1、Shanghai Nautilus General Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文件种类Doc. TypeISO 品质文件ISO Quality Control Document文件编号S. No. 版 本Version A1修订日期Date 06.10.27页 数Pages 1 OF 7文件标题Heading静电涂装作业指导书Epoxy Coating Operation Manual 制定部门Dept 品管部 QC机密等级Confidential Level管制ControlledY-W-027 A1. 目的 Purpose:作为涂装作业之标准。This d
2、ocument provides standards for coating inspection and acceptance.2. 范围 Scope of application:适用于本厂的所有的进货物品。This document covers the general requirements for surface preparation, environmental control, and the inspection of powder coating to metal substrates.3. 参考文件 References:GB9286 GB1732 GB67424. 操
3、作条件 General Requirements:4.1 涂装产品表面温度至少要高出露点 5或 3。在操作开始时及操作过程中每 4 小时要测量一次。The surface temperature shall be at least 5 or 3above the dew point. Readings are required at the start of work and approximately every 4 hours.4.2 操作环境不得有污染、不适当或被损坏的涂料存在。Areas where contaminate, defective, or damaged coatings
4、 have been found are not allowed.4.3 供应商需在工作开始前对涂装产品表面进行彻底检查。The supplier shall thoroughly examine metal surfaces to be coated prior to commencement of work.4.4 供应商必须对每一个步骤进行检查和测试后方可进行下一个步骤。若发现有缺点和不足,必须立即进行补救工作,否则不得进入下一步骤操作。The supplier shall inspect and test each step of the coating work operation
5、before proceeding with the next phase. Defects and deficiencies in surface preparation and coating work that may adversely affect completed work shall be corrected before proceeding with the next step.5. 静电涂装工艺流程图 Coating Process Flow Diagram:Shanghai Nautilus General Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文
6、件种类Doc. TypeISO 品质文件ISO Quality Control Document文件编号S. No. 版 本Version A1修订日期Date 06.10.27页 数Pages 2 OF 7文件标题Heading静电涂装作业指导书Epoxy Coating Operation Manual 制定部门Dept 品管部 QC机密等级Confidential Level管制ControlledY-W-027 A(1) (1) 用脱脂剂加温,除去工件表面油污.Use heated Degreasing solvent to quickly remove grease, oil and
7、 other contaminants of the metal surface(2) (2) 用自来水清洗.Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals.(3) (3) 用盐酸除去工件表面各种锈及氧化皮.Use Hydrochloric acid to remove rust and oxide of the metal surface * *如果是镀锌工艺,则由第 2 步直接进入第 5 步表调.For galvanizing process, transfer from 2nd Step directly into 5th step
8、 (4) (4) 用自来水清洗Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals.(5) (5) 用专用表调剂磷化前进行处理.Use special surface adjustment solution for surface treatment before phosphating(6) (6) 用加温磷化液进行磷化.Use heated phosphate solvent for phosphating(7) (7) 自来水常温, 如天气阴冷采用加高温清洗.Use freshwater rinse or high-temperature
9、 cleaning for cold weather to clean the soluble chemicals .(8) (8) 自干或烘干.Bake or Dry in the air(9) (9) 用专用导电腻子垫平表面凹面Use special conductive putty to smooth out the concave surface(10) (10) 烘干或凉干 .Bake or Dry in the air(11) (11) 用砂皮打磨 .Use sand paper to burnish the surface(12) (12) 用纯聚脂粉末 喷涂,颜色由客户指定Us
10、e polyester powder with customer appointed color scheme to coat(13) (13) 进烘箱,温度控制于 180190,升温 3045 分钟保温根据工件厚度进行控制清洗 Washing酸洗 Pickling清洗 Washing表调 Surface adjustment磷化 Phosphating清洗 Washing干燥 Drying刮腻子 Putty Shaving烘干或凉干 Drying磨平 Grinding喷涂 Coating烘干 Drying除油 Grease removingShanghai Nautilus General
11、Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文件种类Doc. TypeISO 品质文件ISO Quality Control Document文件编号S. No. 版 本Version A1修订日期Date 06.10.27页 数Pages 3 OF 7文件标题Heading静电涂装作业指导书Epoxy Coating Operation Manual 制定部门Dept 品管部 QC机密等级Confidential Level管制ControlledY-W-027 APut the coated component units Into oven, the temperatur
12、e shall be controlled at 180190 (356374) for 3045 minutes according to component units thickness6. 详细作业内容 Detailed Operation: 6.1 脱脂 Grease removing6.1.1 擦洗:当工件有严重油垢时,需用汽油人工擦洗。Scrubbing: Use gasoline to scrub the component units surface if grease or oil is serious.6.1.2 脱脂:用脱脂液加温,以加速去除待酸洗工件表面的油垢,润滑脂
13、,加工液等污物。Grease removing: Use heated Degreasing solvent to quickly remove grease, oil and other contaminants of the metal surface6.1.3 脱脂液的配制:ZC-II 中温脱脂剂(23)%+自来水余量。Degreasing solvent preparation: Thinning 23% ZC-II Degreasing solvent with freshwater.6.1.4 温度: 5065Temperature: 5065 (122149)6.1.5 方法:
14、浸法。浸制时间:1015 分钟。根据脱脂的实际情况确定,也可延长。Method: Immersing for 1015 minutes according to actual circumstances.6.1.6 清洗: 脱脂后的工件应放入常温清水池内流水漂洗。Washing: Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals of component units.6.2 酸洗 Pickling6.2.1 经脱脂、清洗并滴干后的工件放酸洗槽中进行酸洗,以除去工件表面的锈斑、氧化皮等。Purpose: Use acid to remove
15、rust, oxide and other contaminants of the metal surface.6.2.2 酸洗液: 工业盐酸,浓度20%。Pickling solvent: Industrial Hydrochloric acid with concentration 20%.6.2.3 方法:将工件浸没在酸洗液中,工件之间必须有间隙,不可板面紧贴,以免影响酸洗结果。Method: When multiple component units are immersed, there shall be space between the units, close to the t
16、ank are not allowed in case of influencing pickling result.6.2.4 酸洗时间: 视工件板材的厚度、锈蚀程度以及氧化皮的状况确定,以达到除锈的目的。Time: According to actual thickness, rust and oxide of component units.6.2.5 漂洗:为减少带入漂洗槽的酸量,工件从酸洗槽中提出后应在酸洗槽上方稍作停留,滴去工件上的大部分酸液后浸入清水槽,用常温下流动水漂洗。经漂洗后的工件放入中和槽中和,中和槽 PH 值910。Washing: Use freshwater rin
17、se to clean the soluble chemicals at room temperature, then put into Shanghai Nautilus General Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文件种类Doc. TypeISO 品质文件ISO Quality Control Document文件编号S. No. 版 本Version A1修订日期Date 06.10.27页 数Pages 4 OF 7文件标题Heading静电涂装作业指导书Epoxy Coating Operation Manual 制定部门Dept 品管部 QC机密等级
18、Confidential Level管制ControlledY-W-027 Aneutralization sink with PH 910.6.3 表面调整 Surface adjustment6.3.1 目标: 酸洗后的工件表面较粗糙,经表面调整后,能使金属表面形成细结晶的磷酸盐膜层。Purpose: The metal surface is rough after pickling and surface adjustment will form crystallization of phosphate film on metal surface.6.3.2 配制: 按重量比=胶体钛盐(
19、0.20.3)% + 自来水余量。Solvent preparation: Thinning 0.20.3% colloidal titanium salt with freshwater according to weight.6.3.3 方法: 在常温下将工件浸入表面调整液槽内,浸制时间 0.51 分钟。Method: Immersing for 0.51 minute at room temperature.6.4 磷化处理 Phosphating6.4.1 磷化液: 用锌系磷化液(ZL-II)按 3%的重量比与自来水配制。 总酸度 :1620(点) ; 游离酸: 0.81.2(点) ;
20、 促进剂:23(点) ; 碱度:1015 Solvent preparation: Thinning 3% ZL-II zinc-phosphate solvent with freshwater according to weight.Total Acid level: 1620; Educt Acid: 0.81.2; Catalyzer: 23; Alkalinity: 1015.6.4.2 磷化温度: 455Phosphate Temperature: 4556.4.3 处理方法: 浸制法,将待处理工件浸没于磷化槽内。Method: Immersing.6.4.4 磷化时间: 8 分钟
21、Phosphate Time: 8 minutes.6.4.5 磷化液的管理: 每天测定一次总酸度和游离酸度,及促进剂和碱度,并使之符合要求。Phosphate solvent management: Inspect Total Acid level, Educt Acid, Catalyzer and Alkalinity every day to meet the requirements.6.5 磷化膜的质量要求 Phosphate film requirements6.5.1 轻量级 23g/MLightweight: 23g/m26.5.2 磷化膜的外观应结晶致密、连续和均匀,颜色应
22、为浅灰色。不允许有疏松的膜层,不允许局部无膜(焊缝的气孔和夹渣除外) 。不允许有锈蚀和严重的挂灰Surface: Crystallization shall be dense, continuous, uniform and light grey. Loose adhering coating, exposed metal surface (except weld stomata and slag), rust and serious dust are not allowed.6.6 清洗 Washing6.6.1 水温与方法:磷化处理后的工件从磷化槽内取出滴干后,浸入清水槽内清洗 12 分钟
23、。水温65Method: Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals for 12 minutes. Temperature: 65(149).Shanghai Nautilus General Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文件种类Doc. TypeISO 品质文件ISO Quality Control Document文件编号S. No. 版 本Version A1修订日期Date 06.10.27页 数Pages 5 OF 7文件标题Heading静电涂装作业指导书Epoxy Coating Ope
24、ration Manual 制定部门Dept 品管部 QC机密等级Confidential Level管制ControlledY-W-027 A6.6.2 清洗槽用水每天更换一次Freshwater management: Change every day.6.6.3 干燥方式: 自干Drying method: Dry in the air.6.7 刮腻子 Putty Shaving6.7.1 当工件有凹陷表面及制作时用砂轮打磨过的不平表面的缺陷而有不能用喷涂覆盖时,用导电腻子填补刮平。Use special conductive putty to smooth out the concav
25、e surface.6.7.2 待腻子干燥后用 0 号或 1 号铁砂布打磨平整。Use #0 or #1 sand paper to burnish the surface.6.7.3 打磨腻子时应尽量缩小打砂范围,不要破坏非腻子填补部分的磷化膜。Minimize the scope of putty shaving so as not to destroy non-putty filled phosphate film.6.7.4 吹尘:经打磨后的工件用压缩空气吹净表面浮尘。Use compressed air to blow dust and loose abrasive particle
26、s.6.7.5 不喷漆表面的处理: 当工件上有局部不喷漆要求时,用不干胶纸将该局部封盖。Protection: Surfaces are not to be coated shall be suitably protected by drop cloths and masking.6.8 喷涂 Coating6.8.1 工艺参数: 气压 0.30.5 MPa,电压 7090 KV,电流 3545 AParameter: Pressure: 0.30. 5 MPa, Voltage: 7090 KV, Current 3545 A.6.9 固化 Solidifying6.9.1 在流水线上喷涂时
27、按工件大小,板材厚度调整流水线行走速度: 0.60.8m/分钟。Pipelining speed: 0.60.8 m/min according to component dimension.6.9.2 在箱式烘箱内固化时,严格控制固化温度和时间Temperature and time shall be strictly controlled while solidifying inside of the box type oven.6.9.3 固化温度和时间,按粉末供应商提供的参数控制。常用粉末的固化温度为 180,固化时间 20 分钟。Solidifying temperature: 18
28、0 (356). Solidifying time: 20 min.6.9.4 开箱: 固化结束后开箱,待工件稍凉后取出工件,取出工件时应戴上洁净手套。Oven opening: Open the oven and take out the components after they are cooler.6.9.5 清除:去除工件未喷涂表面覆盖的不干胶纸。Cleanup: Remove all protective film and masking from surfaces not being painted.7.检验 Inspection7.1 各道工序完成后出烘房后进行出厂检验并作记录
29、,合格后方可以出厂。All components can successfully pass after the completion of processes for inspection and record in the Shanghai Nautilus General Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文件种类Doc. TypeISO 品质文件ISO Quality Control Document文件编号S. No. 版 本Version A1修订日期Date 06.10.27页 数Pages 6 OF 7文件标题Heading静电涂装作业指导书Epoxy
30、 Coating Operation Manual 制定部门Dept 品管部 QC机密等级Confidential Level管制ControlledY-W-027 Afactory.制订 Prepared by:质量检验员Quality inspector审查 Reviewed by:品控主管QC Supervisor核对 Checked by:技术主管Technical Supervisor批准 Approved by:厂长Plant ManagerShanghai Nautilus General Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文件种类Doc. TypeISO 品质文件ISO Quality Control Document文件编号S. No. 版 本Version A1修订日期Date 06.10.27页 数Pages 7 OF 7文件标题Heading静电涂装作业指导书Epoxy Coating Operation Manual 制定部门Dept 品管部 QC机密等级Confidential Level管制ControlledY-W-027 A