1、1Teaching Plan for TranslationTitle of Lesson: Diction in Translation Week Time Needed:four periods(45 minutes per period)Teaching Objectives:1 Help the students to choose words in translation2 Help students to grasp the procedure of Chinese- word translationKey Teaching Points:1 The procedure in Ch
2、inese- word translation2 Let students grasp the principles of Chinese- word translationDifficult Teaching Points:1 The procedure of Chinese- word translation2 The principles of Chinese- word translationTeaching Contents:I. 基于汉语词语的特点,翻译汉语词语遵循以下基本要求:1)确切:这个人私贩鸦片。 (secretly sell?)This man is a traffick
3、er of opium.(Trafficker: some one who buys and sells illegal goods, especially drugs 做非法买卖的人,尤指毒品贩子 from LDCE)2)简洁:他们你一句,我一句,说个没完。They talked on and on (without stopping.)3)生动:他总算把记者招待会对付过去了。After all, he survived the press conference.公共汽车为人们去长城参观提供了方便。Buses provide easy access to the Great Wall. (m
4、ore vivid than “provide convenience for)II. 汉译英时如何使译文准确汉英用词都比较讲究,同时他们之间又有相当的差异,这缘于文化、语言、习惯等,翻译时必须根据实际情况,作出恰当的选择,掌握词的搭配。为了确保译文的质量,词语的准确处理通常包括以下几个步骤:一、正确理解词语意义1) 单名单 name list 菜单 menu 床单 bed sheet账单 bill 保险单 an insurance policy covering theft and fire订阅单 subscription form 剧院节目单 a theatre program 传单 le
5、aflet2) 吃1.这药一天吃三次。 The medicine is to be taken three times a day.2.牛群在大声地嚼吃着饲料。 The cattle were munching their fodder.3.那人一口气吃完了一碗稀饭。 The man gulped down a bowl of porridge.4.我们匆匆地吃了几口饭就继续前进了。We bolted a few mouthful of food and hurried on.5.那饥饿的孩子狼吞虎咽地吃完了饭。 The hungry boy devoured (wolfed) his din
6、ner.6.我总吃不惯生冷的东西。 Cold and raw things never agree with me.7.我不是特别爱吃生蒜。 I am not especially fond of raw garlic.8.这碗饭不容易吃。This is a hard way to earn a living./ It is hard to live by this profession.29.这孩子还不会自己吃饭。 The baby cant feed itself yet.10.他像只癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。 He is like a toad trying to swallow a swan.
7、11. 这种蘑菇吃得,那种吃不得。 This kind of mushroom is edible but that kind is not.12. 他从小吃鸡蛋吃伤了。He ate so many eggs in his childhood that he is fed up with them now.13.她很爱吃甜食。 She has a sweet tooth.14. 我戒烟的时候,我老婆倒是吃了不少苦。It was my wife who suffered terribly while I was quitting smoking/cigarettes.15. 靠山吃山,靠水吃水。
8、If you live on a mountain, you live off the mountain; if you live by the water, you live off the water.16. 患了痢疾不能吃生冷油腻食物。People suffering from dysentery should avoid raw, cold or rich food.还有:吃老本( to live on ones own fat), 吃闲饭( to live like a parasite)不能够字字死译,要考虑英语的含义。潜规则 potential rules? No. Unwrit
9、ten/unspoken rules婚姻介绍所 marriage-introducing agency? No. a dating agency.户主 the owner of the household? No. the head of the household or the householder.为了多积攒点钱买房子,他们省吃俭用。They live frugally to accumulate more money to buy a house.* They save food and expenses to -对于各家火锅店来说,羊肉大同小异,主要文章都在小料里头。To every
10、 hot-pot restaurant, mutton is pretty much the same, and what differs is their sauce and ingredients.二、将词语意义明确化1.发展才是硬道理。Development is the absolute principle. / Development is an overwhelming task./ Development is of overriding importance. “硬”译成 primary, basic,Major,cardinal 都不为错,但是都过于模糊,不如absolute
11、 语义更窄、更强一些,目的是进一步强调发展的重要性。2.依法查办大案、要案,惩处一批腐败分子。Major and key criminal cases were handled timely in accordance with the law and a number of corrupt officials were punished. ( elements 不够准确)三、注意词义的褒贬1. 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.2. 我们应该从这里得出一条经验,就是不要被假象所迷惑。We sh
12、ould draw a lesson here: Dont be misled by false appearances. ( successful experience 不妥)3. 钱学森在美国受到迫害和诬陷的消息很快传回国内,新中国震惊了。The new China was amazed(应该改为 shocked) when the news got home that Qian Xueshen was being persecuted and framed in the U.S.A.(shock: to make sb. feel very surprised and upset, an
13、d unable to believe what has happened 使震惊,使惊愕,使难以置信 来自朗文当代词典,可见看英文注释的重要性)3四、去掉不必要的夸张1) 世界上公认他是最伟大的政治家。 (社论)* He is everybodys choice as the worlds greatest statesman. He is generally acknowledged as the worlds greatest statesman.2) 和这里的人们一样,他也喜欢吃土豆。* Like all people here, he likes to eat potatoes.Li
14、ke most people here, he likes to eat potatoes.五、 用词要注意轻重(always remember to consult the dictionaries or teachers)1) 她吓得魂不附体。She was terrified out of her senses. (very afraid 就不能表达出被吓的程度 )2) 他们向解放区发动了全面进攻。They launched an all-out offensive campaign against the liberated areas.3) 合同的基本条款和内容不完善。(*imper
15、fect)The basic provisions and content of the contract are incomplete.4)中国正在发生日新月异的变化。China is progressing with each passing day. (如果简单地译成 changing ,强度不够。)六、注意词语的惯用法1. (让农民)先富起来。To become better-off (* to get rich rich 在西方人眼中是相当高的标准) 2. 他废寝忘食地工作。He eats, drinks and sleeps his work.(一般的汉英词典多翻译为:One is
16、 so absorbed or occupied in ones work as to forget food and sleep. 欠地道)3. 发挥余热。To use ones availability。4、 (超计划生育的)黑孩子Off-the-book babies (black babies *)5、关系网: to build a broad network of personal connections后台硬的人: a well-connected man走后门,搞官倒。Backdoor deals and official black-marketing 6. 学知识 gain/
17、 acquire/obtain knowledge ( learn knowledge*)七、尽量避免重复用词1、 在改善物质生活的同时,充实精神生活。While improving the peoples material well-being, we shall enrich their cultural life.2、 城镇居民人均可支配收入达到 5160 元。农村居民人均纯收入达到 2090 元。The average per capital disposable income reached 5160 yuan for city dwellers. The average per c
18、apital net income of rural residents rose to 2090 yuan. 3 在激烈的市场竞争中,公司的经营战略是:以质量求生存,以服务求信誉,以创新求发展,以管理求效益。In the keen/fierce market competition, our companys operating strategies are: product quality ensures survival, good service wins trust, innovation spawns/expands new markets, and management incr
19、eases/improves performance.4III. 使译文清楚:1 名词所有格:在看到张三的杀人行为时他感到十分震惊。He was very much shocked at the sight of Zhang Sans killing.*(himself or somebody else)He was very much shocked at the sight of Zhang Sans killing a person.2. 指代准确你看见我那只鹿了吗?Have you seen my deer?*Have you seen that deer of mine.3 该用名词
20、时,不要用代词母女二人告诉他:女儿相信这个故事。The mother and the daughter told him that the daughter believed the story. (not she)小王答应他父亲,他永远不抛弃父亲的朋友。Xiao Wang promised his father never to abandon the friends of his fathers. (not abandon his friends)3数词的使用:他们俩有 10 个苹果。*Both of them have ten apples.*Either of them have fi
21、ve apples.They two share ten apples.Exercise for after Class Practice1、 这两个大石头轻重相等。 These two stones are equal in weight.2、 这件事无足轻重。 This is a matter of no consequence.3、 他总是轻重倒置。 He always puts the trivial above the important.4、 处理事情应该讲轻重缓急。Matters should be handled according to priority.5、 这件事的轻重你
22、仔细掂量掂量。Just think over the consequence of the matter.6、 这些年轻人做事情不知轻重。These young people do not know the proper way to act.7、 这篇文章的中心意思是什么? Whats the central idea of this article?8、 你是什么意思? What do you mean?9、 我的意思还是不去为好。In my opinion its better not to go.10、 天有点下雨的意思。 It looks like rain.11、 跳舞很有意思。
23、Dancing is a lot of fun.12、 他这个人有意思。 He is rather humorous.13、 够意思,不过我的意思你还是收下,不要不好意思。Really kind you are! But I insist that you should accept it. Dont feel embarrassed.14. 在所有长城中,明长城最长,达到 6700 公里。Of all the walls, the Ming Dynasty Wall was the longest, extending/spanning 6,700km.15、超导的研究是个重大的突破。我们认
24、为,该项研究成果是成功的和令人鼓舞的;日本东京大学高木俊宜教授认为是成功的和令人鼓舞的;美国普林斯顿大学摩根索教授也认为这项成功的研究是令人鼓舞的。The research on superconductivity is an important breakthrough and we think this result is successful and encouraging. Our opinion is shared by Professor Tashinori Takagi from Tokyo university and professor Morgensau of Princeton university, U.S.A