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1、生活饮用水卫生监督管理办法Surveillance and Administration Methods of Drinking Water Sanitation(1996 年 7 月 9 日建设部、卫生部令第 53 号发布)(Decree No.53 of the Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Health on June 9th, 1996)第一章 总 则Chapter 1 General Provisions第一条 为保证生活饮用水(以下简称饮用水)卫生安全,保障人体健康,根据中华人民共和国传染病防治法及城市供水条例的有关规定,制定本办

2、法。Article 1 These Methods are formulated in order to guarantee the sanitation safety of domestic drinking water (hereinafter referred to as “drinking water”) and safeguard peoples health, and in accordance with the Contagious Diseases Prevention and Treatment Methods of the Peoples Republic of China

3、 and Urban Water Supply Rules. 第二条 本办法适用于集中式供水、二次供水单位(以下简称供水单位)和涉及饮用水卫生安全的产品的卫生监督管理。凡在中华人民共和国领域内的任何单位和个人均应遵守本办法。Article 2 These Methods apply to centralized water supply, secondary water suppliers (hereinafter referred to as “water suppliers”) and sanitation surveillance and administration of produc

4、ts involving the sanitation safety of drinking water. Any organizations and individuals within the territory of PRC shall abide by these Methods. 第三条 卫生部主管全国饮用水卫生监督工作。县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门主管本行政区域内饮用水卫生监督工作。Article 3 Ministry of Health is in charge of the sanitation surveillance of drinking water nationwi

5、de. Sanitation administration departments under local peoples governments above the county level are in charge of the drinking water sanitation surveillance within their own administrative regions. 建设部主管全国城市饮用水卫生管理工作。县级以上地方人民政府建设行政主管部门主管本行政区域内城镇饮用水卫生管理工作。The Ministry of Construction is in charge of

6、the sanitation administration of urban drinking water nationwide. Construction administration departments under local peoples governments above the county level are in charge of the drinking water sanitation administration within their own administrative regions.第四条 国家对供水单位和涉及饮用水卫生安全的产品实行卫生许可制度。Arti

7、cle 4 The central government adopts the sanitation licensing system for water suppliers and products involving the sanitation safety of drinking water. 第五条 国家鼓励有益有于饮用水卫生安全的新产品、新技术、新工艺的研制开发和推广应用。Article 5 The central government encourages the R and for water suppliers supplying water in excess of an

8、administrative region, the sanitation administration department under the peoples government at a level higher than the administrative region shall be responsible for surveillance and monitoring of drinking water sanitation; for water suppliers supplying water in excess of a province, autonomous reg

9、ion and municipality directly under the central government, the sanitation administration department under the government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government shall be responsible for surveillance and monitoring of drinking water sanitation. Sanit

10、ation surveillance organizations set up by the competent departments in charge of railway, transport and civil aviation administration shall exercise the drinking water sanitation surveillance responsibilities required by MOH jointly with the relevant departments under the State Council. 第十七条 新建、改建、

11、扩建集中式供水项目时,当地人民政府卫生行政部门应做好预防性卫生监督工作,并负责本行政区域内饮用水的水源水质监测和评价。Article 17 For centralized water supply projects of new construction, renovation and expansion, sanitation administration departments under local peoples governments shall perform preventive sanitation surveillance work, and be responsible f

12、or the water source quality monitoring and evaluation for the drinking water within their administrative regions. 第十八条 医疗单位发现因饮用水污染出现的介水传染病或化学中毒病例时,应及时向当地人民政府卫生行政部门和卫生防疫机构报告。Article 18 Upon identification of waterborne contagious diseases or chemical poisoning cases caused by drinking water pollutio

13、n, medical institutions shall report the cases to local sanitation administration departments and epidemic prevention organizations. 第十九条 县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门负责本行政区域内饮用水污染事故对人体健康影响的调查。当发现饮用水污染危及人体健康,须停止使用时,对二次供水单位应责令其立即停止供水;对集中式供水单位应当会同城市建设行政主管部门报同级人民政府批准后停止供水。Article 19 Sanitation administration depart

14、ments under local peoples governments above the county level shall be responsible for conducting inspection over the impact of drinking water pollution accidents on human health within their administrative regions. As Drinking water is found to be polluted and harmful to human health, and shall not

15、be used any more, an order shall be given to the secondary water suppliers to halt water supply immediately; for centralized water suppliers, the sanitation administration department and construction administration department shall jointly submit the matter to the peoples government at the same leve

16、l, and halt water supply after gaining an approval. 第二十条 供水单位卫生许可证由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门按照本办法第十六规定的管理范围发放,有效期四年,每年复核一次。有效期满前六个月重新提出申请换发新证。 城市供水企业资质证书的申办按城市供水企业资质管理规定执行。Article 20 The sanitation license for water suppliers shall be issued by the sanitation administration departments under the peoples govern

17、ments above the county level in accordance with the administration scope required in Article 16 herein. The license has an effective period of 4 years, and shall be reexamined once every year. The license holder shall make an application for renewal six months ahead of the expiration date. The Quali

18、fications Certificate for Enterprises Supplying Water in Urban Areas shall be handled in accordance with the Management Methods for the Qualifications of Urban Water Supplying Enterprises. 第二十一条 涉及饮用水卫生安全的产品,必须进行卫生安全性评价。与饮用水接触的防护涂料、水质处理器以及新材料和化学物质,由省级人民政府卫生行政部门初审后,报卫生部复审;复审合格的产品,由卫生部颁发批准文件。其他涉及饮用水卫生

19、安全的产品,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门批准,报卫生部备案。凡涉及饮用水卫生安全的进口产品,须经卫生部审批后,方可进口和销售。具体管理办法由卫生部另行制定。Article 21 Products involving drinking water sanitation safety shall be subject to sanitation safety evaluation. And the protection paint, water quality treatment devices, new materials and chemicals in contact with

20、drinking water shall be subject to the preliminary review of sanitation administration departments under the peoples governments at the provincial level and reexamination by MOH. Products passing the reexamination shall be issued with the approval documents issued by MOH. Other products involving dr

21、inking water sanitation safety shall be approved by the sanitation administration departments under the peoples governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government and registered with MOH for record. Imported products involving drinking water sanitat

22、ion safety may be imported and sold after being approved by MOH, with the specific management methods formulated by MOH separately. 第二十二条 凡取得卫生许可证的单位或个人,以及取得卫生许可批准文件的饮用水卫生安全的产品,经日常监督检查,发现已不符合卫生许可证颁发条件或不符合卫生许可批准文件颁发要求的,原批准机关有权收回有关证件或批准文件。Article 22 In the event that organizations and individuals acqu

23、iring the sanitation license, and products involving drinking water sanitation safety which have acquired the sanitation license approval documents are found on day-to-day surveillance and inspection to fail to meet the conditions for license issuance or meet the issuance requirements for sanitation

24、 license approval documents, the original approval authorities have the right to take back the relevant certificates or approval documents. 第二十三条 县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门设饮用水卫生监督员,负责饮用水卫生监督工作。县级人民政府卫生行政部门可聘任饮用水卫生检查员,负责乡、镇饮用水卫生检查工作。饮用水卫生监督员由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门发给证书,饮用水卫生检查员由县级人民政府卫生行政部门发给证书。铁道、交通、民航的饮用水卫生监督员,由其上级行政主

25、管部门发给证书。Article 23 Sanitation administration departments under the peoples governments above the county level shall have the position of drinking water sanitation surveillance personnel to be responsible for conducting surveillance for drinking water sanitation. Sanitation administration departments

26、 under the peoples governments at the county level may recruit drinking water sanitation inspectors to be responsible for conducting inspection for drinking water sanitation in townships and villages. Drinking water sanitation surveillance personnel shall be issued with certificates by the sanitatio

27、n administration departments under the peoples governments above the county level, drinking water sanitation inspectors issued with certificates by the sanitation administration departments under the peoples governments at the county level, and drinking water sanitation surveillance personnel in the

28、 railway, transport and civil aviation industries issued with certificates by the superior competent departments. 第二十四条 饮用水卫生监督员应秉公执法,忠于职守,不得利用职权谋取私利。Article 24 Drinking water sanitation surveillance personnel shall enforce law impartially, stay dutiful and shall not abuse their power for personal g

29、ains. 第四章 罚 则Chapter 4 Punishments第二十五条 集中式供水单位安排未取得体检合格证的人员从事直接供、管水工作或安排患有有碍饮用水卫生疾病的或病原携带者从事直接供、管水工作的,县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门应当责令限期改进,并可对供水单位处以 20 元以上 1000 元以下的罚款。Article 25 Where centralized water suppliers arrange the personnel without physical examination conformance certificates to directly engage in

30、water supply and administration, or arrange the carriers with diseases or pathogen harmful to drinking water sanitation to directly engage in water supply and administration, the sanitation administration departments under the peoples governments above the county level shall order them to make recti

31、fication before a designated timetable, and impose on them a penalty between 20 yuan and 1,000 yuan. 第二十六条 违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门应当责令限期改进,并可处以 20 元以上 5000 元以下的罚款:(一)在饮有水水源保护区修建危害水源水质卫生的设施或进行有碍水源水质卫生的作业的;(二)新建、改建、扩建的饮用水供水项目未经卫生行政部门参加选址、设计审查和竣工验收而擅自供水的;(三)供水单位未取得卫生许可证而擅自供水的;(四)供水单位供应的饮用水不符合

32、国家规定的生活饮用水卫生标准的;(五)未取得卫生行政部门的卫生许可擅自从事二次供水设施清洗消毒工作的。Article 26 Where any organizations or individuals violate these Methods by any of the following behaviors, the sanitation administration departments under the peoples governments above the county level shall order them to make rectification before a

33、 designated timetable, and impose on them a penalty between 20 yuan and 5,000 yuan: (I) Build facilities harmful to the sanitation of water quality at sources or conduct operations with the same harm at the drinking water source preservation areas; (II) Drinking water supply projects of new construc

34、tion, renovation and expansion supply water without permission before the sanitation administration department participates in the site selection, design review and completion acceptance; (III) Water suppliers supply water without permission before acquiring the sanitation license; (IV) The drinking

35、 water supplied by water suppliers is not consistent with the national sanitation standard for domestic drinking water; (V) Engage in the cleaning and sterilization of secondary water supply facilities without permission before acquiring the sanitation license of sanitation administration department

36、s. 第二十七条 违反本办法规定,生产或者销售无卫生许可批准文件的涉及饮用水卫生安全的产品的,县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门应当责令改进,并可处以违法所得 3 倍以下的罚款,但最高不超过 30000 元,或处以 500 元以上 10000 元以下的罚款。Article 27 Where any organizations or individuals violate these Methods by producing or selling products involving drinking water sanitation safety without the sanitation l

37、icense approval documents, sanitation administration departments under the peoples governments above the county level shall order them to make rectification and impose on them a penalty of less than 3 times the amount of the illegal gains at a maximum of RMB 30,000 yuan, or a penalty between RMB 500

38、 yuan and RMB 10,000 yuan. 第二十八条 城市自来水供水企业和自建设施对外供水的企业,有下列行为之一的,由建设行政主管部门责令限期改进,并可处以违法所得 3 倍以下的罚款,但最高不超过 30000 元,没有违法所得的可处以 10000 元以下罚款:(一)新建、改建、扩建的饮用水供水工程项目未经建设行政主管部门设计审查和竣工验收而擅自建设并投入使用的;(二)未按规定进行日常性水质检验工作;(三)未取得城市供水企业资质证书擅自供水的。Article 28 Where enterprises supplying running water in urban areas and

39、 those supplying water externally with self-built facilities have any of the following behaviors, the construction administration departments shall order them to make rectification before a designated timetable and may impose on them a penalty of less than 3 times the amount of the illegal gains at

40、a maximum of RMB 30,000 yuan. And a penalty of less than RMB 10,000 yuan may be imposed on any offenders without illegal gains. (I) Drinking water supply projects of new construction, renovation and expansion have construction and come to use without permission before the construction administration

41、 departments conduct the design review and completion acceptance; (II) Fail to conduct day-to-day water quality inspection in accordance with the regulations; (III) Supply water without acquiring the Qualifications Certificate for Enterprises Supplying Water in Urban Areas.第五章 附 则Chapter V Supplemen

42、tary provisions第二十九条 本办法下列用语的含义是:Article 29 Terms and definitions: 集中式供水:由水源集中取水,经统一净化处理和消毒后,由输水管网送至用户的供水方式(包括公共供水和单位自建设施供水) 。Centralized water supply: the water supply approach of collecting water in a centralized way from water sources, conducting unified purification treatment and sterilization,

43、and sending the water through water transmission pipelines to users (including public water supply and water supply with self-built facilities). 二次供水:将来自集中式供水的管道另行加压、贮存,再送至水站或用户的供水设施;包括客运船舶、火车客车等交通运输工具上的供水(有独自制水设施者除外) 。Secondary water supply: water supply facilities conducting pressure increase and

44、storage for water from centralized water supply pipelines, and then sending the water to water stations or users; including water supply on passenger ships, passenger trains and other transport vehicles (except for water supplies with independent self-built facilities). 涉及饮用水卫生安全的产品:凡在饮用水生产和供水过程中与饮用

45、水接触的联接止水材料、塑料及有机合成管材、管件、防护涂料、水处理剂、除垢剂、水质处理器及其他新材料和化学物质。Products involving drinking water sanitation safety: connection sealing materials, plastic and organic synthetic pipe materials, pipe fittings, protection paint, water treatment agents, scale remover, water quality treatment devices and other ne

46、w materials and chemicals in contact with drinking water during the production and supply of drinking water. 直接从事供、管水的人员:从事净水、取样、化验、二次供水卫生管理及水池、水箱清洗人员。Personnel directly engaged in water supply and administration: personnel engaged in water cleaning, sampling, chemical testing, secondary water supply sanitation management and water tank cleaning personnel. 第三十条 本办法由卫生部、建设部负责解释。Article 30 These Methods shall be interpreted by MOH and MOC. 第三十一条 本办法自一九九七年一月一日起施行。Article 31 These Methods shall be implemented as of January 1st, 1997.


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