1、出国留学信函翻译,索要入学申请表及奖学金申请表 毕业证明的翻译 个人简历的翻译 附函的翻译 推荐信的翻译 自我陈述的翻译,一、索要入学申请表及奖学金申请表 索函应包括: 申请人所修学位及专业 拟入学时间(学期) 索要的入学申请表的类别 申请人TOEFL、GRE考试情况 回邮的详尽地址 注意使用正确的信函格式和恰当的语气。,Dear Sir:I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemistry Engineering at your university. My desired date of entrance is fall, 2003. Please
2、 send me necessary application forms at your early convenience.If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I can support myself and obtain more experience while pursuing graduating study.I obtained my B.E(Chemical Engineering) and M.E(Environmental Protection) from Tsinghua U
3、niversity. At present, I work as a teacher at the same university.I have taken TOEFL and received a score of 612. I am going to take GRE general test this coming October.would you please send me the application form for admission and financial support? Thank you very much.sincerely yoursWang Guowei,
4、尊敬的先生:我愿攻读贵校化工专业博士学位,拟于2003年秋季入学。请在您方便的时候尽早将有关申请表寄给我。如有可能,我还希望得到一份助教工作,以便维持就读期间的生活,增长自己的阅历。我已获得清华大学化工专业学士学位和环保专业硕士学位,目前在该校任教。我已考了托福,成绩为612分,并准备考GRE。请将贵校入学申请表及奖学金申请表寄我。谢谢。王国伟,二、毕业证书的翻译,内容包括: 姓名、籍贯、出生年月、所在院系专业、入校及毕业时间、在校各科成绩等。 需注意核实各类数据准确无误。,三、个人简历的翻译,一般随附函(covering letter)寄出,内容包括:姓名、通讯地址、邮编、电话、电子邮箱、个
5、人身体状况、工作经历(学历: 由近往回写)、特长爱好、证明人(references will be supplied upon request.)等。 注意几点: 简洁有序,表现优点 重要的资料先写 具体写业绩和成果 不要写一般的资料,要写突出的 注意统一性和平衡性,学历 1992年9月 1995年7月 成都市第38中学(初中) 1995年9月 1998年7月 成都市第七中学(高中) 1998年9月 2002年7月 清华大学土木工程系 Education : Sept. 1998- July,2002 Civil Engineering dept. of Tsinghua University
6、 Sept.1995- July,1998 No. 7 middle School,(senior high school)Chengdu, P.R. China Sept. 1992- July, 1995 No. 38 middle School, (junior high school) Chengdu, P.R. China,如何避免失败的英语简历: 版面设计不好第一印象不好 应征项目不明,让雇主难以判断你所希望的职务是什么 没有写明具体的资格 没有写明过去的职称及负责的工作 没写以前的工作成绩 经历不完整(令人怀疑没有工作时,究竟做什么) 漏了重要数字(这会降低这份文件的可信度) 太
7、冗长的说明、错别字或文法错误(令人怀疑你的办事能力),四、附函的翻译,目的:穿针引线的作用,若寄履历表没有附函则是一种失礼的表现。 不必拘泥于形式,但要尽量简单。如果履历表中因经历少而显得空洞的话,就把较难在履历表中表达的愿望、能力、资质的等一并写入附函中。 必须写好回邮信封(姓名、住址、贴好邮票及回函明信片)- 在回函明信片上写下必要事项,并在面试时间处留空白,由雇主填写。如此可以节省对方时间,留下好印象。 检查清单,五、推荐信的翻译,尊敬的先生:我写此信向您推荐李小丽同学到贵校深造。李小丽是我几年前所教的学生,她天资聪明,勤奋好学,团结友爱,乐于助人。我任教数十年,很少见到像她那么品学兼优
8、、全面发展的好学生。尤其值得一提的是,作为一个颇有天赋的学生,她不但学习基础好,知识面广,而且求知欲旺,独立钻研能力强。从大学一年级起,她的各科成绩就一直在全班名列前茅,她因此连续三年荣获优等生奖学金。李小丽同学诚实、正直、热情、开朗,积极组织并参加校内外各项公益活动。她的熟练的组织才干、强烈的同情心和无私奉献精神给大家留下了深刻的印象。,在此,我非常高兴并郑重地向您推荐李小丽同学到贵校化学系攻读硕士学位。如蒙贵校录取,我深信她一定能用自己的行动和更加优异的学业成绩来证明她是个前途无量的好学生,一个不可多得的优秀人才。四川大学化学系教授 李章良1998年12月于四川成都,A Letter of
9、 Recommendation,Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to recommend Miss Su Rui, one of my former students, for her advanced studies at your university.A promising student of all-round development, Miss Su possesses such good qualities as diligence, team spirit, optimism, and the readiness to help
10、 others. What is more, as a talented student, she not only has a solid elementary knowledge, wide scope of learning, but also good qualities of insatiable curiosity and independent thinking, which enable her to top her classmates in many courses.Consequently, she has been awarded Excellent-Student S
11、cholarship of the university for three years in succession.,An honest, upright, enthusiastic and cheerful girl, Miss Su is a good organizer and an active participator of all kinds of academic and social activities. Her strong personality, which is manifested in her exceptional organizational ability
12、, intense sympathy for others and selfless devotion to her task, has made a deep impression on me.Hence, it offers me much pleasure to recommend Miss Su to further her studies at your honorable university. If she were accepted, Im sure her future conduct would prove worthy of your confidence.Sincere
13、ly yours,Gong Aihua,六、自我陈述的翻译,是按学校要求写的一篇关于自己过去的背景、目前的学业成就、未来目标的文章。 应语言流畅、文字优美、逻辑严谨、层次分明、情感真实、事例动人。 翻译时要敢于打破原文的结构,灵活处理主谓结构,把握好句式的重心。使之符合英文习惯。,为了实现儿时的梦想,我毫不犹豫地选择了化学专业。四川大学录取了我,这令我心满意足。四川大学是中国一所著名的重点高校,有着近百年的悠久历史。 In order to realize my childhood dream I chose chemistry without the slightest hesitation, and to my great satisfaction, I was admitted by Sichuan University, one of Chinas famous key universities with a history of nearly 100 years.,老师对我的评价是,我这个人喜欢打破沙锅问到底。 As my teachers have commented, I am good at independent thinking and like to probe into things by asking “why”.,