1、 Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961, American novelist and short-story writer, b. Oak Park, Ill. one of the great American writers of the 20th cent.The son of a country doctor, Hemingway worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star after graduating from high school in 1917. During World War I he served as
2、an ambulance driver in France and in the Italian infantry and was wounded just before his 19th birthday. Later, while working in Paris as a correspondent for the Toronto Star, he became involved with the expatriate literary and artistic circle surrounding Gertrude Stein. During the Spanish Civil War
3、, Hemingway served as a correspondent on the loyalist side. He fought in World War II and then settled in Cuba in 1945. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. After his expulsion from Cuba by the Castro regime, he moved to Idaho. He was increasingly plagued by ill health and
4、mental problems, and in July, 1961, he committed suicide by shooting himself.Hemingways fiction usually focuses on people living essential, dangerous lives, soldiers, fishermen, athletes, bullfighters who meet the pain and difficulty of their existence with stoic courage. His celebrated literary sty
5、le, influenced by Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein , is direct, terse, and often monotonous, yet particularly suited to his elemental subject matter.Hemingways first books, Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), In Our Time (short stories, 1924), and The Torrents of Spring (a novel, 1926), attracted atten
6、tion primarily because of his literary style. With the publication of The Sun Also Rises (1926), he was recognized as the spokesman of the “lost generation” (so called by Gertrude Stein). The novel concerns a group of psychologically bruised, disillusioned expatriates living in postwar Paris, who ta
7、ke psychic refuge in such immediate physical activities as eating, drinking, traveling, brawling, and lovemaking.His next important novel, A Farewell to Arms (1929), tells of a tragic wartime love affair between an ambulance driver and an English nurse. Hemingway also published such volumes of short
8、 stories as Men without Women (1927) and Winner Take Nothing (1933), as well as The Fifth Column, a play. His First Forty-nine Stories (1938) includes such famous short stories as “The Killers,” “The Undefeated,” and “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.” Hemingways nonfiction works, Death in the Afternoon (19
9、32), about bullfighting, and Green Hills of Africa (1935), about big-game hunting, glorify virility, bravery, and the virtue of a primal challenge to life.From his experience in the Spanish Civil War came Hemingways great novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), which, in detailing an incident in the
10、war, argues for human brotherhood. His novella The Old Man and the Sea (1952) celebrates the indomitable courage of an aged Cuban fisherman. Among Hemingways other works are the novels To Have and Have Not (1937) and Across the River and into the Trees (1950); he also edited an anthology of stories,
11、 Men at War (1942). Posthumous publications include A Moveable Feast (1964), a memoir of Paris in the 1920s; the novels Islands in the Stream (1970) and True at First Light (1999), a safari saga begun in 1954 and edited by his son Patrick; and The Nick Adams Stories (1972), a collection that include
12、s previously unpublished pieces他 14 岁走进拳击场,满脸鲜血,可他不肯倒下;19 岁走上战场;200 多块弹头弹片,也没能让他倒下;写作上的无数艰辛,无数的退稿,无数的失败,还是无法打倒他;直到晚年,连续两次飞机失事,他都从大火中站了起来:最后,因为不愿意成为无能的弱者,他举枪自杀。 一 1899 年 7 月 21 日, 欧内斯特。海明威出生在世界五大湖之一的密执安湖南岸,一个叫橡树园的小镇。家里一共有六个孩子,海明威是第二个。 母亲很有修养,热爱音乐。父亲是一位杰出的医生,又是个钓鱼和打猎的能手。海明威 3 岁时,父亲给他的生日礼物是一根渔竿儿;10 岁时,
13、父亲送给他一支一人高的猎枪。父亲的影响使海明威终生充满了对捕鱼和狩猎的热爱。海明威 29 岁时,父亲因为糖尿病和经济困难,用手枪自杀了。 14 岁时海明威在父亲支持下报名学习拳击。第一次训练,他的对手是个职业拳击家,海明威被打得满脸鲜血,躺倒在地。可是第二天,海明威裹着纱布还是来了,并且纵身跳上了拳击场。20 个月之后,海明威在一次训练中被击中头部,伤了左眼。这只眼的视力再也没有恢复。 中学毕业以后,海明威不愿意上大学,渴望赴欧参战。因为视力的缘故未被批准。他离家来到堪萨斯城,在堪萨斯明星报做了见习记者。 在这里他学到了最初的文字技巧。明星报对于文字有 110 条不得违反的规定,“要用短句”,
14、 “用活的语言”, “用动词,删去形容词”,“能用一个字表达的不用两个字”,等等。海明威专心致志,很快掌握了新闻写作的技巧,并形成了自己的文字风格。 1918 年 5 月,海明威如愿以偿,加入了美国红十字战地服务队,来到第一次世界大战的意大利战场。7月初的一天夜里,海明威的头部、胸部、上肢、下肢都被炸成重伤,人们把他送进野战医院。海明威的一个膝盖被打碎了,身上中的炮弹片和机枪弹头多达 230 余块。他一共做了 13 次手术,换上了一块白金做的膝盖骨。有些弹片没有取出来,到死都留在体内。 他在医院里躺了 3 个多月,接受了意大利政府颁的十字军功勋章和勇敢勋章,这时他刚满 19 岁。 大战后海明威
15、回到美国,战争除了给他的精神和身体带来痛苦外,没有带来任何值得高兴的事。旧的希望破灭了,新的理想又没有建立,前途渺茫,思想空虚。 尽管这样,海明威依旧勤奋写作。1919 年夏秋,他写了 12 个短篇,寄给报社被全部退回。母亲警告他:要么找一个固定的工作,要么搬出去。 海明威从家里搬了出去,因为什么也改变不了他献身于文学事业的决心。 他只想做第一流的、最出色的作家。 1920 年的整个冬天,他独自坐在打字机前,一天到晚写作。有一次参加朋友们的聚会,海明威结识了一位叫哈德莉的红发女郎。她比海明威大 8 岁,成了海明威的第一个妻子。这时海明威 22 岁。 1922 年冬天,他赴洛桑参加和平会议时,哈
16、德莉在火车站把他的手提箱丢失了。手提箱里装着他的全部手稿,一个长篇、18 个短篇和 30 首诗。 这使海明威痛苦万分又毫无办法,只能重新开始。 1923 年,海明威的第一部著作三个短篇和十首诗在法国的一个非正式出版社出版。总共只印了 300册,在社会上毫无影响。 作为记者,海明威很受欢迎。但他呕心沥血写成的小说,却没有报刊肯用。尤其令他伤心的是,退稿信上总是称他的作品为“速写录”、“短文”, 甚至说是“轶事”,根本就不把他的稿件看成是文学创作。1924 年,海明威辞去记者工作,专门从事文学创作。他没有固定的收入,又要养活刚出生的儿子,生活艰难可想而知。 1925 年是海明威最为穷困潦倒的一年。
17、妻子已经带着儿子离开了他。 他除了通宵达旦地写作,只能把看斗牛当作娱乐。 第二年,海明威与波林结婚后不久,他的第一部长篇小说太阳也升起了问世,立即博得了一片喝彩声,被译成多种文字,成了 20 年代那一代人的典范之作。这部小说用美国女作家斯泰因的一句话“你们都是迷惘的一代”作为题辞,从而产生了一个文学流派“迷惘的一代”,而海明威就成了这个流派的代表。小说描写一群一次大战后流落在巴黎街头的英美青年,内心苦闷,既否定了过去,又对将来丧失了信心。这是大战之后资本主义世界青年思想危机的真实写照。海明威对此感受真切。他就在绝望、迷惘中挣扎过。但他与那些或者跳楼、服毒自杀,或者终日消沉的青年们不同,他很快便从那种情绪中摆脱了出来,写作、进取,立志有所作为。 太阳也升起了发表之后,“迷惘的一代”文学的影响在欧洲许多国家一天天扩大。1929 年,海明威的永别了,武器问世。这本书在几个月内就销售了 10 万册,是海明威 20 年代的代表作,也是“迷惘的一代” 文学的最高成就之一。好莱坞为购买小说的摄制权,出了空前的高价。