1、智课网IELTS备考资料雅思写作范文教育的目的摘要: 今天小编为大家带来的主要内容是关于雅思写作范文教育的目的,在雅思写作中有关教育的目的这个话题曾多次被提及过,教育的目的是为了社会的发展还是个人的抱负?这个题目以前也考过多次其实这两者是不矛盾的,大多数同学都是为了个人的前途而读书。但是客观上来说,当你自己学业有成的时候,你也就能够为社会做出更大的贡 献,所在 雅思 写作中有关教育的目的这个话题曾多次被提及过,教育的目的是为了社会的发展还是个人的抱负?这个题目以前也考过多次其实这两者是不矛盾的,大多数同学都是为了个人的前途而读书。但是客观上来说,当你自己学业有成的时候,你也就能够为社会做出更大
2、的贡 献,所以读书为社会和为个人,其实是可以统一起来的。下面 小马 过河小编带来 雅思写作 范文一篇供大家参阅。What is the purpose of education?范文:What is the purpose of education? This question agitates scholars, teachers, statesmen, every group, in fact, of thoughtful men and women. The conventional answer is the acquisition of knowledge, the reading
3、of books, and the learning of facts. Perhaps because there are so many books and the branches of knowledge in which we can learn facts are so multitudinous today, we begin to hear more frequently that the function of education is to give children a desire to learn and to teach them how to use their
4、minds and where to go to acquire facts when their curiosity is aroused.If this is the goaland in a democracy it would seem at least an important part of the ultimate achievementthen we must examine our educational system from a new point of view.At that time Theodore Roosevelts example was for the f
5、irst time awakening in many young men of America the feeling that their citizenship meant a little more than the privilege of living under the Stars and Stripes, criticizing the conditions of government and the men responsible for its policies and activities, enjoying such advantages as there might
6、be under it, and, if necessary, dying for it in a war which they had had no share in bringing on or in trying to avert.So young men of all kinds were hearing of a “service“ which did not mean being a sailor or a soldier, a doctor or a minister, the only professions in which the word “service“ had he
7、retofore had a meaning! Thus began to be spread abroad the idea that “a service“ was owed to the country in peace, and that this could only be rendered satisfactorily when every citizen took an interest in good government.As girls went in those days, I suppose my own education was fairly typical, an
8、d I confess with some shame that at the age of twenty, when asked by an Englishwoman how our government functioned, I was as completely floored as if she had asked me to describe the political events on the moon! I had heard the men in the family mention political happenings, but it was not a subjec
9、t of general or frequent conversation in our presence.Women did not vote and were not expected to be interested. Besides there was something dark and sinister about politics, and it was more respectable not to know politicians or political methods too well. Business might necessitate some dealings w
10、ith these rather inferior and nefarious beings, but the general attitude of the righteous was like that of a high-minded and upright citizen of New York City who once remarked to me that a certain political organization was undoubtedly corrupt, but he preferred to keep this wicked organization in po
11、wer as “you paid for what you wanted and were sure to get it, whereas reform administrations were not so reliable in this ability to deliver the goods!“以上就是 小马过河 教育雅思频道为考生们整理的一篇有关教育的目的的 雅思写作范文 ,考生们可以取其精华,运用在自己的写作中,考生们可以拿做参考,但实战中最好不要完全照搬,雅思写作范文只是为考生们做个示范,实战中写作还是要发挥自身的特色。小马过河小编相信经过一段时间的练习,考生们也能写出范文水平的作文。编辑推荐:雅思作文和四六级英语写作区别雅思写作名人篇范文雅思写作社会道德类范文相关字搜索: 雅思写作材料