1、1阅读理解第一节 概述一、基本要求高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲中规定阅读理解主要测试考生从书面材料获取信息的能力。总阅读量约为 1000 词到 1200 词左右。本部分的得分占总分的 35%,测试时间为 40分钟。1 本部分测试的主要内容:体裁分类 阅读内容一般性阅读材料主要包括:文化、社会、常识、科普、经贸、人物等方面的材料。不包括诗歌、小说、散文等文学性材料;应用性文字材料实用性文字材料约占 60%主要包括:商务信函、传真、电子邮件广告产品与厂家介绍产品维护及使用说明科技文献技术专利招、投标书合同书、意向书业务单证文章摘要、书籍序言2本部分主要测试的阅读技能:了解语篇和段落的主旨和大意;把
2、握语篇中的事实和主要情节;理解语篇上下文的逻辑关系;对句子和段落进行推理;了解作者的目的、态度和观点;根据上下文正确理解生词的意思;了解语篇的结论;进行信息转换。二、题型介绍A 级考试阅读理解部分由五篇短文构成,题型可分为四类:单项选择题、填空题、匹配题、问答题,总阅读量约为 1000 个词,共设 25 道题。这 25 道题由 5 个 Task 引申而出。1单项选择题(Task 1,Task 2)该题型是四选一的客观题。每题 2 分,10 题(每篇短文后附 5 道选择题)共 20 分。2填空题(Task 3)该题型是主观题。每题 1 分,5 题共 5 分。匹配题(Task )该题型是主观题。每
3、题 1 分,5 题共 5 分。4问答题(Task 5)该题型是主观题。 短文后共设 5 道问答题,每题 1 分,5 题共 5 分。三、阅读理解应注意的问题3.1 词汇是阅读的基础1掌握大纲要求的词汇量,大纲要求考生应掌握 3,400 个单词和短语;熟练掌握英语的2语法及惯用法,在平时的学习中注意对所学的语法知识加以归纳总结,要做到熟练运用。阅读单词量的储备,是阅读能力快速提高的重要砝码。2. 高职高专英语教学大纲规定,学生应能阅读生词不超过 3%的短文。3积累词语:做到在阅读中增加词汇, 在积累词汇的过程中提高阅读速度。4掌握猜词技巧1)利用文章中对词的定义猜测词义作者往往用破折号、同位语、t
4、hat is 、namely 等方法引出该词的定义,如:The harbor is protected by a jettya wall built out into the water.2)利用文章中的复述猜测词义,如:He had a van look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill.3)利用经验和常识猜测词义,如:Mr. Smith ran into a pedestrian with his car when it got out of control and drove onto the sidewalk4)利用
5、上下文的有关信息猜测词义,如:The fishermen make their canoes from tree trunks. They go from island to island in these light marrow boats and collect turtles eggs5)利用文章中对词的举例及解释猜测词义,如:Today young couples who are just starting their households spend lots of money on appliances, for instance, washing machines, refri
6、gerators and color TVs .6)利用文章中词与词的对等关系猜测词义,如:The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers. 7)利用文章中词与词的对照关系猜测词义,如:In the north regions the winters are generally cold and humid, and the summers hot and dry. 综上所述,利用各种已知信息推测、判断词义是一项重要的阅读技巧。在实践中,我们可以灵活运用,综合运用上面提到的几种猜测技巧,排除生词的障碍,顺
7、利理解文章的思想内容,提高阅读速度。3.2 解题步骤和阅读技巧是关键阅读理解的解题步骤有以下两种:1.先阅读文章后看题: P(passage )Q(question) P(passage)的顺序。即先看文章后看题,再通过查阅文章来寻找答案。若有标题,先审读标题。标题是文章主题的集中概括;快速阅读,把握大意;快速浏览问题,选择答案;带着疑问查读短文,对所选答案进行检查;做完题后检查。2.先看题后阅读文章:Q(question)P(passage)Q(question)的阅读顺序,可以让学生带着问题有目的地去阅读。快速阅读问题题干;带着问题阅读文章;边读把与问题相关的信息划上记号;结合问题,选择合
8、乎题意的答案;做完题后检查。3.掌握相关的阅读技巧(见第二节)3.3 良好的阅读习惯是保证很多考生都会由于阅读速度慢的原因而影响了考试的成绩,而良好的阅读习惯是快速阅读理解能力提高的前提。大量的研究表明,阅读习惯与阅读速度密切相关,好的阅读习惯是影响阅读质量的重要因素。1 克服以下不良阅读习惯 声音化:阅读出声,喃喃自语;3 动作化:摇头晃脑、不停地指手划脚; 局限化:视幅小,回视频繁; 翻译化:喜欢边读边心译。2养成良好的阅读习惯 要以较快的速度从大量材料中捕捉有关信息; 按意群读扫视,连贯阅读; 要融会贯通,掌握通篇的中心思想; 使大脑对英语文字直接反应其意义; 培养学生课外阅读的习惯,广
9、泛阅读各种文章,了解有关文化背景知识。第三节 题型分析与解题技巧1. 单项选择题(Task 1,Task 2)此题型涉及两篇短文,每篇长度约 200300 词。短文题材多为实用性文字材料。据统计,历年真题该题型的出题范围主要有四个方面,分别是主旨题、文章的细节理解题、逻辑推理题、是非判断题、作者语气、态度题、语义题的理解。下面就这几类题进行解析。1.1 主旨题检查考生对整篇短文或段落的理解、分析、把握和归纳能力。确定文章的主题(topic or main point) 、文章大意( main idea)或给出一合适的标题(title ) 。示例 1:Development banks are
10、international lending groups. They lend money development countries to help fuel economic growth and social progress. They are not part of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund or the United Nations. The money comes from member countries and borrowing in world markets.Development banks pro
11、vide long-term loans at market rates. They provide even longer-term loans at below market interest rates. These banks also provide technical assistance and advice.There are three main ones. The oldest is the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington,D.C. It began in nineteen fifty-nine. Presiden
12、t Juscelino Kubitschek of Brazil had proposed a bank to aid economic growth in the Americas. The Organization of American States agreed.Today the bank is worth over one hundred thousand million dollars. It holds only four percent of that. The other money is guaranteed by its members.Forty-seven coun
13、tries around the word own the bank. The United States own thirty percent as the largest shareholder. Twenty-six countries in Latin American and the Caribbean borrow from the bank.The African Development Bank has its roots in an agreement signed in Sudan in nineteen sixty- three. It is based in Abidj
14、an, Ivory Coast.There are twenty-four members in the Americas, Europe and Asia in addition to the fifty- three in Africa. The country with the most votes in the bank is Nigeria, followed by the United States, Japan and Egypt.The Asian Development Bank started in 1996. It is based in Manila, the Phil
15、ippines. There re sixty-three members, mostly in Asia. Like all development banks, it is supervised by a Board of Governors.1. What is the passage mainly about?A) The African Development BankB)The Asian Development Bank4C)the Inter- American Development Bank D)Development Banks考点分析 :该题的题干为“What is t
16、he passage mainly about?”,其标志词是“mainly about”。很明显,这道题考察对文中大意的了解,即主旨题。解题要领 :阅读题干,仔细浏览全文。结合上下文,可以得知全文是介绍的发展银行。因此选项 D)为正确答案。主旨题类题的答题技巧归纳如下: 1迅速浏览全文,以对文章有一大致的了解;2迅速浏览问题,判断题目的考点是否为主旨类理解题。此类问题中常常含有标志词:如 best title,subject,topic,purpose,main idea/ theme/point/problem,conclusion 等。其常见的提问方式如下:What does the p
17、assage mainly discuss?What is this passage mainly about?What is the main topic / subject / theme / idea of the passage?The main idea / point / subject of the passage isWhich statement best expresses the main idea of the passage?With what topic is this passage primarily concerned?Which of the followi
18、ng may be the best title for the passage?The best title for the passage would beThe passage could be entitledWhat would be the most suitable title for the passage?3寻找主题句(topic sentence) 。主题句通常以陈述句的形式出现,大部分位于文章段落的开端(第一句或第二句) ,但如果是归纳式的文章,主题句也会出现在段落末尾。最后综合各个部分的中心大意,找出全文的主旨。4有的文章主题句不明显,这时需要考生正确理解文章的意思,发
19、挥自己的逻辑推理和概括能力,找出主旨大意。5确立标题需要首先抓住主题句,然后从主题句中提炼出关键的词来做标题。1.2 细节理解题该类题在于检查学生对阅读材料中具体细节的理解能力,测试考生对文章理解的程度。一篇文章在确定主题之后,通常要通过大量的事实和细节对主题进行解释和说明。因此有很多的题干是根据短文的细节而设计的。文章的细节题有可能是直接理解题,如事物的起因、 过程、结果及发生的时间、地点等。但多数情况下是间接理解题,要求在理解的基础上,通过自己的思维将理解的内容系统化、条理化。细节理解题在考试中所占的比例很大。见示例 1:2.What is the main function of dev
20、elopment banks?A) They borrow money from people.B) They lend money to the International Monetary.C) They lend money to developing countries to make progress.D) They collect money from member countries.考点分析 :这是一道细节题。考查是对发展银行作用的认识。解题要领 :文章的第一段可以看出,发展银行借钱给发展中国家,以帮助它们发展。因此选项 C)是正确答案。细节理解题的答题技巧归纳如下:1快速浏览
21、文章和问题,判断题目的考点是否为细节理解题。细节理解题的提问形式采取询问形式或给出一个不太完整的句子,要求考生选择正确的选项来补全缺少的内容。其常见的提问方式如下:常以 Who,What,When,Where, Why 等开头。 who was whendid where is 5 which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? Which of the following statements is true? According to the passage, when / where / why / how / who /
22、what / which 2采用查读法。快速浏览全文,带着问题查找解题线索。找出该细节理解题的考点在原文哪个位置上。3仔细阅读与考点相对应的原文,包括相对应的原文中前后的句子,理解透彻。不要掺杂自己的主观看法。4仔细推敲问题所问,不要光看文章是怎么说的,而忽略题干是怎么问的。5体会细节理解题正确答案和干扰项的基本特点:正确答案的基本特点:必须和文章讲的意思完全的吻合,不能有丝毫的偏差;正确的答案必须要回答题干所问及的问题。干扰项的的基本特点:干扰项和原文表达的意思之间有细微的区别,不能忽略,应仔细推敲,作出判断;干扰项是文章中原文的表达,但干扰项没有回答题干所问及的问题,答非所问;6作出选择时
23、,不要掺杂自己的主观看法。1.3 逻辑推理题测试考生对所阅读短文中的内容进行推断的能力及检查考生对短文中隐含意思作出判断的能力。判断推理题要求考生在理解文章表面信息的基础上,运用逻辑思维,并借助一定的常识对文章隐含的意思或深层意思进行分析、推理。英语阅读中,有时作者并未把写作意图说出来,而是要求阅读者根据字面意思,通过全篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的意图、观点或态度,理解文章的寓义,这就是判断推理题。判断推理题在阅读测试中属于难题。见示例 1:3It can be inferred from the passage that_.A) Development Bank didnt dev
24、elop very wellB) The Inter-American Development Bank dose not belong to only one countryC) The number of the development banks in Africa is less than in AsiaD) No Asian Development Bank is governed by governors考点解析 :该题的题干为“It can be inferred from the passage that_.”,其标志词是“inferred from”。很明显,这道题考察对文中
25、隐含的意思推理,即逻辑推理题。解题要领 :从文中第五段第一句可以看出,还有 47 个国家是这家银行的股东。所以它并不只是属于一个国家的。因此选项 B 是正确答案。逻辑推理题的答题技巧归纳如下: 1快速浏览题干,判断题目的考点是否为逻辑推理题。此类问题中常常含有标志词: “infer, imply,suggest,guess ,refer to,imply ” 等。其常见的提问方式如下:It can be inferred/concluded from the passage thatThe passage implies, but doesnt directly state thatThe w
26、riter suggests thatWhats the authors attitude towardThe writer probably feels that .Which of the following conclusions can we draw according to the passage?In author uses the examples of to show thatThe which of the following publication would this passage most likely be printed? 62 利用提问或选项中的线索,返回原文
27、找到相关信息;3吃透原文中的字面意思,从字里行间感受作者的言外之意及作者的暗示或真实意图,然后作出推理;4注意推理时的“最近答案”原则:不要“ 想的太多,推得太远 ”。A 级考试中推理题的答案很大程度上是原文的重现,不一定非要经过非常复杂的逻辑推理。1.4 是非判断题检查考生根据短文中提供的信息,对所提问题的真实性与非真实性,提及与未提及到的信息等作出正确判断的能力。见示例 1:3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A) Development banks provide short-term loans.B) Th
28、e interest rates of Development banks are very high.C) Development banks may give some technical advice as well.D) The Inter-American Development Bank was proposed to help Asia.考点分析 :此题的题干是“Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?”。很明显,这道题考察考生根据短文中提供的信息,对所提问题的真实性与非真实性,提及与未提及到的信息等作出正确
29、判断的能力。即是非判断题。解题要领 :文章的第而段可以看出,发展银行除了提供较低的利率之外,还提供技术上的帮助和建议。因此。选 C)是正确答案。是非判断题的答题技巧归纳如下:1快速浏览问题,判断题目的考点是否为是非判断题。此类问题中常常有这样的特点:(1)四个选项中,有三项正确(即符合原文) ,只有一项不符合原文内容或原文没有提及,即三对一错。其常见的提问方式如下:Which of the following statements is NOT true?Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the text?All of
30、the following are true exceptThe author mentions all of the items below EXCEPTWhich of the following is NOT included in the passage?(2)四个选项中,有三项不正确,只有一项符合原文内容,即三错一对。其常见的提问方式如下:Which of the following statements is true?Which of the following is true?2根据题干或选项,判断是三错一对,还是三对一错;3根据题干或选项中的线索词返回原文,定位到相关的句子及
31、其上下文,仔细阅读文章;4在带有“EXCEPT”, “BUT”或“NOT”的否定句试题中,答题时,应先排除与短文内容信息相关的选项,一般剩下的选择项即为正确答案;5肯定句试题中,答题时则应排除与短文内容信息无关的选择顶,剩下的选择顶即为正确答案。1.5 语义题检查学生对词汇、短语或词组的理解能力以及所掌握的词汇量。测试的内容:狭义词汇:指那些考生从未见过的,完全陌生的词汇,测试考生猜测词义的能力。广义词汇:指那些考生认识,但是只掌握其部分常用含义的词汇,测试考生猜测未掌握的词汇含义或词汇的引申含义的能力。见示例 1:4. What dose the underlined word “ones”
32、 refer to?A) development banksB) Africa and AmericaC) AmericasD) Loans考点分析 :根据题干“What dose the underlined word “ones” refer to?”。可以判断出此题要7求考生根据上下文猜测“ones”的意思。则该题为语义题。解题要领 :这道题是测试代词“one” 或“ones”的用法。文章的上下文可以看出, ones 指的是发展银行。因此,A)答案是正确答案。语义题的答题技巧归纳如下:1快速浏览文章和问题,判断题目的考点是否为语义题。语义题常常在题干中明确指出原文中某处的单词或词组,要求
33、辨别意思。其常见的提问方式如下:The word “” in line (paragraph )most probably meansIn paragraph“”,the word “”refers to (stands for ) What dose the writer mean by saying “”in the first paragraph?According to the passage, the word “”is known asWhat dose the underlined word “”mean/refer to ?2返回原文,找出该词汇出现的地方。结合上下文,理解该词
34、的意思。如果该词汇是常见的熟悉的,词汇的正确答案经常蕴藏在原文该词出现的前后,是根据上下文推测的一个更加深刻的含义。而并非它常用的或其表面的意思;3熟练掌握 A 级考试大纲要求掌握的词汇和短语;4学会根据上下文猜测词义技巧(见第二节) 。这类题中所考单词的意义通常超出大纲。1.6 作者语气、态度题作者持有的某种态度或具有的某种倾向隐含于文章的字里行间。在通读全文、理解全文和掌握中心思想的基础上,从文章中或作者的措词中领悟并推断作者的观点或态度。这类题目也属于难题。示例 2:In many cities in the process of industrialization, overcrowd
35、ed cities present a major problem. Poor conditions in these cities, such as lack of housing, inadequate sanitation (卫生 ) and lack of employment, bring about an increase in poverty, disease and crime.The over-population of towns is mainly caused by the drift of large numbers of people from the rural
36、areas. These people have become dissatisfied with the traditional life of farming, and have come to the town hoping for better work and pay.One possible solution to the problem would be to impose registration on town residents. Only officially registration residents would be allowed to live in the t
37、owns and the urban population would thus be limited. In practice,however,registration would be very difficult to enforce (推行); it would cause a great deal of resentment (不满), which would ultimately lead to violence.The only long- term solution is to make life in the rural areas more attractive, whic
38、h would encourage people to stay there. This could be achieved by providing encouragement for people to go and work in the villages. Facilities in the rural areas, such as transport, health and education services should be improved. Education should include training in improve methods of farming and
39、 other rural industries, so as to develop a more positive attitude towards rural life. The improvement of life in the village is very important, because the town themselves cannot be development without the simultaneous or previous development of the rural areas.1. In the authors view, solving the c
40、ities problem overcrowding by strict registration is_.A) practical B) possible C) not realistic D) not sufficient考点分析 :由题干和选项可判断,该题是对作者的态度作出判断。即作者语气、态度题。8解题要领 :在第三段作者分析了一种解决方案:城市居民登记制度;但是,这种制度的弊端很明显,不仅难以推行而且最终会导致冲突发生。本题问作者腿这个方案的态度是什么。选项 A 是“可以实行的;选项 B 是“可能的” 选项 C 是“不现实的”;选项 D 是“不充分的”。因此选项 C 是正确答案。作者
41、语气、态度题答题技巧归纳如下:1快速浏览文章和问题,判断试题的考点是否为判断作者语气、态度题。此类问题中常常含有标志词:attitude,believe,regard, consider 等。其常见的提问方式如下:The author seems to be in favor of (against)The author of the passage implied that The author may probably agree with (support)The tone of the passage may be In the authors opinionThe authors a
42、ttitude towards might be2仔细阅读文章, 找出文中一些表示感情色彩的名次、动词、形容词、副词;根据作者说话的语气、文章的措词、举例、文体等,来判断作者的观点、态度;3判断作者的态度是其三种的哪一种:支持、赞同、乐观;客观、中立; 反对、批评、怀疑、悲观;4掌握常见的表示态度的英语词汇:positive 肯定的、approval 支持的、optimistic 乐观的;objective 客观的、beutral 中立的; negativefou 否定的 disapproval 反对的、suspicious 怀疑的、pessimistic 悲观的;subjective 主观的
43、、 indifferent 冷漠的、 biased 有偏见的、 impartial 公正的、 sensitive 敏感的等;5精确理解四个选项的意思,结合对文章的理解,作出判断。2填空题(Task 3)此题型涉及一篇短文,每篇长度约 120150 词,其文章难易度与单项选择题文章的相当。短文题材通常是应用文或说明文。该题型是主观题,要求考生根据提示填入相关的信息。即要求简略回答而且字数有限制,一般为三到四词。通常完成填空就等于完成了文章的概要。根据历年的考题可知,填空题绝大部分考察学生对细节题的理解。示例:(2003 年 6 月实考题目)Directions: After reading th
44、e following introduction to the course o First Certificate in English, you are required t complete the outline below it. You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) On the Answer Sheet correspondingly.English for Cambridge ExaminationThis course prepares non-native speakers for t
45、he internationally recognized First Certificate in English.Syllabus (课程大纲 )Speaking skills are taught as part of an integrated approach. Special emphasis is placed on the ability to communicate successfully at all levels. Listening skills are also taught as part of an integrated approach. Extensive
46、use is made of our modern language laboratory and video self-access center.Grammar practice is an essential part of the preparation for examination. Students are introduced to word processing on computers.Integrated into our basic syllabus for speaking, listening and reading are regular classes on B
47、ritish life and institutions inducing the legal system, politics and the press. Literary (文学的 )texts form a part of all courses.Careers and future studyThe PCE is an intermediate qualification internationally recognized in commerce, industry and higher education.Admission9Application- refer direct t
48、o the Language Center, University Brighton, Flamer, Brighton BN 19PH for details and application form.ContactCourse leader: Martin Wilson 211-0934398Training Course for FCEIntended for : _of English to obtain the internationally Recognized First Certificate in English.Skills to be trained: speaking,
49、 _ and reading.Teaching aids available: modern _ and _self-access center.Contact person:_.答案与解析1.正确答案 :non-native speakers解题要领 : 阅读问题和文章,在原文第一句”This course prepares non-native speakers for the internationally recognized First Certificate in English.” 可抓住与此空相关的关键信息。关键词为“non-native speakers”。注意要求填的空后有介词 of,由此可判断要求填入的词应