1、北京是中华人名共和国的首都,是中国政治、经济和文化中心。As the capital of the Peoples Republic of China, Beijing is the political, economic, and cultural center of the nation.长城被看作是中国的统一、力量和古代文明的象征。The Great Wall is regarded as a symbol of Chinas unity and strength as well as its ancient civilization.旅游加强了国际间的友好和平关系。Tourism ha
2、s strengthened peaceful and friendly relationship among nations.我想诸位做了这么久的飞机,一定很累了。I suppose you must be rather tired after the long flight.现在我们去行李认领处领取行李吧。Now, lets go to the baggage claim to get our baggage.在旅游业中,旅游产品经常是不同服务和产品的复合体。In the tourism industry the product is often a mix of different se
3、rvices and products.旅游业受季节的影响,同时也受经济的影响Tourism industry is affected by the season and by the economy.北京的旅游资源丰富多彩,使游客能够得到意想不到的旅游经历。Beijing has a variety of travel resources which bring tourists unexpected travelling experience.宾馆不仅供应西餐而且还有典型的中餐The hotel offers not only western food but also typical C
4、hinese cuisine.登泰山,观日出,是每个旅游者的夙愿。Climbing Mount Tai and watching the sunrise is a long-cherished wish of each tourist.旅行社是旅游业各项产品的组织销售者。Travel agency is the one who organizes and sells all products of tourism industry.我来是想谈谈贵团的旅程安排,您能腾出点时间吗?Ive come to talk about the itinerary for your trip. Can you
5、 spare me some time?尊重你的客户,从长远来看,会帮助你成功地完成自己的销售业绩。Respecting your clients goes a long way in helping you achieve a successful sales record.名冠神州的旅游胜地黄山,集中国名山绝胜之大全,被称为“天下第一奇山”The Huangshan Mountain, a well-known tourist resort in China, blends the features of almost all the other famous mountains in C
6、hina and is referred to as the “most fantastic mountain under heaven.我国历史悠久,文物古迹,自然资源极为丰富。China has a long history and is rich in historical relics and cites as well as natural resources.国外游客普遍认为,到我国旅游使他们大开眼界。Foreign tourists all believe that traveling in China is a real eye-opener to them.我们可能去那儿,那
7、可得看情况而定。We may go there, but it all depends.人们被吸引到一个地方主要由于两种理由当中的一个,工作或娱乐。People are drawn to an area for one of two reasons:work or pleasure.黄河是我国第二大河,被誉为“中华民族的摇篮” 。The Yellow River is the second longest river in China and is regarded as the cradle of Chinese nation.会议由于恶劣的天气而推迟举行。The meeting has b
8、een postponed due to the bad weather.航空客运主要分为定期航班服务和包机服务两种。Air transportation is mainly divided into scheduled service and charter service.公共场所禁止吸烟。Smoking is prohibited in public places.不管出于什么目的,乘飞机旅行的人选择这种交通工具是因为它速度最快。Whatever their purpose, air travelers pick their means of transportation because
9、 it is the fastest.旅游饭店一般都具有一定的民族风格和地方特色。Hotels usually have certain ethnic style and local characteristics.黄果树瀑布如天河倾泻,形成一道巨大的水帘。The Huangguoshu Water fall seems like pouring from the sky,producing a magnificent curtain of water.他们已经答应给您安排一间完全符合标准的房间。They have promised to give you a room that is ful
10、ly up to standard.酒店要为顾客提供一个远离家乡的完美的家。Hotels should provide the perfect home-away-from-home to vacationer.深圳中国民俗文化村从不同角度反映我国多民族的民俗文化。China Folk Culture Village in Shenzhen reflects from different angles the folk culture of our Chinese multi-nationality nation.我已经为您订购了 3 张头等舱机票,并且预定好了座位。I have got yo
11、u three first class tickets and Ive reserved your seats.旅游业在中国是一个不断发展的年轻产业。Tourism is a young and growing industry in China.这座城市的建筑吸引了我的目光。The citys architect caught my eye.我的任务就是为大家的旅程铺平道路、关心照顾您的利益,尽力回答您的问题。My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, and try my best to answer your question
12、s.请在这张表格签上你的名字.Please sign your name on this form.您现在持有哪种货币?What kind of currency do you have?您随身携带有外币吗?Do you have any foreign currency with you?我想把这些美元换成人民币。Id like to change these US dollars into RMB.请您帮我兑换这张支票好吗?Would you please cash this check?我想要一间单人房,面向南方最好。Id like to have a single room, pref
13、erably facing south.这是你的房间钥匙,我们的门童会带你去房间。This is the key to your room. And our bellboy will show you to your room.我们有单人房,双人房,套房和豪华套房.We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites.对不起,现在我们宾馆房间客满。我能为您推荐另外一家宾馆吗?Im so sorry. Were full at the moment. Can I recommend you to another hotel?您在
14、我们饭店预定房间了吗?do you have a reservation with our hotel我们宾馆有美容沙龙/洗衣房/ 商店/舞厅/体育馆以及邮政和银行服务等.Our hotel has a beauty salon, a laundry, a store, a dancing hall, a gym, and postal and banking services, etc.翻译成中文 For most of you I suppose 对于你们大多数人来讲,我想这是你们第一次来到中国。你们来到这里,不仅可以了解到我们的文化和历史,而且也可以了解到当代中国的现状.一方面,中国是世
15、界最老的古文明国家之一,她有五千多年的历史.另一方面,中华人民共和国于 1949 年 10 月 1 日成立. 所以,我们即被列入古文明国家的行列,又是世界上最年轻的国家之一.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!What a great joy it is to have friends from afar!我将确保你们有充足的时间轻松轻松。Ill make sure that you have sufficient time to relax.旅行中最愉快的事是交到一个真诚的朋友.The best that we find in our travels is an honest friend.相互访问是旅
16、游业真正的目的,这将会使我们的人民更接近,并促进世界和平.Mutual visits are the real aim and object of tourism and it will bring people closer and promote peace in the world.Window of the world世界之窗是由香港中旅集团在深圳华侨城创办的又一大型旅游中心。Here weve assembled the marvelous sights在这里,我们将世界奇观/历史遗迹/古今名胜/自然风光/民居/雕塑/绘画以及民俗风情/民间歌舞表演汇集于一园,再现了一个美妙的世界.X
17、iangmi lake village距离市中心西7 公里处的香蜜湖度假村,通过精心的设计将热带园林风光、民族建筑形式和现代游乐设施融为一体。Located by the picturesque Shenzhen bay and 中国民俗文化村位于风景独特的深圳湾畔,紧邻锦绣中华景区,是中国各民族艺术、风俗和建筑风格的陈列馆。In addition to the money that tourism brings.旅游除了能给一个国家带来收入外,还能给人们提供大量就业机会。The arts and crafts of china are many中国的手工艺品门类繁多,品种丰富Chinese
18、traditional painting is highly中国画以其悠久的历史/ 独特的风格以及鲜明的民族特色而在世界上享有很高的声誉.Several days ago,we went几天前当我们相遇时还彼此陌生,然后今天我们告别时却已成为朋友。Id like to take this opportunity to express 借此机会,我向大家表达由衷的谢意,谢谢大家对我的体谅、理解与合作。Once again, thank you for your cooperation 再一次感谢你们的合作与支持。王太太,您的房间不仅通风好, 而且看得到整个湖面的风景.Mrs. Wang, you
19、r room is not only airy, but also commanding the view of the whole lake.各位, 请注意 :我们明天早上七点半准备办理离店手续,请大家在早餐之前将托运行李都准备好并放在门外.Attention, please. We will check out at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Please get your checked luggage ready and put them outside the door before having breakfast.长城是中国古代劳动人民智慧的结晶.the gr
20、eat wall was the embodiment of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese people.古老的艺术/优美的环境和方便的交通, 龙门石窟吸引了国内外众多的学者和游人.With old culture, beautiful surroundings and convenient transportation, longmen grottoes attract a large number of scholars and visitors at home and abroad.A convenient way to 旅游的一种简便方法是参加包价
21、旅游。A package tour offer travelers在预定价格内,包价旅游给旅游者提供预先安排的交通食宿及其他旅游服务.It is unnecessary for passports在整个中国旅行期间,护照不必交由旅游团陪同保管。A local guide will take care of your city 地陪将负责照料你们的市容观光活动。我过来和你谈谈有关旅行日程的事情 Ive come to talk about the itinerary four your trip.你觉得这个形成怎么样?what do you think of this itinerary?如果有
22、什么变动,一定要提前告诉我.if there should be any changes, please let me know beforehand.由于这是一个大型的贵宾团,一切都要安排妥当,不能出差错。Since this is a big VIP group, everything must be well planned with no mistakes.As tourism moves into the twenty-first 当旅游业进入二十一世纪的时候,企业就会把环境放在首要位置Broadly defined, ecotourism involves 宽泛地下定义,生态旅游超
23、出环境保护,它是一种回应一个地区生态、社会和经济需要的旅行芝加哥 chincago 是仅次于纽约的美国第二大城市,它位于 Michigan 湖的南岸,人口为 300 多万。Chicago is the second largest city in the united states with New York as the first largest city. It is located at the southern bank of the Michigan lake with the population of more than three million.它是全美国最大的铁路中心和湖
24、港,也是全国重要的航空枢纽。It is the biggest railway center and lake harbor in the united state, and the important airport hub as well.从事生态旅游者,不再是一般意义上的观光客,而是旅游活动的参与者。Generally, the ecotourists are no longer the ordinary visitors, but the participants in the tour activities.旅游业发展成一个大规模的产业依靠的是快速价廉的现代化交通工具。The dev
25、elopment of tourism as a mass industry depends on modern means of rapid and inexpensive transportation.旅游业可持续发展,从时间上看,是指旅游业的发展是一个.From a time perspective, the sustainable development in tourism refers to the development of tourism as a consecutive, long-term and dynamic process.但是, 有时经济增长也会对旅游业的可持续发
26、展产生负面影响.But the development of economy will sometimes make a negative impact on the sustainable development in tourism.我们要努力保护和改善生态环境,使经济发展既满足当代人的需要,又造福于子孙后代。We should do our best to protest an d improve our ecological environment, so as to ensure that our economic development will not only meet the
27、 current needs of this generation, but benefit future generations.我们必须加强对耕地/水/树林/草原/矿产/海洋/生物等资源的管理和保护.We must tighten control over and protection of arable land, water, forests, grasslands, and mineral, sea and biological resources.The concept of sustainable development 可持续发展这一概念近几年已经取得声望并被人们接受,人们还希
28、望这一概念在未来时间从区域范围到全球范围扩散到经济发展和旅游发展的各个层面。So in our discussions of sustainable development因此,在我们讨论旅游业可持续发展中,我们需要不断牢记这个问题:为谁持续发展?In our view, environmental protection must be 我们看来环境保护必须与经济社会的发展协调进行。Production, consumption and development of 如果资源和环境的问题被忽视,人类的生产 /消费和发展也不能持续发展Computers can perform arithmeti
29、c operations计算机能进行诸如加减乘除的算术功能,也能进行逻辑功能However, if a manager also has some basic knowledge about然后,如果一位经理也具备一点计算机系统中基础操作的基本知识,他或她就会使用计算机作为一种有效工具来管理信息需求Data processing involves transforming raw facts and isolated figures into数据处理包含的是把粗略的事实和零散的数字转换成及时的、准确的、有用的信息Automation has simplified many auxiliary
30、guest services, 自动化简化了许多对客人的附加服务,诸如叫醒服务和给客人传达信息服务饭店信息管理系统包括客房预订、客房管理、销售点结账the hotel information management system involves reservations, room management, sales office account settlement and word processing,计算机的应用也会给旅行社的发展带来一些不利的影响,不过the application of computer will also bring some bad influences on
31、the development of the travel service. but the negative elements can not prevent the computer from being spread and popularized in tourism.宾馆提供各种便利服务项目,其中包括出租车联系the hotel provides comprehensive services such as taxi arrangement, airline and train ticket booking, money exchange, and international dir
32、ect dial telephone.宾馆还提供衣服洗熨、美容美发、桑拿.the hotel also provides laundry service, a beauty parlor, a sauna bath and a health service with medical massage.Advertising and public relations广告宣传和公共关系是两个最重要得促销工具,或者说是营销功能,人们用它们进行市场营销活动。Advertising can be defined as the use of paid media广告宣传可被定义为利用有报酬的媒体空间或媒体时
33、间呈现出一种产品,以此方式吸引消费者。The three main functions of advertising are to 广告宣传的三个主要功能是告知、提醒和说服。纵观世界旅游市场,旅游形象的树立,无论对于一个国家或者look at the world tourism market, the establishment of tourism image is very important to the tourism of either a country or a region.上海是世界上最大的港口城市之一,这座昔日远东第一大都市已发展成为.shanghai is one of
34、the worlds largest seaports. Formerly the largest metropolis of the Far East, shanghai has become chinas important center of economy, finance, trade, science and technology, information and culture.作为一座历史文化史城,上海以她独特的风韵吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。As a noted historic and cultural city, shanghai attracts millions o
35、f tourism from home and abroad with its unique charm.最引人入胜的建筑物当属位于黄浦江畔的东方明珠塔The most attractive work of architecture is no other than the Oriental Pearl Tower standing by the bank of the Huangpu River.Hospitality law covers a wide 饭店产业法涵盖一系列宽泛的法律,主要适用于餐馆、为公众提供住宿的地方,旅行代理机构和航空公司In fourteeth-and fiftee
36、nth-century在十四十五世纪的英格兰,人们相信小旅馆经营者和强盗有联系,甚至帮助强盗盗窃客人的财物In the early clays of the united states ,the states were suspicious在美国早期,各州都对联邦政府持怀疑态度,刚刚推翻英国,各州强烈要求限制授予联邦政府的权利The constitution establish important rights such as equal 美国宪法确立了重要权利,诸如平等地受法律保护权、言论自由权、宗教自由权。美国宪法也授权联邦政府与别国签订条约。Laws adopted by adminis
37、trative agencies由行政机构采纳的法律成为法规以甄别立法者通过的法律旅游者应该尊重过境地或逗留地的政治.the tourists should observe the politics, society morals and religions of the pass-by places or stay places.在过境地或逗留地,旅游者还应做到:要充分了解.in the pass-by place or stay places, the tourists should also actmake a full understanding of the hosts tradit
38、ions and customs, religious beliefs, and behaviors, especially respect their cultural and natural wealth.旅游业的成功在很大程度上依赖于不断流动的信息,如果信息the success of the travel industry relies heavily on a continuous flow of information. If the flow of information ceases or is inaccurate, the travel business would com
39、e to a standstill.People from different cultures sometimes不同文化背景的人在一起有时会做一些令对方感到不舒服的事 他们并非故意要这样做,有时甚至连自己都未察觉。Many travelers find it easier to meet people许多旅行者感到在美国结识人比在其它国家要来得容易,美国人可能会直接向你走去,作自我介绍,甚至在未真正认识你之前便邀请你去做客New Zealand is a South Pacific country新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极之间,国土面积为 286105 平方公里,人口为300
40、 多万我赞同这样的看法:当代社会名族文化不可能在自我封闭.im with the view that in this modern world ,the culture of any nation can not develop in isolation.在我看来,不同的文化应该相互学习,取长补短。I believe that different culture should learn from each others strength to offset their own weaknesses.当然,在广泛的文化交流中,一个民族的文化必须保持本民族的鲜明特色 Of course, the
41、 culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures.我认为,文化交流不是让多来文化吞没自己的文化I think that cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing ones own culture to a foreign culture, but a process of enriching each others national
42、 cultures.In many cases tourism has led to the revival 在许多情况下 ,游业使人们对较不发达国家的部落习俗重新萌发了兴趣。The interpretation by tourist guides has its own.导游的解说有其独特性,但是一个口译人员通常解说别人正说的话;一个导游总是直接用外国旅游者所操得语言直接与她们交谈中国的旅游资源非常丰富,有众多的名山大川,丰富的文物古迹 .china has long been famous for its rich tourism resources, such as famous mou
43、ntains , numerous relics and historical sites, and colorful folklores.为了全面发展中国旅游资源潜力,适应国际旅游市场的需求to give full play to the great potential of tourism resources and to feed the needs of international tourist market, we have developed a series of new products combining sightseeing and holiday-making.中国称
44、得上是世界上仅有的几个地大物博、人口众多、历史悠久.China is truly one of the few countries in the world with such a vast territory, huge population, long-standing history, brilliant ancient civilization, stunning natural beauty, and multiethnic culture.由于国内旅游业已成熟起来,所以行业中的竞争越来越激励as the domestic tourism industry matures, competition will become increasingly intense, Marketing and promotion will be key operating factors in managing a successful domestic travel service.