1、,paralinguisticfeatures,副语言特征,1.Definition of paralinguistic features?,狭义的“副语言”指有声现象,如说话时气喘,嗓子沙哑,咯咯地笑,手语,鼻音,某个字音拉得很长,压低嗓音,结巴说话不连贯等等。 广义的“副语言”指无声而有形的现象,即与话语同时或单独使用的手势、身势、面部表情、对话时的位置和距离等等,这些也能表示某种意义,一般有配合语言加强表达,2.副语言特征 (paralinguistic features),Intonation (音调),语调是指说话时声音音调(Pitch)变化所造成的旋律模式。常用的语调有升、降、升降
2、、降升调等。,“My husband and I find strong smoke offensive.Would you kindly put that out.”-the Duchess “Well now,Ill spell it out.”-Ogilvie Her tone would have withered anyone who knew her well.“You unspeakable blackguard!How dare you!”-the Duchess,重音就是在念一个音节时发音器官各部分所用的力气强度。一个单词有重读音节,一个句子有重读的单词。,重音(stress
3、),“In what conceivable way does our car concern you”-the Duchess “I mean out o the south “-the Duchess,音高是指声音的高低,由声带振动的频率决定。低音往往与慢速相伴,高音与快速相伴。 低音往往与尊严、权威相伴,而高音使人想起争执不快唠叨罗嗦。,音高(pitch),“I told you cut it out ” the words spat forth with sudden savagery ,all pretense of blandness gone .- Ogilvie “oh my
4、God !”A hand to her face ,the Duchess turned away . -the Duckess,语速是指说话速度的快慢,测定单位是音节/秒。 低音往往与慢速相伴,高音与快速相伴。有意识地使用音高和语速可以产生特定的感情色彩。,语速(tempo),As Ogilvie glanced ,grinning ,at the Duchess ,the Duck said sharply , “Get on with it”- the Duchess “Thats interesting,”The duck said,as if speaking of somethin
5、g unconnected with himself. -the Duck,体态语包括手势语(gesture)和身势语(posture)。说话人总是下意识地使用各种体态语,以明确自己的观点,增强表达的力度。体态语可以诱发听话人对话语深层含义的推导。,体态语(body language),He made an attempt to square his shoulders which did not succed.-the Duck Wearily,in a gesture of surrender,the Duchess of Croydon sank back into her chair.
6、Clasping her hands to canceal their trembling .-the Duckess,Ogilvie removed the offending cigar ,knocked off the ash and flipped the butt toward an oranamental fireplace on his right.He missed,and the butt upon the carpet where he ignored it. -Ogilvie As the duck of croydon shifted uneasily,the hous
7、es bulbous countenance reddened .-the Duck,副语言特征语用失误,不同文化中有些副语言特征所表达的含义是相同的,如摇头表示否定,点头表示肯定,重音放在所要强调的词上。但不同之处也有很多。如汉语是靠声调辨义,英语用语调辨义. 又如英美人习惯勾动食指招呼人,而这个动作中国人难以接受。,pragmatie failure,一位印度妇女受雇于伦敦一家餐馆,顾客对她的服务态度很不满意。后来通过录音研究,发现是语调在做怪。例如当询问客人要不要肉卤(Gravy?)时,她用了降调,而不是升调,结果听起来不是在服务,而是在下命令。,语调、重音、语速、音高和体态语等副语言特征对话语深层含义产生重要影响。 它们可以为会话含义的推导提供条件,或赋予话语以深层含义和感情色彩。副语言特征使用不当会产生语用失误。,summary,Thank you!,