1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福阅读OG六:工匠和产业化 【附完整版】摘要: 托福阅读OG是托福ETS官网唯一官网指南的精华资料,托福阅读OG题量不是很多,难度比不上托福阅读TPO ,只是为大家介绍下托福阅读OG 题型,是ETS官网给出的应试指南,尤其是第一次参加托福考试的考生一定要认真对待。托福 阅读OG六:ARTISANS AND INDUSTRIALIZATION (OG)Before 1815 manufacturing in the United States had been done in homes or shops by skilled artisans. As master
2、craft workers, they imparted the knowledge of their trades to apprentices and journeymen. In addition, women often worked in their homes part-time, making finished articles from raw material supplied by merchant capitalists. After 1815 this older form of manufacturing began to give way to factories
3、with machinery tended by unskilled or semiskilled laborers. Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and the availability of capital and credit all stimulated the shift to factory production.The creation of a labor force that was accustomed to working in factories did not occur easily.Befo
4、re the rise of the factory, artisans had worked within the home. Apprentices were considered part of the family, and masters were responsible not only for teaching their apprentices a trade but also for providing them some education and for supervising their moral behavior. Journeymen knew that if t
5、hey perfected their skill, they could become respected master artisans with their own shops. Also, skilled artisans did not work by the clock, at a steady pace, but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time.The factory changed that. Goods produced by factories were not a
6、s finished or elegant as those done by hand, and pride in craftsmanship gave way to the pressure to increase rates of productivity. The new methods of doing business involved a new and stricter sense of time. Factory life necessitated a more regimented schedule, where work began at the sound of a be
7、ll and workers kept machines going at a constant pace. At the same time, workers were required to discard old habits, for industrialism demanded a worker who was alert, dependable, and self-disciplined.Absenteeism and lateness hurt productivity and, since work was specialized, disrupted the regular
8、factory routine. Industrialization not only produced a fundamental change in the way work was organized; it transformed the very nature of work.The first generation to experience these changes did not adopt the new attitudes easily. The factory clock became the symbol of the new work rules. One mill
9、 worker who finally quit complained revealingly about “obedience to the ding-dong of the bell-just as though we are so many living machines.“ With the loss of personal freedom also came the loss of standing in the community. Unlike artisan workshops in which apprentices worked closely with the maste
10、rs supervising them, factories sharply separated workers from management. Few workers rose through the ranks to supervisory positions, and even fewer could achieve the artisans dream of setting up ones own business. Even well-paid workers sensed their decline in status.In this newly emerging economi
11、c order, workers sometimes organized to protect their rights and traditional ways of life. Craft workers such as carpenters, printers, and tailors formed unions,and in 1834 individual unions came together in the National Trades Union. The labor movement gathered some momentum in the decade before th
12、e Panic of 1837, but in the depression that followed, labors strength collapsed. During hard times, few workers were willing to strike* or engage in collective action. And skilled craft workers, who spearheaded the union movement, did not feel a particularly strong bond with semiskilled factory work
13、ers and unskilled laborers. More than a decade of agitation did finally bring a workday shortened to 10 hours to most industries by the 185Os, and the courts also recognized workers right to strike, but these gains had little immediate impact.Workers were united in resenting the industrial system an
14、d their loss of status, but they were divided by ethnic and racial antagonisms, gender, conflicting religious perspectives, occupational differences, political party loyalties, and disagreements over tactics. For them, the factory and industrialism were not agents of opportunity but reminders of the
15、ir loss of independence and a measure of control over their lives. As United States society became more specialized and differentiated, greater extremes of wealth began to appear. And as the new markets created fortunes for the few, the factory system lowered the wages of workers by dividing labor i
16、nto smaller, less skilled tasks.Paragraph 1: Before 1815 manufacturing in the United States had been done in homes or shops by skilled artisans. As master craft workers, they imparted the knowledge of their trades to apprentices and journeymen. In addition, women often worked in their homes part-tim
17、e, making finished articles from raw material supplied by merchant capitalists. After 1815 this older form of manufacturing began to give way to factories with machinery tended by unskilled or semiskilled laborers. Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and the availability of capital an
18、d credit all stimulated the shift to factory production.托福阅读 OG六:工匠和产业化 参考译文:1815 年以前,美国的制造业仅限于技术高超的工匠在自己家中和作坊中进行生产。作为师傅,工匠们将自己的手艺传授给徒弟和雇工。此外,妇女们在家中通常也会兼职从事一些生产活动,将商业资本家提供的原料制成成品。1815 年以后,这种古老的生产模式逐渐消失,雇佣没有技术或半技术劳动者的机械化工厂开始兴起。廉价的交通运输网络、城市的兴起和资本借贷的可行性都促进了制造业从手工作坊到工厂生产的转变。想要获得适应在工厂工作中劳动力并不容易。在工厂兴起之前,工
21、为工匠时的梦想:经营自己的生意。那些待遇优厚的工人也开始感到他们的社会地位在下降。在这种新的经济秩序中,有时工人们会组织起来共同去保护他们的权利和传统的生活方式。比如木匠、印刷工人和裁缝等技术工人成立了联盟,并且,在1834 年,各个独立的联盟组织成立了国家职工联盟。在1837 年大恐慌前之的十年中,工人运动聚集了一些力量,不过随后而来的经济大萧条最终导致了工人力量的瓦解。那段时间,很少有人愿意罢工或者参与工人运动。身为工人运动先锋队的技术工匠们,并没有感到他们与半技术工人和非技术劳动者之间有显著密切的联系。直到19 世纪50 年代,超过十年的抗争最终使得大多数行业的工作时间缩短至10 小时,