1、 淮 阴 工 学 院毕业设计说明书(论文)作 者: 丁建建学 号:1071507208学 院: 交通工程学院专 业: 汽车服务工程题 目: 基于有限元法的半挂车车架振型与模态分析指导者: 评阅者: 2011 年 06 月吴永海 副教授毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 ( 论 文 ) 中 文 摘 要车架是汽车上重要的承载部件,车辆所受到的各种载荷最终都传递给车架,因此,车架结构性能的好坏直接关系到整车设计的成败。随着汽车工业的高速发展,对汽车的性能要求越来越高,这使得传统的设计计算方法已经无法满足现代汽车设计的要求。有限元法的飞速发展为车架的结构性能的计算分析带来了新的革命。本课题在调研国内外相关研究
2、的基础上,采用有限元方法对淮安专用汽车制造有限公司生产的 HYG9386 半挂车车车架结构进行振型模态分析,运用Solidworks 对车架进行三维建模,通过 Ansys 软件进行模态分析,计算了车架在施加位移约束下的前二十阶模态特性,识别出车架振型的模态参数,获得了车架在该状态下的固有频率和振型特征。关键词 半挂车,车架,有限元,模态分析毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 ( 论 文 ) 外 文 摘 要Title Vibration and Modal Analysis of Semi-trailer Frame Based on the Finite Element Method Abstract
3、Frame is an important assembly bearing loads of an automobile .All kinds of loads will pass to it .So the performance of frame structure affects whether the automobile design is successful or not .With the rapid development of automobile industry , the performance request becomes stricter and strict
4、er ,which makes conventional calculation methods of design cant meet the needs of modern automobile design .The development of finite element method brings on a new revolution about the calculation and analysis of automobile frame structure .In the paper , frame structure vibration mold analysis of
5、HYG9386 semi-trailer truck which is produced by Huai An special purpose vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd is worked through finite element method based on the relevant research at home and abroad .The 3-d modele of frame is built through Solidworks software , mold analysis is worked through Ansys software .Finally , the initial 20 steps of modal were calculated as the frame is loaded by displacement constraints , the inherent frequencies and the vibrant speciality of the frame are got .Keywords semi-trailer, frame, finite element,modal analysis