1、1第五届国际英语电视大赛 -城市文化交流大使 城市决赛样题即兴展示说明及相关样题3).小学A.B.C 组:看图说话、现场问答(3分钟)比赛规则:请你根据所选图片的情景(涉及到中西文化差异、城市文化特色、休闲娱乐、健康、运动、环境、教育等 )用英语来描述,使画面更加生动、有趣;立意新、内容丰富,密切联系实际生活,充分体现英语在生活中的应用性。 请尽可能 发掘你的丰富想象力,用最幽默风趣的英语表达你的想法。 (范例如下)A 组看图说话:现场问答1、Whats your name?22、 Are you a boy/girl?3、 What do you like to eat?4、 Have yo
2、u been to Beijing?5、Whats your favourite season? Do you like winter?6、Whats the weather like today?B 组看图说话:现场问答1. Do you have a gym in your school?2. Who is the tallest girl in your class?3. What subject do you like best?34. What class do you like? Do you like English?5. What do you do on Monday?6.
3、What are you going to do after school?C 组看图说话:现场问答1. What kind of TV shows do you like best?2. What do you think of that TV show? 3. What channel is it on? 4. What time is it on? 5. How long is it on?43.初中、高中组:现场辩论(3分钟)比赛规则:1 对 1 进行辩论,1 分钟准备:提前分组并随机抽取对手及辩题(辩题范围涉及到中西文化差异、城市文化特色、网络、道德、教育、运动、健康、娱乐等)。1 分钟后开始辩论:每个辩手大约有 2 分钟左右时间。范例 1:For: Surfing the Internet is helpful for middle school students.上网对中学生有益。Against: Surfing the Internet is harmful for middle school students. 上网对中学生有害。范例 2:For: Setbacks will contribute to success. 挫折有利于成才。Against: Setbacks will impede success. 挫折不利于成才。