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1、第十课 戴在头上的浪漫Lesson 10 Romance on Head学习目标 Study Objects一、语言目标 Language Object1. 学会关于服饰的表述。Learn some expressions to describe costumes and decorations. 2. 问候、寒暄Express greetings and make exchanges.(1( 好久不见!(熟人再次见面的招呼语。 )(2( 你(工作学习 身体假期)怎么样?3. 表示意外、惊奇Express surprise and amazing feelings.真的吗?4. 表示称赞、赞美

2、Give praises. (1( 别提有多美了!(2( 太好了!(3( 真是美极了!(4( 太有意思了!二、文化目标 Cultural Object 1 了解大理白族服饰的文化内涵。2 了解大理“风花雪月”胜景。课前导学 Guided Learning一个民族的服饰往往是本族文化的重要组成部分。白族人民在长期的历史发展中形成的审美观和独特的民族风情都突出体现在他们的服饰中。白族喜爱白色,衣物以白色为贵。白族服饰集湖观山色、民族特色于一身,并配以 风花雪月的浪漫 风情,尽情地向世人展示着白族文化的古今和未来,白族人民的勤劳与智慧。Costumes and decorations are imp

3、ortant cultural components of an ethnic group. In their long time working, people of the Bai ethnic group develop their aesthetic judgment and strong ethnic flavor in their costumes and decorations. The white color is regarded as Bai peoples most favorite and valuable color in their clothes. Today,

4、their costumes and decorations are a combination of scenery, ethnic culture as well as romantic folk legends of the wind, flowers, snow and moon which show the past, presence and future of Bai ethnic culture and diligence and wisdom of Bai people. 课 文 Text (在校园里,玛丽和美月相遇)(zi xioyun l,ml h miyu xingy)

5、玛 丽:Hi,美月,好久不见!ml: Hi,miyu hoji bjin!美 月:好久不见。你假期过得怎么样?miyu: hoji bjin。 N jiq gu d znmeyng?玛 丽:我去了一趟大理。ml: w q le ytng Dl。美 月:大理?真的吗?我听说那是一个很美的地方。miyu: Dl?zhn de ma?w tngshu n shy g hn mi de dfang。玛 丽:别提有多美了!那里处处是风景:雪与云相伴的苍山,秀丽迷人的洱海,浪漫神奇的蝴蝶泉,庄重雄奇的三塔每一个地方又都有美丽的故事和传说。每年都有成千上万的中外游客到这座著名的旅游城市游览。对了,我拍了很多

6、照片,你想不想看?ml: bi t yu du mi le。N li ch ch shfngjng:xu y yn xing bn de cngshn ,xi l m rn de rhi,lng mn shn q de hdiqun,zhung zhng xing qde sntmi y g defang yu du yu mil de gsh h chun shu。Mi nin duyu chngqinshngwn de zhngwi yuk do zh zu zhmng delyu chngsh yuln。Dule wpile hndu zhopin,n xing b xing kn?美

7、月:太好了!真想快点看到。miyu: ti ho le!zhn xing kui din kndo。(在玛丽宿舍看照片)(zi ml ssh kn zhopin)美 月:真是美极了!(指着一张照片)这不是你吗?miyu: zhn sh mijle!(zh zhe y zhng zhopin)zh b sh n ma?玛 丽:是我。大理山美、水美,人更美。那里生活着少数民族白族。我身上穿的就是白族少女的衣服。大理最著名的“ 风花雪月 ”四景你都可以在她们头上戴的帽子上看到。ml: sh w。Dl shn mi、shu mi、rn gng mi。Nli shnghu zhe shoshmnz_bi

8、z。w shn shng chun de jish biz shon de yfu。Dlzuzhmng de“fnghuxuyu” sjng ndu ky zi t men tu shng di de mozi shng kn do。美 月:你快给我介绍介绍吧。miyu: n kui gi w jishojishoba。玛 丽:你看,帽子上方雪白的绒毛,象征着苍山雪;白绒下的花纹就像四季盛开的鲜花,那就是上关花;帽子一侧垂下的缨穗,晃动起来就是终年吹拂的下关风;而那帽子弯弯的形状,好比洱海上空升起的一轮明月。ml: n kn,mozi shngfng xubi de rngmo,xingzhn

9、g zhe cngshnxu;bi rng xi de huwn ji xing sj shngki de xinhu, n ji shshng gun hu;mo zi yc chu xi de yngsu,hungdng qli ji sh zhngnin chuf de xigun fng;r n mozi wnwn de xngzhung,ho b rhi shngkng shngqde yln mngyu。美 月:太有意思了!真希望马上有机会到大理去。miyu: ti yu ysi le!zhn xwng mshng yu jhu do Dl q。玛 丽:我相信你一定会爱上那里的。M

10、ali: w xingxn n ydng hu ishng nalide。翻 译 Translation(Mary meets Meiyue on the campus)Mary: Hi, Meiyue, long time no see!Meiyue: Yes, havent seen you for a long time. How was your holiday?Mary: I went to Dali for my holiday.Meiyue: Dali? Was that true? I heard its a very beautiful place.Mary: Its eve

11、n beyond your imagination. There are sceneries everywhere: Cangshan Mountain with snow and clouds, charming Erhai Lake, romantic Butterfly Spring, magnificent Three Pagodasall have their interesting stories and legends. Thousands of tourists are pouring in this place for its scenic beauty. By the wa

12、y, I took lots of photos, do you want to have a look?Meiyue: Thats great! Id like to see as soon as possible.(Looking at photos in Marys dormitory) Meiyue: They are gorgeous! (Pointing at one of them) Wasnt that you?Mary: Its me. The mountains and lakes in Dali are beautiful,the Bai women are even m

13、ore beautiful. Look, the costumes I wore in the picture is Bai maidens suit. You can see the most famous “Four Sceneries of Daliwind, flowers, snow and moon” in the crowns we wore.Meiyue: Tell me about them.Mary: You can see the upper white down is the symbol of snow at the top of Cangshan Mountain;

14、 the colorful patterns below are like flowers;the tassel on the side of the crown is dazzling like the wind from the mountain and the bending shape of the crown is like newly-rising moon over the Erhai Lake.Meiyue: Its so interesting! Hope I could go to Daly right now.Mary: I think you must love it

15、there. 生 词 New Words1. 趟 (量) tng (measure word)one time2. 秀丽 (形) xil graceful3. 迷人 (形) mrn charming4. 浪漫 (形) lngmn romantic5. 神奇 (形) shnq magical6. 庄重 (形) zhungzhng grave7. 雄奇 (形) xingq magnificent8. 传说 (名) chunshu legend9. 成千上万 chngqinshngwn thousands of 10. 游览 (动) yuln visit11. 雪白 (形) xubi snow wh

16、ite12. 绒毛 (名) rngmo down13. 象征 (动) xingzhng symbol14. 花纹 (名) huwn pattern15. 侧 c side16. 垂下 chuxi troop17. 缨穗 (名) yngsu tassel 18. 晃动 (动) hungdng dazzle 19. 吹拂 (动) chuf blow20. 形状 (名) xngzhung shape21. 好比 hob like22. 升 (动) shng rise23. 轮 (量) ln (measure word for the sun, the moon)one 专 名 Proper Noun

17、s1. 苍山 cngshn Cangshan Mountain 2. 洱海 rhi Er-hai Lake 3. 蝴蝶泉 hdequn Butterfly Spring 4. 三塔 snt Three Pagodas注 释 Notes风花雪月大理著名四景:下关风、上关花、苍山雪、洱海月。语言点 language points 1. V + 得 + 怎么样?用于询问和动词相关的情况。例如:This pattern indicates inquiry of a verb. For example:考得怎么样? 玩得怎么样? 学得怎么样?2. 别提(有)多了习惯用语。表示肯定,一般用在对话中。 例如

18、:An expression indicates affirmation, usually used in dialogs. For example:(1( 他的汉语说得别提有多好了。(2( 这里的空气别提有多新鲜了。(3( 老师对我们别提有多好了。3. 对了表示突然想起某件事。例如:Abruptly remember something. For example:(1( 我先走了。对了,你走的时候别忘了关灯。(2( 对了,刚才的事一定不能告诉她。(3( 对了,今天下午 3 点要开会。4. V + 着动词后面加动态助词“着”,表示动作或状态的持续。例如:Auxiliary word “着”is

19、 after a verb to indicate continuity of an action or situation. For example: (1( 她穿着一件白衬衣。(2( 桌上放着一瓶牛奶。(3( 墙上挂着地图。常用句式一、特指问 Referring Questions你假期过得怎么样?用代词(谁、什么、怎么、怎么样、哪儿、几等)和由它们组成的短语(为什么、做什么等)来表明疑问,希望对方就疑问做出相应回答。例如:Questions with who, what, how, where, how much etc. and expressions like why, what f

20、or indicate the expectation of the other sides responses. For example: (1( 你假期过得怎么样?(2( 谁告诉你的?(3( 你奶奶的身体怎么样?(4( 明天什么时候出发?(5( 哪儿可以买到这样的蛋糕?二、是非问 General Questions一般是对整个命题进行提问,可以用“是、对”或“不是、没有”来做肯定或否定的回答。例如:Ask about the fact and with yes as the affirmative answer and no as negative answer. For example:

21、 1. 肯定句 + 吗?(Affirmative question)(1)A:你是日本人吗?B:是。 (肯定的回答) 不是。 (否定的回答)(2)A:这件事你知道吗? B:知 道。 (肯定的回答) 不知道。 (否定的回答)(3)A:这本书是你的吗?B:是的。 (肯定的回答) 不是。 (否定的回答)2否定句 + 吗?(Negative question)(1)A:这不是你的衣服吗?B:不 ,这是我的衣服。 (肯定的回答) 这不是你吗?对,这不是我的衣服。 (否定的回答)(2)A:你不认识她吗?B:是 的,我不 认识她。 (肯定的回答)不,我认识她。 (否定的回答)(3)A:不好吃吗?B:是 的,

22、不好吃。 (肯定的回答)不,很好吃。 (否定的回答)三、正反问 Disjunctive Questions由谓语的肯定形式和否定形式并列构成,选择其中一项作答。例如:Questions with both affirmative and negative patterns, the choice should be made in the answer. For example:(1)A:你吃不吃鸡蛋?B:不 吃。(2)A:这条裙子漂亮不漂亮?B:很漂亮。(3)A:你妈妈是大学老师,对不对?B:对。练 习 Exercises一、 替换 Substitution1. 我身上 穿的就是白族少女的衣

23、服。脚上 穿的 Addidas 的鞋 头上 戴的 在大理买的帽子手上 拿的 姐姐的照片 肩上 背的 少数民族的包 你想不想看?2. 大理最著名的“风花雪月”四景你都可以在她们头上的帽子上 看到。中国人的友好 在这些地方 感受到昆明最好吃的蛋糕 在这里 吃到 你想要的东西 在这个商店 买到 他的故事 在老师那里 听到 二、 选择填空 Fill in the blanks with the given words.1. 今年夏天,我打算去海南( )。2. 这位老画家在中国很( )。3. 我们约好在公园门口( )。4. 明天有考试,( )不要忘记。5. 昨天,我和很久没见的朋友在街头( )。6. 这

24、样的衣服,她( )不会喜欢的。7. 普洱茶在世界上很( )。8. 如果你走累了,可以坐车( )。三、 完成句子 Complete the sentences with the patterns given.1. 昆明的花 。(别提有多了)2. 我们今天晚上要去看电影,你 。(V 不 V)3. 老师,您看我的汉字 ? (V + 得 + 怎么样)4. 他们在一起 。 (V + 着)5. A:昨天的比赛怎么样?B: 。(形容词 + 极了)四、 改错句 Correct the following sentences. 1. 她穿了一件很雪白的大衣。旅游 游览 著名 有名 相遇 见面肯定 一定2. 和我

25、一起住在的也是韩国人。3. 我还没有听说了这件事情。4. 昨天,我们见面了老师的家人。5. 节日的公园里有很多成千上万的人。五、 口语交际 Oral Practices1你的国家有少数民族吗?如果有,请介绍其中一个民族的服饰。2. 学唱歌曲大理三月好风光。文化链接 Cultural Links 1大理:一生不能不到的地方大理白族自治州位于云南省的西北部,这座千年古城曾是唐代南昭国、宋代大理国的都城,具有悠久的历史和文化。而今,这座遍布文明印迹的城市被赞誉为“全国著名的文化、旅游特色城市” 、 “世界上最适宜人类居住和发展的生态园林城市”成为无数人向往的“一生不能不到的地方” 。大理风光以“风、

26、花、雪、月”四大奇景而闻名。因此,大理在人们心目中就是一个充满浪漫主义情调的地方:五朵金花的故事,蝴蝶泉边的爱情,洱海湖畔的渔家情,十里飘香的山茶花、杜鹃花在这片神奇的土地上居住着勤劳勇敢的少数民族白族。漫步在大理街头,会让人情不自禁地迷失在浓郁的白族文化氛围里:富有特色的白族建筑三坊一照壁、四合五天井;一苦二甜三回味的三道茶;美丽的扎染;漂亮多情的“金花” ,朴实、勇敢的“阿鹏”走进大理,体验水样的生活;走进大理,实现心灵自由游弋的梦想!Dali: A Destination One Must ComeDali Bai Minority Autonomous Prefecture is lo

27、cated in northwest Yunnan. This millenary ancient city served as the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom during the Tang dynasty (618-907) and Dali Kingdom during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). It is a city with long history and rich culture. Nowadays, the city marked with civilized prints was honored as the “

28、National Renowned Cultural and Tourism City” and the “Landscape Ecological City most suitable for living and development in the world” Dali is a dream place for countless people and a place one cannot miss in ones all life.Dale is known for its four marvelous sceneries (wind, flower, snow and moon).

29、 It is a romantic place among local people. Story of five Jinhua (a name for maiden), love of Butterfly Spring, fishermen of Er-hai lake, fragrance of camellias, azaleas Living in this amazing land is a group of industrious and brave people, they are Bai nationality. Wandering along the streets of D

30、ali, one cannot help losing in the intense cultural ambience of the Bai people. The style of the Bai architecture is very distinctive: an open courtyard with houses on three sides and a white-washed screen wall on the forth side, and another four corner courtyards at the four corners of the building

31、 complex. Three-course Tea is worth a try: bitter in the first course, sweet in the second course and enjoy the aftertaste in the third course. And beautiful bandanas, pretty Jinhua (name for maiden) and brave A-peng (name for lad) consisting of another vivid picture. Dali is a place to experience water-fresh life and a place to let all your dreams sail in the sky. 2云南十八怪之 10:老太太爬山比猴快老太太爬山比猴快:云南多高山深谷,当地的妇女们从小到老都勤劳无比,爬山越岭、种地砍柴都习以为常,因此练就了一身矫健的身板与脚劲,七八十岁的老人登山往往如履平地。


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