1、三、词汇题解题技巧词汇题一般会明确地告诉考生出题点在哪里,不需要考生查找所考查内容。它可以考一个单词的含义,一个词组的意思,或者考一个句子的弦外之音。词汇题常见提问方式如下: The word “accentuate” (Line 4, Para.3) most probably means _. What is the meaning of ?The word “colonies” (Line 2, Para.4) refers to _. The statement “The business of America is business” probably means “_”. The
2、phrase “puts it down to” (Line 1, Para3) is closest in meaning to “_”. By “white elephant” the author refers to _.实例讲解:原文:This is the Shadowland of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.题目:60. “Shadowland” in the last sentence refers to_ .A) the wonderland one often dreams aboutB) t
3、he bright future that one is looking forward toC) the state of uncertainty before ones final goal is reachedD) a world that exists only in ones imagination此题可以利用并列关系来求解。首先,and 后面的句子告诉我们“任何有梦想的人必须要学会在那里生活” ,这暗含了“那里”不好的环境。再从 and 可知,两个分句的逻辑是一致的,据此 Shadowland 也应该是不利的环境,故选择 C 项。考句子含义的,如果句子简单,一般在上下文中寻找答案;
4、如果句子复杂,则更加倾向于在句子内部找答案。下面介绍一些常用的根据上下文猜测词义的技巧。第一,针对性解释。针对性解释是作者为了更好的表达思想,在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或词汇等所作的解释。这些解释提供的信息具有明确的针对性,利用它们猜词义比较容易。1根据定义猜测词义如果生词是句子或段落所解释的定义,理解句子或段落本身就是推断词义。例如:Anthropology is the scientific study of man. 由定义可知,anthropology 就是“研究人类的科学 ”。2.根据复述猜测词义1) 同位语Semantics, the study of the meani
5、ng of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently.此例逗号中短语意为“对词意义进行研究的学科” 。该短语与前面生词 semantics 是同位关系,因此我们不难猜出 semantics 指“语义学 ”。2) 定语从句Krabacber suffers from SAD, which is short for seasonal affective disorder, a syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings.根据生词 SAD 后面定语从句
6、which is short for seasonal affective disorder 和同位语 syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings, 我们可以推断出 SAD 含义,即“季节性情绪紊乱症” 。3. 根据举例猜测词义例如:The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past
7、. 句中“战争” 和“重大科学发现”是生词的实例,通过它们我们可以猜出epochal 的大致词义“重要的 ”,这与其确切含义“ 划时代的”十分接近。第二,内在逻辑关系。1. 根据对比关系猜测词义例如:Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know. His brother, in contrast, is quite humble and modest.该例中 supercilious 对许多人来说可能是个生词,但是句中短语 in contrast,(相对照的,相对比的)可以提示我们 supercilious 和后面词组 humble and
8、 modest(谦卑又谦虚)是对比关系。分析出这种关系后,我们便能猜出 supercilious 意为“ 目空一切的,傲慢的”。2. 根据比较关系猜测词义例如:Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious.该句中副词 similarly 表明短语 loves to talk 与生词loquacious 之间的比较关系。以此可以推断出loquacious 词义为“健谈的”。3. 根据因果关系猜测词义例如:Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he m
9、akes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.根据原因状语从句的内容,我们可以推断出生词autocratic 指“独断专行的”。4. 根据同义词的替代关系猜测词义例如:Although he often had the opportunity, Mr. Tritt was never able to steal money from a customer. This would have endangered his position at the bank, and he did not want to jeopardize hi
10、s future.作者为避免重复使用 endanger 一词,用其同义词jeopardize 来替代它,由此推知其词义为“ 使. . . 陷入危险,危及、危害”。第三,外部相关因素。运用生活经验和普通常识确定词义。例如:Husband: its really cold out tonight.Wife: Sure it is. My hands are practically numb.How about lighting the furnace?根据生活经验,天气寒冷时,手肯定是“冻僵的,冻得麻木的”。第四,构词法知识。1. 根据前缀猜测词义。例如:He fell into a ditch
11、and lay there, semiconscious, for a few minutes.根据词根 conscious(清醒的,有意识的),结合前缀 semi(半,部分的,不完全的),我们便可猜出 semiconscious 词义“ 半清醒的,半昏迷的”。2. 根据后缀猜测词义 例如:Insecticide is applied where it is needed.后缀 -cide 表示“杀者,杀灭剂 ”,结合大家熟悉的词根 insect(昆虫),不难猜出insecticide 意为“杀虫剂 ”。3. 根据复合词的各部分猜测词义 例如:Bullfight is very popular in Spain.Bull (公牛)和 fight(打,搏斗)结合在一起,指一种在西班牙颇为流行的体育运动-斗牛。