1、Welcome to Yicheng,dry fried chicken (干炸子鸡),the braised bobbin bone(焖筒子骨),oil braised prowns(油焖大虾),Name: Oil braised prowns (We local people often call it “Yicheng Prowns宜城大虾) Intro:Its one of our local flavors .And its very popular in the summer.There are many food stalls by the streets. Feature:sp
2、icy savoury tenderness(麻、辣、香、嫩),The ingredients,The prowns (about 3 kg),Green peppers,Sauce (dried chilli/ salt/ oil / soy ) anise/Amomum tsao-ko,Shallot(about 100g),Garlic (about50g),Ginger (about 10g),Pepper (about 25g),How to make it?,Wash all the prowns clean Put the prowns into the pot and boil
3、 5minutes Put all the peppers into the frying pan after the oil burnt hot,then stir-fry(翻炒) itAdd the ginger、some dried chilli、garlic and prowns into the pan,stir-fry them with the intense fire,then put green peppers、solt、sauce and shallot into it ,continue to stir-fry it Put the anise(八角)、 Amomum t
4、sao-ko(草果)and hot water into the pan,cover it and braise about 20 minutes with the intense fire 把大虾洗干净,用水反复洗,等洗出清水后,放入烧开的热水中煮5分钟。捞起来再用清水冲洗。 花椒、红辣椒、青椒、大蒜、生姜、葱花等油烧热后,放入花椒,要多一点,怕麻辣的可以少放点,等花椒烧糊后捞起来。大火,放入红辣椒,大蒜,生姜,然后放入虾子翻炒。等香味出来后,放入盐,调味料,葱花,青椒,继续翻炒。 大虾变鲜红无水份加盐、八角、沙仁、草果,兑开水淹住大虾,大火焖10分钟,再加葱段、大蒜、白糖、姜片、青椒、味精再焖10分钟,起锅即食。,Theprocedure,Now Enjoy it,Thats all.Thank you!,