1、成员:陈明月、张闰滢、赵波阳、贾玲玉 .简介 2011,华夏源脉、千年帝都、丝路起点、秦俑故乡 中国西安将聚焦世界的目光,这是继 1999年昆明、 2006年沈阳之后,世界园艺博览会第三次来到中国,将在西安 浐灞生态区 盛大开幕! 2011西安世园会主会址 广运潭 ,位于史称 “灞上 ”的浐灞之滨,是我国古代主要港口之一。盛唐 天宝 年间, 唐玄宗 曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。 2011西安世园会园区总面积 418公顷( 6270亩),其中水域面积188公顷( 2820亩),总体结构为 “两环、两轴、五组团 ”。其中, “两环
2、”分为主环和次环。主环为核心展区,主要分布有室外展园和园艺景点;次环为扩展区,布置世园村、管理中心等服务配套设施。 “两轴 ”是指园区内的两条景观轴线,南北为主轴,东西为次轴。“五组团 ”分别为长安园、创意园、五洲园、科技园和体验园。四大标志性建筑 有长安塔、创意馆、自然馆和 广运门 ;五大主题园艺景点分别是长安花谷、五彩 终南 、丝路花雨、海外大观和灞上彩虹;三大特色服务区分别是灞上人家、椰风水岸和欧陆风情。 2011西安世园会以 “天人长安 创意自然 城市与自然和谐共生 ”为主题。会徽和吉祥物均命名为 “长安花 ”,取意 “春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花 ”。理念为 “绿色引领时尚 ”,倡
3、导 “简单而不奢侈,低碳告别高耗,回归自然,不事雕饰,绿色生活成为追求的时尚”。 .会徽 西安世园会会徽取名 “长安花 ”,取意 “春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花 ”。构思源于 道德经 : “道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物 ”,是由三、四、五、六边形自然花瓣组合而成的 “百花吉印 ”,由西安籍著名平面设计师、北京申奥标志及生肖邮票设计者陈绍华设计。释义为:三生万物,花开吉祥;四合为土,天圆地方;五叶生木,林森荫育;六流成水,润泽万物 西安世园会线徽其中,三边形状如大写的汉字 “人 ”,位于图案的中心,体现以人为本,代表着文化,责任和理性;四边形犹如西安古城墙,喻指 “长安城 ”,象征和谐人居
4、,同时也体现西安特色;五边形好似五瓣花,是自然界最常见的花朵形式,代表金、木、水、火、土五行,象征自然万物;六边形状如雪花,态似流水,则寓意上下东西南北六合,象征包容一切的宇宙。从三到六自然递进,体现了人、城市、自然、宇宙的和谐共生,契合西安世园会 “天人长安,创意自然 ”主题 .吉祥物 长安花的形象来自西安市花 -石榴花,身体的形状和色彩以石榴为创意核心,名字琅琅上口,既符合西安的民族特色,又与世园会会徽的设计理念相呼应。定名长安花,取意同会徽。 .世博游览导图欧陆风情 喷泉雕塑 高山杜鹃 俄罗斯馆 桥上看长安塔台北馆 广州馆 花雨思路 喷泉 雕塑 香港馆上海馆 天津园标识性景观 “金樽 ”
5、 法国馆的精美油画 德国展区汶川展园日本北海道园区 泰国园 河北园 汶川展园 .主要路线及景点简介 由北向南依次参观世园四大标准建筑。中午先参观广运门,再向南走路过长安花谷,就到了创意馆。下午继续向南参观自然馆和长安塔。 BE one by one in order visited a life time park toward the south by the north four the big standards construct.At midday and first visit a wide luck portal, then go southward to pass by to
6、Chang-an spend a valley, was creativity building.Go on to visit natural building to the south in the afternoon and Chang-an tower. .第一站 广运门 Wide luck portal 广运门是 2011西安世园会主入口,位于园区东北部,横跨 60米宽的世博大道,高峰期每小时可通行 2万多人。由踏步、水景、方块式园艺花卉造型组成的坡道把上下之间联系起来,与长安花谷浑然一体,以其恢宏的气势形成强烈的震撼效果。 The wide luck portal is 2011 a
7、 life time parks in Xian will main entry point, be located in the northeast of garden, cross a 60 meter wide life time great pass, the high peak expects per hour to go through 20,000 multi-users.From mark time, water view, cube type the half-hardy flower shape constitute of the ascent pass get up th
8、e link of the top and bottom, with Chang-an spend valley Hun however integral whole, with his/her generous vehemence forming mightiness of shock effect. 设计主题 :步行大桥横跨世博大道,其设计概念紧扣西安园艺博览会的主题,总平面布局始于吸纳源自停车场人流的动线,进出人流各自分开。 Design subject:walk big bridge to cross a life time great pass, it designs notion
9、to tightly button up the subject of half-hardy exposition in Xian, the total plane layout begins from to absorb Na to derive from parking lot a person moving of streaming wire, pass in and out a person to flow respectively seeparate 概况介绍 : The general situation introduces: 大门作为整个景观园区的起点,运用植栽,水景等反映绿色
10、园艺色彩的设计元素贯穿其中,桥上设植物廊架,有绿色植物攀爬其上,垂直绿化并提供遮阳。根据建筑的使用要求,也充分考虑了残疾人的通行需求 The front door is the whole point of departure of view garden, usage plant to plant, water view waits the design element of reflecting the green and half-hardy color to pierce through among them, establish a plant gallery stand on th
11、e bridge, there is green plant climbing it up, perpendicular greening combine provide to hide male.Request according to the architectural use, also well considered the disable and sick persons transit demand 设计亮点 : Designing is a little bit bright: 建筑结构为钢筋混凝土结构,但是材料选择上以自然的木材及地域性的花岗岩为点缀,中国元素亦巧妙的穿插其中。
12、Construct the structure as reinforced concrete structure, but the material select ascends to take the natural timber and the region granite as to embellish, Chinese element is as well skilled to add among them. .第二站 创意馆 Creativity building 创意馆位于 2011西安世园会主轴线上,整个展馆结合码头和周边场地进行设计,建筑布局呈 “ 王 ” 字型,由三翼不规则几
13、何体组成,青铜金属、石材及花园式种植屋面等不同饰面的无规则衔接处理,形成了错落有致、内涵丰富的艺术效果。将展览展示园林园艺、植物花卉的新成果、新产品以及环保节能新技术、新材料等。 The creativity building is located in 2011 a life time park in Xian meeting principal axis on - line, the whole exhibition building combines jetty and peripheral yard to carry on a design, the building layout p
14、resents the matrix of“king“, from three wing irregularity several what body constitute, the bronze metal, stone material and garden type plant house surface etc. dissimilarity decoration surface of have no the rule link up a transaction and forminged miscount to fall to, content prolific art effect.
15、Display exhibition park horticulture and new fruit, new product and environmental protection economy energy new technique, new material etc. of plant flower. 设计主题 :作为东道主展馆,力求体现西安的深厚的文化积淀和辉煌的历史,更重要的是通过富有创意的设计展现西安光明的未来。 Design subject:is a host to stretch building and try hard for deep culture of embo
16、dying Xian to accumulate Dian and the history of brilliancy, the more important approval is rich creative design display Xian bright future. 概况介绍 : The general situation introduces: 总平面布局以西安世界园艺博览会概念性规划和修建性详细规划为依据,密切结合周边道路条件,并充分考虑其在全园内的位置及其与规划的长安塔和自然馆之间的关系。建筑自然分割成三个相对独立、并向水面延展的展览展示区域,横向通道将其贯穿连接。游客可以
17、经由一系列的室内展示坡道上达屋顶观景平台。结构主体采用钢筋混凝土结合钢结构的形式,屋顶使用了混凝土褶皱板结构,以满足建筑对大跨度空间的需求,优美的结构形式体现了功能与形式相结合的建筑艺术最高境界。 Total plane layout with Xian world half-hardy exposition notion layout and build sex in detail layout for basis, closely combine a peripheral way condition, and well consider that it is in the location
18、 in the whole parkses and it and the layout Chang-an the relation of of tower and natural building.The building cuts up into three contras naturally independence, and expand toward the surface of exhibition pitch region, traverse gateway to pierce through its connectivity.Visitor can the indoor pitc
19、h ascent pass of via a series up reach roof view view platen.The structure master adoption reinforced concrete combines the form of steel structure, the roof used concrete plait wrinkly harden to reach to construct by satisfying vs the demand that greatly acrosses dimension, beautiful of the structu
20、re form embodied the high state in the building art that the function combines together with form. 设计亮点 : Designing is a little bit bright: 建筑的外立面采用青铜与玻璃,建筑体型独特,犹如一件镶嵌钻石的青铜艺术品矗立在湖边。 Building of the outside sign a surface adoption bronze and glass, the building body figure is special, a such as bronz
21、e art object that insets diamond stands erect in the by the lake. .第三站 长安塔 Chang-an tower 长安塔位于 2011西安世园会园区制高点小终南山上,是 2011西安世园会的标志,也是园区的观景塔,游人可登塔俯瞰,全园美景尽收眼底。在设计上保持了隋唐时期方形古塔的神韵,同时增加了现代元素,既体现了中国建筑文化的内涵,又彰显出时尚现代的都市风貌,是生态建筑的实践和示范,建成后将成为提升西安城市建筑文化内涵的标志性建筑。 Chang-an the tower is located in 2011 a life tim
22、e parks in Xian will garden system the highs is eventually small south the top of hill is the sign of 2011 meetings in a life time park in Xian, is also the view view of the garden tower, the visitor can ascend tower to overlook, lovely view in the whole park to the utmost closes eye bed.Kept the po
23、etic charm of the square thou tower of time Tang of Sui on the design, raised a modern element at the same time, embodied China to construct a cultural content, and showed a vogue modernistic city appearance, is the fulfillment and demonstration of ecosystem building, will become the sign that promo
24、tes civic architecture cultural in Xian content building after being finished. 设计主题 :天人长安,创意自然 Design subject:nature and man Chang-an, creativity nature 概况介绍 : The general situation introduces: ( 1)文化的标志性 (1)Cultural sign 此塔具有 “ 天人长安 ” 文化的标志性,其形象带有 “ 长安 ” 的特色。此塔根据唐长安宝塔的特点设计成方形,塔外观造型具有唐代木结构塔的造型特点。反映历
25、史上长安人与自然的共生共荣,此塔具有文化的标志性。 This tower has “the nature and man is Chang-an“ cultural sign, its image tape has “Chang-an“ of special feature.This tower according to Tang Chang-an the characteristics design of pagoda become square, the tower external appearance shape has the shape characteristics of the
26、 wood structure tower in Tang Dynasty.Reflect history top Chang-an person and natural symbiosis total glory, this tower has cultural sign. ( 2)时代的标志性 The sign in age 全塔采用先进的内钢框架支撑结构,自重轻、施工快,且钢材为可循环材料,节能环保。屋顶及所 .有挑檐均采用安全玻璃,与墙体的玻璃幕墙共同构成水晶塔的效果。 The whole tower adopts a forerunner of inside the steel fr
27、ame underpin structure, self-respect light, start construction quickly, and in order to can circulate material, the steel material economizes on energy an environmental protection.Roof and all pick Yan to all adopt safe glass, constitute crystal tower with the glass act wall joint use of the wall bo
28、dy of effect ( 3)尺度的标志性 The sign of size 根据实施性详规,长安塔坐落在小终南山上,是景区的制高点建筑,是主、副两条景观轴的交汇点。对全园成景,同时也是俯瞰全园景观最好的景点。 According to implementation detailed gauge, Chang-an the tower locates at at small the eventually southern top of hill is the making of view zone highs building, is lord, handing over of two v
29、ice- view shaftses remit a dot.Becoming a view to the whole parkses is also the tourist spot that overlooks best view in the whole park at the same time. 设计亮点 : Designing is a little bit bright: 长安塔外形具有唐代传统木塔的特点:一层挑檐上面有一层凭座,逐层收分,充满韵律。各层挑檐尺寸开阔上扬,体现唐代木结构建筑出檐深远的特色和风采 。 Chang-an the tower shape has the
30、characteristics of Tang Dynasty traditional wood tower:The 1 F picks there is Section with, 1 F on the Yan and pursue a layer to close a deci, be full of metre.Each size that pick Yan is spacious to higher, embody Tang Dynasty wood structure to construct special feature moderate breezes with profoun
31、d Yan to adopt. 檐下与柱头之间用金属构件组合,是传统建筑檐下斗拱系统的抽象和概括。玻璃幕墙退在外槽柱内侧,通过玻璃肋与柱、梁固定。一系列处理使唐风唐韵的建筑充满了现代感。 The Yan down combines with metal member with of column prinipal, is a next tradition building Yan bucket arch system of abstraction and generalize.The glass act wall backs the over - slot column seamy side
32、and pass glass rib and column, girder stationary.A series of transaction makes the building of Tang Feng Tangs rhyme be full of modern feeling. 长安塔大量采用钢结构和相关构件,具有自重轻、强度高、抗震性能好、便于工业化生产等优势,而且节能省地、可循环利用,建造和拆除时对环境污染较少,被誉为 21世纪的 “ 绿色建筑 ” 。 Chang-an the tower in great quantities adopts steel structure and
33、 related member and have self-respect light, intensity higher -, anti-vibration can good and easy to industrialization capacity etc. advantage, and economize on energy province earth and can circulate take advantage of, build and tore down vs public nuisances less, be praised as “green construct“ in
34、 21th century. .第四站 自然馆 Natural building 自然馆是 2011西安世园会的植物温室,位于锦绣湖畔,主要展示地球上不同地域、不同气候带的珍稀植物及生态景观。 The natural building is the plant glasshouse of 2011 meetings in a life time park in Xian, be located in rich brocade lake front, mainly display the rare plant and ecosystem view of different region, dif
35、ferent climatic zone on the earth 设计主题 :建筑位置处于许多特色景观的交汇点,用以展示多种类植物及其生态景观,以及不同气候带下的典型植物景观自然馆是 2011西安世园会的植物温室,位于锦绣湖畔,主要展示地球上不同地域、不同气候带的珍稀植物及生态景观。自然馆是 2011西安世园会的植物温室,位于锦绣湖畔,主要展示地球上不同地域、不同气候带的珍稀植物及生态景观。 Design subject:the building location be placed in handing over of many special feature viewses to rem
36、it a dot and in order to display a various plant and it ecosystem view, and under the different climatic zone of typical model plant view the natural building is the plant glasshouse of 2011 meetings in a life time park in Xian, be located in rich brocade lake front, mainly display the rare plant an
37、d ecosystem view of different region, different climatic zone on the earth.The natural building is the plant glasshouse of 2011 meetings in a life time park in Xian, be located in rich brocade lake front, mainly display the rare plant and ecosystem view of different region, different climatic zone o
38、n the earth. 概况介绍 : The general situation introduces: 自然馆包含热带雨林植物展区、极冷植物展区和特有植物展区,同时包含一部分公共空间,具有科研办公、接待功能。 The natural building includes a tropical rain forest plant to stretch a zone, the coldest plant to stretch zone and has the plant exhibition the zone especially, includes one part of public spa
39、ce at the same time and has a research to transact, receive function. 设计亮点 : Designing is a little bit bright: 建筑半埋地下立面材料选用玻璃、木材与少量混凝土结合,倚山而建,层层叠叠,与地形完美结合,即从高度上、视觉上弱化了建筑的体量,保证在建筑室内可以从不同标高领略湖面和对面花园的美景。 Construct quasi to cover up an underground to sign the surface material choice glass, timber and jo
40、t concrete to combine, lean on mountain but set up, in multiple layers overlay the overlay is perfect with geography to combine, namely from highly up, vision up weakened to architecturally consider, assuring can never grasp the lovely view of lake surface and opposite garden with elevation at constructing the indoor.