1、 中小学教育培训机构中小学一站式教学服务 - 1 - 英语课堂用语一英语课堂用语的基本原则1阶段性原则课堂用语兼有讲授和语言示范的双重功能。结合学生语言认识的实际水平,由浅入深、由简到繁、由易到难、循序渐进2交际性原则英语课堂教学是英语教学最直接、最有效的交际情景。(1)抓好起始阶段,养成讲英语的习惯。(日常交际英语常用的问候语和指令语)(2)根据单元要求,突出重点,有的放矢。(food /weather)3. 贯穿性原则尽量使用英语的原则 Using English to explain English.Speak English if possible,speak Chinese if n
2、ecessary.4. 重复性原则英语教学语言要注意必要的重复,重复突出了教与学的重点、讲与练的重点,能刺激学生的注意力,提高学习效率。尤其是低年级起始年段,反复操练运用。5. 规范性原则 教师的课堂用语要注意规范性,语音语调要正确,养成良好的表达习惯。学生具有很强的模仿能力。教师应注意语音、语调的准确和规范,用语地道,把握好语速节奏6. 激励性原则从心理学角度来说,鼓励性的课堂语言能满足学生的成就感,增强其自信,避免挖苦学生,学生碰到问题,鼓励或换种简单的方式再问一遍。7. 引导性原则合理使用课堂用语能促使学生思维能力的发展,引发其从不同角度观察和思考问题,寻求问题答案和解决问题的方法,拓展
3、发散思维。二英语课堂用语的分类1. 问候语课前打招呼,课后的告别语。A good beginning makes a good ending.教师主动、友好地同学生打招呼,不仅可以唤起学生的注意力,使其为开始上课作好准备,还可以创造一个平等、和谐、愉快的学习氛围, 以保证课堂教学的顺利进行。课堂教学结束时教师需向学生宣布,并向学生道别。2. 提问语教师在提问时态度和声音要和蔼、可亲。提问语的使用要注意体现对学生的尊重, 不要让学生感到紧张,有压力。注意提问语的使用策略可减轻学生的学习焦虑情绪,保护学生的学习积极性。教师在提问时可以尽量使用像“Would you please tell us ?
4、” “Would you like to ?” “May I ask you ?” 等委婉而友好的语气。3. 指令语指令是教师组织和维系课堂的重要手段,教师指令语的质量在很大程度上影响学生在课堂上的活动,即语言习得。课堂指令应该简洁、清晰,并且和蔼、可亲,避免过于生硬。尽量使用学生能够听得懂的“small words。“有些比较难的可以借助表情手势等加以辅助。中小学教育培训机构中小学一站式教学服务 - 2 - 4. 反馈语( 评价语)教师的反馈语是指在完成语片对话之后,教师为了强调、提示、说明或引入新的话题而补充的话语。它是教师评价和评估学生课堂表现的重要手段,也是推动教学活动进展的有效方法。
5、反馈语可分为肯定式评语、参与式评语和启发式纠错。 三 英语课堂用语使用中的常见问题1. 课堂用语不规范。准确性不够。比如我们有时会发现教师会出现词序不对、词形不准、用词不当、搭配不当、语态不通)等问题,这些错误,有的是因教师说话过快,而出现的种种口误。如名词的单复数,宾语从句的词序,动词短语的搭配等,有的则是一些习惯性的错误 。2. 课堂用语过于随意,未坚持以英语贯穿始终 讲中文不讲英文,如“同学们看看例句。” ,“家庭作业,89 页第三题。” 半中文半英文“Because 什么?” 中文式的英文 “Together answer.” Leave your seat and walk arou
6、nd the class please!“ 允许学生用汉字记忆单词。试想, 英语单词的发音都具有连贯性, 如果我们替代用几个汉字生硬的拼凑出来, 那样的发音可想而知. 如小学生 把“Good morning !”注音为 “固的毛宁”。可能觉得可笑, 但这就是现状。3. 课堂用语单一在听课过程中发现一些教师屡次对学生们说 Are you OK? 课后才明白这些教师是想表达你们准备好了吗,或者你们完成了吗, 而并非你们好吗。更令人不解的是全班同学也跟着附和 yes, 分析原因,师生这种答非所问的情况不单单是这么一次听课所产生的问题,更多的是平时潜移默化的积累。根据学生在课堂上的不同表现,我们的课堂
7、用语也应该有所不同。例如对学生的回答做出肯定的评价。教师可以说“Thats it./ Thats right./ Good!/ Very good!/ Exactly! /Great!/ Great job! /Super!”等等。只有这样,学生才会因得到一个中肯、客观的评价,从而受到激励和鼓舞。教师的课堂用语也会因此显得生动活泼。 4. 课堂用语语音语调不标准。1.语音问题(1)元音发音不到位:长短元音区分不明显 fill, feel, fit ;元音发音不饱满; bike, nice, fine 元音发音时嘴角咧开不够大; name, ape, cake,相似元音发音区分不大 apple,
8、 bag, chant 与 pear, bear, egg 。(2)th 发音不到位。thin, thick, thrill 中,th 发音不到位; then, than, that 中,th 发音不到位;(3)轻辅音读成浊辅音(4)拖音现象(5)缺乏连读、失爆、重读技巧2.语调问题:升调、降调不分;英音、美音不分。四 英语课堂用语需注意1. 课堂用语简短化 比如,可以把“Are you clear?”简化成“Clear?”“Please put up your hands” 简化成“Hands up”经过简短化处理后的课堂用语,既保持有原句的表意功能,又能降低学生听辨、理解和使用的难度,有利
9、于创设课堂内的英语氛围。2. 课堂用语体态化 在课堂上,教师所讲英语要尽量使用手势、表情、动作等体态语言来加以说明。比如,在指令“Go to your seat and sit down,please”时,教师可以先指执行指令的学生,再指其座位,然后手掌朝下按动示意其坐下。这时,即使中小学教育培训机构中小学一站式教学服务 - 3 - 学生对“seat”和 “sit down”一点都不了解,他也会回到自己的座位上坐下。这样,通过体态语言的辅助说明,不但使教师在课堂上避免了使用汉语,而且可使学生对“seat”和“sit down”留下感性认识,为日后的学习打下基础。 3. 课堂用语韵句化 韵句有琅
10、琅上口、节奏感强、好学易记的特点。对一些要求学生会用的课堂用语,教师可将其编成韵句教给学生。比如:来是 come,去是 go,不知道说 I dont know;begin 起,stop 停,Let me try我能行。这种英汉夹杂的“三文治”式韵句,可让学生在较短的时间内掌握较多的课堂用语,可以作为 warm-up 在课前使用,使学生有兴趣与教师一起开展本节课的英语对话活动。 4. 课堂调控习惯化 教师先给学生制定一两条规则,要求学生在听到命令后必须作出怎样的反应就行了。比如,教师可要求学生在听见“Attention”后马上坐直、坐正并将双手放到课桌上;也可要求学生听见“One, two”后立
11、即趴在课桌上休息,听到“Three,four ”才能抬头坐正。只要学生养成了听单词做动作的习惯,课堂调控便能轻松自如了。 5. 课堂教学直观化比如,想要考查学生是否掌握了“an apple”一词时,在实物、图片等直观手段的帮助下,只需要问“Whats this?”就可以了。小学阶段所涉及的词汇大都有比较具体的含义,在教学中,教师完全可以运用实物、图片、动作、简笔画或多媒体教具等直观手段,让学生直接理解和运用语言。 6. 适当配合母语化 我们在有难度的地方,教师进行英汉结合,偶尔穿插一些言简意赅的汉语,课堂就会生动有趣,学生乐学。因此,课堂语言的使用要适当使用母语,从英汉交叉,到全英语教学。一定
12、要切合实际,循序渐进,让学生能接受,又有所提高,要讲求实效。教师上课自我核对问题:我的教案中写清楚了每个教学活动的指令了吗?我在教学过程中都是使用规范清晰的英语课堂用语了吗?我尽量用简明易懂的英语强调了新教学的信息了吗?中小学教育培训机构中小学一站式教学服务 - 4 - 学生学会一些语句时,我尽可能多地用英语与学生交流了吗,我把说英语的机会让给尽可能多的学生了吗?一 问候(Greeting)寒暄在课堂教学中的主要语用功能是传达问候、互示礼貌,最典型的寒暄用语有:1. Hello/ Good morning / afternoon / evening, class / boys and girl
13、s. 2. How are you today? 3. Are you all well this morning / afternoon? 4. Its so nice to see you again. 5. Hello kids, you look great today.6. How are you doing, Kids?7. Hows it going?8. You look so happy, any good news?9. Ok, kids, are you ready to have class?10. Shall we begin our lesson now?11. L
14、ets start our class, shall we?12. OK, kids, thats all for today. 13. Ill see you next time.14. Alright,lets stop here today.15. Class is over.16. See you next time, kids.17. See you later.18. Goodbye, kids.19. Now, kids, class begins.二. 指令(directing)指示学生收起无关学习用品1. Put your other books away, please.
15、2. We dont need these pictures. 3. Will you put them away?准备学习用品4. Take out a piece of paper and your pen. 5. Please take out your books and put them on your desks. 6. Will you take out the worksheets you began yesterday, please? 7. Could you get out the copies you had last time, please? 8. Would yo
16、u find the handouts we were using last week, please? 9. Could you take out the cards?与他人共享学习用品中小学教育培训机构中小学一站式教学服务 - 5 - 10. Havent you brought yours?11. Well, youll have to share with your neighbour. 12. Have you lost yours?13. Well, you may share with Li Lei.向学生下发或传递学习资料14. Here are some worksheets
17、 to hand round. 15. Please pass these papers round. 16. Take one and pass them on. 17. Will you please to give these sheets out?指示学生打开课本,寻找具体页码18. Open your books to page 5. 19. Please open your books at page. 20. Turn to Page. 21. Could you open the textbook and find Ex. 5 on page 45?鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动22
18、. Hands up. 23. Put your hand up, please. 24. Raise your hand, please. 25. Put up your hands before asking a question.指挥学生准备在黑板上写画或在全班面前进行表演26. Come to the blackboard (the front). 27. Take a piece of chalk. 28. Please clean the blackboard first. 课堂活动指令29. Today, were going to learn 30. Now, open you
19、r books, please. 31. Please turn to page . 32. Please look at the blackboard/your books/ page five.33. Please read the together. One, two, three, go!34. This time, you do it one by one.35. Now, listen to me, please.36. Now, Ill read the , please follow me.37. Now kids, read after me.38. Follow me, p
20、lease.39. Please show me how well you can do it.40. Come to the front, please. 41. please come to the front. Thank you. 42. Thank you. Please go back to your seat.中小学教育培训机构中小学一站式教学服务 - 6 - 43. Please work in pairs/ in groups/ by yourselves.44. Now, lets do the exercise. 45. Now, kids, find a partner
21、 and role-play the conversation.46. Work with your partner and answer the questions.47. Please stop here.48. Lets take a break.49. Good kids, be quite, please.50. Now kids, heres your homework. 三.评价(Evaluating)肯定或赞赏1. OK!/ Thats OK. 2. Right. / Yes, you are right. /3. Good! / Good job. 4. A good ans
22、wer. A correct answer. 5. Oh, youve done a good job. /6. You got it! 7. Thats right. 8. You are doing much better this time. 9. Great!/ Very good! / Excellent! / Wonderful! / Well done! /10. Youve made much progress recently. 11. I am so glad that you .12. Not bad. Thank you. (Im sure you can do bet
23、ter next time.)13. Good kid. Thats a good answer. Thank you. 14. Quite good! (I really appreciate your effort.)15. Very good!(I really enjoy it.)16. Excellent! (Lets give him/her a big hand!)17. Wonderful!(Im so proud of you.)18. Well done! (Good boy/girl/kid.)19. Nice going! (You make a great progr
24、ess.)对学生有创意的、创新的思维火花及灵感,发言中的闪光点的肯定可以使用以下的用语:20. What a bright idea! Thank you.21. You did a good job! 22. Were so proud of you!23. Clever! Smart! Great! Perfect!24. Excellent! Brilliant!25. You are such a smart boy/girl! 中小学教育培训机构中小学一站式教学服务 - 7 - 26. You got sharp eyes/ears. 27. Thats very close. Go
25、 on! 一般否定28. I am sorry you are wrong. 29. I dont think you are right. 30. Its a pity that your answer is not right. 31. Not bad.Thats almost right. 32. You almost got it. 33. Not quite right, can anyone help him?34. Thats not quite right,any other answers?35. Thats interesting! OK, lets ask another
26、 person. 36. Thats almost right, but who can give a better answer? 37. You didnt do it well this time, did you? 38. All right, lets move on. 39. A good try. Try next time. 40. That doesnt sound very good. You might do it better. 提出质疑或纠正41. Are you sure? We will have a discussion later after class. 4
27、2. Would you please say it again? 43. Would you speak louder? 44. Think it over and try later. 45. Your article is nearly well done except for some grammar mistakes. 46. Nearly right, but youd better. 47. Pay attention to your spelling. 48. You should say like this 49. I think you may do it this way
28、 50. Thats much better, but you forgot something when you pronounced 51. Its almost right. Try again, please.52. Come on! Think it over. Im sure you can do it.53. Im sure you can do it if you really try. (See? You did it really well.)54. Sorry, Im sure you can do it better next time.55. Im sorry. Wo
29、uld you like a second try? /Would you like to try again?56. Not bad. Go on, please.57. Come on, Its very close.58. It doesnt matter. Im sure you can do it better next time.59. Can you spell the word “”?60. Do you know the Chinese/English of the word?61. Whats the English/Chinese for “”?中小学教育培训机构中小学一
30、站式教学服务 - 8 - 62. Any volunteers? 63. Is it clear to you?64. You see the point?65. Got it? / Did you get it?66. Are you OK with the practice?67. Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet?提出期望或建议68. Well, your handwriting is quite good now!69. Keep it up! 70. Id like to see your rapid development of your oral English!71. Youve made good progress. 72. Dont you think so? 73. But there is still much room for improvement. 74. I would suggest you practice more after class. 75. Work harder and catch up with your classmates.