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1、Hillary Clinton Speech At The Democratic Convention(Speech)Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., addresses the crowd at the Democratic National Convention telling them “we are on the same team“ and it is time to unite the Democratic Party to win against John McCain.希拉里的演讲被安排在当天的最后一个环节。她和奥巴马在民主党预选中的竞争非常激烈,两人

2、唇枪舌剑、互不相让,关系一度非常紧张。虽然最后奥巴马胜出,前第一夫人希拉里也多次表示会以党内团结为重并为奥巴马助选,但她的不少支持者依然对失败非常愤恨,并对奥巴马最后没有选择希拉里作副手感到不满,部分人甚至在这次党代会的举办地点丹佛的“百事中心”外面举行抗议并宣称会支持共和党候选人麦凯恩。希拉里在党代会上到底会对在预选中击败自己的奥巴马给予多大的支持一直是美国舆论和政界关注的焦点。美国媒体此前分析说,民主党急需这次代表大会来弥补党内因旷日持久的预选产生的分裂。不过,民主党全国委员会主席霍华德迪安会前坚称,民主党已经决定竭尽全力让奥巴马成为美国第 44 任总统。他说:“我们并不存在什么团结问题,

3、如果有人怀疑这点,就等着看希拉里的演讲好了。 ”果然,希拉里 27 日清晰地向现场观众和选民表达了自己对奥巴马的支持,甚至说出了“他就是我的候选人,他必须是美国总统”这样引发全场雷鸣般掌声的话。希拉里当天身穿一件桔黄色的套装,由女儿切尔西引上讲台。希拉里在主题演讲中首先说:“我非常荣幸今晚出现在民主党全国党代会上,我为女儿感到骄傲,为民主党感到骄傲,为支持巴拉克奥巴马感到骄傲。 ”希拉里接着对在民主党预选中支持自己的人表达了衷心的感谢。她对现场的群众和电视机前的观众说:“我要感谢来自全美 50 个州、波多黎各和海外的支持民主党的每一个人你们教会我很多,你们让我微笑,你们甚至让我热泪盈眶你们让我

4、成为你们生活中的一部分,你们也成为我生活中的一部分。 ”她接着提到了自己在预选中的感人经历。她说:“我永远都忘不了那个收养了两个患有自闭症孩子的单身妈妈,她没有医疗保险,还发现自己患上了癌症。她在自己已经掉光了秀发的头上写着我的名字,要我为医疗保险事业继续战斗;我永远都忘不了那个身着海军陆战队制服、等待医疗保险好几个月的年轻战士,他要我照顾他军中的兄弟,因为很多人还待在那里(伊拉克)的炮火声中;我永远都忘不了那个告诉我他妈妈只有微薄工资的男孩,充满忧虑的他对家庭的未来不知所措。 ”希拉里紧接着劝导自己的支持者帮助奥巴马竞选、为他投票。她说:“我想让你们问问自己:你们仅仅是为了我而竞选吗,还是为

5、了那些年轻的战士以及和他们类似的人,还是为了那些一边和癌症抗争、一边艰苦抚育孩子的妈妈,还是为了那个和母亲依靠微薄收入的男孩,还是为了在这个国家中那些感到被忽视的人?不管你过去是为我还是为巴拉克投票,现在是凝聚成一股力量为共同目的奋斗的时候了。我们处在同一个团队中,没有人可以置身事外。 ”希拉里还说,奥巴马会振兴美国经济,捍卫美国劳工利益,带领国家应对全球挑战。她呼吁美国人投奥巴马的票,唯有奥巴马才能推动美国改变,继续向前发展。希拉里表示,对自己支持奥巴马感到“非常骄傲”,而且选民不应该选择共和党候选人麦凯恩。希拉里说:“不要麦凯恩,压根儿就别考虑他 我们不要在共和党 8 年执政之后再来一个这

6、样的 4 年。 ”希拉里的丈夫、美国前总统克林顿当天也出席了妻子的演讲会。美国权威机构盖洛普的最新民调显示,共和党总统候选人麦凯恩目前支持率为 46%,领先奥巴马两个百分点。这是自奥巴马 6 月稳获总统提名以来,首次在民调上被麦凯恩超越。Official TranscriptCLINTON: Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you all very, very much. Thank you. Thank you all very much. I, I am so honored to be here tonight.You know, I

7、m, Im here tonight as a proud mother, as a proud Democrat.as a proud senator from New York.a proud American.and a proud supporter of Barack Obama.My friends, it is time to take back the country we love. And whether you voted for me or you voted for Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party

8、with a single purpose.We are on the same team. And none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines. This is a fight for the future, and its a fight we must win together.I havent spent the past 35 years in the trenches, advocating for children, campaigning for universal health care, helping parents bal

9、ance work and family, and fighting for womens rights here at home and around the world.to see another Republican in the White House squander our promise of a country that really fulfills the hopes of our people.And you havent worked so hard over the last 18 months or endured the last eight years to

10、suffer through more failed leadership.No way, no how, no McCain.Barack Obama is my candidate, and he must be our president.Tonight, I ask you to remember what a presidential election is really about. When the polls have closed and the ads are finally off the air, it comes down to you, the American p

11、eople, and your lives, and your childrens futures.For me, its been a privilege to meet you in your homes, your workplaces, and your communities. Your stories reminded me that, every day, Americas greatness is bound up in the lives of the American people, your hard work, your devotion to duty, your l

12、ove for your children, and your determination to keep going, often in the face of enormous obstacles.You taught me so much, and you made me laugh, and, yes, you even made me cry.You allowed me to become part of your lives, and you became part of mine.I will always remember the single mom who had ado

13、pted two kids with autism. She didnt have any health insurance, and she discovered she had cancer. But she greeted me with her bald head, painted with my name on it, and asked me to fight for health care for her and her children.I will always remember the young man in a Marine Corps T-shirt who wait

14、ed months for medical care. And he said to me, “Take care of my buddies. A lot of them are still over there. And then will you please take care of me?“And I will always remember the young boy who told me his mom worked for the minimum wage, that her employer had cut her hours. He said he just didnt

15、know what his family was going to do.I will always be grateful to everyone from all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the territories.who joined our campaign on behalf of all those people left out and left behind by the Bush administration. To my supporters, to my champions, to my sisterhood of the traveli

16、ng pantsuits.from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you, because you never gave in and you never gave up. And together we made history.And along the way, America lost two great Democratic champions who would have been here with us tonight, one of our finest young leaders, Arkansas Democratic

17、Chair Bill Gwatney, who believed with all his heart.that America and the South should be Democratic from top to bottom.And Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a dear friend to many of us, a loving mother, a courageous leader who never gave up her quest to make America fairer and smarter, stronger a

18、nd better. Steadfast in her beliefs, a fighter of uncommon grace, she was an inspiration to me and to us all.Our heart goes out to Stephanies son, Mervyn, Jr., and Bills wife, Rebecca, who traveled here to Denver to join this family of Democrats.You know, Bill Gwatney and Stephanie Tubbs-Jones knew

19、that, after eight years of George Bush, people are hurting at home and our standing has eroded around the world.We have a lot of work ahead of us: jobs lost; houses gone; falling wages; rising prices; the Supreme Court in a right-wing headlock; and our government in partisan gridlock; the biggest de

20、ficit in our nations history.I ran for president to renew the promise of America, to rebuild the middle class and sustain the American dream, to provide opportunity to those who are willing to work hard for it and have that work rewarded, so they could save for college, a home, and retirement, affor

21、d gas and groceries, and have a little left over each month.To promote a clean energy economy that will create millions of green-collar jobs, to create a health care system that is universal, high-quality, and affordable, so that every single parent knows their children will be taken care of.We want

22、 to create a world-class education system and make college affordable again, to fight for an America that is defined by deep and meaningful equality, from civil rights to labor rights, from womens rights to gay rights.from ending discrimination to promoting unionization, to providing help for the mo

23、st important job there is, caring for our families, and to help every child live up to his or her God-given potential, to make America once again a nation of immigrants and of laws, to restore fiscal sanity to Washington, and make our government an institution of the public good, not of private plun

24、der.To restore Americas standing in the world, to end the war in Iraq, bring our troops home with honor, care for our veterans, and give them the services they have earned.We will work for an America again that will join with our allies in confronting our shared challenges, from poverty and genocide

25、 to terrorism and global warming.Most of all, I ran to stand up for all those who have been invisible to their government for eight long years. Those are the reasons I ran for president, and those are the reasons I support Barack Obama for president.I want you, I want you to ask yourselves: Were you

26、 in this campaign just for me, or were you in it for that young Marine and others like him?Were you in it for that mom struggling with cancer while raising her kids?Were you in it for that young boy and his mom surviving on the minimum wage?Were you in it for all the people in this country who feel

27、invisible?We need leaders once again who can tap into that special blend of American confidence and optimism that has enabled generations before us to meet our toughest challenges, leaders who can help us show ourselves and the world that with our ingenuity, creativity, and innovative spirit, there

28、are no limits to what is possible in America.Now, this will not be easy. Progress never is. But it will be impossible if we dont fight to put a Democrat back into the White House.We need to elect Barack Obama, because we need a president who understands that America cant compete in the global econom

29、y by padding the pockets of energy speculators while ignoring the workers whose jobs have been shipped overseas.We need a president who understands we cant solve the problems of global warming by giving windfall profits to the oil companies while ignoring opportunities to invest in the new technolog

30、ies that will build a green economy.We need a president who understands that the genius of America has always depended on the strength and vitality of the middle class.Barack Obama began his career fighting for workers displaced by the global economy. He built his campaign on a fundamental belief th

31、at change in this country must start from the ground up, not the top down.And he knows that government must be about “we the people,“ not “we the favored few.“And when Barack Obama is in the White House, hell revitalize our economy, defend the working people of America, and meet the global challenge

32、s of our times.Democrats know how to do this. As I recall, we did it before with President Clinton and the Democrats.And if we do our part, well do it again with President Obama and the Democrats.Just think of what America will be as we transform our energy economy, create those millions of jobs, bu

33、ild a strong base for economic growth and shared prosperity, get middle-class families the tax relief they deserve.And I cannot wait to watch Barack Obama sign into law a health care plan that covers every single American.And we know that President Obama will end the war in Iraq responsibly, bring o

34、ur troops home, and begin to repair our alliances around the world. And Barack will have with him a terrific partner in Michelle Obama.Anyone who saw Michelles speech last night knows she will be a great first lady for America.And Americans are fortunate that Joe Biden will be at Barack Obamas side.

35、a strong leader, a good man who understands both the economic stresses here at home and the strategic challenges abroad. Hes pragmatic, hes tough, and hes wise.And Joe, of course, will be supported by his wonderful wife, Jill.They will be a great team for our country.Now, John McCain is my colleague

36、 and my friend. He has served our country with honor and courage. But we dont need four more years of the last eight years.AUDIENCE: No!H. CLINTON: .more economic stagnation and less affordable health care.AUDIENCE: No!H. CLINTON: .more high gas prices and less alternative energy.AUDIENCE: No!H. CLI

37、NTON: .more jobs getting shipped overseas and fewer jobs created here at home.AUDIENCE: No!H. CLINTON: .more skyrocketing debt, and home foreclosures, and mounting bills that are crushing middle-class families.AUDIENCE: No!H. CLINTON: .more war and less diplomacy.AUDIENCE: No!H. CLINTON: .more of a

38、government where the privileged few come first and everyone else comes last.AUDIENCE: No!H. CLINTON: Well, John McCain says the economy is fundamentally sound. John McCain doesnt think 47 million people without health insurance is a crisis. John McCain wants to privatize Social Security. And in 2008

39、, he still thinks its OK when women dont earn equal pay for equal work.Now, with an agenda like that, it makes perfect sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities, because these days theyre awfully hard to tell apart.You know, America is still around after 23

40、2 years because we have risen to every challenge in every new time, changing to be faithful to our values of equal opportunity for all and the common good. And I know what that can mean for every man, woman, and child in America.Im a United States senator because, in 1848, a group of courageous wome

41、n, and a few brave men, gathered in Seneca Falls, New York, many traveling for days and nights to participate in the first convention on womens rights in our history. And so dawned a struggle for the right to vote that would last 72 years, handed down by mother to daughter to granddaughter, and a fe

42、w sons and grandsons along the way.These women and men looked into their daughters eyes and imagined a fairer and freer world and found the strength to fight, to rally, to picket, to endure ridicule and harassment, and brave violence and jail.And after so many decades, 88 years ago on this very day,

43、 the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote, became enshrined in our Constitution.My mother was born before women could vote. My daughter got to vote for her mother for president. This is the story of America, of women and men who defy the odds and never give up.So how do we give this countr

44、y back to them? By following the example of a brave New Yorker, a woman who risked her lives to bring slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad.On that path to freedom, Harriet Tubman had one piece of advice: “If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going.

45、If theres shouting after you, keep going. Dont ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.“And even in the darkest moments, that is what Americans have done. We have found the faith to keep going.I have seen it. I have seen it in our teachers and our firefighters, our police o

46、fficers, our nurses, our small-business owners, and our union workers. Ive seen it in the men and women of our military.In America, you always keep going. Were Americans. Were not big on quitting.And, remember, before we can keep going, weve got to get going by electing Barack Obama the next preside

47、nt of the United States.We dont have a moment to lose or a vote to spare. Nothing less than the fate of our nation and the future of our children hangs in the balance.I want you to think about your children and grandchildren come Election Day. Think about the choices your parents and grandparents ma

48、de that had such a big impact on your lives and on the life of our nation.Weve got to ensure that the choice we make in this election honors the sacrifices of all who came before us and will fill the lives of our children with possibility and hope.That is our duty, to build that bright future, to te

49、ach our children that, in America, there is no chasm too deep, no barrier too great, no ceiling too high for all who work hard, who keep going, have faith in God, in our country, and each other.That is our mission, Democrats. Lets elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden for that future worthy of our great country.Thank you. God bless you, and Godspeed.


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