1、1第十一讲 被动语态的翻译人类认识世界有两种不同的角度,主动和被动就是其中两种非常重要的角度,它广泛体现在包括英、汉两种语言在内的各种语言中。英语和汉语在被动意义的表达上有明显不同。英语基本上属于形合语言,相对于汉语来说具有较为丰富的形态变化。英语的被动意义由被动句来表达,因而是显性的,一目了然的。汉语是意合语言,基本上没有形态变化,动词本身基本上也就不具备被动语态。所以汉语的被动含义的表达缺乏形式标志,不是一目了然的,是隐性的,汉语的被动意义的表达主要依赖其它手段。英汉语在被动意义表达上的差异,既源于两种语言体系本身的差异,更源于中西两种思维的根本差异。众所周知,中国文化的最高境界是天一合一
2、,强调思维上的整体观,在天与人的关系上,主张人要起主导作用, “万物皆备于我” 。因此许多时候,不管是表达被动意义还是主动意义,句子多用主动式表示,西方哲学强调物我两分,主客体对立,即非单纯的主体意识。而是该强调物时,就是客体意识,该强调人时就是主体意识。在主动与被动的使用上,也是该强调人即动作者的,就用主动句;该强调物,即动作对象时,就用 被动式。另外,英语中被动语态的使用范围极为广泛,尤其是在科技英语中,被动语态几乎随处可见。凡是在不必、不需说出或不知道主动者的情况下均可使用被动语态。在汉语中,也有被动语态,通常通过把或被等词体现出来,但它的使用范围远远小于英语中被动语态的使用范围,汉语更
3、多是使用主动句。汉语中,被动意义的表达2总的来源有三种类型(1)有形式标志的被动句。 (2)无形式标志的被动,即用某些动词标示句子有被动意义(3)既无形式标志又无词汇手段仅靠意合的具有被动意义的句子。鉴于英汉被动句的上述差别,在翻译英语被动语态时,需要我们依据汉语的习惯用法,从丰富的句式和辅助词语中挑选一些适当的手段来表现出原文中的被动词汇手段或完全一款依靠主动句显现出被动含义。英语被动语态主要有以下几种译法11.1 英语被动句译为汉语被动句,用明显含有被动概念的词如被、给、叫、遭、受、为所、由、让、予以、加以等表示被动含义。A 被、给、叫1. The thief was arrested b
4、y the policeman小偷被警察抓住了。2.Part of all of the light may be reflected, absorbed or transmitted by the thing or object that comes into its way.一部分的光或者全班的光可能给挡住其去路的东西所反射,吸收或透射。B 遭、受1. We are being swept by a wave of parochialism, with countries clinging to the notion of sovereignty. 我们正受到地方主义浪潮的冲击,各国都死抱
5、着主观观念不放。2. Our foreign policy is supported by the people all over the world.我们的对外政策受到全世界人民的支持。3. Our roof was damaged in last nights storm.在昨夜的暴风雨中,我家的屋顶遭到了破坏。3C 为所1.The city was hidden by that awful cloud城市已为一片可怕的云雾所笼罩。2.Socialist ideology has been accepted by the people of the whole country.社会主义思想
6、体系已为全国人民所接受。D 由、让1.History is made by people .历史是由人民创造的。2. Most letters from home are read to him by his girl friend.他的家信大多是由女友读给他听的。3. Now the facilities were donated by business and the city and most of the construction expenses were borne by local business.商界和政界捐赠了工地和设备,绝大部分的建设开销是由当地的商界承担的。E 予以、加
7、以1.The problem must be dealt with at the appropriate time .这个问题必须在适当的时候予以处理。2.The subject will be discussed briefly later.那个主题稍后将简单地加以讨论。F 被。在古汉语中指发生的情况出发意料或情况不利于受动者。现代则强调某个行为施加到受动者身上这样一个事实,引起读者注意。1.Whenever my eyes roamed over a map, they were usually drawn to the countries with wriggling seacoasts
8、.每当我扫视地图时,目光就会被吸引到那些拥有4曲折海岸线的国家。2.The United Nations is starved of funds and often sidelined by its member states联合国极度短缺资金,而且经常被其成员国甩在一边。汉语被动式的形式标志只有四个“被、叫、让、给”其余的由挨、加以特别都是词汇手段。除此之外,还有更多的表示被动概念的词需要我们在翻译时酌情选择、鉴别。In-class Exercise 11. When landmine is buried, its chemical contents alter the soil very
9、soon around it, resulting in a buildup of bacteria.-2. Sometime it was discouraging because I was rejected again and again.-3. For the test, blood samples are taken from a couple and any affected existing children , DNA from these samples is tested and compared.-4. His work has been hailed by everyo
10、ne from president to jazz critics and endorsed by the public through enthusiastic attendance of his performance and 5unending sale of his record. -11.2 译为汉语主动句。因为汉语主动句居多,所以在翻译被动语态时,经常可以译为汉语主动句,方法如下:A 原文中的主语在译文中仍做主语 。1. His house is located on the edge of the city.他的房屋坐落在市区的边缘。2. Once, the impoverish
11、ed were scattered over the countryside 过去,穷人散居在乡下。 3. Lord Nelson was killed in the battle, but his fleet was victorious and his ship and British empire were saved.纳尔逊勋爵牺牲在战斗中,但他率领的舰队取得了胜利,他的舰队还有大英帝国得以保全。B 原文中的主语在译文中做英语1. 1200 people had been saved by soldiers in the earthquake.在地震中,战士们已救出了 1200 人。2
12、. Hackers can also be defeated by the sophistication of encryption or scrambling the information.使用复杂的加密码技术,即将信息混在一起也能战胜黑客。3. When legal restriction were implemented by both the British and the colonists in 1775,nearly all American overseas commerce abruptly ceased.由于 1775 年英国与殖民地均实施了法律限制,北美殖民地几乎所有海
13、外贸易都是突然中止了。在必要时,根据上下文添加人们,我们、大家、有人、6部分人等泛指主语。1. His second thoughts are widely shared today, fifty years later.50 年后的今天,人们仍然普遍怀有同样的反思。2. Large sums were spent building high ways to open up the forest and lavish subsidies were offered to get people to resettle there.政府投入大量资金修建公路,开发森林,同时大力资助人们在那里定居。3.
14、 Many methods have been used over the years to keep products fresh and appetizing.多年来,为了保持产品的新鲜和美观,人们使用过许多方法。C 译成汉语带表语的主动句,即 是的.当句子强调的是行动的方式而不是动态的含义,就可以用判断句1. In Australia, about 75% of hospital beds are publicly operated and 67% of all health spending is publicly funded.在澳大利亚, 大约 75的医院床位是由国家经营的,67的
15、医疗经费是由国家提供资金的。2. To maintain their color, the use of coal was banned during the exposition.为了保持建筑物的颜色,世博会期间是禁止烧煤的。In class Exercise 2 1. Real peace agreements are not just written on paper, but also inscribed on hearts.-72. The headwinds of the global economy are being felt less by Americans at the
16、bottom than by those in the middle.-3. Through all of it, Hampton once said, he had just one goal: I want to be remembered for spreading happiness and good will.-4. To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moments.-11.3 翻译成汉语无主句
17、1. The fall of piracy was paralleled by the elimination of ship armaments and reduction of crew sizes.伴随着海盗覆灭的是轮船武装的解除与船员的削减。2. His interest in philosophy had been sparked by the idea that it offered “truth” or “knowledge of the world”.激发他对这门学科兴趣的是这种理念:哲学才是供真理即对世界的认识。3. Wrong must be righted when th
18、ey are discovered. 发现了错误,一定要改正。In class Exercise 3 1. Threats and challenges can be effectively met only when 8there is broad cooperation among all countries and international organizations concerned. -2. To achieve peace, patterns of fear, resentment mistrust and indifference to the suffering of ot
19、hers must be broken. -3. Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our country, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.-4. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.-11.4 译成把字句。可以把动词所表示行动呈现出来,或是使句子组织得紧
20、凑一些。1. Christmas is the most significant holiday in Christian countries and it is also celebrated as a secular holiday in many countries.圣诞节是基督教国家的重要节日,许多国家都把它9当作一个世俗的节日来庆祝。2. This boxes cant be stored below.不能把这些盒子放在下面。In class Exercise 41. The Easter Eggs are first hardboiled and then given to com
21、petitors to roll down a slope.-2. For now , it is enough that the issue be postponed, with neither side accepting the quo but with both sides living with it.-3. I felt that I did not know enough about my own century and that my time could be more profitably spent in china.-4. Rivers are controlled b
22、y clams.-11.5 译成具有使役意义的句子。1. I was profoundly puzzled by their passivity.他们的消极无为使我深为迷惑不解。2. Onell has already been bombarded with applications after she advised the post as the “best” job in the world.10奥尼尔在广告中称这是世界上最好的工作,随之而来的大量求职信让他应接不暇。3. The skepticism of Poles and Britons to this project was we
23、ll known, but ultimately it was undone by the yawning indifference of French themselves.波兰人和英国人对这项计划所持的疑虑众所周知,但最终恰恰是法国人的漫不经心使这一计划无法实现。In-class Exercise 51. Yet the Nile has been changed by modern man in ways not yet fully understood.-2. She is enamored of our phlegm, our courage in the blitz, Sherlo
24、ck Holmes, Shakespeare, Cuppas and Cadburys -3. Whatever else can be said today in defence of the war in Iraq, it cant be claimed that it has protected us from terrorism on our soil.-4. We should keep our promise to them that whenever the chance comes , they will be allowed to carry out their desire
25、 of fighting the enemy.-11-11.6 译成成语性的四字词组。1. Imagination is not to be divorced from facts.想象不是空穴来风。2. In a few moments that whole dragon had simply been swallowed up in the landscape.几分钟之内,整个长龙就在草原上销声匿迹了。3. Next year when the new rice was not got harvested and the winter rice was exhausted, there w
26、as a food shortage in our district.第二年,青黄不接的时候,我们乡里发生了粮荒。In-class Exercise 61. Kunits was apparently destined for the literary like.-2. I was twenty-two and embarrassed by the whole thing became I had never failed before.-3. Dispute between the E.U and U.S over aid to plane makers Airbus SAS and Boe
27、ing co. may also be litigated under his four-year tenure.-4. Hollywood movies, which had been traditionally tailored to the female audience, now went after the male market, 12valuing impact over nuance , the gross over the gracious.-11.7 翻译成因果关系。By 后面如果使没有生命的事物,有时,就不是一般意义上施与者,而是表示一个原因,翻译时可以用由于,因此等词带
28、出。1. Do not let yourself be discouraged or embittered by smallness of the success that you are likely to achieve in trying to make life better.不要因为你为改善生活所做的努力只取得小小的成功而气馁或伤心。2. Even the coastal trades were curtailed by a lack of vessels, by blockades and by war time freight rates.甚至沿海地区的贸易也由于少船只,海上封锁
29、,以及战时的高昂运费而缩减。3. Settlers who were brave enough to risk their lives in pioneering venture were not usually deterred from action by legal niceties.那些勇于冒险,开拓疆土的先驱者们不会因法律条令而却步的。4. The relationship between the United Stocks and China is beset by ambiguity.美国和中国的关系因为含混不清而困扰。In-class Exercise 71. The use
30、of English in international diplomacy is strengthen by its acceptance as one of the official languages of United Nations.-13-2. People further down the line complained less or not at all , even though they had been equally penalized by losing a place.-3. The relationship between the United States an
31、d China is beset by ambiguity.-4. Those wonderful students are often discouraged by the difficulties they face, but they kept on fighting.-11.8 相反动作。如果在汉语中由于词语搭配的关系而不宜说出某个受动者“接受了”某个动作,还可以把谓语改变为施动者本身“发出”一个与原来相反的动作,这种方法可以解决一些难译的句子。1. Well , are you tempted after reading this advertisement.怎么样,看了这副广告后,
32、你动心了吗?2. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it are convinced of its bad effects on their congeniality.这种习惯可能根深蒂固,但一旦有这种习惯的人充分认识到这种性情对他们的恶劣影响,就会彻底改掉。14In-class Exercise 81. Mayne will be awarded the Pritzer medalling and a check for 100.000 on May 31 in Chicago.-2. Micha
33、el Thomas has been hooked on home video games since he was four.-3. The dual aim is to promote Italy abroad and ensure tastebuds are being ticketed by authentic Mediterranean fare.-11.9 常见被动结构的翻译It is hoped that 希望It is reported that 据报道It is said 据说It is supposed that 据推测It must be admitted that 必须
34、承认It must be point out that 必须指出It will be seen from this that 由此可见It is well-known that 众所周知It is universally accepted that 普遍认为It is asserted that 有人主张It is understood that 不用说,大家都知道15It is demonstrated that 据证实,已经知道It cant be denied that 无可否认It should be point it out that 必须指出课后练习1. Around the world ,valuable work is being done to improve the understanding of the many “services ” that the earths forest provide from water filtration and flood