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    1、集美大学实验报告用纸课程 计算机网络基础 日期 2015 年 04 月 01 日 实验题目:实验 2:第二章测试一、 实验目的1. 掌握网络分类2. 掌握 OSI 模型3. 掌握物理拓扑与逻辑拓朴二、 实验内容题目 1Which of the following is true regarding network bandwidth? 关于带宽下面那个是正确的选择一项:a. Bandwidth is not a key factor in analyzing network performance 带宽不是分析网络性能的关键因素b. Bandwidth has capacity limits.

    2、 带宽容量有限制c. Bandwidth never increases. 带宽不能增加d. Bandwidth is free. 带宽是免费的反馈正确答案是:Bandwidth has capacity limits. 题目 2Which of the following are ways that bandwidth is commonly measured? (Choose three.)以下那些通常用来测量带宽?选择一项或多项:a. Mbps b. GHzps c. kbps d. Nbps e. MHzps f. Gbps 反馈正确答案是:kbps , Gbps , Mbps 题目

    3、3What is the numeric base of hexadecimal numbers?十六进制数字的数字基础是什么?选择一项: a. base 10 b. base 2 c. base 8 d. Base 32 e. Base 16 反馈正确答案是:Base 16题目 4Which of the following describe a LAN? (Choose two.)下面的那个是描述一个局域网的?选择一项或多项:a. uses serial interfaces to allow operation at lower speeds 使用串行接口来允许系统在较低的速度运行b.

    4、ensures single access to specialty hosts 确保独立访问专用主机c. operates within a limited geographical area 运行在一个有限的地理区域d. connects physically adjacent devices 连接物理上相邻的设备e. provides dial-up connectivity 提供拨号连接反馈正确答案是:operates within a limited geographical area , connects physically adjacent devices题目 5Which o

    5、f the following topologies are considered logical topologies? (Choose two.)以下那些是逻辑拓扑?选择一项或多项:a. star 星型拓扑b. bus 总线拓扑c. hierarchical 分层拓扑d. token-passing 令牌传递e. mesh 网状拓扑f. broadcast 广播反馈正确答案是:broadcast , token-passing 题目 6Which of the following is the official name for the address assigned to each n

    6、etwork interface card (NIC) by its manufacturer?下面哪个是由其制造商分配给每个网络接口卡的官方地址名称?选择一项:a. IP address ip 地址b. NIC address NIC 地址c. MAC address MAC 地址d. Source Address 资源地址反馈正确答案是:MAC address 题目 7Which physical network topology uses a single backbone cable and connects all hosts directly to this cable? 哪个物理

    7、网络拓扑使用单一主干电缆和这个电缆直接连接所有主机?选择一项:a. mesh 网状拓扑b. bus 总线拓扑c. ring 环形拓扑d. star 星型拓扑反馈正确答案是:bus 题目 8Which device is used to connect LANs that are geographically separated?那些设备是用于连接地域上相对分开的局域网?选择一项:a. repeater 中继器b. hub 集线器c. bridge 网桥d. router 路由器反馈正确答案是:router 题目 9Which of the following are included in t

    8、he TCP/IP application layer? (Choose three.)下列那些属于 TCP/IP 应用层协议?选择一项或多项:a. pop3 b. netware/ipx c. dns d. smtp e. udp 反馈正确答案是:smtp, pop3, dns题目 10Which of the following types of networks pass a token sequentially to each host? (Choose two.)以下哪种类型的网络传递令牌给每个主机?选择一项或多项:a. Token Ring 令牌环b. Ethernet 以太网c. ISDN 综合业务数字网d. Frame Relay 帧中继e. FDDI 光纤分布式数据接口反馈正确答案是:FDDI , Token Ring 题目 11Which of the following are considered valid types of VPNs? (Choose three.)以下那些 vpn 类型被认为是有效的?选择一项或多项:a. internal 内部b. intranet 内联网c. local 本地d. access 访问e. extranet 外联网f. external 外部反馈正确答案是:extranet , intranet , access

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