1、1,镀锌入口基础自动化系统简介,邯钢冷轧厂,2,介绍,入口工艺 硬件部分 软件部分 总结,3,入口主要设备,4,入口段工艺流程,来自库房的原料卷 在钢卷鞍座上开卷准备 开卷矫直 套筒取出系统 带头带尾废料剪切 焊接 冲月牙 入口活套 工艺段,5,入口段的特点,自动钢卷上料系统用于把钢卷装到开卷机上,并且确保操作顺利进行。 采用电磁式皮带运输机以便板带头端平滑穿带。 高可靠性自动焊机的应用使焊接周期最小化并确保稳定的焊接质量。 应用了两个单独的废料处理系统,入口剪的废料单独运输到一个废料箱,而来自焊机包括切角剪的废料进另一个废料箱内,6,硬件部分,1#镀锌线包括了6套PLC,分别是 PLC1:E
2、ntry Section,Sequences,Line coodrinator, Mster ramp generator, Coil entry, Strip positioning S7-400 PLC2:Process Section, Sequences, I&C control, SPM RollChange and stand manager S7-400 PLC3:Process Section, Line coodrinator,Mster ramp generator, Skill pass mill, S7-400 PLC4:Exit section, Sequences,
3、 Coil exit, Line coordinator, Master ramp generator,Strip positioning S7-400 PLC5:Material tracking S7-400 PLC6:Emergency System S7 300 F,7,PLC1的配置,8,PLC1的网络,9,PLC1的网络,10,软件部分,以ES为例,简单介绍一下基础自动化系统的软件 OS version : Windows XP +Service Pack2 STEP7 : STEP7 5.4 +SP5 +HF1 Professional2006 SR6 WinCC : WinCC
4、 6.2 SP3 CFC : CFC V7.0 + SP1 +HF2 D7 SYS : D7 SYS V7.0,11,STEP7,STEP7是用于组态SIMATIC S7-300或S7-400系统的基本软件包,通过STEP7可以:组态硬件并给硬件分配参数 组态通信 编程 测试和排除故障 文档和归档 执行诊断,12,WinCC,WinCC(windows control center)的主要功能:图形设计 报警归档 变量归档 报表生成 用户管理 交叉数据,13,CFC,Continuous Function Chart 作为 STEP7的选项包,S7-CFC软件在安装后,将被集成在STEP7中使
5、用。 S7-CFC 编程界面为图形界面,包含若干个chart。用户在chart中以图形的方式插入已经编制好的块,指定这些块之间的连接关系,也可以为这些块分配输入输出地址。 S7-CFC具有以下特点: 通过绘制功能图表来自动生成程序 拥有强大的预制程序库,同时也可以使用STEP7中的标准块 通过简单的连线来降低开发成本并减少错误 优化集成在STEP7中,与STEP7兼容 适用于S7-300,S7-400,C7和WinAC,14,控制程序,入口部分的控制程序包括了三部分: SSF :Sequence and Support Function LCO :Line Coordinator MRG :M
6、aster Ramp Generator,15,SSF,主要控制设备包括: 入口液压站 入口传送小车及液压站 入口钢卷小车 开卷机 钢筒装置 夹送辊 直头机 双切剪 月牙剪 张力辊压辊 纠偏辊,16,LCO,The LCO mainly contains the following functions: Coordinating Speed rampsCoordination of speed ramp related operation modes (Accelerate, hold etc.) and positioning. LCO transmits ramp related oper
7、ational modes and strip positioning requests to MRG for speed ramp coordination. MRG then provides the corresponding Setpoints to all drives attached to these speed ramps. Positioning is utilized for directly approaching strip head and tail positions. LCO receives status signals from MRG, such as ac
8、hieved speed levels, operational mode and position feedback messages as well as stop requests. Coordinating Strip DrivesCoordination of strip drives according to the actual operation mode and sequence. LCO transmits binary control signals such as speed ramp assignments, controller enables and indivi
9、dual jog commands to MRG in order to coordinate the strip drives. MRG calculates the corresponding Setpoints or transfers these binary commands directly to the drives. LCO receives Ready for Operation signals, Stop Requests as well as Drive Rotating and Tension Established feedback from the drives,1
10、7,LCO,Coordinating the Auxiliary ControlsLCO coordinates the auxiliary controllers between pay-off reel and entry looper. LCO generates commands to correctly position the strip guiding equipment, e.g. hold-down rolls, side guides and pinch rolls. The controllers execute these commands and transmit s
11、tatus signals to LCO about the position of the equipment and permit the generation of drive readiness or for line monitoring. The manual operation level is entirely a task for auxiliary controllers Coordinating SequencesCoordination of various sequences (pay off coil, Thread in, Cut etc.) and all in
12、volved automation functions. The operator starts the sequences by activating discrete operator controls or through the HMI system. The LCO checks the validity of this request and triggers the automation systems required for the selected action. Plant Section Monitoring / Fault Handling / DiagnosticM
13、onitoring of the electrical and mechanical devices to avoid the occurrence of any damage. The electrical, hydraulic and mechanical equipment is constantly monitored during line operation for their operational readiness and correct positions. Suitable measures are initiated by LCO when a fault is det
14、ected in order to prevent machine or material damage.The initiated measures are emergency stop, quick stop or normal stop.,18,MRG,Calculation of the speed reference for all strip drives. Strip head and strip tail positioning according to the requirements of the Line Coordinator LCO. Automatic slow d
15、own at strip end. To be able to do various strip movements at the same time up to three independent master speed ramps Switching on / off the strip drives Tension ramps for pay off reel Tension controllers for entry area Coil data calculation for the pay off reel and the tension reels,19,20,总结,测试工作收获很多,但也有很多不足之处,对程序的理解不够深入,对工艺了解不多,对程序LCO和MRG部分的学习还停留在表面,还应当继续更加深入的学习,向有经验的同事多请教,争取早日掌握相关知识,能够胜任未来的安装调试和生产维护工作,