1、澳大利亚、商务签证申请须知申请人须提供以下资料: 请用 A4 纸单面复印,多谢合作!1、 护照原件(护照有效期在半年以上,护照末页请持有人签名);2、 二寸彩色近照 2 张;3、 签证申请表(每人一份,请务必真实、准确、完整填写);表格内用蓝色标注的部分需要客人本人签名。4、 本人身份证及全家人户口本原件及复印件;夫妻同行须提供结婚证复印件,(如结婚证遗失,两人户口 在同一本上且显示夫妻关系也可);5、 资产证明:即银行存折原件及复印件(半年以前开户,近三个月内有交易记录,余额在三万元人民币以 上。不接受现存的、只有一笔数额的存折)。同时建议提供多方面资产证明,如房产证、汽车行驶证原件及复印件
2、及股票清单等。请注意以上属于辅助证明,是不可以代替存折的,也就是说存折是必须要提供的。6、 单位营业执照原件及复印件或机关法人代码复印件(有公司简介可一并附上最好)7、 单位派遣证明 2 份(我司提供样本附后,领事馆最新规定必须申请人单位打印并有上级领导签字,不可由旅行社 代为打印););8、 名片 2 张或工作证复印件;9、 申请人的工作简历(填写近 5 年或近 2 家公司,可在表格附注)10、 从澳洲给申请人发的邀请(可以是邮寄的信件原件,也可以是传真)11、 澳洲领事馆驻广州办事处受理广东、广西、海南、湖南、福建,云南,贵州 7 省签发的护照,其他外省签发的护照 如果目前长 期的生活工作
3、地在广州领区也 可以受理。附件:澳洲签证申请表格1. 姓: 2. 名: 3. 性别:男( )女( )4. 出生日期:6. 曾用姓名: 13. 目前的工作所在地省份:7.护照号码:8.护照颁发国:9.签发日期:10.失效日期:11.护照签发地:14. 身份证号码:15目前居住地址:5. 婚姻状况:已婚( )分居( )未婚( )已订婚( )离异( )事实婚姻( )丧偶( ) 12.国籍:出生国:出生地:16您的电话号码:单位电话:家庭电话及手机:20.您在过去的 5 年中曾经去过澳大利亚吗?如有,请填写以下具体细节:申请年月: 申请地点: 申请的签证类型: 进入澳大利亚的时间: 离开澳大利亚的时间
4、: 您是否被其它任何国家拒签过?如有,请填写以下具体细节:时间及地点: 被拒签国家: 申请的签证类型: 21.您的就业状况如何?公司全称: 公司地址: 雇主电话:您在这个公司工作多久了? 您所在部门及职务: 你的获准假期有多少天? 你从澳洲回来后雇主还会雇佣你吗?( 是 / 否) 17. 您为什么要访问澳大利亚?(旅游/探亲/商务)您想何时访问澳大利亚?自( 年 月 日)至( 年 月 日)18.您想在澳大利逗留多长时间?不超过 3 个月( )不超过 6 个月( )不超过 12 个月( )19.您打算多次进入澳大利亚吗?否( )是( )请详述22. 您在澳洲停留的地址(除参团外,旅游、探亲及商务
5、个人签证都请填写此项):23.您在澳洲的联络人姓名及出生日期,与您的关系?(如直系亲属必需填写,否则将会导致拒签)24.澳洲的联系人是否是当地公民或永久居民?(是 / 否)25.填写家庭成员的详细情况:(包括父母,兄弟姐妹,配偶及子女)全名 与您的关系 出生日期 目前居住的详细地址及联系电话 是否同行(是/否)Part E Health and character26 E部份 健康和品行Visitors to Australia must be of good health and of good character. Thefollowing questions ask you to mak
6、e a declaration about the healthand character of yourself and any children included in your application.If your circumstances change before you travel you should inform theAustralian visa office.d. Do you require assistance with mobility and/or care in Australia oroverseas?在澳大利亚或海外,你在迁移和 / 或护理方面是否需要
7、协助?Provide details of the care/mobility concerns来澳访问者必须健康状况良好,品行端正。下面是有关你本人和包括在 你申请中的子女的健康和品行方面的问题。如果你旅行之前情况发生了 变化,你应通知澳大利亚签证处。No Yes否 是 请详述你在护理 / 迁移方面的担忧以及如何加 以解决a . In the last 5 years, have you, or have any children included in thisapplication, visited or lived outside your country of usual resid
8、ence for more than 3 consecutive months?在过去 5 年中,你或此申请中所包含的你的任何子女在你的常住国以外访问或连续居住的时间是否超过了 3 个月?No Yes否 是Give details请详述e. During your proposed visit to Australia, do you, or any children included in this application, have or expect to incur, medical costs, or require treatment or medical follow up fo
9、r:b. Do you, or any children included in this application, intend to enter an Australian hospital, health care facility, nursing home for any purpose?你或此申请中所包含的你的任何子女是否打算因任何目的而进入澳大利 亚的医院、健康保健机构和养老院? blood disorder cancer heart disease hepatitis B HIV infection, including AIDS kidney disease, includi
10、ng dialysis liver disease mental illness pregnancy respiratory disease that hasrequired hospital admission any form of surgery any other health conce在你拟定访问澳大利亚期间,你估计你在此申请中所包含的你子女是否会因下列病情而造成或 预期 造成医疗费用开销或需要接受治 疗或任何医疗随访?No Yes否 是 Give details 请详述 血液失调 肝病 癌症 精神病 心脏病 怀孕 乙肝 曾导致住院的呼吸道疾病 HIV 病毒感染,包括艾滋病 任何形
11、式的手术c. Have you, or any children included in this application: ever had, or currently have, tuberculosis? 肾脏病,包括透析 任何其它健康方面的问题 been in close contact with a person who has, or has had, active tuberculosis? ever had a chest x-ray which showed an abnormality?你或本申请表中所含你的任何子女 : 是否得过肺结核或正患肺结核病? 你是否曾与现患或曾患
12、肺结核病患者接过? 你拍的胸透 X-光片是否显示了不正常的象?No Yes否 是Give details请详No Yes否 是 Give details请详述f. Do you intend performing medical procedures (eg. as a practicing/ trainee doctor, dentist, nurse etc.) during your stay in Australia?你在澳逗留期间是否有意做医疗工作(比如作为开业 / 实习医生、 牙医、护士等)? Provide details of medical/dental/nursingpro
13、cedures you may be involved with in been involved in any activities that would represent a risk to Australian national security? 参与任何可能危及澳大利亚国家安全的活动?No Yes否 是No Yes否 是Australia请详述你在澳可能参与的医疗 / 牙科 / 护理 工作 had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority inAustralia? 拖欠澳大利
14、亚政府债务或澳大利亚任何公共机构债务而仍未归还?No Yes否 是g. Have you, or any children included in this application, ever:你或此申请中所包含的你的任何子女是否曾经发生过下列情况: been convicted of a crime or offence in any country (including any conviction which is now removed from official records)? 在任何国家被判犯罪或犯法(包括现已从官方犯罪记录上删除的任何案底)? been charged wit
15、h any offence that is currently awaiting legal action? 被指控犯罪,现正等候法律诉讼?No Yes否 是No Yes否 是 been involved in any activity, or been convicted of any offence, relating to the illegal movement of people to any country(including Australia)? 曾参与向任何他国(包括澳大利 亚)非法移 民的有关活动或因此类有关活动而被判罪? served in a military forc
16、e or state sponsored/private militia, undergone any military/paramilitary training, or been trained inweapons/explosives use(however described? 曾在军队或武装力量或国家支持 /私人的民 兵中服役,曾接受军事 /准军事训练,或曾 接受武器 /炸药使用的训练(无论以何种方 式描述)No Yes否 是No Yes否 been acquitted of any criminal offence or other offence on the grounds o
17、f mental illness, insanity or unsoundness of mind? 因精神病,精神错乱或精神不健全等原因, 虽犯刑事罪或犯其它罪而被无罪开释?No Yes否 是If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, provide all therelevant details. If insufficient space, attach an additional statement.如果你对上述的任一问题的回答是 “是 ”,请提供所有相关细节。如果 地方不够填写,请另附纸陈述。 been removed or
18、deported from any country (including Australia)? 被任何国家驱逐或遣返(包括澳大利亚)?No Yes否 是 left any country to avoid being removed or deported? 因避免被驱逐或遣返而离开某一国家? No Yes否 是 been excluded from or asked to leave anycountry (including Australia)? 被禁止进入某国或被要求离开某国 NO YES(包括澳大利亚)? 否 是27. 声明。我声明,所填写的资料均真实无误,并且是在我完全知道,同意
19、并理解的情况下填写的。我来澳大利亚的访问的意图是真实的,我将遵守签证附带的条件及规定的居留期限。我有足够的资金为本申请中所包括的所有人支付访问澳大利亚的一切费用。我实事求是的声明本申请要求我声明的所有有关健康和品行的详细情况。我明白我所申请的签证不允许我在澳大利亚进行三个月以上的学习。我明白,8503 签证条件的作用,是使我不可能在澳大利亚申请将居留时间延长至超过我的签证上授权逗留的期限。我同意作为本申请的结果,把这个条件包含在发给我的任何签证上。我承认,我必须按要求在我的签证所授权的逗留期限结束之前离开澳大利亚,而且我也明白 8503 条件对我所加的限制。如果获发签证,而在启程去澳大利亚之前
20、我的情况发生改变,我将通知澳大利亚领事馆。如因我的原因被澳洲领事馆拒签,旅游公司收取拒签费用¥1100 元/人。 如我获得签证后,出团前旅游公司将保留收取签证保证金人民币 5 万元/人的权利。回国后凭护照出入境记录及保证金收据,到旅游公司退回保证金。申请人签字: 日期: 年 月 日36Part H DeclarationsApplicant I have truthfully declared all relevant details requested of me in this application. I have adequate funds to meet all costs ass
21、ociated with my visit toAustralia for myself and those included in this application. I will abide by the conditions of the visa. I have never had tuberculosis or any serious condition likely to endanger or be a cost to Australia (otherwise, I attach details). I have never been convicted of a crime o
22、r any offence in any country;I have not been charged with any offence that is awaiting legal action;I do not have an outstanding debt to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia (otherwise, I attach details).38Part I Payment detailsHow will you pay your application charge?If ap
23、plying in Australia, debit card or credit card are the preferred methods of payment. Debit cards cannot be used for applications lodged by mail. If paying by bank cheque or money order please make payableto the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.If applying outside Australia, please check wit
24、h the Australian Government office where you intend to lodge your application as to what methods of payment and currencies they can accept and to whom the payment should be made payable.Bank chequeMoney order I understand that the effect of the 8503 visa condition is that it will Debit card Cannot b
25、e used for applications lodged by mailnot be possible for me to apply to remain in Australia beyond theauthorised period of stay of my visa I agree to having this condition included on any visa issued to me as a result of this application.Credit card Give details belowPayment by (tick one box) Austr
26、alian Dollars I acknowledge that I understand that if the 8503 visa condition isimposed on my visa, it will be indicated on the visa label, or in documents given to me by the department about the grant of my visa, by the condition code 8503 and by the short description No Further Stay.MasterCardAmer
27、ican ExpressVisaCredit card numberDiners ClubJCB AUD I acknowledge that this means that the 8503 condition has beenimposed on my visa, that I am required to depart Australia before the end of the period of stay authorised by my visa and that I understand: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :MONTH YEARt
28、he restriction that condition 8503 places on me. In any part of this form which has been completed with the assistance of another person, I declare that the information as set down is true and correct and has been included with my full knowledge, consentExpiry dateCardholders name: :and understandin
29、g. If granted a visa, I will advise the overseas mission should my circumstances change prior to my travel to Australia.Telephone numberAddressCOUNTRY CODE AREA CODE( ) ( )NUMBERSignature ofapplicant POSTCODEDateDAY MONTH YEAR Signature ofcardholder37 Parent/guardianWhere the applicant is under 18 y
30、ears of age, I am not aware of any reason why the applicant should not travel to Australia (the custody/access rights of another person are not affected).Signature of parent/ guardian签名Credit card information will be used for charge paying purposes only.DateDAY MONTH YEARWe strongly advise that you
31、keep a copy of your applicationand all attachments for your records.456 (Design date 01/08) - Page 10 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS THAT WILL HELP US TO ASSESS YOUR APPLICATION:如提供辅助性的文件将有助于申请的审核工作 YOUR COMPANY/BUSINESS - HAVE YOU INCLUDED EVIDENCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 您的公司经营情况 您是
32、否提供了下列材料:- Business License / - Evidence of Trade (particularly Bills of Lading) / - 营业执照 - 贸易往来证明(特别是:进出口业务提单) - Evidence of business relationship with Australian inviter/ - Evidence of substance, size, activity of Company /- 申请人与澳方邀请人的业务关系证明 - 申请者所在公司的性质、规模及经营活动的证明 YOUR AUSTRALIAN INVITER - HAVE Y
33、OU INCLUDED: / 关于澳洲的邀请方 您是否提供了下列材料:- A written invitation from your Australian inviter detailing the purpose of your visit and previous business dealings/- 由邀请人发出的邀请函,详细注明您赴澳的理由及双方公司的业务往来记录。 PROPOSED PERIOD IN AUSTRALIA / 您在澳洲的预计逗留时间 _PROPOSED DEPARTURE DATE FROM CHINA / 您预计的离华日期 _HAVE YOU INCLUDED:
34、 / 您是否提供了下列材料: - A detailed itinerary outlining your proposed trip to Australia (organizations/people to be visited and contacts) /- 您在澳洲期间的详细行程计划安排,包括您计划访问的公司或人员以及联系方法。- Please provide reasons if you require more than one entry to Australia. - 如果您申请多次入境,请附上相关理由。 _IMPORTANT: failure to provide these
35、 documents with your application is likely to result in processing delays.重要提示: 如缺少以上材料将很可能导致您的申请的延误。I declare that I have understood all the above information and questions and that all the information given by me on this form is complete and correct. I understand that failure to fully complete thi
36、s form or to provide the requested documents may result in my application being delayed or refused on account of insufficient evidence being provided. 我声明我完全理解上述所有的条款及问题,并保证我所提供的所有的情况是完整和正确的。我理解如果未能完整填写此表或未能提供所要求的材料,我的签证可能因证明材料不充分而被延误或拒签。Signature/签名_ Day/日_Month/ 月_Year/年_Condition 8503 - No Furthe
37、r Stay Following an assessment of your application, a visa officer may decide to apply the 8503 condition on your visa. The 8503 (or No Further Stay) condition means:That the holder of the visa on which the condition has been imposed will not, after entering Australia, be entitled to be granted any
38、other visa, while the holder remains in Australia.The effect of this visa condition is that it will not be possible for you to apply to remain in Australia beyond the authorised period of stay shown on your visa label. It is particularly important, if your visit to Australia is to cover a specific p
39、eriod of time (as outlined in your itinerary), that you organise your travel so that you can complete this program within your authorised period of stay as you will not be able to extend your period of stay in Australia.If the 8503 condition is imposed on your visa, it will be indicated on the visa
40、label with the words: “8503 - NO FURTHER STAY”8503 条款 不得继续逗留在审理您的申请后, 签证官可能决定在您的签证上附加 8503(即不得继续逗留) 条款。 8503 条款的含义为:持有附加了该条款的的签证申请人进入澳大利亚后,其在澳逗留期间将不能再获得其它任何类别的签证.该条款的效力在于:签证持有人按签证规定期限在澳逗留期满后,将无法申请继续在澳逗留;如您需在特定期间出访澳洲(如您的行程安排所定),请您务必妥善安排行程以确保能在签证规定期限内完成出访任务,因为您无法申请在澳延期逗留。如果您的签证上附加了 8503 条款, 签证标签上将会标明下
41、列字样: “ 8503 - NO FURTHER STAY”如果您的签证上附加了 8503 条款,签证标签上将会标明下列字样:“8503 NO FURTHER STAY”Part K Signature(s)21 Signature(s) of main applicant, or sponsor, or nominator and all other applicants 16 years or older, included on this application, who are being represented by the same migration agent or exemp
42、t agent or authorised recipient.Signatureof main applicantDateDAY MONTH YEARDependant applicantsSignature ofapplicant 2DateDAY MONTH YEARSignature ofapplicant 3DateDAY MONTH YEARSignature ofapplicant 4DateDAY MONTH YEARSignature ofapplicant 5DateDAY MONTH YEAR956 (Design date 07/07) - Page 6 COMMONW
43、EALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2007FormFamily composition 54Are you applying for a: Note:Tourist visa (676)Sponsored family visitor (679)Business short stay (456)Other1. You must complete this form in English only.2. You must give details of all your family members living in your home country and abroad includ
44、ing half, step and adopted brothers, sisters and children (if not living, write Deceased in Home address column. If whereabouts unknown, write Unknown in Home address column).3. If you have been assisted in completing this form, you should only sign the Declaration if the information is true and cor
45、rect and has been included with your full knowledge, consent and understanding.FamilyCompositionYourself Spouse Father MotherBrother/sister Brother/sister Brother/sister Son/daughter Son/daughtSon/daughterFamily name Given names Date of birthDAY MONTH YEAR/ / / / / / / / / / /Marital status(Married,
46、 engaged, de facto, separated,divorced, widowed or never married)Home address Previous visits to AustraliaDAY MONTH YEAR/ / / / / / / / / / /DeclarationI declare that: the information I have given on this form is complete and correct. in any section of this form which has been completed with the assistance of another person, the information as set down is true and correct and has been included with my full knowledge, consent and understanding.Signature of applicantDateDAY MONTH YEAR/ /Signature of witnessDateDAY MONTH YEAR/ / COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2007 54 (Design date 07/07)