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1、边听边记可在短期提高四级得分能力英语四六级听力试题的考点大部分都是非常具体的细节,音响信息瞬间即逝,有时单凭大脑记忆是不够的,尤其是涉及人物、地名、时间、数字等需要强化记忆的内容必须随时笔录下来, 然后再根据后面的提问来选择答案,并在答题纸的相应位置按要求涂写。对此我们建议考生在四六级考试复习阶段,不妨采取以下办法来提高听力得分能力:(1)练习听写,平时听录音时就要有意识地将关键信息写下来,一方面训练信息接受的准确性;另一方面培养短期记忆、正确拼写单词的能力。练习听写还能强制性地迫使自己全神贯注、积极思考。 (2)学会用最简单、最省时、自己最熟悉的符号记录信息,只要自己能识别的,汉字、代码、符

2、号什么都行。长单词可以暂记两三个字母,用箭头表示方位或发展方向等。总之,要有意识地训练自己的速记能力,借助于记录,使自己听得准,听得全,记住得多,回答得正确。四六级考试听力部分十大热点问题解答问题一:我听不懂,怎么办?问题质量:低提问频率:极高这是个令老师极度难以回答的问题,因为这个问题的答案会有 N 多种。首先,是什么材料听不懂?是对话?文章?还是听写?其次,是否是语速过快导致你没有听懂?还是某个单词的发音本身你就读错了?还有,那些单词你学过么?另外,你的材料里是不是出现了口音问题,失爆现象,连音现象等等听力的附加问题?你需要做的是:找到听力的原文,仔细的查清楚每个单词的发音和含义之后,自己

3、多读几遍,然后再听,如果依然没有结果,好吧,来找我。问题二:我跟不上磁带的速度,怎么办?问题质量:低提问频率:高两个原因:其一,你没有学过那些单词;其二,你学过那些单词,但是你没有听过。也就是说,它们在你的耳朵里没有印记。所以,听到这种材料时,你的分辨速度和材料的语速当然不成正比。你需要做的是:反复的听,让这些材料不断在你耳边重复,熟到像听到“china”就想到中国, “boy”就想到男孩一样。问题三:我不能一边看题一边听题,怎么办?问题质量:中提问频率:高首先,要会看题,例如听力题目的选项经常以相同主语开头,此时你注意谓语或宾语的不同就好。即便是四个选项不但巨长无比而且全部差别很大,那也无需

4、挨个看,因为这样的题目的准确选项会和原文的表述非常接近。所以,只需要边听边浏览,当听到的内容和看到的一致时就可以出手答题了。另外,词汇量也会影响你。 问题四:我做听力时总是注意力涣散,怎么办?问题质量:低提问频率:极高考试型听力当然讲求听的技巧,如果进入你耳朵的总是“一堆东西 ”,这就是无效听力。你需要注意,语段中的关键词汇、语调变化、层次的分辨等等,没有重点地听,我们自然会走神。另外,当无法识别的单词数量太多时,我们的听觉系统就会变得麻木,于是,注意力就开始涣散了。问题五:听力考试总让我紧张,怎么办?问题质量:低提问频率:中有很多事情让我们紧张,例如,当众讲话,偷窥暗恋对象却被人家发现,问别

5、人借钱或者催别人还钱等等,包括听力考试。以上种种紧张,只因我们对某件事情的熟悉程度太低。新东方的老师当众讲话会讲到没有感觉;偷窥狂(Peeping Tom,呵呵,这个单词我还教过你们) 总在偷窥,自然不会紧张,总是负债或者当债主也不会 所以,你明白了,听得太少,自然紧张。问题六:我平时应该听些什么?问题质量:中提问频率:中很明显,提问者明显已经有平时学习的欲望和动力了。其实,只要能够坚持,听什么都能够进步。我自己能够坚持基本每天 CRI 的整点新闻,所以觉得听力一直能够保持好的状态。另外,听自己喜欢的材料,反复听。不要强迫自己听不喜欢的。比如你喜欢的某部电影,你就可以反复听到你能够背出来为止,

6、这就是进步。问题七:听写里,能够听懂的写不下来,怎么办?问题质量:中提问频率:中提问者已经开始练习听写了,值得肯定。没有思考和痛苦就没有进步。你的问题是,双手和耳朵之间没有默契,或者是手太慢,或者是单词的拼写不够熟练。在四六级考试前的一段时间里,请大家静下心来,多做一些篇章的听写训练,把句子多放几遍,直到自己能够全部写出为止。听写更需要熟练度而不是技巧。 不要懒惰,一定不要懒惰。另外,提醒准备考雅思和 BEC 或者 PETS 的同学,英联邦所有的考试都包含听写,你躲不掉的。问题八:老师,怎么提高口语?问题质量:中提问频率:高听力口语不分家,所以,经常有人问我这个问题。虽然我极度不想回答诸如如何

7、提高听力如何扩大词汇量如何提高写作等等宽泛到难以解决的问题,但是口语方面还是需要提醒一下。首先是口语的基础,发音,没有准确的发音,后续的学习几乎都是在错误的道路上行进。其次,当自己没有很好的伙伴或者老师时,利用磁带进行跟读的训练,练习语音和语调。然后,进入到背诵阶段,背一些篇章,演讲词,对话,采访,什么都可以。最后,一定要实践。我大三时出来混(给人教课),去电视台自取其辱( 参加挑战主持人) ,大四时勇闯新东方( 当时打分超低)等等经历,终于让一个不敢杀鸡的男子敢于在数百人面前讲英文了。你可以试一下。问题九:老师,四级的这些技巧,六级能够适用么,其他考试呢?问题质量:中提问频率:高四六级有很多


9、,即大量的训练之后没有明显效果产生。但是,漫长的积累一定会让你有多方面潜移默化的变化,比如速度、词汇量、感觉等等。这些变化无法一下体现,但是一定会有所体现。请各位静下心来,抛除功利的杂念,再坚持一下,等待质变的到来。记住,最痛苦最困难的时候,往往是你正在上升的时候,你需要的,只是继续。四级听力常见的提问方式及应试技巧对大多数考生来说,从头复习语法、背诵单词已是“远水解不了近渴”。不过掌握一些应试技巧还是有必要的,有些看似不起眼的小细节,往往会决定考试成败。下面就最易失分的听力部分请“ 牛人”们传授一些小技巧:听力的提问方式最常见的有4 种类型。1)中心思想题。这类问题主要是测试文章的主题思想。

10、提问方式有:What is the main idea of the passage?Whatcan we learn from this passage? What is the best title for this passage? What is the passage mainly about ? What is the speaker talking about?等等。做这一类题时一定要注意集中精力听好短文的开头,因为四级听力短文一般会开门见山,把中心思想置于文章的开头。另外,如果文中反复出现同一词汇或同一类词汇,同样也值得我们特别注意,因为包含有这类词汇的选项能较好地体现中心思想

11、,通常就是正确答案。2)事实细节题。所考察的细节包括具体时间、地点、主要人物或事件、各种数字等,问题一般为 wh-question的形式。这类题要求我们听到文中出现时间、数字时一定要特别敏感,及时做好笔记;另外,文中一旦出现以因果连词( 如 because,so,dueto 等) 和转折连词(如 but,however,though 等)引导的句子也要格外留心,这些地方往往就是考点。3)对错判断题。这类题常用以下提问方式:Which of the following is true/not true,according to the passage?Which of the following

12、 is not mentioned ? 等等。听到这类题时,一定要听清提问,对于有没有 not 一词要弄清楚。一般情况下,not 一词会重读。4)推理推测题。这类题需要对文中的信息进行分析推断,才能作出正确的选择。提问方式有:Whatcan be infer from the passage?What does the speaker think about the problem.? What does the speaker most concerned about? How does the writer feel about.?等等。做这类题时一定要注意与短文内容一样的不是推断,而且一

13、定要根据短文的观点而不是根据自己的观点来推断。四级听力备考要点及应试技巧听力是一种多项能力的综合,不仅与听者的基本听力技能有关,而且与听者的英语基本功如(词汇、语法等) ,知识面(如自然科学知识,文化背景知识,逻辑推理能力)有密切的关联。四级英语听力中出现的词汇量在 2500 到 3700 之间,但一般考生能听懂的单词仅为 2300 左右。结果造成许多考生在考听力时极力思索一些似曾相识的单词含义而漏听后面的文字。语流也是造成听力成绩低下的原因之一。任何语言在表达的时候,节奏都是急缓有致,语调也是高低起伏的。音位高的重读词和朗读略缓的部分是重要信息。不必平均分配精力。建议:1 考生平时背单词的时

14、候,不仅要掌握词义,还要特别注意单词的发音。2 每天一定要抽出至少 20 分钟听一些对话和短文,不能间断,一直持续到考试的前一、二天。其目的在于使你在连贯的语流面前保持迅速的反应能力。训练材料以模拟考试和全真题为主。听力考场篇听力考试的几点应试技巧1.充分利用时间。录音开头有一段 Direction 和 Example 的播放,时间大约 2 分 50 秒。每次内容都一样,不必费神去听。考生可以利用这段时间看一下每道题的选项,猜一下每题的大意。听录音时不要看题,否则容易受干扰。2.学会放弃。考试中遇到听不懂的对话,不必纠缠,不要“耿耿于怀” 。应马上转入下一题。以免引起连环反应。在短文中有听不懂

15、的段落也不要急,因为他很可能不是主要信息。切记:短文的第一句对理解文章和答题很重要。3.调整作息时间。每次考试是早晨 9 点,而听力又是最需绷紧神经的题目。因此,不论平时的生活、学习习惯如何,在考前一个月要调整作息,逐步把精力高峰期调整至上午 9 点。英语四级必备:听力三大应试技巧为了更好地、科学地、客观地衡量大学生的英语水平及语言应用徒力,国家英语四、六级考委会本着为教学服务的精神,认真研究测试手段对教学的反映作用,不断提高测试的质量。从 1996 年年初起已正式启用翻译、简答题、听写等新题型。长期以来,听力对学生来说一直是一个很大的障碍,听写就更是难上加难了。怎样应试好听写部分呢?笔者认为

16、除了多听、多读、多讲多写,熟能生巧,水到渠成之外)还应注意以下三种应试技巧: 点击进入查看历年听力试题一、理解好题意,做到心中有数 在听写考试中,我们发现不少考生由于过度紧张而忽视了题意,所以本应该完成得非常好的题从手中错过。今年 Dictation 考试从 one to seven 应填 single word;从 eight to ten 则要求 use yourown words to finish the sentence.有的考生在做第 8 一 10 个填空时,由于没弄懂题意,只想着全部听写下来,结果感到速度太快,记不下来。听写部分意思虽然理解了,也没用自己的话表达,白白地丢掉了好几

17、分。 二、抢用短文,预测听写内容 听写的短文一般在 100-200 字左右,共重复三遍。考生可利用听指令前的空隙,略看一下短文,做到“ 有的放矢”。去年 6 月份大学英语四级考试中的听写文章:考生扫一眼便会知道是一篇关于policeman 和他们的 job 的事,这样就不会措手不及,心慌意乱,影响正常水平的发挥了。 三、使用速记方法,从文中找出答案 学生们在听写时,往往会出现记下了听写的第一单词,而后面的几句后匆匆而过,来不及填写第二个空, 针对这个问题,我认为在考试中应采用速记方法,迅速记下每个听到的单词。所说的速记就是用一些简单的符号。缩写、字母记下所听到的内容,不让每个单词漏网。 例如:

18、so-equal t-teacher stsstudents, ad-advertisement flu-influenza pro-professional, tec-detective fridge-refrigerator demo-demonstration 等等。先速记,然后再展开这些单词,这样所听的内容就不易漏掉了。此外,学生还会出现另一种现象,就是听懂了词意,不会写单词。遇到这样的问题,我们不妨从上下文找一找,看看是否有帮助提示的地方。例如:有这样一段话of the United States Monday,the earthquake observatory in San Fr

19、ancisco reported today.听写的句子是 Anearthquake shook the nortbwestem coast有些学生不会写地震 earthquake 这个字,我们通过上下文,便会很容易地写下这个单词。 总之,听力技巧的掌握以考生综合英语水平为基础,考生首先要具备较强的英语的耳听意会能力,对比较简单的概念最好能直接用英语进行思维,做到不用译成汉语也能理解听到的内容;同时应具备较强的英语快速阅读能力,才能迅速记下所听到的内容,在听力、听写测试中取得满意的成绩,顺利地通过大学英语四级考试。大学英语四六级考试听力技巧总结对话部分1. 强调词是答案所在:indeed; a

20、ctually; 1). W: What do you think of the apple pie? I made it myself. (2000.1 )M: Very delicious indeed. Even my mothers cannot match this. A) This apple pie tastes very good. B) His mother likes the pie very much.C)This pie cant match his mothers. D) His mother cant make apple pies. (A)2). W: John,

21、 are you doing research for Professor Williams this semester? M: Actually, I am working as his teaching assistant. Q: What does the man mean?(2002.1)A ) He needs another job as research assistant. B) He asked Professor Williams for assistance. C) He assists Professor Williams with his teaching. D )

22、He is doing research with Professor Williams3). M:My headaches are terribleMaybe I need more sleep W:Actually, you need less sun and some aspirin. It would help if you wear a hatQ:What does the woman think is the cause of the mans headache? A)Long exposure to the sun* B)Lack of sleepC )Too tight a h

23、at D)Long working hours2. 直传答案题:Why not.? What about? So do.? So am?1). M: Hi, Jane. Do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.Q: What will the man most probably do? (2001.1 )A Get some change from Jane B Use the womans ph

24、one. C Go to look for a pay phone. D Pay for the phone call.2) . W: The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.(2001.1)M: So do I. I cant see any scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too. Q: What does the man think of the womens car?A Her car can stand any crash. B Her

25、car is not as good as his. C Her car is maintained as well as his. D Her car is kept in good condition.3). M: Wonderful day, isnt it? Want to join me for a swim? (2001.1 )W: If you dont mind waiting while I get prepared.Q: What does the woman mean?A She is too busy to go. B She doesnt want to wait l

26、ong. C Shes willing to go swimming. D She enjoys the wonderful weather.4) W:The people next door are making so much noise, I just cant concentrate, Tom M:Why dont you stay at the library? Its much quieter there Q:What does Tom mean?A)The woman should have complained to her neighbor B)The woman shoul

27、d stay out until the neighbors are quiet C )The woman should have stayed at the library *D )The lab will be a better place for reading 5) M:This is hopeless. These figures still dont add up right, lets do the calculations over again。W:Yes ,but why not do them tomorrow? Its very late now Q:What does

28、the woman suggest they do? A)Check the figures later today C)Bring a calculator tomorrow B )Do the calculations again tomorrow* D)Calculate the number right now 3. 转义词后为重:1)M: It seems that well have another fine day tomorrow. Lets go to the seaside. W: Ok, but well have to leave very early, or else

29、 well get caught in the traffic.Q: What does the woman suggest? (2001.1 )A They go to the seaside. B They set off early. C They go sightseeing. D They wait for a fine day. 2).W: Did you see last night film on channel 4?M: Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me. We had a nice lo

30、ng talk about our school days. (99.1)Q: What did the man do last night? A.He watched television with his friend. B.He stayed at home talking with his friends. C.He went to see a film with his friend. D. He went to see his schoolmate. 3 ). W: Did you get the message about the meeting on Monday?M: Yes

31、, I did. But Im still not quite sure what the meeting is about. Not bad news, I hope. (99.1)Q: What does the man wish to know most?A). When the meeting is to be held. B). Who are going to attend the meeting?C). Where the meeting is to be held. D). Whats to be discussed at the meeting. 4)M: Juana, I

32、am awfully sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. Shall we have a beer and forget the whole thing? W: OK, we can drop it this time. But dont do it again. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? (2002.1 )A) The woman rejected the mans apology. B) The woman appreciated the mans offer. C) The man had forg

33、otten the whole thing. D ) The man had hurt the womans feelings.5). W: Airports are sad places. M: Sometimes, I guess. But well keep in touch. And I will fly over to see you with Christmas. Q: What are the speakers doing? (2002.1 )A) The woman is meeting the man at the airport. B) They are complaini

34、ng about the poor airport service. C) They are discussing their plan for Christmas. D) The man is seeing the woman off. 4. 否定即答案所在1). M: Jessica, could you send this emails to all the club members? W: Sorry, the computer broke down this morning. I will for you as soon as I have fixed. Q: What does t

35、he woman imply? (2002.1)A) She has to post a letter instead. B) She has to turn down the mans request. C) Shes not sure if the computer is fixed. D) She cant send the message right now. 2).M: Are you going to return to your present job after the vacation? W: No, I plan to graduate next semester. Tha

36、t means Ill have to be a full-time student. Q: What will the woman do? (2002.1)A) She plans to go to graduate school. B) She will drop out of school. C) She will stop working and concentrate on her studies. D) She will take a part-time job. 5. 虚拟句处理:1). W: Mr Jones,your student,Bill, shows great ent

37、husiasm for music instruments. M: I only wish he showed half as much for his English lessons.Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Bill? (2001.6 )A) He is not very enthusiastic about his English lessons. B) He has made great progress in his English. C ) He is a student of the music departm

38、ent. D) He is not very interested in English songs. 2 ) M: To collect data for my report, I need to talk to someone who knows that small city very well. I was told that youd lived here for quite a long time.W: Oh, I wish I could help. But I was only a child then.Q: What does the woman imply?A)She do

39、esnt remember much about the city *B)Shes never been to the city C )She would find someone else to help D)She would talk to the man later 虚拟的变体:1). If I had a new dress, I would go to the party.A. I need a new dress. B. I didnt go to the party.2). If only our team had scored one more point. Its too

40、bad we didnt score the point.3). We would have done that earlier.4). It could be better here!6. 有让步句,答案在主句:(1) W:Have you heard about the plane crash yesterday? It caused a hundred and twenty deathsI am never at ease when taking a flightM : Though we often hear about air crashes and serious casualti

41、es, flying is one of the safest ways to travelQ:What do we learn from this conversation? A )The man thinks traveling by air is quite safe* B)The woman never travels by plane C)Both speakers feel nervous when flying D)The speakers feel sad about the serious loss of life(2 ) M:Though we didnt win the

42、game, we were satisfied with our performanceW:You did a great job. You almost beat the worlds champions. Its a real surprise to many peopleQ:What do we learn from this conversation?A)They both enjoyed watching the gameB)The man thought the results were beyond their expectations C )They both felt goo

43、d about the results of the game* D )People were surprised at their winning the game7. 最高级词处有答案:(4)M : Mrs. Winter, I need your advice, I want to buy a dress for my wife, can you tell me where I can get one at a reasonable price?W:Sure, go to RichardsIt has the latest styles and gives a 30% discount

44、to husbands who shop aloneQ:What do we know about Richards shop? A)It gives a 30% discount to all customers.B )It is run by Mrs. Winters husbandC)It hires Mrs. Winter as an adviserD)It encourages husbands to shop on their own名师指导:四六级考试复合式听写题备考技巧对考生应考而言,要注意合理利用这三遍录音:听读第一遍时,听为主、记为辅,着重整体的理解。考生可以在听的 同时,

45、顺便填写有把握的单词和做些笔记。这时的重点是借助文字材料,理解和把握全篇内容和脉络。第二遍时,记为 主、听为辅。考生应抓紧时间,写下言简意赅的笔记。第三遍时,着重细节,目的在于查漏补缺。复合式听写最能通过练习而见成效。年月四六级预测 一、给分标准1. 36 至 43 每题为 0.5 分。拼写完全正确的单词给 0.5 分,凡有错不给分,大小写错误忽略不计;2. 4446 满分为 2 分,答出第一和第二部分内容且语言正确各得 1 分;二、扣分标准1. 44 至 46 题中有语言错误扣 0.5 分,每题语言错误扣分不超过 0.5 分,凡不得分部分如有语言错误不再重复扣分;2. 44 至 46 题中凡

46、有与问题无关的内容扣 0.5 分。3. 44 至 46 题中如出现明显属于笔误造成的拼写错误和大小写、标点符号错误,不扣分;4. 用汉语回答问题不给分。下面来分析讨论听力部分的最后一个题型就是复合式听写和听写填空。下面我们以 2001 年 1 月出的复合式听写题为例讲解其做题方法和技巧。The human body is a remarkable food processor. As an adult, you may consume(S1)_a ton of food per year and still not gain or lose a pound of body weight. Yo

47、u are (S2)_harnessing and consuming energy though the intricate (S3)_of your body in order to remain in energy balance. To (S4)_a given body weight , your energy input must balance your energy output . However, sometimes the(S5)_ _energy balance is upset, and your(S6)_body weight will either fall or

48、 (S7)_.The term body image refers to the mental image we have of our own physical appearance , and (S8)_.Research has revealed that about 40 percent of adult men and 55 percent of adult women are dissatisfied with their current body weight.(S9 _.At the college level, a study found that 85 percent of both male and female first-year students desired to change their body weight.(S10)_ _.Thinness is currently an attribute that females desire highly. Males generally desire muscularity. The vast majority of individuals who want to change their body weight do it f


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