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1、拜耳异氰酸酯和聚醚项目 TDI 联合装置基础设施BAYER ISOCYANATE Sp破断拉力,N; d合成纤维绳直径,mm; K安全系数,合成纤维绳的安全系数可根据工作时用状况的重要程度选取,但不得小于 6。 现取 K=7,P=mg=540kg*9.8N/kg=5292N,则 Sp=PK=5292*7=37044N,计算:d=18.35mm故:合成纤维绳可取 25mm。62.扁平型的吊装带扁平吊带(索)webbing sling : 织带宽度: 25mm 拉力能力 500kg,最小破断力 1000kg 织带宽度: 35mm 拉力能力 1000kg,最小破断力 2000kg 织带宽度: 50m

2、m 拉力能力 2500kg, 最小破断力 5000kg 织带宽度: 75mm 拉力能力 3500kg,最小破断力 7000kg 可取 35mm 宽度的吊装带。栓挂方式:1 弯 2 股受力分析 1S=G/n*1/sin式中:G-设备、吊索、吊钩及重量 ,取 G=0.6T-吊索之间的夹角, =60 n- 绳索的股数,n=2S-每根吊索的拉力S=(0.6/1)*(1/sin60)=0.346 T受力计算 2T= Sp /K式中 T-吊装带的容许拉力Sp -吊装带的破断拉力K-安全系数 ,K=7合成纤维吊装带 T=3.7/7=0.529T S 符合扁平型的吊装带 T=2/7=0.286T S 符合C)

3、.吊机吊装计算吊机性能选用 16 吨汽车吊回转半径 9m 臂杆长度 25m 起吊最大能力 3.3T臂杆倾角计算 a=arc cos (S-F)/L7=arc cos (9-1)/25=71式中: S-吊车回转半径,选 S=9mF-臂杆底铰盘至回转中心的距离,F=1mL-吊车臂杆长度,选 L=25m7.0 吊装操作流程 Hoisting operating process7.1 由项目部有关部门会同吊装专业有关人员进行联合检查,全部确认后联合(包括项目经理)签发起吊后才可进行吊装。Carrying out hoisting after being inspected and confirmed

4、by relevant departments and professional personnel of the project and signed together (include PM).7.2 所有各项准备工作完备后进行试吊,试吊要求吊耳点抬高 200-500mm,检查内容为: Take a hoisting test after all the preparatory work and require lug-point to be elevated to 200-500mm. Contents of check as follows: 7.3 所有索具情况,吊车负荷情况 ,地基

5、变化情况,吊耳及壳体情况. Include rigging, crane loads, ground changes, lug and shell conditions.7.4 试吊如出现问题则及时放回原位针对这些问题进行整改,直至正常。If problems of test appear, put back to in-situ for the rectification until it is up to the normal. 7.5 现场吊装指挥协调主吊吊车的变幅度速度,要求始终保持主吊车吊臂与设备在水平面上投影相垂直,吊钩始终保持与地面相垂直,然后再提升至安装位置。The on-si

6、te hoisting commander coordinates speed variable rate of the main crane. Maintain the boom derrick keeps vertical with the equipment projection in the horizontal plane and the drop hanger keeps vertical with the ground. Then rise to the installation location.7.6 槽钢基础吊至安装高度后,一端放在手动液压车上,另一端放在滑轮上,进行水平运

7、输,运到安装位置后用龙门架就地放下。对于比较小的槽钢基础,用液压车水平运输到位后,人工抬下。7.7 槽钢基础安装前,先按施工图纸所标位置,进行施工放线,放线完成后,将预制好的基础型钢架放在正确位置上,用水准仪或水平尺找平、找正。用 12 膨胀螺栓固定。找平过程中,需要用垫铁的地方最多不能超过三片。然后,将垫铁用电焊焊牢。基础型钢安装允许偏差下表。基础型钢安装允许偏差允许偏差 项目 mm/m mm/全长不直度 1 3水平度 1 3位置误差及不平行度 58.0 吊装工作应注意的安全事项: Safety matters of hoisting work88.1 吊装施工准备和实施过程中安全质量保证体

8、系必须要保证正常运转,以确保吊装工程达到安全优质的要求.吊装前必须进行安全质量检查,并要符合化工工程建设起重施工规范(HGJ201-83) 以及其他规程、规范的规定。Safety Crane man 1; crane drivers 1; worker 6; manager 1; safety man 1; On-site Electrical worker 1吊装作业风险评价 Risk assessment of lifting operations一、编制依据 compilation basis1.项目施工图纸 project construction drawings2、工程施工组织设计

9、 engineering construction organization design3、HJ515-90设备吊装施工工艺标准HJ515-90 “hoisting equipment construction technology standards“ H3505-1999, HGJ233-87 “Petroleum and Chemical Construction Safety Technical Regulation“ SH3503-1999, HGJ233-874、H3505-1999 、HGJ233-87石油化工施工安全技术规程SH3503-1999,HGJ233-875、QY2

10、5K 型 25T 吊车性能参数表。 QY25K type 25T crane performance parameter table.6、 安全、环境与健康管理手册 (QG/SE11.01-2001 )“Safety, Environment and Health Management Handbook“ (QG/SE11.01-2001) 安全、环境与健康管理程序文件 (QG/SE11.02-2001) “Safety, environment and health management program files“ (QG/SE11.02-2001)安全、环境与健康管理作业文件 (QG/S

11、E11.03-2001) “Security, environment and health management works document“ (QG/SE11.032001)二吊装作业用设备起重机使用过程中的隐患 Lifting operations of equipment - hidden 14danger of the process of using cranes1、起重吊装作业是事故高发行业,特别是大件吊装,风险很大,更要引起高度重视。由于吊装就位使用 25T 吨汽车吊,就起重吊装作业而言,概括来说,存在着下列事故隐患:1, Hoisting operation is indu

12、stry of a high incidence of accidents, especially the large lifting with high risk should be paid close attention. Due to the use of 25T hoisting crane, generally speaking, hidden danger of accidents is as following:起重机的危险性:起重机由于活动范围大,动臂旋转机会多,因而容易发生倾覆 The risk of cranes: Cranes have large scope of a

13、ctivities and boom rotation thus prone to overturning.挟压、坠臂、脱钩、重物坠落、物体打击、钢丝绳段裂、碰撞、触电等重大事故。Embrace pressure, falling boom, separated from heavy falls, objects, strikes, rope segment crack, collision, electrocution and other major incident.2、起重机事故防范措施:Crane accident prevention measures:(1) 合理使用支承器(支腿)

14、The rational use of supported devices (legs) 将支腿支撑于地面,使四个支撑器落地并均匀受力。若地面松软,应用硬质材料垫平不让支撑器陷落。从而使起重机稳定平衡,增加其稳定力矩。为保证吊装和运输工作安全顺利进行,对吊车站位和运输区域道路必须做相应处理,使之能够满足运输吊装时的承载要求。在土建施工阶段同步进行装置区内道路的施工、即在进场预制、吊装前按正式道路的施工要求完成道路的开挖、压实、路基处理,以满足设备运输、吊车等的进场要求。Put the leg support on the ground, so that four legs can get ev

15、en force. If the ground is soft, pad it flat with rigid materials to prevent stents falling. So that the crane gets stable equilibrium and increases its stability moment. In order to ensure lifting and transportation works carry out safely and smoothly. The crane stations and transportation roads mu

16、st be handled so as to meet the load requirements. Carry out the civil and roads construction simultaneously. That is to complete the construction of the road excavation, compaction and subgrade treatment before prefabricating and lifting as formally required to meet the admission requirements of eq

17、uipment transportation and cranes, etc地基处理做为一个关键控制环节,必须一丝不苟地按方案实施并严格验收、确认、不能有丝毫的马虎。Foundation treatment is a key control area. It must be strictly implemented and accepted and confirmed according to the program(2) 、控制动臂旋转角度自行动臂起重机在最大负荷下工作时,动臂的左右旋转角度不应超过 45 度。横向起吊,容易失去平衡而翻车,故在一般情况下不准在横向(90方向)起吊。因此,在方

18、案中,要充分考虑吊车的站位和吊装角度。Control rotation boom angle when the crane work at maximum load. The left and right angel of rotation boom should not exceed 45 degrees. Horizontal lifting is easy to lose balance and rolls so under normal circumstances do not allow horizontal (90 direction) lifting. Thus, in the

19、program, we should take full consideration to the crane station and the loading angle. (3) 、防止过卷扬起重机在吊装重物时、吊钩与滑轮之间应保持一定安全距离,要防止卷扬过头,造成钢丝绳拉断或动臂(吊杆)后张。在起钩时,一般操作杆不要板得过紧,防止过紧而卡住,一旦发生事故而扳不回来,而使起重反张。反张,既起重臂超过最大允许角度而往后张,反张后一般要造成人身或设备事故。 Maintain a certain safe distance between hooks and pulleys to prevent

20、over hoisting, resulting in wire rope broken or rotating boom (derrick) post-tensioned. The general operating rod should not be hold too tight when start hooking to prevent jamming. In the event of an accident, it can not be pulled back, leaving lifting anti-stretched. Exceed the maximum allowable s

21、tretch angle could cause the incident the person or 15equipment. (4) 、架空输电线与动臂保持安全距离,起重机不得在架空输电线下面工作。在输电线下面通过时,应将动臂放下。在架空输电线路一侧工作时,必须与输电线保持安全距离,雨雾天的安全距离还要适当放大。Keep a safe distance between overhead transmission lines and the boom. Cranes shall not work below the overhead transmission lines. Passing b

22、eneath power lines, put the boom down. Working at the side of the overhead transmission line, must keep a safe distance and appropriately amplify the distance during rain and fog days.见下表:See the following form输电线电压 V,KVelectricity power linesV,KV1 1-35 60最小距离 minimum distance1.5 3 0.01(V-50 )+3(5)、

23、动臂触电后的紧急对策 emergency response after boom electric shock起重臂无法脱离高压输电线时,驾驶员千万不能随便下地,现场人员应立即把危险区围好,通知有关部门立即切断电源,驾驶员等电源切断后在下地,如果现场无人时,驾驶员在关好一切操作手柄后再双脚并足跳下(身体不能再触及车身与吊具) ,并继续并足(不能跨步)跳出危险区,以各支承器为圆心、R=810m 为半径的范围内为危险区。 Boom can not be divorced from high-voltage transmission lines, the driver must not casual

24、ly get off. On-site personnel should close off the danger area immediately. Inform the relevant departments to cut off the power supply immediately, after the power is cut off, the driver turn off the operating handles and then jumped out (body can not reach the crane and spreader) and continue jump

25、ing (not stepped) out of danger area. The danger zone is use the supporting device as the center of a circle and radius = 8 10m .四、 自行动臂起重机事故产生的原因 accident causes of jib cranes1、设计原因 design factors起重机结构、机构,电液入控制系统,原设计结构、尺寸、技术条件、安全裕度、材料、元件等选择不合理。 crane structure, electro-hydraulic control system, the

26、 structure and size of original design, technical conditions, safety margin, unreasonable options of materials, components. 2、制造因素 manufacturing factors起重机零件、结构件在加工、焊接、锻(铸)造,热处理、装配过程中,由于工艺质量不符合设计要求。Crane parts and structural parts in the process of welding, forging (casting) and heat treatment and a

27、ssembly process do not meet design requirements. 3、安装因素 installation factors起重机在安装过程中,主要精度控制指标没能满足要求;试验前的调试不当。The main indicators of precision control fail to meet the requirements and improper pre-test debug.4、使用因素 usage factors起重机在使用中长期超期服役;使用作业条件不符合设计范围;Long-term extended usage;operating conditio

28、ns do not meet the design range技术管理不当;操作不熟练或误操作;操作者违章操作或责任心不强、过度疲劳与精力不集中。Poor management, unskilled operation or misuse; operator lack sense of responsibility and do illegal operation; fatigue and lack concentration 5、养修因素 maintenance and repair factors16在使用过程中,缺乏保养或失修;备件质量不合格;局部改进不合格;修理计划不周全;技术管理不当

29、;润滑不良;液压系统元件或设备机件失效。Lack maintenance or disrepair; inferior quality parts; local improvement unqualified; repair plan not comprehensive; poor technology management; poor lubrication; hydraulic system components or equipments failure. 6、有型磨损因素 abrasion factors起重机零件正常的有型磨损已达到极限,出现疲劳、断裂等破坏. Crane parts

30、 have normal wear and tear and reach the limit causing fatigue, fracture and other damage.7、自然灾害因素 natural disasters factors自然灾害因素有台风、飓风、地震;基础下陷。Natural disasters, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, foundation sunken以上是按照起重机寿命全过程中各环节的主要影响因素排列的。如果按照引起事故发生的因素辨证关系来划分类别,即有主观和客观两类,其中又划分为“人、物、环境”。人为主观因素,物

31、和环境则为客观因素。These are the life of the entire process in accordance with cranes, each part of the main factors arranged. If you caused the accident, according to dialectical relationship between the factors divided by category, that there are two types of subjective and objective, which in turn divided

32、 into “people, objects and environment.“ Subjective factors, physical and environmental factors, compared to the objective.1、人的因素 human factors(1)缺乏应有的安全知识由于事故发生的低概率而产生侥幸心理和冒险心理 lack proper security knowledge and arises the psychological and psychosocial risk for the low probability of accidents (2)

33、人的主观预见能力的局限性人的精神状况导致管理上的疏漏 the limitations of subjective ability to anticipate and mans state of mind lead to management oversight.(3)不正常的工作状况 abnormal working conditions 2、物的因素 Material factor(1)起重机设计上的不安全性 The crane insecurity on design(2)起重机零部件制造上的缺陷 manufacturing defects on cranes parts(3) 安全设置不

34、完善,元件及装置功能不全或者失效 inadequate security settings; disfunction or failure of component and devices 3. 环境方面的因素 Environmental factors(1) 自然条件(气候)natural conditions (climate)(2) 照明 lighting(3) 粉尘与雾浪 dust and fog waves(4) 道路与坡度 Roads and slope(5)复杂的交叉作业环境 complex cross-operating environment 由于石化安装施工的需要,起重机使

35、用数量的大量增加,新工人加入起重专业队伍,加上起重机本身先天缺陷及很多单位因资金困难,造成许多起重机超期服役,这些都给起重机的使用带来隐患。As the petrochemical installation and construction needs, increase the numbers of cranes. So the new workers join the professional lifting team combined with cranes own defects and financial difficulties of many units, resulting i

36、n many cranes extend service duration, which will bring to bring hidden dangers to the use of cranes .五、吊装中的关键控制环节 key control parts 1、自行动臂起重机车体本身的检查 crane checking 吊车操作人员必须具有劳动部门颁发的合格,有效的特种起重作业操作许可证(报安17全科备查并备案) 。同时,作业前起重机车体本身的检查由吊车司机负责自检,同时,项目部设备主管部门工程科把关确认。重点检查以下关键安全装置容器(项目) 。五、吊装中的关键控制环节 key con

37、trol parts 1、自行动臂起重机车体本身的检查 crane checking 吊车操作人员必须具有劳动部门颁发的合格,有效的特种起重作业操作许可证(报安全科备查并备案) 。同时,作业前起重机车体本身的检查由吊车司机负责自检,同时,项目部设备主管部门工程科把关确认。重点检查以下关键安全装置容器(项目) 。Crane operator must have the effective and eligible special lifting operations permit certification (reported to Safety Section for future refer

38、ence and record). At the same time, pre-operational inspection of crane is done by the crane driver, at the same time, the project department, equipment department- Engineering Division checks and confirms. Focus on examining the following critical safety devices container (project). a) 超载报警器、力矩限制器、

39、上升极限位置限制器、幅度指示器、水平仪、防止臂架后倾装置、支腿回缩锁定装置、回转定位装置、倒退报警装置:Overload alarm, torque limiter, uplifted ultimate position limiter, amplitude indicator, and level instrument, prevent the arm backward equipment, outrigger retraction locking device, rotary positioning devices, retrogression alarm device: b) 吊钩钩头、

40、滑轮有无缺陷:Whether hook head and pulley have defects:c) 绳扣是否满足安全系数,钢丝绳是否完好,在卷筒的固定是否牢固,有无脱槽现象;大车、小车及起升机构的制动器是否安全可靠;Whether stopper meets the safety factor, steel wire rope is intact, the cylindrical fixing is firmly fixed, whether there have de-trough phenomenon; whether carts, trolleys and lifting mecha

41、nism of the brake is safe and reliable; d) 各传动机构是否正常,各安全开关是否灵敏可靠,起升限位和大小车限位是否正常;Whether all the transmission is working fine, the safety switch is sensitive and reliable whether the ceiling spaces and small or big vehicles are working fine;e) 起重机运行有无异常振动与噪音,若发现缺陷或不正常现象,应立即进行调整、检修,不得迁就使用;Whether the

42、crane abnormal vibration and noise in working, if found defective or not normal, should immediately adjust, repair, shall not yield to use; f) 严禁超规范使用起重机,必须遵守起重机械安全管理规程中“十不吊”的规定。Forbidden to use the super-cranes, must abide the 10 conditions not be lifted in “lifting machinery safety management regu

43、lations “.施工方案的编审、汇签,施工前的详细交底The pipeline construction scheme, the meeting signed and hand in the pre-construction details, 召开吊装作业专题会,严格施工方案的编审,汇签,施工前的详细交底,使参加施工的所有人员都了解并知晓方案中的关键因素和环节,并且,施工中要严格按方案实施,任何人都不能随意变更方案。具体详见方案:The meeting of lifting operations will be held, strict the read and edit program,

44、 the meeting signed and pre-construction details, so that all persons involved in the construction program can 18understanding and know the key factors and processes, and, construction should be strictly and in accordance with the implementary scheme, any people cannot change the scheme optionally.

45、Details see the specific program:3、吊装前的施工准备 lifting preparation吊装前应进行核算,所选用的吊装机具必须留有安全系数。要认真按方案准备吊装绳扣(从外观检查开始,同时,为防止绳扣受挤切而受伤,可在结合处采取支垫措施。吊装头盖上也可涂黄油以减少设备转动时对绳扣产生的摩擦损伤) ,垫腿地基必须按方案规范处理。吊装头盖上吊耳焊缝及吊钩必须认真检查(包括目测及着色无损检测等) 。Checking before lifting, the lifting equipment must leave the safety factor. Careful

46、ly prepare hoisting stopper as per the program (do the appearance inspection and take support pad measures to prevent injury caused by squeezing stoppers. Spread butter on the bonnet to reduce damage on stoppers on rotating friction.), mat foundation legs must be handled by program specifications. W

47、elded joint bug and the hook must be carefully examination on the lifting bonnet (including visual observation and rendering non-destructive testing, etc.).吊车组杆时要防止高处坠落和砸手事故。人员紧固销子时,站位要稳,系挂好安全带,抡锤对面及下方不得站人,抡锤的人不得戴手套操作。天气炎热,人员容易疲惫,现场应配备清凉饮料及饮用水。Prevent falling and smashing hand accident on Crane Grou

48、p shot. Staff should stand steady and wear belts on fasten pins. No people are under or opposite the hammer and wear gloves on brandishing hammer. On hot weather, people get tired easily so prepare soft drinks and drinking water on site. 起重吊装作业应分工明确,责任到人,要做到统一指挥。并使用统一规定的信号、旗语,严格遵守“ 十不吊” 规定。 Crane li

49、fting operations should have a clear division of labor and achieve unity of command. And use uniform signals and semaphore and strictly abide by “10 not suspended“ requirement.4. 作业前的联合检查,起吊令的签发 joint pre-operational inspection and the issuance of lifting orders 作业前必须按程序组织有关部门、人员进行联合检查并签发起吊令,同时,吊装前应事先与当地气象部门取得联系,下雨及雾天气候、风力在六级或六级以上时,严禁大件吊装作业。所有各项准备工作完备后进行试吊。试吊要求吊耳点抬高 200500mm ,检查内容为:所有索具情况;吊车负荷情况;地基变化情况;吊耳及壳体情况。试吊如出现问题则及时放回原位针对这些问题进行整改,直至正常。Before operation must organize relevant departments and personn


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