1、原文 1:我校赵西宁、蔡坤被评为陕西省青年科技新星 日前,陕西省科技厅公布了陕西省青年科技新星入选者名单,我校赵西宁、蔡坤榜上有名。根据省科技厅出台的陕西省青年科技新星管理办法 ,按照“集成各类资源,对接国家和省级人才工程,联合培养和资助”的原则,每年在全省范围内选拔一批 35 周岁(含35 周岁)以下的青年科技人才,认定为陕西省青年科技新星,通过对其开展的科学研究、技术开发、成果转化等活动提供项目资助等方式,培育学科和技术带头人,使其加快进入国家和省级重大人才工程计划,增强我省科学研究和技术开发的后劲,为建设西部强省提供技术和人才储备。 经单位推荐,专家评审,会议研究及面向社会公示等环节,我
2、省共认定 60 人为陕西省青年科技新星,陕西高校共 28 人入选。翻译 1:A&F Teachers Rated as New Stars of Provincial Young Scientific WorkerRecently, Shanxi scientific department announced the list of new stars of young scientific worker in Shanxi province,Zhao Xining、Cai Kun from A&F was in the list.According to the instruction fo
3、r managing new stars of young scientific worker in Shanxi province released by Shanxi scientific department,the recognition of new stars should follow the principle of collecting all kinds of resources,connecting national and provincial talents projects,joint cultivating and support. Every year scie
4、ntific workers under 35 years old and work in Shanxi can be selected and recognized as new stars of young scientific worker in Shanxi province. By financially support new stars scientific research, technology development and the commercialization of their research findings and training them into lea
5、d of discipline or technology, we should quicken their speed of joining major national and provincial talents projects and thus strengthen staying power of our provinces scientific research and technology development and provide technology and talents reserve for construct our province into a powerf
6、ul western province.After stages of work unit recommendation, expert review, conference research and social fair show, there are 60 people, 28 of which come from colleges and universities, were recognized as new stars of young scientific worker in Shanxi province.原文 2:我校学生积极为安康灾区学校重建捐款 7 月下旬,安康市发生特大
7、洪涝灾害,给灾区人民群众的生命财产造成了严重损失。灾区很多学校的教学设施被损。灾情和灾区的孩子们深深牵动着我校每个学子的心,大家纷纷利用多种形式,表达对灾区学生们最真挚的关心、问候和祝福。真情系灾区,关爱汇暖流。9 月 10 日以来,我校广大青年团员积极响应校团委号召,迅速行动,开展向安康灾区平利县老县镇凤凰小学重建任务捐款活动。同学们慷慨解囊,争相捐助,为灾区的孩子献上了一份浓浓爱心,校园处处涌动着一片融融真情。截止 9 月16 日,总计收到捐款达 81033.7 元。 翻译 2:A&F Students Donate for School Reconstruction in AnkangI
8、n late July, catastrophic flood struck Ankang city, causing serious losses in peoples life and property. Teaching facilities in many schools of disaster stricken area were damaged. Students of A&F were deeply concerned with the situation of the disaster and students in disaster stricken area. They t
9、ook various kinds of forms to express their sincere care、regards and wishes.Best wishes are for the stricken area and great cares mingled into a warm river. Since September 10th, members of youth league in A&F actively respond to the call of Youth League Committee of A&F and acted quickly by donatin
10、g money for the reconstruction of phoenix school, which is in the old town of Pingli County, Ankang stricken area. The students donated generously to express their thick caring, which made the compass full of love. Up to September 16th, the totally donation received was 81,033.7 yuan.原文 3:孙武学校长检查校园建
11、设工程 9 月 16 日上午,孙武学校长在王万忠常务副书记、张雅林副校长陪同下,检查了校园建设工程。孙校长一行先后检查了南校区浴室、超市、开水房、自行车棚工程和北校区运动场改造、人文学院及理学院之间的道路改造、三号教学楼改造、动科及动医学院东侧道路改造工程,这些工程都改造完成,目前已投入使用。孙校长详细了解了工程运行情况和存在的问题,要求有关部门要发现问题及时解决,确保师生员工使用方便。翻译 3:A&F President Inspected A&F Compass Construction ProjectOn September 16th,President Sun,under the ac
12、company of Wang Wanzhong, standing vice secretary and Zhang Yalin, vice president inspected the universitys compass construction project.The group led by president sun inspected the reconstruction project of bath room, supermarket boiling water room and bicycle shed of south compass and the reconstr
13、uction project of sporting field, road between The College of Humanities and The College of Science, the third teaching building, the road east of The College of Animal Science and Technology and The College of Veterinary Medicine. All of these projects has finished and put into service. President s
14、un acquired detailed information about the operational situation of these projects and the problems in them. He requested that related departments should discover problems and solve them in time to make sure that students、 teachers and working staffs can use them conveniently.原文 4:我校代表团访问法国南巴黎第十一大学
15、10 月 5 日,赵忠常务副校长率领创新实验学院院长王国栋教授、经济管理学院院长霍学喜教授、动物科技学院副院长姚军虎教授及高等教育研究所刘彬让副研究员,对法国南巴黎第十一大学进行了访问。法国南巴黎第十一大学理学院院长 Souhil Megherbi 教授详细介绍了法国南巴黎第十一大学的办学历史、本科人才培养、研究生教育、科学研究、学科建设及国际交流等情况,重点介绍了南巴黎第十一大学的工程硕士培养项目、博士生联合培养项目及科学研究的国际合作情况。赵忠常务副校长重点介绍了我校的学科组成、重点学科建设、科学研究、本科人才培养及国际合作交流等情况,希望通过这次访问对两校在本科人才培养、研究生联合培养、
16、教师交流学习等方面建立合作关系。在南巴黎第十一大学理学院院长 Souhil Megherbi 教授陪同下,代表团一行参观了法国南巴黎第十一大学校园、实验室及研究生科研室。随后,双方就两校合作进行了深入的交流。双方同意在两校之间实施学生交流项目,就硕士、博士研究生进行交换,双方学校为交换学生提供必要的学习、科学研究条件。双方表示要尽快启动青年教师访学项目,使具有博士学位的青年教师进行相互交流,开展合作研究。翻译 4:A&F Delegation Visited the Eleventh University in South Paris, France On October 5th,Execut
17、ive Vice President Zhao Zhong led a delegation composed of Pro, Wang Guodong, Dean of College of Innovational Experiment, Prof. Huo Xuexi, Dean of College of Economics and Management, Prof. Yao Junhu, vice dean of College of Animal Science and Technology and Liu Binrang, assistant researcher of High
18、er Education Research Institute, visited the Eleventh University in South Paris, France. Prof. Souhil Megherbi, dean of College of Science in the Eleventh University in South Paris introduced the history of the university, the foster of bachelors, the education of masters, the situations of scientif
19、ic research, subject construction and international exchange. He especially introduced the project of cultivation of engineering masters, the project of combined cultivation of doctors and international corporations in scientific researches. Executive Vice President Zhao Zhong especially introduced
20、A&F subject structure, main subject construction, scientific researches, cultivation of bachelors and international cooperation and exchange, hoping that by this visit the two universities could build cooperation relations in cultivation of bachelors, combined cultivation of masters, teachers exchan
21、ge and study and so on.Under the company of Prof. Souhil Megherbi, the delegation visited the campus of the Eleventh University in South Paris, labs and scientific researching room for masters. After that, the two parties exchanged ideas on the cooperation of the two universities. The two parties ag
22、reed to conduct students exchange project between the two universities and exchange masters and doctors, providing necessary learning and scientific researching conditions for exchange students. The two sides also expressed the desire for opening visiting study project for young teachers to make tea
23、chers with a doctors degree be able to communicate and research together.原文 5:我校首届国家 MBA 班开学 10 月 2 日上午,我校 2010 级国家 MBA(工商管理硕士)开学典礼在国际交流中心隆重举行,这标志着我校首届国家 MBA 专业学位教育正式开始。校党委书记、我校 MBA教育中心主任张光强出席典礼并致辞。113 名首届国家 MBA 班学员,经管学院有关领导、教师,学校有关职能部门负责人,部分企事业单位代表参加典礼。 张光强代表全校师生员工对首届国家 MBA 班学员的到来表示欢迎。他在致辞中介绍了我校建设发
24、展及 MBA 教育的历史,殷切希望全体学员从职场回归学校后,珍惜时光,恪守校训;完善自我,追求卓越;勇于实践,勤学善用。同时要求 MBA 教育中心的工作人员和任课教师科学管理,严谨治学,努力培养具有全球眼光、市场开拓精神、管理创新能力和社会责任感的优秀企业家和高水平企业经营管理人才。 导师代表、经管学院管理学系系主任孔荣,校友代表、杨凌国际会展中心酒店总经理沈小凡,新生代表、中国银河基金管理有限公司刘明先后在开学典礼上发言。 在我校首届国家 MBA 班开学之际,全国工商管理硕士教育指导委员会、中国 MBA教育网发来贺信表示祝贺。 早在 1999 年,我校就开始了陕西 MBA 的办学,十年来,累
25、计为社会培养学员 160 余名,也打下了开办国家 MBA 的深厚基础。去年,我校获得国务院学位委员会批准,开展国家 MBA 专业学位教育。我校的国家 MBA 教育设有工商企业管理、投资经济与项目管理、金融业务经营管理、物流工程及国际贸易、商业连锁经营管理等五个专业方向。今年录取的 113 名学员主要分布在北京、上海等地的金融、保险、商业、纺织、建材、农产品加工、物流等行业企业与政府管理部门。 我校 MBA 教育按照学科交叉协调发展思路,促进农学类、农业工程类、经济学类与管理学学科紧密结合,培养熟悉农艺过程和农业工程技术的复合型管理人才。在 MBA 教学中注重案例,强调实验训练,引入企业软件模拟
26、与沙盘演练;注重与企业的长期合作,开拓 MBA 实践教学基地;注重学员创新思维能力的培养,鼓励学员成立各种行业和文体专项活动俱乐部,并为之建立专门基金;注重学员国际化知识的培养,利用与国外著名大学的良好合作关系,以互换生项目、1+1 项目、学分互认、短期游学等多种形式,提高MBA 教育的国际化程度。 去年,我校投入 200 余万元用于教学设施升级,并专门成立了由校党委书记兼任主任的 MBA 教育中心。学校在原有师资队伍基础上,还聘请多名海内外学者、政府官员和著名企业家担任兼职教授,构建了一支结构合理、学术造诣深厚和实践经验丰富的 MBA 师资队伍。翻译 5:First A&F National
27、 MBA Classes StartedOn the morning of October 2nd, the opening ceremony for 2010 A&F National MBA(Master of Business Administration)was solemnly held in international exchange center, symbolizing the official start of A&F National MBA education. Zhang Guangqiang, the A&F Party Committee Secretary an
28、d head of A&F MBA education center, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. First 113 National MBA students, related leaders and teaching staffs of College of Economics and Management, persons in charge of related department and some representatives of companies and institutions attended the c
29、eremony.On behalf of all students and teaching staff of A&F,Secretary Zhang Guangqiang welcomed the first 113 National MBA students, In his speech, he introduced the development and construction of A&F and the history of MBA education. He also expressed his fervent hopes, wishing that while coming b
30、ack to compass after years of work, the first 113 National MBA students can value their time, follow A&F motto, improve themselves, search for excellencies, brave in practice and diligent in study. At the same time, he also required that working staff and teachers in MBA education center should mana
31、ge scientifically and teach rigorously, making their best efforts to fashion the students into excellent entrepreneurs and company management and administrative talents with global foresight, market-exploring spirit, management innovation competence and social responsibility.Trainer representative K
32、ong Long, who is the leader of management science department in College of Economics and Management, former student representative Shen Xiaofan, who is the general manager of Yangling International Exhibition Center,and student representative Liu Ming, who works in China Yinhe Asset Management Co,lt
33、d delivered speeches one after another.At the beginning of A&F National MBA education, the Steering Committee of China MBA Education as well as of China MBA Education Web sent their congratulations by letters.Early in 1999, A&F has started Shanxi MBA education and has trained more than 160 students
34、in the following ten years. This has laid solid foundation for the start of national MBA education. Last year, A&F got the permission of the State Academic Committee to begin the education of national MBA. There are five directions in A&F national MBA education, including industrial and commercial b
35、usiness management, investment economy and project management, financial business management and administration, logistics engineering and international trade and chain business management and administration. The 113 students admitted this year mainly come from industries of finance, insurance, comm
36、erce, textiles, building material, agricultural product processing or management department of government in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities.By following the view of cross subject study to balance development, A&F MBA education promotes the close combinations between agricultural subjects, agricu
37、ltural engineering subjects, economic subjects and management subjects and fosters compound management talents who are in familiar with agronomical process and agricultural engineering technology. In the teaching of MBA, attention will be paid to case studies,stress will be laid on experimental trai
38、nings and enterprise management software simulations and sandplan practices will be introduced. By working hard on long term corporations with companies, A&F MBA education will explore more practice teaching bases. Students will be trained especially in innovative thinking and they will be encourage
39、d to form clubs for different fields and recreation and sport activities and special funds will be provided for these activities. Attention will be paid to the cultivation of students knowledge of internationalization. To improve the international level of MBA education, A&F will make full use of th
40、e good corporation relationships between A&F and famous universities abroad, in forms of exchange students project, 1 plus 1 project, mutual recognition of credit and short term study tours.Last year,A&F invested more than 2,000,000 yuan to upgrade teaching facilities and established MBA education c
41、enter, whose leader is also the A&F Party Committee Secretary. With the original teaching staff, A&F also engages many scholars from home and abroad, government officials and famous entrepreneurs as part time teachers, which makes the MBA teaching staff a team with reasonable structure, profound aca
42、demic attainments and rich practicing experience.原文 6:我校又有两座引进人才公寓竣工 9 月 29 日,位于康乐路西段南侧的我校引进人才公寓 4 号楼和 5 号楼竣工,至此,我校自筹资金建设的 7 座引进人才公寓已有 5 座竣工。人才公寓建设是我校人才强校战略的一项重要的配套举措。通过购买商住小区住房和自建公寓,我校为近年来接收的应届博士生和引进的高层次人才提供了大量优质廉价房源。其中从南校区东侧的金雅都商住小区购买住房 108 套,自筹资金建设引进人才公寓 7 座共计 194 套。这些住房位置优越,价格低廉,不仅解决了引进人才的住宿问题,而
43、且进一步增强了我校对高层次人才的吸引力。目前,金雅都的房屋已全部入住,位于南校区对面的引进人才公寓 1 号至 3 号楼已全部分配。翻译 6:Two More Apartment Buildings for Introduced Talents Constructed in A&FOn September 29th, two apartment buildings for introduced talents, Building No.4 and Building 5, which are located on south side of west part of Kangle Road, we
44、re completed constructed. Up to now, five among seven apartment buildings for introduced talents has been completed. The funds for these buildings were raised by A&F.The construction of apartment buildings for talents is an important supporting move of strong A&F by talents strategy. In recent years
45、, by buying commercial community houses and building apartment buildings, A&F has provided a great number of high quality while bargain-priced apartments: 108 apartments were in the Kingyadu commercial residential community,which is located on the east side of A&F south campus and 109 apartments in
46、7 apartment buildings for introduced talents are funded by A&F itself. All these apartments mentioned above are well-located and bargain-priced, which not only solves the lodging arrangement of introduced talents, but also makes A&F a more attractive choice for high-leveled talents. Up to now, all t
47、he apartments bought in Kingyadu were lodged and the apartments in the first three apartment buildings for introduced talents, which are located on the opposite side of A&F south campus,have all been distributed.原文 7:张光强书记国庆假日到实验室看望师生 10 月 2 日,国庆假日,校党委书记张光强到南校区科研大楼,亲切看望国庆期间仍在实验室坚持工作的师生并为他们送上节日的祝福。 “
48、你们辛苦了!节日快乐!” , 从一楼到三楼,张光强书记逐一走进每一个实验室,与正在工作的师生们一一握手,并亲切询问他们的学习、实验及设备使用情况。张光强书记还特别征求了学生对学校食堂饭菜供应和卫生方面的意见。 离开实验室时,张光强书记叮嘱师生节日期间要做好实验室的各项安全工作。翻译 7:A&F Secretary Zhang Visited Teachers and Students during National HolidaysOn October 2nd, during National Holidays, A&F Party Committee Secretary Zhang Guan
49、gqiang arrived at scientific research building on A&F south campus and sincerely called on teachers and students who were insisting conducting experiments in labs during National Holidays and extended his holiday greetings to them.“Good work!Happy holiday!”were the first words Secretary Zhang Guangqiang expressed to students and teachers when he visited every lab from the first floor to the third floor, shaking hands with all the students and teachers at work, cordially asking about their study, experiment and the usage of experimental equipment. He also solicited opinions