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1、Status November 2008 1General Terms of Sale and Delivery销售与交付通用条款1. GENERAL概述1.1.The present Terms of Sale and Delivery shall apply to all business relations of Miba PrecisionComponents China Co., Ltd. (“the Supplier“) with other companies (“the Buyer/s“). The Supplier andthe Buyer/s shall be jointl

2、y referred to as “the Parties”. In particular, the Supplier shall provide all servicesand supplies (“the services“) to the Buyer exclusively on the basis of these General Terms ofSale and Delivery, whether expressly referring to them in a specific case or not.本销售与交付通用条款适用于米巴精密零部件(中国)有限公司(以下简称“卖方”)与其

3、他公司(以下简称“买 方” )之间的所有 业务关系。 卖方与买方统称为“双方” 。无论在个案中是否明确,卖方仅根据这些销售与交付通用条款向买方提供任何产品与服务(以下简称“服务”)。1.2.At the latest by issuing its declaration of agreement with the Supplier, the Buyer irrevocably acceptsthese General Terms of Sale and Delivery. No General Terms of Business of the Buyer shallbecome part of

4、 the contract, irrespective of whether the Buyer refers to them and irrespective of thetime of receipt of such Buyers Terms at the Supplier. This especially also applies if the Supplier doesnot oppose any General Terms of Business of the Buyer or provides services unconditionally while beingaware of

5、 Buyers deviating, opposing or supplementing General Terms of Business.买方不可撤销地接受这些销售与交付通用条款,并出具同意声明。买方的通用条款不应成为合同的一部分,无论买方是否要求适用,无论卖方何时收到买方的这些条款。如果 卖方未曾反对买方的任何通用条款,或者在明知买方存在不同、相反或补充的通用条款的情况下无条件地提供服务,那么,本销售与交付通用条款尤其适用。2. CONCLUSION OF CONTRACT合同订立2.1.All quotations of the Supplier are without obligat

6、ion and subject to modification. Buyers orders notcontaining a deadline for acknowledgement shall bind the Buyer for at least four weeks.卖方的所有报价不应产生义务,可以变更。无最后确认期限的买方订单至少在四周内对买方具有约束力。2.2.Any contracts with the Supplier shall not become effective unless confirmed in writing and, respectively,until wr

7、itten acceptance and acknowledgement of the order by the Supplier (“order acknowledgement“).与卖方的任何合同在书面确认之前不生效,具体地说,在卖方书面确认和接受订单(以下简称“ 订单确认书”)之前不生效。Status November 2008 22.3.Any deviations in the order acknowledgement, or the documents referred to in it, in relation to anyprior declarations by the p

8、arties shall be considered as accepted if the Buyer does not contradict thedeviation in question expressly and in writing, within a reasonable period of time, latest within sevendays from the receipt of the order acknowledgement. The Buyer shall have no right to contradict theapplicability and valid

9、ity of the present General Terms of Sale and Delivery.如订单确认书或其中指定的文件中存在针对双方先前声明的变更,且买方未曾在合理的时间(最迟在收到订单确认书后七日)内书面明确反对的,视为买方接受变更。买方无权就现行的销售与交付通用条款的有效性和适用性提出异议。3. SUBJECT OF THE DELIVERY交付的内容3.1.The subject of the delivery (“contract works“, “good/s“ or “product“) shall be exclusively determinedby the

10、indications in the order acknowledgement and the documents referred to in it. Referenceto external reference numbers shall be deemed as references to the corresponding products ofthe Supplier.交付的内容(以下称为“ 合同 产品” 、“货物” 或“产品”)仅以订单确认书或其中指定的文件为准。对外编号应当视为卖方对相应产品的编号。3.2. If, on account of the production pr

11、ocess involved, it is impossible to delimit in advance a certainoutput quantity for the contract works, the Supplier shall be entitled to make excess or short deliveries.Similarly, in the event of individual or special fabrications or small-scale series, the Buyer shall buy theactual output as contr

12、act works.如果因生产流程原因无法预先界定合同产品产量,卖方有权溢短量交付。同样地,如果生产个别或特殊产品,或者生产少量品种,买方应当购入实际产出的产品。4. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, SECRECY工业产权、商业秘密4.1.The Supplier shall retain the industrial property rights and copyrights with regard to all documents,especially illustrations, design drawings, drawings, calculations a

13、nd templates / models (“thedocuments“) and all pieces of information on these documents or made available to the Buyer in anyother manner (“the information“). Even if a supply or service is based on the Buyers specification orthe Buyer contributes to it in any other manner, the rights of use shall b

14、e attributed fully andexclusively to the Supplier. The documents and information must not be passed on to any third partyor put to any use beyond the concrete agreement without the prior express written consent of theSupplier.卖方保留所有文件及其中所含所有信息或以其他方式披露给买方的信息之工业产权和版权,尤其包括说明、设计图纸、图纸、 计算公式和样品/模型。即使一件产品或

15、一项服务是基于买方的规格提供的,或者买方以其他方式提供了支持,其使用权完全且仅仅归属于卖方。未经卖方事先明确书面同意,这些文件和信息不得传递给任何第三方,不得超出协议使用。Status November 2008 34.2.Except where publicly known information or information that was rightfully obtained from third partiesis concerned, the Buyer shall treat any of the Suppliers business information and know

16、-how thathas been disclosed to the Buyer or has otherwise come to his knowledge confidentially also after terminationof the business relationship.在业务关系解除后,买方应当对卖方披露的或通过其他方式获知的卖方的业务信息和秘密保密,公众已经知晓或者从第三方合法取得的信息除外。5. REMUNERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT价款与付款条件5.1.All prices quoted by the Supplier are subje

17、ct to the legal value-added tax. The price lists are intendedfor information only and are non-binding.卖方所报价格需要附加增值税。价格清单仅供参考,并无约束力。5.2.The Suppliers prices are founded on the cost structure (consisting of the raw material, development,and production costs, wages and salaries, taxes, customs duties a

18、nd other duties) at the time oforder acknowledgement by the Supplier. If this cost structure changes by the time of the respective(partial) delivery by at least 10%, the price in question shall be adapted in accordance with the changein the cost structure.卖方的价格是基于卖方确认订单时的成本结构确定的(包括原材料成本、研发成本、生产成本、薪资

19、成本、税收、关税及其它税务)。如果在具体(部分)交付 时成本发生波动(至少达到百分之十),价格应当根据成本结构作相应调整。5.3. Invoices issued by the Supplier shall be payable within two weeks from the date of invoice free ofexpense and without deduction.买方应当在发票开具日期后两周内支付发票金额,不应产生额外费用,不得扣款。5.4.The Buyer shall not be entitled to withhold any payments due to th

20、e Supplier.买方无权滞付结欠卖方的任何款项。5.5.The Buyer shall not be entitled to offset any claims against sums due to the Supplier except ifsuch claims have been legally ascertained or have been expressly accepted by the Supplier in writing.买方无权在结欠卖方的款项中抵充任何赔款,除非该赔款已经经过法定程序确认或者已经被卖方书面明确接受。6. SUPPLY供货6.1.The Suppl

21、ier shall deliver the supplies ex works (EXW in accordance with Incoterms 2000), excludingpacking and loading.卖方供货执行“ 工厂交货”(即2000 年国际贸易术语解释通则所规定的“ 工厂交货”,即交货地点在卖方的工厂,不包括包装及装载。Status November 2008 46.2.Delivery periods and deadlines expressly guaranteed to the Buyer in writing shall be binding onthe S

22、upplier.明确向买方书面保证的交付期限和截止时间对卖方具有约束力。6.3.The Supplier shall have the right to make partial deliveries. Refusal to accept the contract worksshall not relieve the Buyer of his payment obligation.卖方有权部分交付。拒绝接受合同产品不应免除买方的付款义务。6.4.Any delivery periods shall not start to run until the order acknowledgement

23、 is mailed by the Supplier,unless otherwise stipulated in the order acknowledgement. The delivery periods shall be suspendedif the Supplier has not received all documents and pieces of information required for carryingout the contract or for such time as the Buyer fails to completely fulfil his obli

24、gation of participation.订单确认书由卖方寄出后,交付期限开始起算,订单确认书另行规定的除外。如果没有收到履行合同所需的所有文件和信息,或者买方未能全部履行其参与义务,则交付期限中止。6.5. If delivery is delayed for reasons beyond the Suppliers control - in particular, force majeure,measures of authorities, confiscation, natural disasters, unrest or war, transport disruptions, o

25、perationaldisruptions, work conflicts, missing or late delivery from sub-suppliers not performing their contractualobligations,the delivery period shall be extended (and/or the delivery deadlines shall bepostponed) accordingly. If delivery is delayed by more than the duration of the original deliver

26、y period(respectively, the time between the order acknowledgement and the delivery deadline), each partyshall be entitled to withdraw from the contract by giving express written notice within two weeks afterexpiry of the extension period, stating that it wishes to withdraw from the part of the deliv

27、ery concerned.如果非因卖方所能控制的原因导致交付迟延,尤其因_ 不可抗力、政府行为、征用、自然灾害、动乱或战争、运输中断、武装暴乱、 劳工冲突以及卖方的供应 商未履行合同义务而导致的未交货或迟延交货,则交付期限相应延长(和/或交付截止期限推迟)。如果交付迟延超过初始交付期限(即订单确认至交付截止日期之间的期限),任何一方均可以在延长期届满后两周内以明确书面通知对方的方式解除合同,并在通知中声明其希望不再交付的部分。6.6. If due to any legal provisions the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the con

28、tract on account of adelay on the part of the Supplier, this right shall be limited to the delayed part in the event of partial deliveries.如果买方根据法律规定,对卖方迟延交货的行为有权解除合同,则在部分交付的情况下,该权利仅限于被迟延的部分。7. WARRANTIES保证7.1.The warranty period shall be 12 months from the receipt of the goods.保证期限为自收到货物后12 个月。Stat

29、us November 2008 57.2.Certain properties, features and possible uses of the contract works shall only be considered ashaving been warranted if represented expressly and in writing. In particular, the Supplier does not provideany warranty for any abilities and possible uses not expressly represented

30、in writing. In addition,any warranty shall be excluded for any deficiencies attributable to material made available by theBuyer for manufacture of the contract works or instructions given by him. Warranties and representationsof the Supplier, especially regarding properties, shall not be considered

31、as guarantees, except ifotherwise agreed expressly in writing.未经书面明确,卖方对合同产品的某些性能、特征和可能存在的用途不作保证。特别是卖方对未书面明确的功能和可能的用途不提供任何保证。此外,保证责任中不应包括因买方所提供用于合同产品生产之原材料或因买方指示所导致的问题。卖方的保证和陈述,尤其针对产品性能,不应视为保证,明确书面同意的除外。7.3. If the Supplier has to perform a warranty, he shall, at first, at his option, either repair

32、or replacethe good concerned within reasonable time. Replaced objects shall become the Suppliers propertyand shall be returned to him. If the Supplier fails to repair or replace the object in question or refusesto do so or if the object cannot be repaired and replaced, or if this entails considerabl

33、e inconveniencesfor the Buyer or cannot be demanded of him due to cogent reasons related to the person of the Supplier,the Buyer may, at his option, request a reduction of the price, or, if the deficiency is not just a minorone, cancellation of the contract. In the event of contracts permitting part

34、ial deliveries, the right ofcancellation is limited to the partial deliveries not yet performed properly. The Buyer shall relinquishthe right of cancellation by selling, changing or processing the good while aware of its deficiency.如果卖方必须履行保证责任,其应当首先自行选择在合理时间内对相关产品进行修理或更换。被更换的产品属于卖方财产,应当退还给卖方。如果 卖方未

35、能修理或更换或拒绝处理,或者产品不能修理和更换,或者修理或更换会给买方造成较大不便,或者确因卖方人员原因不能要求修理和更换,那么,买方可以选择要求降价,如果问题较大,可以解除合同。如合同允 许部分交付,该解除权仅限于未适当履行的部分。买方发现问题后,如将货物进行售出、 变更或加工,应当放弃该解除权。8. NOTICE OF NON-CONFORMANCE交付产品不符通知规定8.1.Notice of any defects of the contract works and the non-conformance of the delivered quantityshall be given

36、expressly and in writing by the Buyer to the Seller within a reasonable period, in theevent of obvious defects or non-conformance of quantity within seven days maximum from the receiptof the goods, and in the event of hidden defects, latest within seven days from detection. In the eventof partial an

37、d successive deliveries, any defects or non-conformance of quantity in individual deliverieshave to be notified separately. The notice of defects or non-conformance of quantity shall beconsidered as being too late if the Supplier can no longer verify the rejected good due to Buyersreason. From the t

38、ime of detection of the defects or non-conformance of quantity, any sale, treatmentor processing of the good is forbidden without the Suppliers prior express written consent, otherwiseall claims shall be voided.Status November 2008 6买方应当在合理期限内(明显问题或数量不符自收到货物后七日内,隐蔽问题自发现后七日内)将合同产品质量问题或数量不符书面明确通知卖方。在部

39、分交付和持续交付的情况下,每次交付产品的质量问题或数量不符应当单独通知。如果卖方因买方原因不再能够核查拒收货物,质量问题的通知或数量不符通知视为迟延。自发现质量问题或数量不符之时起,未经卖方事先书面明确同意,不得对货物进行处理或加工,否则一切索赔应当无效。8.2.The Buyer shall ensure that the notice of defects or non-conformance of quantity is actually servedupon the Supplier and shall bear the onus of proof. Merely returning

40、the goods shall not be consideredas notice of defects or non-conformance of quantity.买方应当确保质量问题通知或数量不符通知确实送达卖方,并承担举证义务。仅将货物退还不应视为是质量问题通知或数量不符通知。8.3.The assertion of any claims for warranty, damages for the defect or non-conformance of quantitythemselves and based on an error as to the goods being fr

41、ee from defects or non-conformance ofquantity is excluded if such notices are not submitted in due time.如质量问题通知或数量不符通知不及时提交,不得主张保证责任、质量或数量问题赔偿和对无问题货物的损害赔偿。8.4. If the Buyer does not return the parts concerned by the notice of defects or non-conformance ofquantity to the Supplier at his own cost and

42、risk, the Supplier shall be given the opportunity to verifythe alleged defects or non-conformance of quantity on site. Neither the verification of the good nor theunconditional acceptance of returned goods shall constitute a waiver by the Supplier to object to thenotice of defects or non-conformance

43、 of quantity being made too late or not made at all. The Buyershall cooperate in the verification and removal of defects or non-conformance of quantity to the extentsuch cooperation can be reasonably expected from him and shall especially provide information. If afterverification the Supplier does n

44、ot accept the defects or non-conformance of quantity notified, theBuyer shall indemnify the Supplier for all costs connected with the verification.如果买方未自行承担费用和风险将质量问题通知或数量不符问题通知所述及的部分产品退还给卖方,应当给予卖方现场核实质量问题或数量不符的机会。卖方核实货物或无条件接受退货均不能视为卖方放弃拒绝买方迟延发出或根本就没有发出的质量问题通知或数量不符的通知。在核实和清理质量问题或数量不符问题时,买方应当尽力配合,并特别

45、需要提供相关信息。如经核实卖方不能接受所通知的质量问题或数量不符,买方应当补偿卖方因核实所发生的所有费用。9. LIABILITY责任The Suppliers liability shall be limited to cases of intentional or grossly negligent actions. The onus ofproof of Suppliers gross negligence shall rest with the Buyer. The Supplier shall not be liable for anyconsequential damage, fi

46、nancial losses, especially loss of profit, and damage from third-party claimsagainst the Buyer. The limitation of liability shall not be applicable to personal injuries.Status November 2008 7卖方的责任限于故意或严重疏忽行为所导致的后果。卖方严重疏忽应当由买方承担举证责任。卖方无须赔偿派生损失、财务损失,尤其是利润损失和第三方向买方索赔的损失。 对产品责任的限制不适用与人身伤害。10. RESERVATIO

47、N OF TITLE所有权保留The Supplier shall retain ownership of the contract works until the purchase price has been paid in full.In the event of a default in payment by the Buyer, the Supplier shall have the right to request that thecontract works be returned and to terminate the contract. The request that t

48、he contract works be returnedshall only be deemed termination of the contract if the Supplier expressly states this in writing.在购买价款付清之前,卖方保留合同产品的所有权。如买方付款出现违约, 卖方有权要求退回合同产品,并解除合同。卖方的退货要求仅应被视为解除合同,如果卖方已经对此明确作了书面声明。11. SUPPLIERS RIGHT OF TERMINATION卖方的解除权11.1. If the Buyer fails to fulfil certain ess

49、ential obligations resulting from the Contract especially,payment of the purchase price, or default in fulfilling the cooperative actions required from the Buyer toenable the Supplier to perform the contract - the Supplier shall be entitled to terminate the contractupon expiry of a reasonable grace period (in any case, not exceeding two weeks time) for the Buyersperformance.In case of delayed payment, Buyer shall pay one per cent of the delayed amount for each delayedday as compensation. In case such delay is more than two weeks, Supplier may, at its discret


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