1、中国历史上第一位女皇帝 The first female emperor in Chinese history,武则天 Empress Wu,简介Introduction,Chinese name :武曌 Alias :武则天、武媚娘 Nationality :China People :Han Origin to :Lee states Date of birth :AD 624, 17 February Date of death :AD 705, 16 December,简介Introduction,Profession :大周皇帝 Faith :Buddhism Major achie
2、vement :废唐,改国号为周 中国历史上唯一一个正统的女皇帝 上承贞观之治,下启开元盛世 Representative works :臣轨,如意娘 生肖:猴,出身birth,武氏为唐开国功臣武士彠次女,祖籍并州文水(今山西省文水县) 唐高祖武德七年(624年)正月二十三生于利州,1,Wu is warrior hero of Tang .He has a daughter who named meiniang; 2,Place of borth: Wenshui County native and State3, She was born in the state of lee,武则天纪念
3、馆,入宫Arrive the palace,贞观十一年(637年)十一月,唐太宗将武氏的女儿纳入宫中,封为五品才人,赐号“媚”,The young Emperor put her into the palace, called the five items before people give numbers “Wu Mei“,武氏入宫之前向寡居的母亲杨氏告别时说:“侍奉圣明天子,岂知非福,为何还要哭哭啼啼,作儿女之悲态呢?”,Before she went topalace ,Youngs farewell to the widowed mother said: “The Holy Spir
4、it serve the emperor, turned out a blessing, why crying, sad for the children of the state?“,晋升昭仪 Promotion zhaoyi,十月十三日,唐高宗将王皇后和萧淑妃废为庶人,七天以后,唐高宗再次下诏,将武昭仪立为皇后。,The Tang Emperor Li plot again handed downitsedict:“conspiring to poison“ to the charges, the Queen and Xiaoshufei.The Tang Emperor issued a
5、n edict again, the Wu Zhaoyi established as Queen.,为后A queen,为后A queen,As the queen of Tang,为后A queen,反对武皇后的大臣都被或贬或杀,为她的统治打下了基础,Against the force theQueens ministers were banished or killed, Which for her ruling to lay the foundation,684年九月,改东都洛阳为神都September of 684, changed the capital into Luoyang
6、as the holy city .,洛阳,称帝Proclaim herself emperor,垂拱四年(688年)五月十八日,武太后加尊号“圣母神皇 同时,为自己称帝大造舆论。,Chuigong four years (688 years) on May 18, Empress Wu added the appellation “Trappist Emperor“ . At the same time, For large proclaims oneself emperor made public opinion,称帝Proclaim herself emperor,公元690年九月,武则
7、天六十七岁时,正式登上“皇帝”宝座,成为中国历史上唯一的女皇帝,改国号为周,定都洛阳,从此“武周”取代了“李唐”。,Set the beginning of the first year (AD 690) In September, wu zetian age sixty-seven, officially on “the emperor“ throne to become Chinas only female emperor in history, changed the country for weeks, its capital Luoyang, from “Wu-Chou“ has r
8、eplaced “Tang.“,则天赏花,退位Abdicate,神龙元年(705年)正月,张柬等逼武则天退位,迎中宗复位。,705 years the first month, Zhang Jians who forced abdication of Empress Wu, welcom xian As the emperor 1,同年十二月,武则天在洛阳上阳宫去世,享年82岁,遗诏去帝号,称则天大圣皇后。 In December, the Sun Temple in Luoyang, Empress Wu died at the age of 82 years, Testament to the Emperor, called the Queens Day Story.,退位后的武则天 The Wu abdicated,无字碑 Monuments of no words,一代女皇,让我们铭记住她,We should remember her,谢谢观看,