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1、北京高考外语口试基本情况英语专业自主招生与全国英语高考的关系联系紧密又各有不同,主要表现在其中的NO1 北京外国语大学没有自主招生,所以想考北京外国大学的学生就必须通过高考的分数去拼最终的晋级名次,因为自主招生考试不像保送生直接确定录取结果的,所以考生还得看最终自主考试的成绩和自己的名次的录取结果,同时随着新的自主考试联考的解体考生几乎只能报考一个学校,因为像北大、清华这种王牌学校考试时间很多情况下是冲突的,加上本身考生“分身乏术”。其中其他外国语大学或者其他非外语类院校的考试时间很接近或者冲突,所以对考生来说应该也必须做两手准备,两手都要硬。必须准备好自己要考的自主院校考试的所有最新动态。然

2、后准备好各省市英语高考前的统一口语面试测试动态,再就是考高考的准备工作。北京高考外语口试将于 4 月 23 日至 24 日集中进行。考生现在可登录北京教育考试院网站打印本人的外语口试通知单,并按规定时间到指定地点参加测试。外语口试成绩是高校外语类专业录取新生的重要依据。在高考报名时选择“参加外语口试”并已缴纳口试费的考生要参加外语口试。今年共有 5 万余名考生将在外交学院、北京外国语大学、北京语言大学、中国传媒大学、对外经济贸易大学、首都师范大学、北京第二外国语学院 7 个考点参加测试。外语口试语种分为英语、日语、法语和西班牙语四个语种,考生所考语种以其在高考报名时选择的语种为准。外语口试内容

3、一般为朗读、就所读故事回答问题、口头作文等。朗读主要考查考生的语音、语调、重读、停顿等。回答问题主要考查考生的理解能力、表达能力等。口头作文主要考查考生的现场反应能力和语言的准确性。考生要凭本人外语口试通知单、身份证(或户口簿),按规定的报到时间到指定地点参加外语口试。考生在备考室按试题内容准备 7 分钟,之后由工作人员安排进入考场。考生只能携带钢笔、签字笔或圆珠笔(蓝、黑色)、外语口试通知单和身份证(或户口簿)进入考场,不得携带手机等通讯工具、电子辞典、书包、书籍、纸张等。5 月 5 日,考生可通过北京教育考试院网站( 或 )查询本人的外语口试成绩。考生可结合该成绩,根据学校招生专业对外语口

4、试成绩的要求,填报相关专业。口语考试相关问题一、高考外语口试难么?要达到什么要的水平?答: 高考外语口试主要是为了检验考生的听、说能力和篇章理解能力。因此,难度并不是很大,但是要求考生能在规定的时间里读懂文章大意,并根据老师的问题简要回答。此外,在考试的过程中要有礼貌,能和老师进行积极沟通。在备考期间要注意多听、多说。二、考官的判分标准时什么样的?答: 语言流畅 对答得当 调理清晰 发音准确 交流顺畅三、如何在口语考场取得漂亮的成绩?答: 考前工作做足,背一些口语表达句型;条理清楚拿高分,学会第一、首先这样的连词;“卷面”分数不可失,进入考场后先用英语打招呼。忌讳重复使用一个词勇敢地承认不会语

5、法出错不要紧四、高考外语口试内容如何指定?答:口试内容一般为:朗读、就所读故事回答问题、自由交谈或口语小作文。考官将根据考生 4 方面的表现打分,包括语音语流、理解能力、表达能力、反应快慢。五、高考外语口试成绩如何评定?答: 成绩按 5、4、3、2 四级评定,3 分和 3 分以上为合格。口试成绩将与高考成绩一起通知考生。英语口试内容1,朗读。在考生拿到的一个英语故事上,用星号标出 100-150 字的一两段,让考生大声读出来:也有的时候,考签上单设一项,印出几个句子专门供朗读使用。此项主要考查考生的与语音、语调、重读、连续。、意群、停顿等。2,就所读的故事用英语回答问题。这篇故事或短文大约 3

6、50-500 字,学生完全可以读懂,因为凡是中学课本上没有出现过的词,都给注上音标和解释。老师就故事内容问 5-6个问题,前面是简单的问题,最后一个问题较难一些,例如:这个故事告诉我们什么?此项考查学生的理解、反应快慢和语言是否正确。有的学生拿到的不是一个故事,而是一幅或一组图画,让考生用英语描写图画表现的故事,如四幅画:第一幅一个小男孩骑着自行车飞跑;第二幅一辆轿车飞驰而来;第三幅小孩被撞到了;第四幅小孩被送到医院了。考生要用英语讲述这个故事。3,自由交谈。读完故事或图画的内容之后,老师还会问几句日常生活中的问题,例如,你在哪所中学上学,你的老师是谁,你喜欢英语吗,你将来打算做什么工作等。这


8、错误较多,把现在时说称过去时,把 HE 说成 SHE,复读不加-S,第三人称单数动词又不加-s等现象,相当常见。5,口语不流利,断断续续,常说半句话,总是在另起句子,到最后也讲不出几个完整的句子。6,把直接引语变成间接引语比较困难,大部分考生会在这方面犯错误。7,回答有关故事的最后一个问题相当困难,一方面这个问题要求考生从故事中抽象出它的主题思想。考生不会用简单的英语说出重要的警示或劝告。8,口语作文太短,说不到两三句话就停在那里呢。此外,还有个别考生进入考场后十分紧张,手脚发抖,嘴唇也抖,忘了准考证,忘了伞、钥匙、书包等等,这种状态很难说好英语,考试成绩也不会很理想。高考生如何准备英语口试

9、1、考前准备考生应有意识地创造说英语的条件,如在路上或家里尝试着说一些简单的英语,和同学用英语交谈。可以自己在家或与同学一起做模拟练习,找一篇 350 字左右的英语短文,在规定的时间内默读完短文,然后自问自答或互相提问,模拟考试的情形,练习回答问题的技巧。考生们可以提前准备一些关于你的家庭、校园生活、学习、业余爱好、旅游、假期活动、对社会问题的认识等等的话题。另外,如果考生不想刻意地准备考试,也可以选择大声朗读一些英语文章,纠正一下自己的发音,培养英语语感,最重要的是培养一种用英语思维的习惯。考前和考时尽量保持平和心态。考试时着装要大方自然。考生要带齐证件,如有遗漏也不要慌张,应向相关老师咨询

10、。家长应该注意的问题是帮助考生检查考试用的证件等是否带齐,考场禁止的物品一定提醒考生不要带入考场。为防止考试迟到,一定要事先问好乘车路线。2、考中准备第一,合理利用备考室的 10 分钟。考生拿到试题后,应该迅速默读完全文( 注意不要出声读,因为出声会影响对短文的理解),记下大意,准备回答老师的提问。读完以后,要特别注意带星号或其他特殊符号的段落,老师会让考生朗读这一部分。考生准备回答问题时, “五个 W”是最常用的方法, 即 Who-人物?When-时间?Where-地点?What-事件?How-解决方案。因为时间有限,所以,遵循这“五个 W”原则,可以在最短的时间内理解文章的大意,抓住短文的

11、中心思想。第二,正确应对即兴陈述。首先要条理清晰,注意在陈述时,要使用下面一些词,如firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.或者是 on one hand,on the other hand? 或者是 in the first place, in the second place, etc. 其次,要避免频繁使用同一个词或词组。考生在考试的时候,一定不要频繁使用同样的词组,要不断变换表达方式。再次,要控制语速,不要追求快。适当、自然的语速,不仅可以给老师留下好的印象,而且还可以为自己争取更多思考的时间。最后,避免使用长句或复杂句子。3、注意礼节 英语口试,也算是一种面试

12、,第一印象非常重要。 所以,考生要特别注意礼节。进入考场后,考生要礼貌地用英语问候老师,当口试结束后,考生应起身说表示感谢或再见的话。如果有问题答不上来时,千万不要保持沉默,可以说些如“Well”,“Okay”,“How to say”,“Let me think.”“As far as I rememberknow”之类的句子,给考官一个有应变能力的印象,当然这种情况不宜出现过多。另外,当听不明白老师的问题时,切忌不懂装懂,答非所问。这时,要用英语请老师重复时可说:“Sorry I cannot catch you?May I beg your pardon?”或“I beg your pa

13、rdon?”或“Would you please to repeat?”或“Would you please to say it again?”当遇到不会读的单词的时,考生不要盲目乱读,可以用英语直接向老师询问:“Sorry, I dont know how to pronounce this word. Would you please tell me how to read this word?”or“ Can you tell me how to pronounce this word?”否则,考生会因为单词发音错误,而被扣分。要注意眼睛和手势的使用。在老师提问的时候, 考生要注视着对方

14、,用眼睛与老师交流,表示你在认真听老师的提问。在回答问题时,考生在用英语说的同时借助手势表达出你想表达的思想。 还要用眼睛不时地注视每一位主考老师。千万不要低头自语或者只顾回答自己的问题,无视老师的存在。口试最忌讳的是沉默不语,紧张、胆怯、怕错,考试中要保持良好的心态,尽量克服紧张情绪。对自己要有信心,入考场前,叮嘱自己一定能行,调整自己的紧张情绪,保持自信,相信自己一定能考出好成绩。英语口试题样题(学生用卷)* Sally had been studying at an art college for a year and, like most students, she did not h

15、ave much money. It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what she could buy her as a present that would be nice and useful but not too expensive.One day, a week from her mothers birthday, she went shopping to try to find her mother a nice present. She came across a shop that wa

16、s selling umbrellas cheap, and decided that one of those would solve her problem, since her mother had lost hers the month before. * On the train back home that evening she felt hungry, she went to the buffet car for a sandwich. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment, but

17、when she got back, it had gone! Sally burst into tears. The other three passengers felt sorry for her and asked what the matter was. When she had explained that her present for her mother had disappeared, the three passengers asked her for her mothers address, in order to be able to send the umbrell

18、a on to her in case someone had removed it by mistake.The next week, Sally got a letter from her mother, which said, “Thank you for your lovely presents, but why did you send me there black umbrellas?”buffetbfit car 餐车compartment / kmp:tmnt/车厢一、 朗读上面短文种星号间的段落。二、用英语回答主考教师关于短文的提问。回答问题时不能看原文。三、就以下话题进行口

19、头作文,要求不得少于十句话。What present would you like to give to your mother on her birthday? Why?美文朗读HawaiiFor many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. The beaches there are the best in the world /and the waves are the highest. And the weather is neither too hot nor too cold all t

20、he year around. The water is very clear, too. Its too wonderful for people to do water sports there, just like surfing, diving, water-skiing or swimming. Especially surfing there is so exciting that many surfers and travelers from all over the world are attracted every year.People on both sides of t

21、he Pacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream of seeing these beautiful islands in the middle of ocean. They also want to see sunset over the ocean. In the tropical lands, the sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea, and it drop so quickly that you can almost see it move. People often h

22、ave a quiet, peaceful time here, perfect for a leisurely walk along the water.The first people came to Hawaii nearly two thousand years ago, but skyscraper hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now yet airplanes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo or San Francisco or Lo

23、s Angeles.Wherever people come from, they really want to see the original beauty of Hawaii.A Brave MotherLiza, a middle-aged woman, went to prepare lunch, leaving Barney, her 3-year-old-son, playing by himself in the backyard.All of a sudden, a sharp cry of Barney came into the mothers ears, and Liz

24、a rushed into the backyard and found a big snake entwining the little child with its body and trying to swallow the boy. Liza was terrified and quite angry. She made up her mind to save her son from the snakes mouth.It was mothers love that made Liza forget what she faced. She took up an old hatchet

25、 from the ground and struck the snake with all her strength.One two with the hatchet, Liza hit the snake again and again, but she felt as if she was striking a mass of solid rubber. The little boys voice and breath were getting weaker and weaker. Lizas heart was broken and she got nearly mad.Suddenl

26、y Liza put aside the hatchet and threw herself to the snake, opened her mouth and bit into the snakes back as if tearing a tough steak. Liza was really mad.By and by a small piece of flesh was bit off. Liza picked up the hatchet again and hit at the wound in the snakes back madly and savagely.Stinki

27、ng blood was spraying out of the snakes body. The snake was so badly wounded that it let go of Barney and moved back into the forest hurriedly. It had never imagined how human beings had such sharp teeth. On half way home, the snake lay, dead.A Child Ready To Be BornOnce upon a time, there was a chi

28、ld ready to be born. One day the child asked God, “They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?“ “Among the many angles , I have chosen one for you . She will be waiting for you and will take care of you.“ God replied. “But her

29、e in Heaven, I do nothing else but singing and smiling! Thats enough for me to be happy.“ God said, “Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angels love and be happy.”“And“, said the child, “how am I going to be able to understand when people talk t

30、o me , if I dont know the language that men talk?“ “Thats easy, “ God told the child, “Your angle will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you have never heard, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.“ The child looked up at God and said, “And what am I going

31、 to do when I want to talk to you?“ God smiled at the child and said, “your angel will place your hands together and teach you how to pray.“ The child said, “Ive heard that on earth there are bad men, Who will protect me?“ God put his arm around the child, saying, “Your angel will defend you - even

32、if it means risking life!“ At that moment there was much peace in Heaven , but voices from earth could already be heard. The child, in a hurry, asked softly, “Oh God, I am about to leave now please tell me my angles name!“ “It is not hard to remember, “ God replied, “You will call your angel MOMMY!“

33、entwine:intwain 使缠绕hatchet:htit 短柄小斧stinking:stiki 发恶臭的spray 英音:sprei 喷;( 如浪花般)溅散英语语音语调我们都有过这样沮丧的经验,很容易听懂中国人说的英语,但是同样的对话一到英美人的嘴里,便觉得很难跟上,有时甚至是不知所云。这主要是因为我们说的英语通常单词之间很清晰,词与词之间有明显的 pause, 但是英美人的口语会有很多音变,这些音变使得我们很熟悉的单词的发音变得陌生,难懂,给我们的听力造成了很大的困难,因此了解并使用各音变规则会帮助我们提高听力,使我们的发音更加地道。 音变主要有 连读、失音、弱化、浊化、同化、重音、缩

34、读等形式。这些形式的产生可以归结为一个原则,即 “Economy” “经济”原则 或称为“省力”原则。 “省力”这两个简单的字眼可以解释几乎所有的音变现象,人是很懒的,对于最经常的行为说话,当然要想许多省事的法子,于是也就产生了多种为省力而衍变的音变现象。牢记省力原则,在我们读英语的时候,让自己的唇舌处于放松的状态,轻松的去读英语,发音的感觉一定会有所不同。 以下列出给听力造成很大障碍的五种音变现象及其读音规则,以及一篇关于节奏的小文章。一、 连读 连读有两种规则,分别为: 1、 以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读 如:Id li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice.

35、这里 like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读 注意: 以辅音结尾 指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同 uju:.niversity 前面的定冠词必须用 a 一样。 2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h 开头的单词 h 不发音,与前面的辅音 what wil(l he) wilido? Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) ti go? Can he do it? Should he.? Tell him to ask her. Lea(ve him) vim. For him (连读这个词,会发现和 forum

36、 很相似) 按照这种连读方式发音省力、轻松了许多。再次证实”Economy” 。 二、 音的同化 音的同化也是一种连读的现象,两个词之间非常平滑的过渡,导致一个音受临音影响而变化。主要是以下三种方式: 1、 辅音d与j相邻时,被同化为d :Would you? 2、 辅音t与j相邻时,被同化为t : Cant you:。 。 。 。? 3、 辅音s 与j相邻时, 被同化为 : Miss you 三、 失音 由于失去爆破是失音的一种现象,摩擦音也会被失去,所以统称为失音。 注意: 爆破音并不是完全失去,仍然形成阻碍,把气流堵在里面,但不爆破,直接发出相邻的辅音。 规则: 1、 辅音爆破音或摩擦音

37、后面跟的是爆破音、破擦音和摩擦等,前面的辅音要失去爆破。 这样的例子有很多很多, 红色标注的辅音不发音: Sit down: 发音再次的老师都不会发出 t 音 Contact lens: Big cake Dad told me Huge change Good night 四、 浊化 1、S 后面的清辅音要浊化 Discussion: k 浊化成 g Stand: t 浊化成 d Expression: p浊化成 2、美音中:t 在单词的中间被浊化成d 如: writer, 听起来和 rider 的发音几乎没有区别 letterladder out of 美国人和加拿大人发音为了省事,习惯清

38、音浊化,尤其是t在单词的中间一定会浊化成d,但英国人发音不会这样,这也是英音和美音的一大区别。 了解这一浊化原则,会给听力带来一些帮助。 五、 弱读 一般来说: 实词重读,如名词、动词、形容词、大部分副词和感叹词,以及部分代词等; 虚词弱读,如冠词、介词(单音节 )、连词、助动词、人称代词、关系代词等 弱读的规则一般是:元音音节弱化成 E 或 比如说如下几个单词:for/to/some/does/of 查字典会发现这些词都至少有两种读音,如 for: 重读时fR: , 弱读时 fE 自由交谈家庭家人1、How do you like your mother? 2、Please say some

39、thing about your family. 3、Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays? 4、What are your parents? 5、What does your father do? 6、Could you tell me something about your family? 7、Do you often help do housework? 8、Would you please give a brief introduction of your family? 9、Do you rememb

40、er your parents birthday? How do you celebrate them? 自己1、Do you celebrate your birthday? How? 2、How do your parents celebrate your birthday? 3、what date is your birthday? 4、How do you usually celebrate your parents birthday? 5、How do you usually celebrate your birthday? 6、What do you think you can d

41、o for the disabled people? 7、Is the computer useful in our daily life? Please give some examples. 8、Do you think money is very important to you? 9、Do you like to have a part-time job? Why?/Why not? 10、Are you ready to help others? Why?/Why not? 11、How do you spend your pocket money? 老师1、Is your Engl

42、ish teacher strict with you in your studies? How? 2、What do you think of your English teacher?3、How are you getting along with your classmates? 4、Who is your favourite teacher? Please say something about him/her.5、How do you like your Chinese teacher? 6、How do you find your English teacher? 7、Can yo

43、u tell us something about your English teacher? 8、Who is your favorite teacher? Please say something about him/her. 朋友1、Please say something about one of your good friends. 2、Who is your best friend? Say something about himher 3、Do you have any pen-friends? Please say something about him/her?4、Do yo

44、u like your monitor? Why? Why not? 5、Do you think friends are important to you? Why?/Why not? 6、Please say sth about one of your best friends.7、Do you think friendship is important to you? Why?/Why not? 8、Do you share your feelings with your friends? Why?/Why not? 英语学习1、Do you often use dictionaries

45、 when you learn English? 2、What do you do to improve your English?3、Is it important to learn English? Why? Why not? 4、Do you like English? Why? Why not? 5、Do you often listen to English programs? Why? Why not? 6、Why do you study English? 7、How do you learn English? 8、Do you think spoken English is i

46、mportant? Why? Why not? 9、Are you good at English? 10、How much time do you spend on English reading everyday? 11、Do you often ask your English teacher questions? Why?/Why not? 12、How can you improve your spoken English? 13、Do you want to take English as your major? Why? Why not? 14、Do you like spoke

47、n English? Why?/Why not? 15、Why do you learn spoken English? 16、How do you practice your spoken English? 17、Do you think that good memory is important in learning English? Why?/Why not? 18、How do you improve your spoken English? 课余生活、兴趣爱好1、Whats your interest? Please say something about it? 2、Do you

48、 often play football,table tennis ,volleyball? Why? Why not? 3、What sport do you like best? 4、Which do you like better, watching TV or seeing movies? 5、Do you think collecting stamps interesting? Why? Why not? 6、Do you enjoy music? Why? Why not? 7、Do you like sports? Why? Why not? 8、What kind of mus

49、ic do you like best? 9、Do you often watch TV? Why? Why not? 10、How often do you watch TV?11、Whats your favourite food? Why? 12、What do you do to keep fit? 13、Which season do you like best? Why? 14、Say something about your hobby, please. 15、Do you like playing computer games? Why? Why not? 16、Whats your favorite sport? Why?/Why not? 17、How do you usually spend your weekends? 18、What are your h


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