1、M1U1 基础知识检查(1),Reading,1.一种令人愉快和兴奋的经历2.对-很高兴 3.出席会议 4.坐在一位女生旁边 5. 赢得某人的尊敬的最好方法 6.获取好成绩 7.听起来像- 8.通常大小;正常规模 9. 很难做某事 10.免费发电子邮件回家,11.放弃某些科目12.在学校操场玩13. 体检这种不同生活方式14.了解-的中心意思15.按平均数计算16.鼓励某人做某事17. 从上下文猜测意义 18. 用其他东西与某物搭配19.向某人作自我介绍 20.网上冲浪 21.就象你在问章中提到的那样,22.想起某人 23.有很多机会做某事 24把-用作- 25.和某人在一起很轻松 26.在学
2、期末 27.在校会上 28.根据 29.A和B之间的区别 30.在英国的互派留学生 31.首先,单词拼写: 1He is not a good doctor because he is short of e_. 2About 300 students from our school a_the lecture given by the famous professor. 3She is gaining weight because she likes eating d_ too much. 4Hanson is going to study l_ in a university because
3、 he wants to be a writer in the future. 5His grandfather was a kind man r_ by all the neighbors, men and women, old and young.,6.Among all the s_ ,Jack likes mathematics best. 7.It is said that the m_ boy has not been found yet. 8.The boys and girls are all very busy working hard in W_ class, making
4、 what they like to. 9.- Where are all your classmates, Jim? - They have gone to the a_ hall. 10.In order to achieve high g_, jack works very hard and often gets up early in the morning.,答案: 1.一种令人愉快和兴奋的经历a very enjoyable and exciting experience 2.对-很高兴be happy with sth. 3.出席会议 attend assembly 4.坐在一位
5、女生旁边 sit next to a girl 5. 赢得某人的尊敬的最好方法the best way to earn respect from sb. 6.获取好成绩 achieve high grades 7.听起来像- sound like 8.通常大小;正常规模the average size 9. 很难做某事It was difficult to do sth.,10.免费发电子邮件回家e-mail sb. back home for free. 11.放弃某些科目 drop some objects 12.在学校操场玩 play on the school field 13. 体检
6、这种不同生活方式experience this different way of life 14.了解-的中心意思get a general idea about/ of sth. 15.按平均数计算 on average 16.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.,17. 从上下文猜测意义 guess their meanings from the context 18. 用其他东西与某物搭配match sth. with sth. else 19.向某人作自我介绍 introduce oneself to sb. 20.网上冲浪 suffer the Intent
7、 21.就象你在问章中提到的那样 as you mentioned in your article 22.想起某人 think of sb. 23.有很多机会做某事have many chances to do sth.,24把-用作- use as 25.和某人在一起很轻松 at ease with sb. 26.在学期末 at the end of term 27.在校会上 at assembly 28.根据 according to 29.A和B之间的区别difference between A and B 30.在英国的互派留学生an exchange student in UK 31
8、.首先 first of all,单词拼写: 1He is not a good doctor because he is short of experience. 2About 300 students from our school attended the lecture given by the famous professor. 3She is gaining weight because she likes eating deserts too much. 4Hanson is going to study literature in a university because he
9、 wants to be a writer in the future. 5His grandfather was a kind man respected by all the neighbors, men and women, old and young.,6.Among all the subjects ,Jack likes mathematics best. 7.It is said that the missing boy has not been found yet. 8.The boys and girls are all very busy working hard in W
10、oodwork class, making what they like to. 9.- Where are all your classmates, Jim? - They have gone to the assembly hall. 10.In order to achieve high grades , jack works very hard and often gets up early in the morning., hoq037egk 不宣的行规。为什么?原因只有一个,甲醛太便宜了!”2天灾突变 -突遇“非典”|正当花开人充满信心,准备再展往日辉煌的时候,一场突如其来的飞来
12、一定就能传到江苏,并没有在意,“非典”也只把它作为闲聊时的一个话题一带而过了。与此同时花开啤酒单位员工们都忙着加班加点地生产啤酒,梦想着月底的工资和奖金又要拿到手,该如何花销?马启明从新闻上看到,4月3日至4月8日世界卫生组织官员到达广东佛山考察,举行新闻发布会,到广州市第八人民医院考察,向外国驻广州领事馆总领事们通报广东情况、世界卫生组织官员发布“取消到广东旅游不明智”等等一系列非正常的行动。紧接着在广东考察工作的*总书记4月日上午来到广东省疾病预防控制中心慰问,深入了解防治 “非典”型肺炎的情况,特别指出:把防治“非典”型肺炎的工作,作为关系改革发展稳定大局、关系人民群众身体健康和生命安全
13、的一件大事,切实抓紧抓好,把防治“非典”提到政治的高度来看。政治的高度,马启明觉得政治的高度就是要多大就有多大,一切都要给它让路,事态真的有这么严重吗?很快电视、报纸上有关“非典”的报道越来越多,马启明感到事情越来越不对劲。 “隔离”、“消毒”、“死亡”成了每个人关注的重点,人人出门带着口罩,公共娱乐场所关闭,特别是江苏也发现“非典”病人时,特别是啤酒销量锐减,他当初的预感被现实残酷地撕成了碎片。4月30日单位特地召开了一次“非典”专题会,会上通报的情况,把马启明当时就给吓傻了,吓呆了,当时的情景到现在马启明仍历历在目。为保持空气畅通,会议室的门窗都大开着。从窗口望出去,天气阴沉沉的,风“呜呜呜”地像魔鬼一样疯狂抽打着室外的行道树,路上几乎看不到来往的车辆和行人。马启明的心里莫明地恐惧、烦燥、紧张起来,他的心脏似乎要从胸腔里蹦跳出来了一样。会议由赵树春主持,他神情严肃地讲道:“各位,这场突,