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1、太原理工大学复习资料(你懂的) (本版原题不多)一: 下面这些论文标题是否合适?如果不合适,请修改:1、Study on Emission of Glasshouse Gases during Coking Process(合适)2、Methods for preparing and monitoring of heavy media in coal beneficiation(合适)3、Experimental mine and laboratory dust explosion research at NIOSH(合适)4、Bioclogging effects in anturated

2、porous media within one- and two-dimensional flow systems are compared(错误)(改为 comparison of Bioclogging effects in anturated porous media within one- and two-dimensional flow systems )5、Methods for preparing and monitoring of heavy media in coal beneficiation (合适)6、Electromagnetic Fields Have Harmfu

3、l Effects on Humans (错误)(Have 是动词,改为 Harmful Effrcts of Electromagnetic Fields on Humans。7、A characterisitic floation cleaning index for fine coal is developed(错误)(改为 Development of +A characterisitic floation cleaning index for fine coal )8、Development and prospect of classification technology and

4、equipment(合适)9、Research and Designing of Distance Education based on JEE.(合适)10、Auditory Perspectives(透视) of Different Types of Music(合适) 11、Electromagnetic Fields Have Harmful Effects on Humans 改为 Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Humans 12、How to Use Water Resources for Irrigation in Se

5、miarid(半干旱) Land 改为 Using Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land 13、Water Quality Can Be Protected Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education 改为 Protecting Water Quality Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education 14、 The Single Community Concept: A Model

6、for Adult Environmental Education (合适)15、Physics and Art: Conceptual Linkages Can Be Uncovered 改为 Physics and Art: Uncovering Conceptual Linkages 16、Yellow Fevers(黄热病)Effect on Transportation and Commerce(合适)17、Diamond Is Used for Electronic Devices 改为 Use of Diamond for Electric Devices (合适)18、The

7、Nature of Student Science Project Is Compared with Educational Goals for Science改为 The Nature of Student Science Projects in Comparison to Educational Goals for Science 19、A Qualitative / Quantitative Analysis of the Administrative Management Institute at Cornell University (合适)20、The Americans With

8、 Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally , Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and Acquired(后天的) Immune Deficiency Syndrome(综合症) Populations: A Statistical Analysis改为 The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill, HIV and AIDS Populations: A Statistical Analysis

9、二:文献类型及代码1、专著【M】2、论文集【C】3、期刊文章【J】4、学位论文【D】5、报告【R】 6、专利【P 】 (老师没说) 报告一般不会考;连续出版物(期刊) ,专著,学位论文,会议论文(论文集)必考1、T.Neese,J.Dueck.Air core formation in the hydrocylone Journal of Minerals Engineering ,2007,20:348-354 文献类型:【J】连续出版物特点:1.Journal of 。 。 。是杂志的名字(有的情况) (而且杂志名字很利落)2.连续出版物和期刊页码的区别是,不带 PP(而会议论文要带 pp

10、)3.(杂志名字会缩写)2、Finch.J.ADobby,G.S.1990.column Floatation Pergamon Press.Oxford 文献类型:【M】特点 1.专著没有页码 2.专著有出版社(单词 Press)3、Patwardhan.A.1998 Optimization of coal processing plants and economics of advanced fine particle cleaning.M.S Thesis.Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.Carbondale.IL.USA.p.11

11、8 文献类型:【D】学位论文 1.有表示,M.S Thesis 硕士论文,Ph.D.Thesis 博士论文 2.往往有个大学名字 University4、Brake.R.Eldridge.G.1996.THe development of new microcel column floation circuit for BHPA ustralia coals peak doens coal preparation plant . In. Proceedings of the 13th international Coal Preparation Conference.Lexington KY.

12、USA.April 30-May 2 pp .237-251 文献类型:【C】论文集1.特点,带有页码 pp 2.带有续第几次第几次 13th 3.Conference,会议论文集(报告也会有 pp,但是不会出现第几次,带有主办单位的名字)5、Honaker ,R.Q,Wang .D.Ho.k.1996 Application of the falcon concentrator for fine coal cleaning .Miner. Eng 9(11).1143-1156 文献类型:【J】连续出版物很多英文杂志的名字喜欢带缩写(即杂志名字也带缩写) (矿业工程学报的缩写,J.Min.E

13、ngiree)6、T.Nesse,M.Schneider,J.Dueck,et al. Hydrocyclone operation at the transition point rope/spray discharge Journal of Minerals Engineering.2004.17(5):733-737 文献类型:【J】连续出版物7、L.Y .Cho.W.Yua.G.J.Wang/et al .Enhancement of hydrocyclone separation performance by climinating the air core Chemical Eng

14、ineering and Processing 2004.43.1441-1448 文献类型:【J】连续出版物8、Miao XX.Lin W Q .Chen Z Q. Seepage Theory in Mining Rock Mass.Beijing:Science Publishing Honse,2004 文献类型:【】专著(有个出版社的名字,且不带页码) (地名:出版社)8、Liu W Q.Miao XX.Gas flow visualization in a gob area with J-type ventilation Proceedings of the 8th interna

15、tional Symposium on Fluid Control.Measurement and Visualizationg ChengDu.2005 文献类型:【C】论文集(第八次)1、报告:带页码 pp;不会有第几次会议 R2、*连续出版物:不带 p;有缩写的杂志名 J2、*专著:不带页码,且有出版社(地名:出版社)M3、*学位论文:有标识,且单位的名字往往是个大学 D4、*论文集:带页码 pp ;第几次会议:13th ;会议词汇:conference C三、摘要的四个要素是什么(用中、英文分别表述)?用下面括号中单词的适当形式填空,以完成摘要,并为摘要撰写标题;说明摘要中每句话分别属

16、于摘要的哪一要素。(24分)(show, research, utilize, employ, base on, carry out, use, study, analyze, )摘要的四个要素:(中:) 目的 (英:)purposes (中:) 方法 (英:) methods (中:) 结果 (英:) results (中:) 结论 (英:) conclusions 。评分说明:每空1分。The effect of rainfall on coal gangue heap explosion (Title) (4分)Abstract: Abstract: For analyzing (或st

17、udying, 或researching) the effect of 1rainfall on coal gangue heap explosion, the physical explosion mechanism action between coal gangue heap and water was researched (或studied或analyzed或employed). Based on (或employing) the thermodynamics principle, the 2chemical explosion mechanism of coal gangue he

18、ap was researched (或studied或analyzed) . The explosion possibility and types under different conditions were 3researched, and a simulation explosion experiment was carried out to study the effect of rainfall on coal gangue heap. The results show that it is main 4chemical explosion when sprinkling. It

19、 is main chemical explosion when the 5temperature is under 1 200 K and main physical explosion when t he temperature is over 1 200 K wit h heavy rain. Rainfall has a great effect on the explosion of coal 6gangue heap and it is necessary to prevent explosion during rainy season.第 句话属于 目的(或purpose) ,第

20、 句话属于 方法(或methods) , 1 2第 句话属于 方法(或methods) ,第 句话属于 结果(或results) , 3 4第 句话属于 结果(或results) ,第 句话属于 结论(或conclusion) 。 5 6四、辨识题一,3*6=18 分,给定多段英文片段,判断分别摘自于科技论文的哪个部分。主要考察同学对论文结构的掌握情况,包括摘要、引言、方法、结果、结论、致谢、参考文献等。1 Result结果: Table 11 shows the number of years to complete a doctoral program for both U.S. and

21、international students at a major research university. As can be seen, international students on average complete doctoral programs in less time than U.S. students in all divisions.The difference in years to completion ranges from a relatively low 0.3 years in physical sciences/engineering and human

22、ities/ arts to a high of 2.8 years in individual departmental programs. 2 Discussion讨论:The consistent difference in time to degree is not fully understood at present. However, one key factor may be motivation. Many international students have considerable external pressures, including sponsorship/sc

23、holarship restrictions, family obligations, and employer demands, which could influence the length of time it takes to earn a doctorate.3 Method方法: Male red-winged blackbirds were recorded and observed. Analog tape-recordings of vocalizations were completed and territorial behaviors were monitored f

24、or each subject during three separate 30 minute observation periods. Females were observed in each subjects territory during recording. Individual territories and perching positions were mapped for each subject. 4 Result结果:From the 41 responses received, only 5 were form schools whose students only

25、completed team projects. 32 responses were from school whose students completed only individual projects. This is reflected in the high frequency of disagree and strongly disagree responses to question 28(see Table1).5 Method方法:A copy of the questionnaire can be seen in Fig. 1. The questions were de

26、signed to match each of the eight goals and five methods for science as defined in this study. The questions were then examined by several professional educators in the field of science. The viewers comments were used to develop questions for each goal. The experts opinions were in agreement that th

27、e final version of the questionnaire was worded appropriately and that the content of the questions matched these goals for science education. 6 Discussion讨论:Science projects were rated overwhelmingly and consistently positive on each of the eight educational goals for science. In the minds of the t

28、eachers, science projects are an effective way to address the new educational goals. The rating frequencies show that teachers think science projects are especially effective in incorporating hands-on/minds-on science.7 Result结果:The analysis shows 52 % of the graduates used their exhibits at events

29、in their county (Fig. 4) 。 Many graduates (64 % ) collected water samples in their county, 56 % established a water sample collection point in their county for transport to a water testing lab, and 48 % demonstrated sample collection. 8 Discussion讨论:The plants produce viable shoot sections, which ar

30、e capable of growth and may serve as vegetative propagules (繁殖体) 。 Development of new tissues is a clear sign of healthy, growing shoot sections and indicates that the sections could go on to produce mature plants if left undisturbed. Under our growth conditions, 80% of shoot sections could have mat

31、ured into seed-producing plants.1、 Male-vedewingde 方法2、 From the 41reponses veceived,only 5 结果3、 The work presented in this publication 致谢4、 Expriments have been carried out in 方法5、 The coarse coal fractions in the preparation 引言6、 F.Concha,A,BarrientionsL.Flow26,1583-1607 参考文献五、辨识题二,3*6=18 分,给定多段英文

32、片段,判断分别摘自于哪种文体。考察同学对本学期所涉及的各种文体的掌握情况,包括闭幕词/开幕词、专利说明书、合同(或协议) 、招投标文件、产品说明书、申请信。1.专利说明书(patent specification) inventive/invention/invent2.招投标文件(bid documents) bid/bidder/bidding/tenter3.合同、协议书(contract) seller/buyer/agreement/claim (表宣称)4.开幕词(opening speech) I feel very much honored to5.闭幕词(closing sp

33、eech) have+过去分词 meet again6.申请信(application letter) application/I wish to7.产品说明书(product specification) product/operation/operatingProducting/instruct/instruction/opera/user8.Operation Manual(intruduction) 操作指南1. WARNING:Do not remove the cover (or back);there产品说明书 product instructions2. The inventi

34、on专利说明书 Patent Specification3. The bids,accompanied招标文件 invite to tender/bid4. Lodies and gentlemen: It is my开幕词 Opening speech5. I wish to pursue a master degree in your Electrical申请信 letter of application6. All disputes urising from the execution of this agreeing shall be 合同 contract 做题方法:一、摘要四要素:

35、目的(purposes )方法(methods)结果(results)结论(conclusions)二、科技论文的一般结构:摘要:abstract (概率小)*引言有参考文献(参考文献只出现在引言和参考文献中) ;且出现目的句:Thus,the main objective of this investigation was to:introdution*研究方法(1、有被动语态 has been carried out in 2、明显词汇 be recorded 、be observed):methods*研究结果(show、indicate、 suggest、一大串数字、table1、fi

36、g1):results讨论(出的几率小;有结果的对比):discussion结论:conclusions*致谢:acknowledgements*参考文献:references3、专利说明书开幕词:opening speech/opening address闭幕词:closing speech/closing address合同:contract协议书:agreement申请信:letter of application/application letter专利说明书(invention):patent specification产品说明书(warning):product instructi

37、on/manual instruction招标文件:bidding documents投标文件:bidding documents/tender documents4、判断文献类型(20 分 8-9)3、报告:带页码 pp;不会有第几次会议 R4、*连续出版物:不带 p;有缩写的杂志名 J2、*专著:不带页码,且有出版社(地名:出版社)M3、*学位论文:有标识,且单位的名字往往是个大学 D4、*论文集:带页码 pp ;第几次会议:13th ;会议词汇:conference C五、标题是否合适(合适比例大) (教材上的例子 P3)一 选词填空(study、analyze 、research、sh

38、ow、base on 、carry out 、employ、utilize、 use )1、For_the effect of rainfall on coal gangue heap explosion ,the physical explosion mechanism action between coal gangue heap and water was _.2、_The thermodynamics principle ,the chemical explosion mechanism of coal gangue heap was _. 3、the explosion possib

39、ility and types under different conditions were researched,and a simulation explosion experiment was _to study the effect of rainfall on coal gangue heap .4、the results _that is main chemical explosion when sprinkling .5、it is main chemical explosion when the temperature is under 1200K and male phys

40、ical explosion when the temperature is under 1200K with heavy rain. 6、rainfall has a great effect on the explosion of coal gangue heap and it is necessary to prevent explosion during rainy season.摘要的四个要素:目的 (purpose)2 方法 (methods)3 结果(results) 4 结论(conclusion)填空 1 analyzing 2 studied 3 based on 4 st

41、udied 5 carried out 6 show标题:Effect of Rainfall on the Explosion of Coal Gangue Heap句子归属:1 目的 (purpose)2 3 方法 (methods)4 5 结果(results) 6 结论(conclusion)二 下面这些论文标题是否合适?如果不合适,请修改:1 Populations: A Statistical Analysis2 Auditory Perspectives(透视 ) of Different Types of Music 3 Electromagnetic Fields Have

42、Harmful Effects on Humans 改为 Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Humans 4 How to Use Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid(半干旱 ) Land 改为 Using Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land 5 Yellow Fevers(黄热病 ) Effect on Transportation and Commerce6 The Single Community Concept: A Mo

43、del for Adult Environmental Education 7 Physics and Art: Conceptual Linkages Can Be Uncovered 改为 Physics and Art: Uncovering Conceptual Linkages 8 Diamond Is Used for Electronic Devices 改为 Use of Diamond for Electric Devices 9 Water Quality Can Be Protected Through the Successful Integration of Rese

44、arch and Education 改为 Protecting Water Quality Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education 10 A Qualitative / Quantitative Analysis of the Administrative Management Institute at Cornell University 11 The Nature of Student Science Project Is Compared with Educational Goals for Scienc

45、e改为 The Nature of Student Science Projects in Comparison to Educational Goals for Science 12 The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill, Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and Acquired(后天的 ) Immune Deficiency Syndrome(综合症 ) Populations: A Statistical Analysis改为 The Americ

46、ans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill, HIV and AIDS Populations: A Statistical Analysis 13 A characteristic flotation cleaning index for fine coal is developed 改为 The Development of a Characteristic Flotation Cleaning Index for Fine 14 Biodogging effects in Saturated poro

47、us media within one-and two-dim-ensionalflow systems are compared改为 Comparison of Biodogging Effects in Saturated Porous Media within One and Two-dim-ensional Flow Systems 15 Experimental mine and laboratory dust explosion research at NIOSH 16 Methods for preparing and monitoring of heavy media in c

48、oal beneficiation 17 On the Fatigue Life Prediction of Spot Welded Components 18 Computer Simulation and Experimental Study on Cold Shut During Mold Filling19 Investigation of Air Bags Deployment Forces on Out-of Position Occupant20 New Fatigue Test and Statistical Method for Metallic Materials Used

49、 in Vehicle Transmissions21 Progress on Fuel Cell and Its Materials 22 Analysis on the Dynamic Behavior of Coal Cutting 23 Genetic Manipulation in Higher Organisms 24 A Probability Analyses in the Spring Discharge 25 Some Theorems on Circular Theory 26 On the Distribution of Sound in a Corridor 27 On the Crushing Mechanism of Thin Walled Structures28 On the Fatigue Life Prediction of Spot Welded Components 29 Investigation of Air Bags Deployment Forces on Out-Of- -Position Occupant 30


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