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1、1Unit 6 科技文体翻译教学目标及基本要求:了解科技英语的词汇、句法特点,掌握科技文体的翻译技巧。教学重点:1)英语科技词语的构成2)科技英语的句法特点教学难点:科技英语的翻译方法实用训练:英译汉:Scientific prediction for the next 30 years汉译英:技术创新1 .Formation of English Technical TermsOne of the most distinctive features of EST is its technical terms,which not only account for a large part of

2、 English vocabulary,but also are the must important source of new coined words in modern English,ranging over an extensive area of various fields. A mastery of them will benefit us a great deal in the translation of EST.In terms of form,English technical terms may be classified into three categories

3、, namely, single words (e. g. robot 机器人,Internet 因特网,etc. ) , compound forms(e. g. feedback 反馈,splashdown 溅落,etc.)and phrases(e. g. on-and-off-the- road 路面越野两用的,anti- armored-fight-vehicle-missile 反装甲车导弹,power transmission relay system 送电中继体系,etc. ). Since most of the technical terms come out of the

4、 basic rules of word-formation,its necessary for us to conduct aBrief survey of their formation.1. Affixation 缀合式科技词语Affixation is an important means of coining new English words and technical terms,with prefix and suffix as inseparable elements of the words being coined. The advantage of affixation

5、 is evident: it is the most flexible means of forming new woods and its potential of creation is almost boundless,therefore it is extensively used in the formation of technical terms. Besides prefix and suffix of English origin,there aresome foreign borrowings,noticeably the Latin ones, e.g. bio-(生命

6、、生物)thermo-(热) ,electro- (电),aero-(空气),carbo- ( 碳), hydro-(水), -ite(矿物),-mania(热、狂), etc. If we are familiar with these prefixes and suffixes,many technical terms of such formation can be translated appropriately. The following are some typical examples.miniultrasonicprober =mini +ultra +sonic +prob

7、er 微型超声波金属探伤仪2macrospacetransship=macro +space +trans +ship 巨型空间转运飞船teletypesetter=tele +type +setter 电传排字机bathythermograph=bathy +thermo +graph 海水测温仪barothermograph=baro +thermo +graph 气压温度记录器deoxyrihonucleic=de +oxy +ribo+ nucleic 脱氧核糖核的photomorphogenesis=photo +morpho +genesis 光形态发生2. Compounding

8、 复合式科技词语Two or more words combined to form a new word is called compounding. English technical terms formed by compounding generally take three forms: combining with a hypthen (e.g. salt-former 卤素,dew-point 露点, pulse-scaler 脉冲定标器) or without it (e.g. fallout 放射性尘埃,hovercraft 气垫船,waterlock 水闸,thunder

9、storm 雷暴),or two or more separate words forming a word combination ( e.g. stem cell 干细胞,optical drive 光驱,satellite antimissile observation system卫星反导弹观察系统).Most of such compound words may be translated literally, i.e., Put the Chinese equivalents of the separate elements together and we get the Chin

10、ese equivalents of the compound words. Sometimes,however,there are exceptions. For example,bulls eye 靶心),cat-and-mouse 航向与指挥的),dog house(高频高压电源屏蔽罩),etc.一 literal translation in tackling such terms may lead astray. Therefore whenever we are confronted with unfamiliar terms and are not sure of their m

11、eaning,we should frequently consult dictionaries of relevant specialties. In many cases some additional explanations are needed to make the original meaning clear and accurate.3 .Blending 缩合式科技词语This is a variant of compounding,omitting the latter part of the first word and clipping off the first pa

12、rt of the second word. Sometimes,however, either the first part or the second part of the overlapped word may be clipped to form a new word. This blending of words generally possesses the combined meaning of both; therefore, literal translation is used in translating such terms,with one element modi

13、fying the other. Occasionally,a new name is given to the blending.bit=binary+ digit(二进制) 位,比特blog=web +log 博客brunch=breakfast 十 lunch 早午餐/晚早餐copytron = copy+ electron 电子复写技术gravisphere=gravity +sphere 引力范围medicare= medical +care 医疗保健netizen=net+ citizen 网民smog=smoke +fog 烟雾telex=teleprinter+ exchang

14、e 电传4.Acronyms 首字母缩略式科技词语An acronym is a word formed from the initials or other of several words.Acronyms are widely accepted to coin English technical terms. With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more acronyms are being extensively used in various fields. Simple and brief, a

15、cronyms sometimes tend to 3cause ambiguity in meaning. Therefore,it is up to the translator to discern their actual meaning in different contexts.ADP automatic data processing 自动数据处理AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 艾滋病EDFM electronic data processing machine 电子数据处理机DINK double income , no kid

16、s 双收人无子女家庭GSV guided space vehicle 制导宇宙飞船Laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光RAM random access memory 随机存取存储器UFO unidentified flying object 不明飞行物WWW World Wide Web 万维网Sometimes,an acronym happens to be an actual English word,or it may possess more than one meaning. In thi

17、s case,special attention should be paid to pick out the right equivalent in Chinese.MOUSE minimum orbital unmanned satellite of the earth(仪表载重 50 公斤以下的)不载人的最小人造地球卫星SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 限制战略武器会谈SNAP subsystem for nuclearauxiliary power 辅助(原子)核动力子系统space nuclear auxiliary power 空间核辅助能源

18、systems for nuclear auxiliary power 辅助核动力系统AS air scoop 空气收集器air seasoned 风干的(木材)air speed 空速,气流速率air station 航空站,飞机场American Standard 美国标准atmosphere arid space 大气层与宇宙空间automatic sprinkler 自动洒水车automatic synchronizer 自动同步器5 .Proper Nouns 专有名词科技词语Many of the technical terms in English are borrowed fr

19、om proper nouns such as names of people,places,firms,trade marks,organizations,etc. ,normally beginning with a capital letter. In such cases,consulting relevant dictionaries will be of great help . Transliteration is the usual way in translating proper nouns. Sometimes,a label to the corresponding t

20、ranslation is necessary to indicate the nature of the given words.Xerox 静电复制(derived from a trademark )IBM System IBM 系统(derived from a US corporation)Kuru 库鲁病 derived from a place in eastern New Guinea) Alfven wave 阿尔文波(derived from the Swedish astrophysicist Hannes Alfven)Chandlers wobble 钱得拉波动说(d

21、erived from the US astronomer Seth Carlo Chandler )Of course,there are some other forms of technical terms in English. To name a few, Clipping(e. g.“lab”comes from“laboratory”),Back-formation(e. g.“to lase“ comes from“laser“),Coinage(e. g.“quark“ in physics),Functional Shift (e. 4g. in the phrase“to

22、 contract the terminal“,the word“contract“ is converted from a noun to a verb),Borrowing(e. g.“gene“ is borrowed from German),and so on. In whatever circumstances,the discrimination of the original meaning and the contextual analysis are of vital importance. Only when we get an accurate understandin

23、g of them,can we put them into Chinese exactly as they actually mean. II .Characteristic Syntax of EST1.More bong and complicated Sentences 大量使用长句EST as a formal style of writing usually consists of more long and complicated sentences. When translated into Chinese,a long sentence may be cut into sev

24、eral parts. For example:The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led,in the first instance, to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibr

25、ation but later to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相伺的物理性的介质。这种尝试的结果,最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向震动的介质的具体实例,但后来却使人得出了这样一个明确的结论: 并不存在任何具有上述假定所认为的那种物理性质的发光介质。.One of the most important things which the e

26、conomic theories can contribute to management science is building analytical models which help in recognizing the structure of managerial problems,eliminating the minor details which might obstruct decision making,and in concentrating on the main issues.经济理论对于管理科学的最重要贡献之一,就是建立分析模型。这种模型有助于认识管理问题的构成,排

27、除可能妨碍决策的次要因素,从而有助于集中精力去解决主要的问题。2.More Nominalization 大量使用名词化结构Compared with general English,noun phrases are more frequently used in EST. This is because scientific literature contains more abstract concepts such as definitions, principles,laws,conclusions,etc.,and manifold modification and restrict

28、ion are required to elaborate these concepts or ideas. As the semantic meaning of a noun phrase that consists of several words is usually complicated,the translation should go beyond the surface structure. For example:All substances will permit the passage of some electric current, provided the pote

29、ntial difference is high enough.Poor translation:只要有足够的电位差,所有的物体都允许一些电流通过。Proper translation:只要有足够的电位差,电流便可通过任何物体。.The heat loss can he considerably reduced by the use of firebricks round the walls of the boiler.Poor translation:通过在炉壁周围使用耐火砖,热损失可以被大大降低。Proper translation:炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。.Television i

30、s the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio wares5Poor translation:电视是通过无线电波的活动物体的图像的传播和接收Proper translation:电视通过无线电波发射和接收各种活动物体的图像。3Extensive use of the Passive voice 广泛使用被动语态In order to achieve objectivity,passive voice is extensively used in EST,as shown in the following

31、 illustrations.General English: People get natural rubber from rubber trees as a white,milky liquid,which is called latex. They mix it with acid, and dry it, and then they send it to countries all over the world.Chinese Version:人们从橡胶树中获得天然橡胶。这是一种叫做“乳胶”的白色乳状液体。人们先将橡胶与酸混合在一起,将其烘干,然后再运往世界各国。Scientific

32、English: Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white,milky liquid known as latex. This is treated with acid and dried, before being dispatched to countries all over the world.Chinese version ;天然橡胶取自橡胶树一种叫做“乳胶”的白色乳状液体。在运往世界各国之前,橡胶要经过酸处理和烘干。4 .More Non-Finite forms of the Verbs 大量使用非限定动词No

33、ne-finite forms of the verb, namely,the infinitive,the gerund,the present and the past participles are frequently used in EST. For example:.Today the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.今天,电子计算机广泛

34、地运用于解决一些数学问题,这些问题与天气预报和把卫星送人轨道有关。. Numerical control machines are mast useful when quantities of products to be produced are law or medium; the tape containing the information required to produce the part carp be stored, reused or modified when required.少量或中量生产产品时,数控机床是极为有用的。录有生产零件资料的磁带可以得到存储,需要时,还可

35、以重新使用或修改。5 .Different Uses of the Tense 时态的不同用法In general English,the past tense is used to indicate things of the past that no longer exist now. But in scientific English,the past tense may just indicate time sequences. For example:When steam is condensed again to water,the same amount of heat is g

36、iven out as was taken in when the steam was formed.当蒸汽重新冷却为水时,所释放出的热量与其原来形成蒸汽时所吸收的热量相等。If we invert the sequence,there is no need for the past tense.When water is evaporated into steam,heat is taken in. When it is condensed again to water, the same amount of heat is given out.当水蒸发为蒸汽时,吸收热量。当蒸汽重新冷却为水

37、时,释放出相等的热量。6.The Post-Position of the Attributive 广泛使用后置定语It is very common in EST to have the post-position of the attributive. But in Chinese the attributive is usually placed before the noun it modifies. . Non-mobile robots,capable of learning to perform an industrial task and then of 6being left

38、 to perform it tirelessly,are even now in use in industrial plants all over world.能学会做工,然后被扔下不管,自己仍会孜孜不倦地工作,但不能行走的机器人,甚至在今天也用于世界各地的工厂。In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.热能在辐射时转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。The force upward equals the force downward so that the

39、 balloon stays at the same height. 向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。III .Methods of Translating EST1.Expanding the Noun Phrase into a Separate Clause 将名词性短语扩展成汉语分句. The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide f lm allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes.氧化膜表面具有轻微的渗透性,因此可用有机或

40、无机染料着色。.This position was completely reversed by Habers development of the utilization of nitrogen from the air由于哈伯发明了利用空气中的氮气的方法,这种局面就完全改观了。2 .Converting the Noun Phrase into a Verb-object Structure 将名词性短语转换成动宾结构. The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the developm

41、ent of the iron and steel industry of our country.建立这些大型钢铁厂会大大加速我国钢铁工业的发展。Two-eyed,present-day man has no need of such microscopic delicacy in his vision.普通的现代人看物体时不需要达到这种显微镜般的精密程度。3.Converting Attributive Elements into Independent Sentences, Adverbial Clauses, etc. 将定语成分转为独立句、状语分句等. This is an elec

42、trical method,which is most promising when the water isbrackish.这是一种电气方法。当水含盐时,它最有希望。. Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing.现在人们己经懂得,如果饮食中缺少了某些重要成分,即使食物不含有任何有害物质,也会引起严重疾病。4 .Converting the Passive

43、 into the Active 将被动转为主动. In the 16 months since the first graft,the ersatz skin has not yet been rejected by any of the patients.第一次植皮后的 16 个月,人造皮肤在每个病人身上都还没有排异现象。. Thin layers of other impermeable materials are found in nature,too在自然界中也发现有其他非渗透性薄层物质。. Plants and trees are provided by nature with f

44、our means of dispersing their seeds.大自然赋予草木 4 种传播种子的方法。5 .Supplementing Necessary Words to indicate Different Tenses 补充必要的词语7以表示不同的时态.It was understood that atoms were the smallest elements. It is known now that atoms are further divided into nuclei and electrons,neutrons and protons以前人们认为原子是最小的结构单元

45、,现在才知道原子还可以分为原子核与电子、中子与质子。. Although no one has yet set foot on Vesta, and no spacecraft has been near, planetary scientists have obtained conclusive evidence during the last decade that cold, silent Vesta was once the scene of volcanic activity.尽管从未有人登上过灶神星,也从未有太空飞船飞近过灶神星,但是研究行星的科学工作者在最近 10 年中己经获得了

46、可靠的证据证明寒冷而宁静的灶神星曾经是火山活动的场所。实用训练:英译汉:Scientific prediction for the next 30 yearsIn less than 30 years time the Star Trek will be a reality. Direct links between the brains nervous system and a computer will also create full sensory virtual environments, allowing virtual vacations like those in the fi

47、rm Total Recall.There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrive

48、d.According to BTs futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium, when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life. 汉译英:技术创新我们正在进入一个知识经济的时代,这个时代的本质特征就是科学技术在经济增长中起着核心作用。在发挥这个核心作用的过程中,技术创新被赋予了全新的内涵,要求

49、以城市区域经济的系统观点,从多种要素的角度创造城市技术创新体系。建立和运用这样一个体系,是促进城市区域经济可持续发展的一块基石,是促进产业结构调整、加快经济增长方式转变的关键,也是迎接知识经济与挑战的必然选择。Notes:1.知识经济的时代: an era of knowledge economy2.发挥作用 bring the function into play3.赋予新的内涵 take on a new sense4.以的观点 in terms of/ from the point of view of 5.城市区域经济 urban zone economy6.可持续发展的一块基石 a cornerstone for the sustainable development7.产业结构调整 the adjustment of industrial structure8.加快经济增长方式转变 speed up/accelerate the transformation of the mode of 8economic growth


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