1、,帽子戏法,Culture of English hats 英国的帽子文化,eccentric hats,bowler hat,bad hatas black as a hat,cap,据说,早在18世纪和19世纪初,各种年龄的英国妇女都喜欢戴一种叫cap的便帽,cap把整个头部都罩起来,使脸部显得突出、精致。,硬草帽 boater,bearskin,In 17th century,it is used in European army grenadier commonly. The beaeskin is high, making the soldiers or the people who
2、 are in the battle seemed taller.,Socially essential goods,赛马会变身“帽子盛会”,touch ones hat to 向.打招呼at the drop of the hat 1. 马上, 随时; 很乐意地 2. 一有机会就.; 动不动就.,Rituals associated with the hat,戴好帽子不是容易事,在英国人看来,戴帽子是有很多讲究的,但这些讲究只有地道的英国人才能意会,不少外国政要夫人的帽子搭配都曾遭到过批评。,take ones hat off to向.脱帽致敬I must take my hat off to you for your good show.我得为你的出色表演向你致敬。,hat in hand,He was standing hat in hand before his teacher.,他恭恭敬敬地站在老师面前,Thank you!,