1、课程标准评价设计案例一、 评价的目的1、在学习中学生应该有:(1)有明确的学习英语目的,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;(2)有学习英语的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与各种英语时间活动;(3)有学好英语的信心,敢于用英语进行表达;(4)能在小组活动中积极与他人合作相互帮助等。2、新课程背景下教师的角色应该是:作为课程民主管理的参与者、决策者和管理者的角色;作为促进学生发展和自我发展的促进者和评价者的角色;作为变革学习方式,培养学生能力的合作者、交流者和指导者的角色;作为道德教育和人文教育的政治者、法律者和伦理者的角色;作为课程结构的建构者、组织者、开发者和创造者的角色;作为学生体验,知识更新的设计者、研
2、究者和实践者的角色;3、课堂设计中什么样的事情习才能够使学生活跃起来?(1)学生们亲身经历的事情(2)生活中新鲜有趣的事情(3)特别富有情感的事情(4)能使学生们产生丰富联想的事情。二、 评价内容活动目的:通过列举污染源,学生更清楚当前环境的不近如人意,保护环境刻不容缓,从而使学生增强保护环境的意识。他们动脑筋,想办法,积极讨论保护环境的措施,在不知不觉中提高英语语言运用能力。三、 评价过程与方法结合人教版第三册 Unit Three 环保这一话题组织学生讨论,环境对于人类生存和发展的重要性以及环保问题现状,并且如何保护环境的具体措施。例如:What things can harm the e
3、nvironment?(What do you think we should do to improve our environment?)T: There is much pollution all over the world now. Can you tell me what it is?(学生很快地回答)Ss: Water pollution; Air pollution; Noise pollution; Soil pollutionetc.T: Do you know what causes water pollution?Ss: Factories pour waste wat
4、er into rivers and lakes.T: All the factories?Ss: No.T: What factories?Ss: Paper factories, printing and dyeing mills, plastic factoriesect(学生不会用英语说“印染厂及塑料厂” ,他们说中文,我说英文。 )T: What else can cause water pollution, too?Ss: Some people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes.T: How can we help to solve this
5、 problem?(学生们分组讨论解决办法。 )Ss: We can advise the directors of these factories to stop pouring waste water into rivers and lakes.T: If they dont accept your advice, what else can we do?(学生讨论更热烈了,过了一会儿,他们七嘴八上舌地说:)Ss: (1) We can write a letter to Green China about it.(2) We can also ask newspaper reporter
6、s and TV station reporters to report these factories.T: There is a paper factory in my hometown. It pours waste water into the river every day. The people in the town drink the water of the river .They have advised the leader to stop pouring the waste water into the rivers many times. But he never a
7、ccepts it. Can you write a letter about it to the Green China?(学生异口同声说“Yes”。由于写作太费时间,这封信作为作业,让同学们写在作业本上。)T: You have told me what causes water pollution and how to solve this problem. Youre very clever. Thank you very much. But can you tell me what causes air pollution?Ss: The smoke of factories, th
8、e smoke given out by buses, cars, trucks, motorbikesect.T: There arent many factories in our city , Hangzhou. But the air is not good enough .Why?Ss: Because there is much traffic.T: Can you think out a way to solve this problem?(学生们分组讨论解决方案,基础差的同学也纷纷参与,只不过在用中文说;基础好的在帮他们翻译。 )Ss: (1)We can plant more
9、 tress on roads.(2)We can ask people not to drive their cars to work.(3)We can ask people to ride bikes to work.(4)we can tell people riding bikes is good for their healthT: If their homes are far away from their workplaces, can they ride bikes to work?Ss: No.T: How can we solve it?(学生们兴致更高了。你一句,我一句
10、。大意是:)Ss: we can ask the leader of the city to develop the public traffic. Such as adding more buses, building underground ectT: We have thought out many methods to improve our environment. I will try my best to tell out government that something must be done to make Hangzhou more beautiful.Have you
11、 ever made any pollution?Ss: Yes.T: Can you tell me something about it?Ss: Yes.S1: I sometimes spit in public places.S2: I sometimes draw on public walls.S3: I cut down a small tree in my school in Grade One .I feel very sorry now.S4: we sometimes throw litter on the ground in and out of our classro
12、om.S5: I often dont pick up rubbish in public places.(我乘机问全班同学下列问题。)T: Will you spit in public places from now on?Ss: NoT: Will you draw on public walls any more?Ss: NoT: Will you cut down trees in the future?Ss: NoT: Will you throw rubbish in public places?Ss: No(这时候,同学们情绪很高涨,他们是异口同声地说:)We must try
13、 our best to make our city( our country )the most beautiful one in the world四、 评价总结(1)本文所设计的问题实际上是英语课与生物课中的“环保”章节的整合。教师让学生列举污染源,学生讲出了很多的污染源空气污染、水污染、土壤污染、噪音污染等等。实际上让学生复习了生物课中刚学的“大气与健康” 、 “土壤与健康” 、 “水与健康”等的环保知识。(2)教师让学生分组讨论如何解决这些污染问题,巧妙地运用了合作学习法,不但培养了学生探究问题和自主解决问题的能力,而且也培养了学生的参政议政的意识。同学们以主人翁的身份,提出了种种解决方法。解决水污染问题,他们先用劝说的办法,当此法行不通时,再借助新闻媒体的力量,最后,上告政府:解决空气污染问题,他们号召人们骑车上班。当老师提醒他们,若家离工作地方很远,不能骑车上班时,该怎么办?他们马上想到了公交车。他们要求政府增加公交车辆,建造地铁。(3)老师因势利导,请他们回忆一下,以前有否做过有损于环保的事情。其实是英语课与政治课的整合。在这么和谐,民主、激动的气氛中,同学们毫无顾忌,畅所欲言,纷纷讲述了自己以前的不文明表现。当老师问他们以后还会做这种事吗?他们很真心地回答“No”。自然恰当的德育渗透,起到一箭双雕的作用,使活动达到了高潮。课程标准评价设计案例齐市第九中学 高文平