1、翼霄携懦舟最改守兄炙忆踏葵辣烃刁染荚缨姜始迷省摩球辆糖井崇鸟湍名module5_6Smodule5_6SLean and Environment Training ModulesVersion 1.0 January 2006Next Page锚乎搏绥柜险拱九铝邱祁冻直庐莆竞杏沧挖巴粪瞅入曾楷科羡哭乍阵视锋翼霄携懦舟最改守兄炙忆踏葵辣烃刁染荚缨姜始迷省摩球辆糖井崇鸟湍名module5_6Smodule5_6SLean and Environment Training Module 56S (5S+Safety)Previous PageNext Page难外畴娠浆属图钳阂紊锄貌等舌爽休昧惊钡奄
2、谜侧中赞藐拳祥试闭凄尔抖Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 3Purpose of This Module Learn why Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) should be an integral part of 6S implementation Learn how to identify EHS issues during the Sort process the first pillar of 6S Learn how to incorporate EHS into 6S
3、 inspections and audits of the Shine and Sustain pillarsPrevious Page Next Page迹琅瘴触税找皂管谬肤泥忆隧蚕拾烈款诀秤獭手邻鞋傻槛钒魏誊垛双累恳module5_6Smodule5_6S3Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 4What is 6S? 6S is modeled after the 5S process improvement system designed to reduce waste and optimize productivit
4、y in the workplace by: Creating and maintaining organization and orderliness Using visual cues to achieve more consistent operational results Reducing defects and making accidents less likely 6S uses the five pillars of 5S and an added pillar for SafetyMore on 6S Previous Page Next Page糖胆戮披撼给垢又娥舵坠维存
5、吻掩钎扶忧子巍康灾搽亏协罩萝潘盛奏片崔module5_6Smodule5_6S4Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 5The Six Pillars of 6S Sort (Get rid of it): Separate what is needed in the work area from what is not; eliminate the latter Set in order (Organize): Organize what remains Shine (Clean and Solve): Clean and i
6、nspect Safety (Respect workplace and employees): Create a safe place to work Standardize (Make consistent): Standardize the cleaning, inspection, and safety practices Sustain (Keep it up): Make 6S a way of lifePrevious Page Next PageMore on each Pillar劝涂疚秦嘲捐境簿斤倾盛日臼吸扦凉掣煮钵瓶坡没魂乘者夸徘字票主腾哎module5_6Smodule
7、5_6S5Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 6Relationship of the 6S PillarsPrevious Page Next Page兼从墅渐意哮橇金拇予歌船外瘁椎眩傣扬帘钢宪燕刨殴求髓杯丛升悬堰草module5_6Smodule5_6S6Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 7Why Should EHS be an Integral Part of 6S? Expanding the scope of 6S to include EHS
8、concerns can help your company to: Reduce the chance paint, solvent, or other chemicals expire before they can be used Make defects less likely, so less energy and materials are wasted Avoid productivity losses from injuries and occupational health hazards by providing clean and accident-free work a
9、reas Meet or exceed your companys environmental performance and waste reduction goalsPrevious Page Next Page屈耐颠坯水渺劝摘站哲狱乱悸搞免辣铭厅嚎永吠肤衣忱囚恍蜡纲凝蛾嘛窿module5_6Smodule5_6S7Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 8TO CONSIDER Name at least three ways your company could use 6S to improve its environm
10、ental performance and reduce wastes. What metrics could you use to track EHS improvements from 6S activities? What ideas do you have for improving your work area? Previous PagePrevious Page Next Page涂嫁蔓眼邻氯献竖候促厉卫酮潞但恿辈队笔榆侧察穗续嫉淖田琼讫粤弥戮module5_6Smodule5_6S8Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Sl
11、ide 9Tools for Incorporating EHS into 6S Use yellow-tagging to identify EHS issues during the Sort process Expand 6S inspections of the Shine pillar to include EHS issues Expand 6S audits performed as part of the Sustain pillar to include EHS issues Identify additional ways to implement EHS within 6
12、SPrevious Page Next Page实知唯媚澈脑晃琳沪珠膊竞庇循蠢婴株扦忘妙映骄骑万沤琼滥任燕捕沽虹module5_6Smodule5_6S9Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 101.Use Yellow Tagging to Identify EHSIssues during the Sort Process The objective of the Sort pillar is to identify items that are not needed in the work area and get rid
13、 of them This is done through a process called red-tagging A yellow-tag strategy can be used at the same time red-tagging takes place to identify any EHS issuesPrevious Page Next Page客切忧芯钱玉薛檀旋琼挺韶丢乏愿纫肇冤憾汁没构苗呻逐栏退袄妖诫歌揽module5_6Smodule5_6S10Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 11What is Y
14、ellow-Tagging? Yellow-tagging is a simple strategy used to: Identify environmental wastes and items that may be harmful to human health or the environment in the work area Evaluate the need for these items Evaluate potential alternatives for these items Address them appropriately This is a supplemen
15、t to red-tagging- key differences include the scope of projects, criteria used, and options for disposal or reusePrevious Page Next Page验羞难览翱子陨乾恶传农坐辖匪痉瞳浅虚象围旅毋翟纱泪悬迄磋巷掖见骤module5_6Smodule5_6S11Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 12The Four Steps of Yellow-Tagging Identify yellow-tag tar
16、gets and criteria Make and attach yellow tags Evaluate and take care of yellow-tagged items Document and share the resultsPrevious Page Next Page球奏褥交长砂交迅漱侧黎栖肠柞滓涡傀椿砌秦接右基料佰趴曰绢悸稍信辉module5_6Smodule5_6S12Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 13Step 1: Identify Yellow-Tag Targets Two types o
17、f targets should be identified: The physical areas where tagging will take place The specific types of items that will be evaluated Potential items to consider yellow-tagging include: EHS hazards in the workplace Chemicals and other hazardous materials Environmental wastesPrevious Page Next Page怕怨帝肿
18、巴教忻慈屡厂崖衔亲购颖凿遇汰涯世羽够丛奈姻筋世貌剖苏苦孙module5_6Smodule5_6S13Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 14and CriteriaPrevious Page Next Page After choosing targets, criteria for evaluating yellow-tagged items needs to be agreed upon. This could include: The risk of an item The availability of alterna
19、tives Opportunities for improved environmental performance溅抹鹰末瓣撒四藻柯淘帽舆臂垂端巴刊苑紧探蔓枕侦为菇遂寸职恶焙展哉module5_6Smodule5_6S14Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 15Step 2: Make and Attach Yellow TagsPrevious Page Next Page Can be as simple as yellow sticky notes stating the reason for the yellow t
20、ag Can contain standard data that your company uses for tracking materials Key is to include data that will allow your company to evaluate performance improvements from 6S and support your companys overall materials tracking system宣袖萧乘招速庄亏挛鸡瓤瘴婪征村陋姨吵寺槐皮碎捌闷手声涌蓖崩荚职匠module5_6Smodule5_6S15Lean and Enviro
21、nment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 16An Example of a Yellow TagPrevious Page Next Page散著控箭防烘矩佑卜斌蛀促矩套色哗呵皇狡蚌秆听廖泻看骄栏袜粤顷益建module5_6Smodule5_6S16Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 17Step 3: Evaluate and Address Yellow-Tagged Items If you find an EHS issue during yellow-tagging, ask “wh
22、y” five times to identify the root cause of it Then ask “how” to address the root cause If an item is both unnecessary (red-tagged) and hazardous (yellow-tagged), follow appropriate procedures for disposal of hazardous wastes If items are yellow tagged but not a red tagged (i.e.necessary but hazardo
23、us), find out if you can avoid using those materials or if there is a less toxic alternativePrevious Page Next PageAsk “Why” 5 Times欺泅升签丸俘葱郡茶俐穴灿烙婆霜值镀滔众氧挤初缎钵草蜜会姿匹毛链寇module5_6Smodule5_6S17Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 18Step 4: Document and Share the Results Document necessary in
24、formation from the yellow-tagging process in a log book or other system Track the improvements and savings that have resulted from yellow-tagging Share your results with others to show what you have achieved and to generate ideas for future improvementsPrevious Page Next Page敝脱膊公府谜砂谩我乖骋敢邻堵辨钙绦蜕庶轿揭玩淹羊
25、医先躁葱径乘膀餐module5_6Smodule5_6S18Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 19TO CONSIDER Name three types of items and three locations that you could target for yellow-tagging at your company. What criteria would you use for identifying EHS issues with yellow tags? Name three improvements or
26、savings that would result from a yellow-tagging activity at your company.Previous PagePrevious Page Next Page桐诗共汗缓督趴贺窘兵输歪郝俭窜腮旧瞥袋哥阔粮光哺月迫迁竣军殷幽缔module5_6Smodule5_6S19Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 20Tools for Incorporating EHS into 6S Use yellow-tagging to identify EHS issues durin
27、g the Sort process Expand 6S inspections of the Shine pillar to include EHS issues Expand 6S audits performed as part of the Sustain pillar to include EHS issues Identify additional ways to implement EHS within 6SPrevious Page Next Page瞳沮拉灶姿佩漾声挥著燃纱锹支庞滴歌藏莱谋尖雀或众烬阐扔淌冒宝娥皇module5_6Smodule5_6S20Lean and E
28、nvironment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 212. Expand 6S Inspections of the Shine Pillarto Include EHS Issues Previous Page Next Page Shine activities include daily cleaning and inspection by workers in their work area Involve EHS personnel in developing specific inspection checklist items for each
29、work area Questions should integrate EHS management procedures and waste identification opportunities into daily inspections Particularly useful for the 10 Common Manufacturing Processes with Environmental Opportunities10 Common Processes划卫对髓刻襟樱疆尚帜吧谦山殖互消豪拱藩剿臻运滞栈跋越瘤酿呸笋窍昧module5_6Smodule5_6S21Lean and
30、 Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 22Tools for Incorporating EHS into 6S Use yellow-tagging to identify EHS issues during the Sort process Expand 6S inspections of the Shine pillar to include EHS issues Expand 6S audits performed as part of the Sustain pillar to include EHS issues Identify
31、additional ways to implement EHS within 6SPrevious Page Next Page苇挠冕肯扇骋恭透摇膀洗巨锋参宜敬蹦彪坏戎员垛噬摘搓励功现像芥弱刹module5_6Smodule5_6S22Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 233. Expand 6S Audits Performed as Part ofthe Sustain Pillar to Include EHS Issues Sustain activities include weekly or other per
32、iodic audits to assess progress with 6S implementation Involve EHS personnel in creating plant-wide inspection and audit questions and checklists Questions should ensure that environmental wastes and risk are routinely identified, properly managed, and eliminated where possible Questions can also be
33、 used to train 6S inspectors and auditors, or to provide background for a broader rating categoryPrevious Page Next PageKey Questions誓日媳忠沸粮寞栋踞冯滴牧衅纫捞疑蛔现夷灭排带潞脚靡悯尖覆液团剖典module5_6Smodule5_6S23Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 24Example 6S Audit Checklist with EHS ItemsClick here for the
34、 full example checklist: http:/www.epa.gov/lean/toolkit/app-e.htm Previous Page Next Page仅场偶码荧逗忘拇拓惯鞍仕唆苯忽酮捎霸纯卸光骚亮嘿太维恃习痕嫁函狞module5_6Smodule5_6S24Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 25Tools for Incorporating EHS into 6S Use yellow-tagging to identify EHS issues during the Sort process E
35、xpand 6S inspections of the Shine pillar to include EHS issues Expand 6S audits performed as part of the Sustain pillar to include EHS issues Identify additional ways to implement EHS within 6SPrevious Page Next Page搀灭苞州渴仲鞭族消晶彩贮俏笆郁闸琵呻诈潮谚澎床沫易者抛帝匝涸昭蜗module5_6Smodule5_6S25Lean and Environment Toolkit |
36、 January 2006 | Slide 264. Identify Additional Ways to ImplementEHS within 6S There are many small things you can do to incorporate EHS in the 6S process. Here are just a few example: Use low-toxic paint in white or a light color - this can help save lighting and energy costs Use different colored c
37、ontainers for hazardous waste, recycling, and other non-hazardous wastes Mark aerosol cans with colored dots to indicate where to dispose them Use environmentally friendly cleaning suppliesPrevious Page Next Page鸣拨按雁硬辜盈忧烛墙栈满遥尤延箍驻及刺催投下金丸绅千仗拼芦庚记伊module5_6Smodule5_6S26Lean and Environment Toolkit | Jan
38、uary 2006 | Slide 27TO CONSIDER How well do 6S inspections and audits assess EHS activities and performance in your company? What approach might be most appropriate for incorporating EHS considerations into 6S assessment tools in your company? Previous PagePrevious PageNext Page嘱火唁幌枉沏墨取滑晓寨恳锚恕巩嚼臼咳朋曾农
39、饥责搪贸舜审快砰炬凹冠module5_6Smodule5_6S27Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 28Reflections on Integrating EHS and 6S The 6S pillars work together to increase productivity, reduce defects, make accidents less likely, save time, and reduce costs When expanded to include EHS issues, they can he
40、lp reduce hazards and improve environmental performance By explicitly incorporating EHS issues into all six pillars during 6S inspections, you can eliminate more waste and risk at your company creating a safer and more efficient workplacePrevious Page Next Page疚馅以央蚊落吼卢鹅家澡猪韩度掠地跌膘他复烩掐捣抹娥墟塌琴柠剧壳蕉module5
41、_6Smodule5_6S28Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 29Reflections on Integrating EHS and 6S, Continued What did you learn from this training module that was particularly useful? Do you need any more information to understand how to incorporate EHS into 6S? Would any other tools be hel
42、pful?Previous Page Next Page跪抢修敛谦勾伏盛签黑团圆绞讳翘洋玖位杀合累底堂烙涣祷靛酿智琢惧黔module5_6Smodule5_6S29Lean and Environment Toolkit | January 2006 | Slide 30EPA Lean and Environment Training Modules For more information about EPAs Lean and Environment Training Modules, visit: www.epa.gov/lean EPA is interested in learning from organizations experiences with lean and environment, and welcomes your comments on this training module Please contact EPA by using the form found at http:/www.epa.gov/lean/auxfiles/contact.htmPrevious Page元椰隶娟烽刚衔他谓逆侦明康成郁峦鹿绣蠕另闸府圃腆努算纠努萨痛著泳module5_6Smodule5_6S30