ensure highly available data. Redundant DisksExternally attached storage devices can be made highly redundant using RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks) subsystems. Redundancy can be achieved in a number of different ways, including mirroring, which replicates the data on one disk
38、 to one or more additional disks. Should one disk fail, the system can “failover” to a second disk with the replicated data. Redundant Hardware through ClusteringA cluster is two or more computer systems that act and are managed as one. Clustering allows applications to remain online, even if a serv
39、er goes down. Users are redirected to another computer without any loss of services. The Need for Protected DataSystem administrators must protect data not only from hardware failure, but also from data corruption, user error, and disasters. The most common means of protecting data from these proble
40、ms is through tape backups and restores. Unfortunately, this solution provides only partial protection. Poor Protection of Desktops and LaptopsDirectly attached storage must be backed up by the individual user. However, users are rarely effective in performing regular backups, and for that reason, s
41、ystem administrators strongly advocate storing documents and data that is critical to the company on the server, where it can be properly backed up. Open File Backup ConstraintsWhile management of backups can be simplified using a centralized backup server, the time required to perform backups confl
42、icts with the demand for continuously available data. Trying to back up an 往链科技 www.WL往链科技 www.WLopen file can result in data corruption. As a consequence, those files must either be skipped (meaning that the backup is incomplete) or users must close their applications during backups. Preventing dat
43、a corruption during the backup process has meant that the backup period must be restricted to when users are not trying to access their files across the networktypically just evenings and weekends. As organizations produce more and more data that must be backed up, the time it takes to backup data c
44、an exceed the nightly or even weekend backup times. The Need for Manageable SolutionsSystem administration can become enormously complex, especially in midsize and large organizations. Administrators are responsible for managing web, application and database servers and for clustering those servers
45、to ensure effective performance and high availability. They are also responsible for managing dedicated storage networks (SANs) that host multi-vendor storage devices, each with a vendor specific disk management application. These management consoles are not standardized, making training and usage u
46、nnecessarily complex. Administrators are responsible for managing utilities for such tasks as backup, data mining and testing. Since applications are not storage-aware, managing data for backup and transport can be a complex and inefficient process. Finally, although many organizations require multi
47、ple platforms to support various applications, there are increasing demands that data be shared among users irrespective of whether they use Windows, Unix or some other operating system. The Need to Control Costs Organizations are demanding that system administrators deliver robust, reliable and sca
48、lable storage solutions within a budget that remains flat or has declined. Among the most effective ways to control costs and still deliver effective storage solutions is to consolidate resources. Network attached storage solutions provide a cost effective means to add storage capacity while consoli
49、dating equipment. As many as 10-25 file servers can be consolidated into a single NAS device, depending on the amount of data consolidated. Not only does this mean that equipment and licensing costs are curtailed, it also enables the consolidation of related equipment such as backup devices and the reduction in management overhead. Solutions that automate or speed up storage provisioning, backups and general maintenance all decrease the need for adm